A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3) (33 page)

BOOK: A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3)
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"I need to work off this stress." She stood up and grabbed a staff. "We both could do with a little combat practice." With that she ducked out the wagon.

"You better go. If you keep her waiting she will just beat you worse." Pat commented around a smirk.

I nodded and grabbed my staff. Outside the wagon she was working to clear a space for combat. I helped for a few moments and then some crew realized what was about to happen. They joined in and soon we had a large area for our practice.

"Defend yourself husband!" That was all the warning Raven gave before attacking. I barely raised my staff in time and felt the wood shudder from the impact.

"Careful. I might think you are really trying to kill me." I half heartedly joked.

"If you can not defend yourself then someone else will. Therefore, I will attack full out." She lunged again, this time sweeping her staff at my knees. I dodged this time and swung my staff in counter. She blocked and stepped back momentarily. We continued on this way until we both dripped sweat.

"Enough!" Stain's voice called out. We both froze and stepped back. "I imagine you both are hurting, considering how many blows you both have landed. I can appreciate a good weapons practice, but to injure one another is too much."

I looked at Raven and realized we both had minor cuts and bruises. I smiled and shook my head. She smiled back and started laughing. Soon it was all we could do to stand, we were laughing so hard.

"What is so funny?" Stain asked, sounding annoyed.

Raven wiped her face clear, "We fought hard, but neither of us gave any quarter. We fought as if our lives depended on it, yet neither succeeded in doing any real damage. We are both wore out, but we are ready to fight." Raven looked over at Stain, "And we just had a lot of fun doing it."

Stain rolled his eyes and walked away, muttering something about crazy people.

Raven set her staff aside and hugged me, "I feel much better my husband. How about we eat something?" She carried her staff into the wagon and I followed her. I could hear the crew talking as we walked off. Some were impressed, others were making comments much like Stain. I just smiled and climbed into the wagon.



A few days later the call rang out across the ship, land had been sighted. We all rushed to the deck to see for ourselves. Land was indeed in sight. A green coast could be seen just on the horizon.

"Tonight we will weigh anchor while figuring out where exactly we are along the coast. If we are where I think we are then our destination is less than a day's travel." The captain looked tired. "The mages can rest tonight. Without their help that trip would have taken much longer."

Stain nodded, "I think we all need a break. Where do you think we are?"

The captain grimaced, "I think that is the Forest of Fear."

Stain looked surprised, "Truly?"

Nodding the captain stated, "With the driving of the storm and the alignment of the stars, I am fairly certain."

Stain leaned back and considered, "I think we need to talk privately." He rose from his chair and left the room. The captain arose and followed. Their voices carried enough that we heard the captain object to something quite loudly. Finally, Stain entered alone.

"Tomorrow we make land. Be prepared to unload." He left the room and headed towards the captain's cabin.

"What was that all about?" Tulip asked.

Raven answered that one, "It is about the Forest of Fear. It is supposedly a forest protected by magical creatures. They keep all people out through fear. People have supposedly died from the fear."

Tulip looked at me and I shrugged, "I have never heard of it."

Tulip shook her head, "I hope your master knows what he is doing. Otherwise he might have something else to fear than a forest." She stood up and marched out of the room.

I turned to Raven, "Have you ever been in the forest?"

She shook her head, "Not me. But I knew some who grew up along it's edge. They swore that it was a dangerous place that no people could enter and survive. They told stories of people entering and their bodies being found later at the edge of the forest. Like something had carried them from the woods and left the bodies for someone to gather up." She shivered. "I trust Stain, but this concerns me."

I nodded, thinking I needed to talk to my master.

Later that evening I waited in his room, waiting to talk to him. Finally, he entered and smiled wearily.

"I thought you might be here. Either you or Tulip. You I would rather talk to right now." He sat down and took off his boots. "I am guessing you are wondering about the dangers in the Forest of Fear." He chuckled, "Such a silly name. Little do people realize that there is nothing to fear, as long as the agreement is followed." He stretched and I could hear joints popping. "The group of creatures that reside in that particular area of forest are dangerous, just as many creatures are that you might encounter. Including people. But they are loyal to the kingdom, since we gave them a safe haven to live." He smiled broadly, "That was one of my prouder moments." He looked at me and laughed, "At least you are less worried. Reassure your bride that we will be safe entering the forest. I have unusual access to this area and I will see us through the forest safely." He motioned me to rise and gently pushed me out of the room. "Trust me, Ott. Everything will be fine."




The Forest of Fear looked just like all other forest. Trees, bushes, and vines all grew along the land. The trees at times dipped right into the water. The ship unloaded us at a beach that once must have been a safe harbor. The stone pilings for a dock still stood against the waves, yet all the wood had rotted off.

"Everyone get ready to move out soon." Stain called out. "I will be right back." He stepped into the woods and disappeared from view. Suddenly a great howling rang out of the woods. Growls could be heard as well. It sounded like a violent attack, except we could hear Stain's voice calling out in a strange language. Soon the noise died down and Stain's voice faded. We waited nervously for quite some time. Stain finally walked out of the woods with a smile on his face. "Okay, let us get going." He walked up to Tag and patted his head. "Stay on the path and follow our guide." He pointed towards the woods and we looked to see a massive creature standing there. Everyone was shocked, someone even let out a scream. The creature smiled, teeth showing.

"I am Shadow Walker. I will be your guide through the Forest of Fear." His voice was serious but had a slight tone of humor. He stood taller than any human. His build was much like a human but covered in black fur. His face showed a similar appearance to an animal, almost canine in appearance. He stood leaning forward, almost appearing ready to leap forward at a moments notice. His clothing reminded me of a wood scout and he carried a large knife and bow. Hanging from his belt were various pouches and even a few painted bones. He stood there allowing us to stare, humor filling his eyes. "Shall we begin our journey or will we stand here all day?"

Stain laughed, "Shadow Walker, lead the way." He stepped forward, following behind Shadow Walker.

Everyone started out and followed down the path in the forest. We could hear noises out in the woods. Things that were not natural roamed in the woods. Everyone kept looking off into the woods, trying to get a glimpse of what manner of creatures watched from the darkness.

Shadow Walker growled and howled out into the woods. He was answered by many voices. Our wagons came to a stop by themselves. The animals afraid to move. He turned and laughed. "Now you know why it carries the name of fear. I will send away my brethren, otherwise we will not make good time." He turned and called out again. The voices answered once more and then a noise of many bodies moving quickly away came from the woods. The sudden silence was almost as unnerving as all the noise. "Now we can travel?" Shadow Walker asked.

Stain nodded and motioned him to lead the way. We traveled in thick silence for rest of the day. Shadow Walker led us to a clearing. "Once men lived here. Their building was destroyed but the trees never grew back." He walked off to sit on the edge of the forest.

Stain grinned, "Needless to say, they do not like people. Yet, they are a blessing to our kingdom." He motioned to the clearing, "Let's make camp."

It took a short time to make camp, we were used to doing so now. Once we had a fire going Tulip spoke up. "Shadow Walker, can we provide you with food?"

Shadow Walker had been sitting quietly, watching us without a comment. He stood and walked over to fire. "You would share food with such as me?" He was curious but wary.

Tulip nodded, "If you are to be our guide, then I insist that I at least offer you food. Whether you accept is upon your own head."

Shadow Walker sat slowly, almost sinking to the ground. "You speak as one of wisdom. I show you respect." He bowed his head low, almost touching his snout to the ground. "I would be honored to share food with such as you and Master Cybus."

"Master Cybus?" Raven voiced this.

Stain coughed and smiled, "A name they call me in their people's tongue."

Shadow Walker grinned, "The wise ones of my people gave him such a name. It is a name of wisdom and bravery. He saved many and gave us a home when others chased and killed." He bowed low to Stain. "My people owe him and the kingdom a life debt. Until my people die off we shall honor him."

We all looked at Stain, who was blushing slightly. "Well, I did what I could to solve a difficult situation."

"Speaking of people." Tulip spoke up. "What kind are your people?"

Shadow Walker turned and looked at her closely, "Why do you ask?"

She shrugged, "I have never met a creature that resembled such as yourself. You walk much like a man, yet your appearance is much different. You move more like a stealthy creature than a man, yet you reason."

Shadow Walker smiled, "My people come from a time when magic walked over the whole land. We were created, much like your people were. Those creators chose to give us a more animal side than humans, yet we live at peace with nature."

"What are your people called?" Ruth posed this question.

Shadow Walker cocked his head and sniffed deeply. "You are related to the wise one." He looked around, "As is the youngling there. You have a wise ancestor." He paused and then answered Ruth, "We call ourselves the People of the Night. Another name we have been given is the Nightweres. Many of my people live at night and rest during the day. It is in our nature."

Raven gasped, "I have heard of your people. Stories of raids on villages, children stolen in the night, women kidnapped." She was shocked.

Shadow Walker shrugged, "Such are the stories told by scared people or those wishing to blame another for their crimes." He looked deep at Raven. "Would you believe such stories if you saw me late one night?" He laughed when she nodded, "Such is the way of all people. We have stories with which our younglings might be scared or instructed. The story of the evil day walkers who will skin the pelt off your back, the hunter who will track you with animals and kill you without remorse, or my favorite, the story of a forest being burned to chase my people out of the safety of the woods." He looked at Raven again. "Does that sound like the stories you have heard? Things said to scare with no understanding?"

Raven nodded, "I am sorry if I caused offense."

Shadow Walker laughed, "I was prepared to defend myself if needed when Master Cybus entered the woods. Instead I am called to lead you through my home safely. I am prepared for anything."

"The food is ready!" Tulip handed out bowls, offering Shadow Walker first choice. "I am not sure if this is the food you are accustomed to having, however it is what I cooked."

Shadow Walker smiled and accepted. "Food offered in honor is good food." He bowed and started eating, pleased surprise crossing his face. "But this is quite tasty."

Tulip nodded, "I do enjoy an appreciative audience." She sat down beside him and ate from her own bowl.

Once our meal was done we prepared to lay down for the night. Shadow Walker called all of us. "Stay in the clearing, I have marked your site off limits. Wander alone in the woods and your spirit will be separated from your flesh." He walked out into the woods, fading from our sight.

"Well, that is simple enough." Stain smiled. "Everyone go to bed, no watch needs to be set tonight."



"Today we will reach the edge of the forest. There has been a lot of activity outside the forest, many men with weapons. They do not dare intrude yet into the woods." Shadow Walker stated this calmly. "When we reach the edge I will be done. I am not allowed to leave the woods."

Stain nodded, "I do thank you for your time and guidance." He walked up to Shadow Walker, "I hope you and your people live at peace."

Shadow Walker looked down and blinked, "That is a good blessing. I hope it is so." He turned and led us out of the clearing.

We traveled until the sun was high overhead. Shadow Walker called for stops occasionally to allow us to water the animals and to rest. There were no roads, just a cleared path. The going was rough. Eventually we reached an area of the forest that had a thinner covering.

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