62 Days (7 page)

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Authors: Jessie M

BOOK: 62 Days
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I’m thinking I’d like to eat him at the moment, let’s forget food altogether… but I end up saying “French traditional.”

Really? Are you sure…?”

Yep, frogs legs, snails and whatever else the French like. Take me somewhere like that.” Might as well go for it. Who wants steak, pasta or pizza in Paris?

I know just the place, let’s get up and get ready then.”


As I sit in front of my plate of snails in our very traditional little French restaurant I am wondering if I have made the right choice. They are exactly like the ones you find leaving a slimy trail across the garden path. I’m not sure I want to enter their domain and pull them out. I watch Mark. He seems to be having no problem pulling them out and has eaten half already. I know this is what I asked for but I expected them to be more in disguise. I prod them about, turning them over several times and lining them up. Mark is trying very hard not to laugh and finally gives up and splutters in hilarity.

Honestly Ray, you are so entertaining. I could write a whole book on you and those snails… Are you planning to eat them or getting to know each one intimately?”

Well it is a rather strange experience for me… being a snail virgin… I’m still plucking up the courage…“ I finally tackle one, watching the expert across the table demonstrate how to do it. I triumphantly remove it and hesitantly put it in my mouth and chew… Hmmm, not

The frogs legs are much easier, they come in a nice little easy to eat pile… you pick them up and nibble around the bones.” He explains with an ’isn’t that fun’ expression.

Really? How lovely.” Suddenly I am feeling queasy at the thought of nibbling a slimy pile of frogs limbs and little frog fingers and toes. One thing at a time I tell myself. I continue attacking my snails … one down, eleven to go.

I am pleasantly surprised at the following course, despite the fact that the frogs legs are still joined at the hip, or is that the waist? I actually like the taste… so much nicer than snails… and not even slightly slimy either. The entrée of veal is a wonderful normal meat affair with mushroom sauce and other recognisable things, and I have a large dollop of tart lemon mousse and wafers to finish up. All in all a very French affair. I’m pleased with myself for eating so much too. Mark rewards my successful food experiment with a large glass of vintage port for us both.


After leaving the restaurant, we head off for a short evening stroll around the humid streets before going back to our room for the night. He now has his arm around my shoulder. Things are warming up. I am actually getting extremely excited as we approach our hotel.

We make our way up to the ‘palatial suite,’ which I have personally renamed it, in the dedicated lift.

It’s been a great day. I don’t always enjoy visiting Paris, but I loved it all today. It must be the company.” Mark said with a very sexy smile. It got straight through to my willing sex receptors. I felt a little ripple starting.

Yes it was all lovely. All of it. Fabulously French. Thank you so much for bringing me.” And thank you so much for holding my hand all day. That was the best part of all. Even better than the Eiffel Tower and the strange food experience.

Hopefully there’s something to top the hand holding coming up shortly…

He opens the door and we go in and he closes it pulling me to him. I get a rather slow and steamy kiss, a quick touch of tongue. Just enough to get a bigger sex ripple rolling and some wonderful hot shivers running around me. Then he suddenly stops and heads off to his bathroom. I sit on the bed to wait for him. He reappears a few minutes later and walks round to his side of the bed and starts taking off his clothes. I watch transfixed. He looks seriously hot in his boxer shorts and I can’t tear my eyes away. Then he gets into bed. Well this isn’t quite how I thought it would go exactly. Actually I had no idea how it would go. I wander off to my own personal bathroom with my sexy black satin short nightdress to change into.

I come back in five minutes all scrubbed up and undressed in my black shortie and so very ready for whatever is to come. He is lazing back watching me walk towards him.

I get in bed and he leans over and gives me a quick kiss.

‘Night Rachel.” Then he kisses my nose, turns over… and what the hell is he doing…? He’s not actually going to sleep?

I lay there disappointed and confused. I thought he would pounce. No, he’s really not the pouncy sort. He thinks things out. He’s thought this out. He’s deliberately not pushing me. But I suddenly want him to. We’ve only got two nights of passion. I don’t want to miss half my fun. I went through waxing hell for this.

I tap him on the back. “Can I have a friendly hug please?”

He turns over. “If you want me to make love to you, just ask me. Don’t pretend you want a hug.”

Oh dear… he’s got me there. My heart is pounding with the reality. I actually have to 
 him? He is looking at me intently, watching me struggle with myself. He gives up waiting, turns over and gets comfy again…

I try and make the words come out, but they won’t. It might be the love word that’s stopping me. Maybe the whole asking thing. He has turned the tables on me, and put the ball in my court. What a clever hottie he is. But maybe I’m cleverer.

Bravely I move across to his side of the bed and kiss the back of his neck twice. I’m feeling my wave starting up now, all self induced…

Do that again.” He says quietly. I kiss the back of his neck with some enthusiasm and suck it gently, licking him with the tip of my tongue to finish.

He rolls over to face me. We are very, very close. Inches apart. “Was that your not so subtle way of asking Ray?” His eyes are staring into mine. They are more than glowy, they are luminous.

I suppose”

I suppose isn’t clear enough. Repeat after me. Make love to me Mark.”

I grit my teeth and force it out with a small covering smile. “Make love to me Mark.”

That wasn’t too hard, was it?”

No…” Actually yes. Extremely hard for my screwed up, dominated and controlled little mind. Asking for something so intimate like this, admitting I wanted it enough to ask for it, leaving myself exposed to certain future rejection. I wished he was the type who pounced right now.

Come here Rachel. Let’s have that friendly hug first.”

I moved closer to him and breathed him in. He felt so good up against me as I hugged him tightly. I stared at his face. His looks and his scent were a potent mixture. Mark always smelled divine. My senses swam in his beautiful masculinity.  He lifted his hands into my hair and he pulled my head hard towards him, his mouth crushing against mine. His sublime hot tongue pushed inside. I don’t know how but Mark’s tongue aroused me way beyond the realms of a kiss. I was having an oral orgasm.

He suddenly stopped the wildly arousing kissing, pulled off my nightdress and our underwear in a mad rush and looked down at me.

You’re so beautiful”

You think so?”

Mmmm I do, and Rachel… I’m so glad you asked.” His eyes were blazing blue as they looked deeply into mine… little torches of sexy sapphire. I melted under their intense heat.

His head dipped down to the base of my neck. My entire body ignited and it was suddenly everything I’ve ever wanted and so much more. His mouth was hot and raw against my sensitive skin, sending spirals of pleasure through my system, leaving me gasping for air, gasping for every part of him.

Mark kissed his way up my neck until he found the sensitive spot behind my ear. The sound of his hoarse breathing was electrifying. He tasted my skin with long licks and sent more heated sex waves running through me. I buried my hands in his gorgeous hair. So soft and silky. The very feel of it was pure pleasure to my fingertips. I fisted handfuls of it, pulling it roughly in my desperate need for more. This seemed to be driving him mad.

Moaning, he nipped at my neck as his hands roamed recklessly around every curve of my body. It felt like he couldn’t get enough. He wants more of me than there is. More of my taste and scent and texture. No man had ever been this aroused by me before. It was empowering and overwhelming in equal measure. This was moving so fast. A mindless headlong rush. Maybe I was feeling his need as if it were my own. Perhaps it was his urgent mindlessness that was driving us both so quickly toward the ultimate in pleasure. Whatever it was I wanted it to go on and on forever, and yet I wanted to reach that peak and explode into a million pieces immediately.

His hand found its way between my legs, stroking the smooth wetness he found there. The small smile and soft ‘mmmm’ told me he liked what he felt and was pleased by my heated and excited response to him. Before I realised it, he’d forced his fingers deep inside me. How I wanted this and needed it. I gasped out loud and squirmed hard against his hand, trying to get more of him deep inside.

God I need to be in there,’ he whispered harshly against my ear. I knew where ‘there’ was, and I wanted it as much as he did. I didn’t need gentle seduction or foreplay. He’d been seducing me in small and subtle ways all day. Now I was ready, more than ready for all he could give me.

Please…’ I said, unable to form my thoughts into any more words. I was begging him with my whole body and mind.

That one word was enough. His fingers were gone as suddenly as they had entered, and he lifted his body over mine, holding himself still above me, the muscles flexing in his arms. The look in his blue eyes was magical. Intense, needy, even a little confused, as if he too was stunned by how quickly we’d come to this high place together.

I felt him touch against me. He waited a moment, taking in the desperate need in my sex-drugged eyes. With one quick movement, he pushed inside me. I moaned loudly feeling dizzy from the sudden glorious fullness. I lifted up, angling myself so I could take more of him. That seemed to excite him more, because he began to kiss me with desperate, hungry kisses that drove us both mad with need.

My tongue fought with his, as hungry for him as he was for me. All the while I could feel his hard cock moving inside me, setting the rhythm for us, each pulsing stroke pushing me higher. I was being driven crazy by pleasure and his rock hard pressure, wanting more of it. More of his mouth, his touch and his cock driving deep and hard inside me. There seemed to be no end to it. Nothing but sensation, the purest hottest sensation that had taken us both over.

I clawed a
t his muscular back, feeling his hard flesh beneath my fingertips. Maybe I drew blood, I don’t know. But whatever I did it was the right thing, because Mark arched his back and groaned in ecstasy. 
Our eyes locked as he kept thrusting inside me.  I thank God he hadn’t come yet, I didn’t want it to end. I wanted more and more and more.

But then he was pulling out of me, and I felt the sudden emptiness of him. Please don’t let it be over, No!… But it wasn’t, he was licking and kissing his way down my writhing body and his fingers had replaced his cock inside me, replacing the rhythmic movements of before. He found the acutely sensitive nerve endings just near the entrance and while he stroked that spot his mouth came down on my clit, sucking and licking at it, while his fingers rubbed inside me circling and pushing in and out. It was too much. I soared over the peak I’d been so desperate to reach, as his mouth sucked hungrily at me like a madman.

I’m sure I heard a scream. Maybe it was me, I don’t know. All my focus was on that mouth that was creating such pleasure, and those clever fingers that carried on working me closer and closer to yet another orgasm. It was too much, a painful pleasure. I tried to pull away. One orgasm was enough… I couldn’t take more. But he held me fast sending me soaring into another one, flames were roaring inside me flashing over my whole body, surging through me unlike anything I’d ever known before.

I moved away from his mouth, overwhelmed and too sensitised to bare the slightest touch, he let me go. But he wasn’t finished. Not by a long shot. He was once more burying his cock inside my wet and overheated insides again. The groan he let out was more agony than bliss, because I could tell it was too good for him too. He was so close. Only his incredible control was keeping him from exploding in that moment.

After a moment of centring himself, he was thrusting again, building the momentum, taking me with him. I couldn’t believe that my body was responding like this… Couldn’t believe this was me…. So consumed with senseless, mindless desire and need.

Fuck! Oh fuck,’ I moaned thrashing my head from side to side. I hardly ever swore when I was sane. But when I was pushed to the point of insanity like this there was no other word that described what I wanted. What I needed. I needed Mark to fuck me hard.

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