7 Minutes in Heaven (Are You Game?) (21 page)

BOOK: 7 Minutes in Heaven (Are You Game?)
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They’d taken the first step. Now he just had to keep them moving in the right direction. She squirmed against him and Luc’s softened cock pulsed with renewed lust. It never failed to amaze him that he could want her so badly after just having her. But there was no denying the driving need that consumed him where Cassie was concerned. He dropped a kiss on her cheek and then gripped her waist and lifted her off his lap. Her cry broke the silence and a matching moan rumbled in his chest. His balls throbbed and blood filled his length once more.

On wobbly legs, Cassie stood in front of him. Luc climbed to his feet and reached behind to feel the wall for a light switch. There was no way he was searching for their clothes in the dark. Both of them blinked when the room lit up. Squinting, Luc looked down and found Cassie’s underwear. He helped her step into them before scooping up his jeans and thrusting one leg into them. Hopping on one foot, he slid the second leg in while she straightened her skirt. They didn’t say a word.

Worried, he tipped up her chin so she’d look at him. “You okay?”

The smile she gifted him warmed his heart. “Are you kidding? Not only did the man I love just declare his love for me, but I got to play seven minutes in heaven with him.”

Luc laughed. “Seven minutes in heaven with you is nowhere near enough.” He leaned down and kissed her.

“Mmm…you’re right. We should get out of here.” She spoke against his lips. “I think Jody has it under control, so how ’bout we head home for another slice of heaven?”

“Lead the way.” He stepped aside and swept his arm out to let her go first.

Cassie opened the door and strode into the hall like it was perfectly normal to be leaving the hall closet with a guy you’d just fucked senseless. He’d barely shut the door after them when a blonde with silicone breasts, trowelled on make-up and an outfit no bigger than a tea towel bounced next to them.

“Oh, is this where we’re playing 7 minutes in heaven?”

Luc couldn’t help it. He burst out laughing. Grabbing Cassie’s hand, he ignored the blonde and headed out of the house with a giggling Cassie right beside him.

About the Author

Years of slavery to four young aliens and their sire failed to squash the love of writing or reading hiding behind the facade of a boring stay-at-home mum. Escaping from the mother-ship with vivid imagination intact, Rhian uses her superpowers for good.

Okay, so that’s not quite how it happened. A 20-year marriage to her very own hero and raising a family of four kept writing on the back burner, but with more time to spend on the things she loves most, Rhian and her accomplice, Mr. Muse, have taken over. Writing in a multiple of genres keeps life interesting and busy.

An Aussie who’s spent years living overseas Rhian is now happily residing with her family back in their native land of down under. Rhian can be found in numerous places online where her love of talking is well satisfied.

To learn more about Rhian and her writing visit her website,
. You can contact Rhian at
[email protected]

Look for these titles by Rhian Cahill

Now Available:


Party Games

Truth or Dare

Spin the Bottle


Coming Soon:


Are You Game?

Catch ’n’ Kiss

Daring to tell the truth will change the rules of this game forever.


Truth Or Dare

© 2012 Rhian Cahill


Party Games, Book 2

When her friend deserts her at an exclusive Sydney house party, Miki Drummond retreats to a corner to observe the insanity. Watching life go by is something she does well, especially after the hell her marriage put her through.

She never dreamed she’d reconnect with not one but two blasts from her high school past. And she never expected their heated gazes to bring her body so easily back to life.

Grant Rogers and Dayne Pierce never forgot Miki. Ever. Past experience tells them to tread slowly and carefully, but that plan flies out the window when they’re all dragged into a game of Truth or Dare. Something’s up, because Miki repeatedly chooses to take a shot rather than reveal her obvious pain. Time after time.

Waking up hungover in a strange bedroom, Miki is caught in an electrically charged moment with two men who offer her unimaginable pleasure, who seem determined to keep her suspended in sweet torment—permanently.

One night of pure fantasy is all Miki dares to take, but come morning the hard truth is that walking away isn't an option.

Warning: The author cannot be held responsible for any truth you may tell or dare you make take after reading this story. And if you find yourself sandwiched between two hunky men…take the dare.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Truth Or Dare:

Dayne wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and tell her it would all be okay. But he couldn’t make that promise when he had no idea if things would be fine. If there was any hope of that happening he had to come clean. Needed to tell her the truth of what he wanted—what they wanted. And when he did she just might dare to take a chance.

Dayne stood, dislodging Miki’s hand as he did. He took a step away and drew in a deep breath. This was it, do or die. Truth

“Miki, I’m on a short fuse where you’re concerned. I’ve always wanted you. I’ve never hidden that fact, but now the want is more potent, more adult, and if you touch me again I’m afraid I’ll snap and not be able to hold anything back.” Her eyes widened as he spoke and her hands shook as she twisted them together in her lap, but she didn’t run. “It’s time for our own game of Truth or Dare, Miki.”

She darted her gaze between him and Grant. He was relieved to see his friend just as tense. Dayne was rushing things, he knew that, but he couldn’t stop himself. Couldn’t deny the primal urge to claim her as his—
—even though moving this fast could cost them everything.

“A game?”

“Yes. We’re going to tell you the truth and then I’m going to dare you to do something with it.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“Just listen to him, Mikaila.”

She turned to Grant, but before she could speak he cut her off.


Dayne had never heard that tone in his friend’s voice before. The word was a desperate plea for her to give them what they asked for and he could only hope she did.


Her answer was no more than a shaky whisper, but in the quite night it sounded like a gunshot going off. Dayne’s shoulders sagged with relief, but he knew this was only the first battle in what was rapidly turning into a fight for his life. Because he suddenly knew without a doubt that Miki was the woman for him and he couldn’t see any future without her and Grant in it.

, want you. In every way possible and more.”

He watched her chest rise as she sucked in a breath. Her gaze drifted away from his and he wanted to reach down and lift her face up until her eyes met his again, but he wouldn’t.

“You need to understand this isn’t about just one of us, Miki. We both want the same thing. You. Together.” Grant shifted in his chair so he could look at her.

Dayne crouched down beside her and took her hand. The move was guaranteed to set his nerves on edge but he couldn’t resist that small contact. “We need you to understand this isn’t only about sex either. Sure we want that and plenty of it, but we want more. How that’s going to work I don’t know, but I can’t imagine being with you without Grant being with you too.”

“So you two would…” she gestured with her free hand, “…you know.”

He shook his head.


“It’s just you. Without you this need to share doesn’t exist.”

Grant’s words explained it perfectly, because without Miki the urge to share
exist. Dayne stood, pulling her up with him. He let go of her hand and took a step back.

“The truth is we want you for more than one night, but if one night is all you’re willing to give us then we’ll take it.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“I dare you to take a chance, Mikaila. One night of guaranteed pleasure with no strings attached. If you want to walk away when it’s over we won’t stop you.” Dayne knew they were rushing things, knew they were pushing, but he couldn’t slow down now. Miki made him do and say things no one else did. Made him lose control.

“We won’t like it, but we’ll respect that it’s your choice to make just as doing anything is.” Grant stepped over to stand beside him. “What happens now is up to you.”

Just when you think you know the rules, the game changes.


Spin the Bottle

© 2012 Rhian Cahill


Party Games, Book 4

Lillian McDermott can’t complain about the years she’s spent at the top of a career she never wanted. But modelling gave her everything. Amazing experiences and enough money to leave it all behind to start her own perfume and fashion label.

The one thing it didn’t give her is Mackenzie Harris. Her brother’s best friend. The man who sees her only as a surrogate little sister. Now, at the launch party for her the next phase of her life, she’s done waiting. She’s going to rock Mac’s world until ignoring her is the last thing on his mind.

Mac isn’t blind to Lilli’s charms, and he never has been. But no best mate screws around with a little sister, no matter how tempting. No matter how much he wants to show her exactly how he’d like to respond to her teasing. But this time she’s gone too far, and he’s not backing down. She started it, and he’s going to finish it.

One spin of the bottle turns friends to lovers. But as the boundaries come down, everything changes. Including what they thought they believed about the other.

Warning: Playing this game will result in breathless sexual anticipation, smoldering sexual chemistry and scorching sexual tension. And then the fun really starts…


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Spin the Bottle:

He’d tried to stay away, tried to ignore the gut-burning need to see if the kiss they’d shared was a fluke. His gaze dropped to her mouth. Slightly parted, her cherry-red lips beckoned, a siren’s call he knew he couldn’t refuse—didn’t want to deny. Mac leaned forward, his lips a breath from hers.


His name on her tongue, the puff of warm air that blew over his chin and the tremor of her lips made him smile. “Lilli.”

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“I thought that was obvious.” He didn’t pull away but moved his body closer to hers, his chest barely touching the tips of her breasts when she sucked in a breath.

“You can’t.”


“N-no.” Her lips brushed his. “It’s bad, remember?”

Mac pulled back a fraction to focus on her eyes. “What?”

“Kissing me.” She licked her lips and sent his blood pressure soaring. “When we did it before, you said it was bad.”

For a second, he hadn’t a clue what she meant, and then it clicked. “Oh, no, it wasn’t the kiss that was bad, Lilli.” He lowered his head, brought his mouth back within touching distance of hers. “I’ll prove it.”

He slanted his mouth across hers. Thrust his tongue between her parted lips to plunder. Mac didn’t ease into the kiss. He dove deep, headfirst. She tasted of champagne and cherries. Of lush decadence that spoke of untold pleasure. The party faded away, lost in the mating of their mouths. Nothing existed but the woman now in his arms, her body plastered to his, her soft curves cradling his hard edges as he devoured her.

Her breath hitched when he sucked on her tongue, and the gaspy little moan that followed the caress of his hand down her spine dragged him further into the most sublime kiss of his life. His cock throbbed, his balls ached and every nerve ending sizzled with the need to take her.



Against the wall.

Mac pushed his hand beneath the hem of her too-short dress, palmed her bare arse cheek and squeezed. Her supple flesh filled his hand, her smooth skin like silk under his fingertips. Jesus, she either wore a thong or nothing at all. Both options had his pulse accelerating and his cock stiffening. Blood rushed through his veins, pounded in his ears and slammed his heart against his rib cage. Lilli’s fingers tangled in his hair and tugged. The sting of pain was an erotic thrill he never dreamed would turn him on.

Someone bumped into his back hard enough to make him stumble. He pulled his mouth from hers and let her go to brace his arms on the wall, shielding her body with his. She stared at him, eyes wide, her pupils dilated and those cherry-red lips wet from his kisses. A shudder rippled through him, the sight of her flushed cheeks and rosy mouth injecting another burst of lust into his system. This wasn’t the time or the place, but damn if he could get himself to care.

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