#2Sides: My Autobiography (26 page)

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Authors: Rio Ferdinand

BOOK: #2Sides: My Autobiography
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Me, the Gaffer and Giggs – 2008 Champions League and Premier League double-winners.

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In training with Ronaldo.

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2014 in Rio with Dutch internationals Robin Van Persie and Nigel de Jong.

Playing for Leeds United.

© Getty Images

Me with the legend Diego Maradona.

Me and Harry Redknapp at a QPR press conference in July 2014.

© Getty Images


Published by Blink Publishing
Deepdene Lodge
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Ebook – 978–1–905825–77–6

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Rio Ferdinand copyright © 2014
Text written by David Winner, 2014
Text copyright © Blink Publishing 2014

All images © Rio Ferdinand unless otherwise stated

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