3rd World Products, Book 17 (38 page)

Read 3rd World Products, Book 17 Online

Authors: Ed Howdershelt

BOOK: 3rd World Products, Book 17
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I link-checked the time. Almost ten.

“Sounds good, ma’am. Give me fifteen minutes or so. I’ll meet you in the mess hall.”

“The… oh. The cafeteria. Yes, that would be fine. Goodbye, then.”

She dropped the link before I could say goodbye. I sipped again, sighed, and stood up. After the usual morning motions, I made a coffee for the road, grabbed my pack, and headed for the mess hall.

My day brightened considerably when I saw Disa. She smiled and waved and her hair cascaded over her shoulders like a golden waterfall. She wore a sleeveless sun dress that would probably have been a few inches below mid-thigh if she’d been standing. Sitting with her left leg over her right, the skirt had pulled up a bit and showed a considerable amount of lightly tanned and well-formed thigh.

I grabbed a tray and pointed at the chow line and she nodded. When I arrived at the table, she smiled and said, “You look more like your ID photo than you did the first time you arrived.”

“A good night’s sleep does wonders, ma’am.”

She chuckled, “Apparently so,” and showed me what she’d been reading on her pad; a news article about Lane’s mysterious departure from the hospital.

Grinning, I asked, “How soon will Lane be functional again?”

“Milla said he could probably return to duty in a week or so.”

“Maybe he could, but very likely won’t. He’ll be the center of lots of attention for a while. Why’d you want to see me?”

She chuckled, “When I saw you on the flitter last night, I thought I’d somehow been misinformed. I had my pad ID you and it said you were using a holographic overlay. When I told Milla, she cautioned me that you were probably acting covertly.” Glancing around, she added in a confidential tone, “I found that both interesting and even a bit exciting, I’ll confess.”

Pausing in forking up a bit of meat, I said, “Don’t toy with me, milady. You’re every man’s dream girl. I might get the wrong idea about the nature of your interest.”

Reaching for one of my french fries, she nibbled the end of it and pretended thoughtfulness, then shook her head.

“No, I don’t think you’d get the wrong idea. In fact, from the way your eyes locked onto my legs when you walked in here, I think you’ve already had exactly the

Well, damn. Just like that? Really? I tried to keep a lid on my surge of eagerness and had my core scan her. It found she used no form of birth control, but also found her reproductive system returning to normal from having been controlled by a PFM. That meant she’d had it off at least since last night.

Reaching for her hand, I raised it to my face and sniffed it, then lightly touched my tongue to the back of her wrist. Disa’s eyebrows went up, but she didn’t fight the inspection.

Pretending to savor the flavor of her, I sat gazing at her for a moment, then said, “No PFM? Wow! You taste
, ma’am!”

Her bemused gaze became a confused stare and she almost blurted, “You
have known… That’s

I shrugged. “Okay. Sure. Impossible. Doesn’t matter. I know I’m right.” With a sigh, I added, “You know, a long time ago, that element of risk made things more exciting in a rather dire fashion.”

“What ‘element of risk’?”

“Before I had a vasectomy. It took the worry out of being close.”

With a wry expression, Disa said, “Ed, I’m not ‘worried’ because I know about both your vasectomy and your PFM implants. In fact, I’ve done a great deal of reading about you. I also asked Milla’s opinion of you. She seems to think very highly of you.”

“I think very highly of her, too. As I understand things, she wasn’t created or assigned to be a robodoc; she requested the job.”

That seemed to be news to Disa. She said, “I’ll ask her sometime. Returning to you; are we in accord?”

I chuckled, “Disa, I’ve been ‘in accord’ since you said I had exactly the right idea. I’m so ‘in accord’ I’ll probably have to carry my backpack in front of me for a while.”

Grinning and nibbling her lower lip, Disa chuckled, then laughed, “Just
about me that way had that effect on you?”

, yes. You have to know you’re gorgeous. And your accent’s like icing on the cake. I can’t imagine why you’d want to pounce on an antique like me, but I’m definitely
going to question this gift from the gods.”

She’d been fidgeting and was now actually wriggling a bit. I realized one of her legs was waggling up and down under the table. Nervous energy. Amazing. This young goddess was actually excited about the prospect of bedding me. What did she see that I didn’t?

As we talked, I hurried my meal a bit, then stood to take my tray to the bus bin. When I turned around, Disa was also on her feet, putting her pad in a big shoulder purse. She shot me a grin as I approached, then walked out of the mess hall with an arm through one of mine.

I asked, “Um… where are we going, ma’am?”

Glancing up, she said, “Your room, of course. It’s closer.”

Of course? Well, sure. Okay. It’s closer. Makes total sense. But the overall situation still didn’t. Counting arrival and dinner, I’d only known her for about an hour altogether. True, she was used to having a PFM and all the immunities that come with one, but… Was I just being somewhat old fashioned? Looking at her, I decided I probably was, and that it just didn’t matter a damn.


Chapter Twenty-six


Inside my room, Disa set her big purse on the little desk opposite the bed, leaned on the desk as she toed off her shoes, and turned around. With a happy grin, she gathered the hem of her dress in both hands and pulled it up and off like an oversized t-shirt.

Under it she wore nothing, and I saw she had what appeared to be a natural tan with no tan lines. That was a tip of sorts. If she was enough of a libertine to run around naked outdoors somewhere, it was likely she had her own ideas about propriety in general.

I found I’d been right about her legs. The rest of her, as well. She filled her skin just about perfectly, which to me means not Hollywood scrawny and not overly padded in odd places. She was toned and trim without the overt muscularity of a hard core gym rat.

Disa canted her head and chuckled, “Well? Your turn.”

Moving to unbutton my shirt, I said, “Ah. Yes. I was distracted, ma’am. Very distracted. Do you realize you’re absolutely perfect?”

She snickered, “I do make an effort.”

Her fidgeting began again. She nibbled her lower lip. Nervous about something? Or just eager to get on with it? She moved closer as I unbuckled my pants and let them drop, then stepped out of them. As soon as my feet were clear of them, Disa was in my arms and kissing me as she rubbed her belly against my upright staff.

After some moments she went to one knee for a closer look at it and spent some time fondling and tasting it, then she kept a grip on it as she moved to the bed. On all fours in front of me, she moved to the center of the bed and waited, still grinning at me.

Okay. Moving into position, I felt a bit deprived that I hadn’t had some time to explore her a bit and taste her in return. She was wet and ready when the head of my dick found her. With very little resistance, I slid completely into her and savored the moment.

For some reason, it only then occurred to me that she’d need to be somewhere to meet Morely soon. I’d completely forgotten about that, but it explained her hurry to get our encounter underway.

She groaned softly, “Ohhh, that feels gooood. Just leave it there for now. All the way in.”

I obliged her, running my hands over her marvelous flanks and thighs and up her back. Goosebumps rose on the backs of her arms when I trailed my nails over them. She giggled, let out a surprised little “Oh!” at the way that felt inside, and then giggled again.

“Now,” she said, “It’s time to move. Make me
what you’re doing to me.”

Posting into her, I corrected, “
you, ma’am.”

Lowering her head to the sheet, she nodded sideways and grunted, “Uh, huh. Yeah. Okay.” One of her hands slipped between her legs and now and then I felt her fingernails bump me.

She directed my efforts. Faster, slower, harder, more gently. I cooperated fully and marveled at Disa’s ability to let go and revel in what was happening within her.

A low moan began and her left hand reached back to cup me as she gasped, “
I’m ready! Are you close?! Can you do it now?!

The intensity of her demand triggered me, of course. The tingling began in my heels and raced upward. My dick grew just a bit longer and stiffer in preparation, and Disa let out a soft keening as she froze in place. I pounded into her another few strokes, then rammed myself fully into her and gushed.

Disa’s keening seemed to shatter into a deep, animalistic groan and her hands flashed back to grab the backs of my thighs. She held me tight against her for some moments as her belly heaved in soft, grunting groans. When her hands fell to the bed, she slowly dragged them forward and pushed herself up on her elbows.

From there, Disa simply rolled onto her back and lay panting gently. I stretched out next to her and her hand gropingly found mine, then twined our fingers.

Watching her magnificent body work to calm itself, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and moved enough to kiss her damp and tangy shoulder. Disa smiled and managed to turn her head far enough that I was able to kiss her lips.

Relaxing to breathe some more, she sighed, “I wish we could stay like this for a while, but I have to get ready to meet Dr. Morely.”

“Figured that was why you were in such a hurry.”

She grinned and chuckled, “That was only part of it.” Turning her head to smile at me, she added, “As you
have noticed.”

Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Disa placed a hand between her legs to contain matters, sat upright and swung her legs off the bed, and then stood up. She gracefully reached to snag her purse with a couple of fingers, then headed for the bathroom.

Hm. I was something of a mess, too. Easing to the edge of the bed, I reached for my jeans and fished one of my paper towel hankies out of a back pocket. Disa flushed the toilet and started the shower as I was about to mop up a bit, and I had a thought.

Steam roiled out of the bathroom alcove. Sending tendrils in there to gather water into a field globe, I suspended the globe a few inches above my head. From my backpack I retrieved a small bar of soap. Forming a field catch basin on the floor, I stepped into it. Warming the water in the globe, I made the globe shower me gently to keep the water more or less on me and in the basin.

And, of course, Disa was one of those people who can shower in less time than I can describe making my own field shower. She stepped out of the bathroom, saw me all soapy, and froze.

I said, “Hi, there. Just a minute,” and quickly rinsed.

Disa continued drying herself, walking back into the bathroom and returning with her purse and a fresh towel. She handed me the towel as she went to the desk. Putting her arms through the dress, she let it fall into place around herself, then looked at me.

“Your shower was interesting,” she said, “And I have questions, but I don’t have time for them right now.” Stepping forward to grab my dick and kiss me, she added, “Never fear, you’ll hear all of them later. Let’s meet in the cafeteria at six o’clock.” Kissing me again and giving my dick a little squeeze and a stroke, she murmured, “Unless, of course, you have other plans?”

“Disa,” I said, “I’d put the President on hold for you.”

She grinned and chuckled, “You’re so sweet. See you at six,” then she turned, swept up her purse, and headed for the corridor.

There I stood; naked, rearoused, and still damp. I got rid of the water field and the basin and headed for the bathroom, where I quickly rinsed off the soap I’d missed with my quick rinse out front.

Picking up my jeans, I set them on the bed and remembered a very similar encounter ages ago. I’d been home on leave and my sister and her boyfriend had been helping a friend move to another apartment on a Saturday. Mr. Showoff had managed to trip on the stairs with a box of books and messed up his leg and his back.

My sister called me from the hospital and asked if I could help her college friend Paula move from Ft. Worth to Arlington. I asked what was involved and she said it was just a one-bedroom apartment and Paula had a station wagon.

Sure. No problem. Not doing anything anyway. A little while later, a beautiful coed named Paula picked me up at the house. When I saw her place, I knew I’d been hustled. The lady had a one-bedroom, yes, but it was
. Wall-to-wall full. It was actually a job for a trailer or a truck. Oh, well. Too late to say no.

We spent the afternoon and some of the evening packing and hauling household goods. My sister showed up and helped a while, but had to go pick up her boyfriend when the docs released him. We got a lot done, but when Paula called a dinner break at six, I could see at least another four cross-town trips in the stuff still to go.

I’d said, “It’s your call, Paula. Tonight or tomorrow.”

She’d shaken her head and said, “Enough for today. Let’s clean up and go eat. I’m buying.”

That had been her manner all day; terse, business-like. A laugh here and there, but no time wasted between snack breaks. For the most part, she’d worked in the other room or across the main room from me. There hadn’t been much small talk.

Now she said, “I left a pair of jeans and a shirt in the closet, so you don’t have to wear those to dinner.”

Eyeing her hips, I said, “I’m not sure your jeans would fit me.”

“They aren’t mine. There were some things here when I moved in. The guy left in a hurry.”

“On the run from the cops?”

“Them, too. He got into selling drugs. Shorted his supplier. Tried to get money from me. When I wouldn’t cooperate, he stole my car. I called the cops. He’ll probably get twelve years. Maybe more.” With a sweeping gesture, she said, “I got everything else, but because of all the trouble, the landlord won’t let me stay.”

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