A Daddy for Christmas: Holiday Romance (Holiday Romance Collection Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: A Daddy for Christmas: Holiday Romance (Holiday Romance Collection Book 2)
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Chapter 8

Megan woke up to Brice’s arm around her waist and the other just under her breasts. Her breathing started to pulse harder in her chest, and she sighed, taking in the scent of Brice just behind her and the feel of his arms. She went to move, when she felt him tighten his grip, and then she felt the unmistakable feel of his erection against her backside.

“It’s not my fault,” Brice said softly to Megan’s giggle.

“I know,” Megan replied.

“Don’t move, okay?”

Megan leaned back, and felt the tickle of his breath on her ear. “You’re going to kill me, Megs.”

Megan moaned softly as her backside met him. “Good morning.”

“It’s a great morning. I haven’t slept this well in a long time.”

Megan thought about it, and she hadn’t either. She smiled, thanking God for Brice at this very moment.

“What are you thinking about?” Brice asked.

Megan laughed. “Well, I was just thanking God for you.”

Brice laughed. “Seriously?”

Megan moved back a little more, and Brice moaned. “Yeah, seriously.”

“Ah, Megs. Are you sure, you’re not the Devil?”

Megan turned fast and grinned, she could feel every part of his body up next to hers. Her own body tightened. Her nipples were hard, and she wanted to feel them up against his chest. She leaned in and kissed him hard on the mouth.

Brice’s tongue danced with hers as his hands moved up her sweatshirt. His palms skimmed up her body until her breasts were cupped in his hands.

“Oh, Megs,” Brice moaned. “You’re perfect.”

Megan could feel his hands move, his fingers tug on her nipples, and her pulse ran wildly. She moved her own hands down in between them until her hand was over his hard shaft.

“Oh, God, Megs.”

Megan moved her hands over his silky skin, making him slick with need. She felt her own need move through her body as he slipped the sweater off her head. He moved down to her breasts so fast that when his lips met her nipple, she nearly arched off the bed.

“You are so beautiful,” Brice whispered. “Megs, you are so fuc….you are…”

Megan had never felt like this before. Everything was happening so fast. She wanted Brice to be inside her, she wanted him to make love to her. She wanted…

Brice pulled back. “What the hell is wrong with me?” he asked. His eyes looked tormented. He picked up Megan’s sweatshirt, and moved her hand off of his erection. “We need to stop.”

Megan looked at him as if he were nuts. “Megs, I’m sorry. I promised you I wouldn’t, but you were…you. I’m sorry.” Brice took a deep breath and went into the restroom.

Megan could feel her pulse hammer in her chest, she was so close to coming that she felt all tingly. How could he just stop like that? Megan thought back to the night her and Jason conceived Jacob, and shook her head. The control that Brice had was amazing. She remembered telling Jason that they needed to stop, to think, to put a condom on, and then it was too late.

Brice hadn’t had a condom on either, and she nearly repeated the same situation, only this time, he stopped, and it was her that completely lost her head.


A few minutes later, Brice came out of the bathroom and noticed Megan still lying on the bed without a shirt, or a bra on. He swallowed, could feel himself getting hard again, and tried to look away. Megan looked at him, and then shook her head.

“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, popping up to cover herself. “I…”

“It’s okay, I think I better sleep on the couch tonight, though.”

Megan frowned. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”

“Megan, that is so not what’s going on here. I told you we’d get to know each other. I think that’s the way to do things, especially because you have Jake.”

Jake. How could she forget about her son!
  “Yes, you’re right of course.”

“Megs,” Brice said, as he came up to her. She now had her sweatshirt on, and she was standing beside the bed. “You really are beautiful.”

Megan smiled softly. “I felt beautiful.”

Brice sighed, glad that he didn’t upset or disappoint her. “Listen, you go get a nice hot shower, and I’ll make us breakfast. Deal?”



When Megan got out of the shower, Brice had made eggs, sausage, toast and homefries. To say Megan was impressed, was an understatement.

“I can’t remember ever getting breakfast made for me before,” Megan said appreciatively. She looked at Brice and grabbed his hand. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. So, I thought we’d learn some more about each other today, play some more of that game, and then maybe go shooting.”

Megan stiffened. “What do you mean?”

“Which part?”

“The shooting part.”

“Megs, I thought it would help you to be less afraid if you knew how to shoot a gun.”

“Why would that make me less afraid?”

“Well, for one, you’d know how to use it if you ever needed to, and for another, it will help you feel more confident about protecting yourself.”

“I don’t know.”

Brice took a bite of his food, and then looked up at Megan. “It would also make me feel better.”

“I know what you are doing and It’s nice, but I don’t need it.”



“Listen, I’m just going to show you how to shoot it, if you don’t like it, then you never have to do it again.”

Megan looked down at her food, and then up at Brice. “Okay.”

Chapter 9


never in a million years would have thought I’d enjoy that, but I did!” Megan said. She had just spent the last two hours learning all about guns. Brice brought his hand gun, and a Glock to show her how to shoot. He showed her the correct way of holding a gun, and how to pull it out effectively in case someone were to come at her.

He told her that these were all the techniques that one learns when they take the conceal and carry class. He also offered to take the class with her when it was offered next, so she wouldn’t be afraid.

The funny thing was, she wasn’t. She loved it. They spent the better part of the last thirty minutes target shooting.

“I knew you would, Megs.”

“Thank you. You were right again,” Megan said, smiling up at Brice. “I was so nervous at work the last few days. I could barely stand it, and now I am here with you, and I feel so much better.”

“I’m glad.” Brice held his hand out, and Megan gave him back his gun. He emptied the bullets, and placed the gun back in its case. “So, do you think you’ll go shooting with me again sometime?”

Megan grinned. “Definitely.”

“So, I have some advice I’d like to ask for,” Brice said smoothly. He took Megan’s hand, and then locked the guns away in a small box that he had put back under his bed. Megan looked up and nodded.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“My friend Carl, he’s my partner at the station.”

“Oh, yeah, I think I met Carl. Wasn’t he on the field trip?”

“Yeah, he was there,” Brice said, laughing. “He was having a good time watching us make eyes at each other.”

Megan reddened. “Yeah, I was afraid others noticed.”

“Who cares? I’m just glad you’re here with me. Anyway, so he has a problem, and I need a woman’s perspective.”

“Sure. What’s his problem?”

“Well, he was with a single mom a few years back, well several, and she refuses him to have anything to do with their son.”

“I thought you said she was a single mom?”

“She is, but she was pregnant when she and Carl dated. He practically raised the boy, and she hasn’t let him near the kid for a while. He turns 15 this year, and Carl really wants to see him.”

Megan felt bad for the kid, but didn’t know the whole situation. “Why won’t she let him see him?”

Brice shook his head. “They had a bad breakup. There were a lot of things, but Carl was always good with the boy.”

“Maybe she still loves Carl.”

Brice hadn’t thought of that. “Maybe, so if you still loved the guy, you’d refuse him to see your boy?” Brice didn’t think Megan would ever do something like that, mainly because of her promise to him.

“No, absolutely not. The only way I would refuse is if I thought he was a danger to my son, then I would say no. But, you have to admit, it would be hard seeing someone that you are in love with playing with your son day in and day out. It would be a form of torture.”

“Yeah, I guess it would.” Brice couldn’t imagine seeing Jacob, but not getting to see Megan. “I never really thought much about it. I just know how Carl feels.”

“Do you feel the same about your nephew?” Megan asked.

Brice shook his head. “The situation with him is different. I know that my brother is taking good care of him, and I also found out that they were seeing each other nearly the entire time I was seeing Jenna. So, I guess, he didn’t really know much different.”

“Yeah, but you did.”

Megan was right. He loved that boy. He still did. “Yeah, I did. But he has a good dad. My brother may be a total prick, but he is good with the boy. This is where it changes for Carl. He hasn’t seen his son in a long time. Years. She won’t listen to him at all. I told him that I would talk to her.”

Megan looked like she wanted to disagree, but she just nodded. “Listen, I think you need to go about this in a calm way. Explain to her what Carl has said, and about how much he loves her son. Who knows, maybe she will agree?”

“Yeah, who knows?” Brice looked down at their joined hands, and grinned. “I like talking with you.”

“I like talking with you, too.”


The rest of the weekend flew by fast, and Megan and Brice were in her driveway unloading her bags before they knew it. “I had a great time,” Megan said softly. “I wish we didn’t have to come back so soon.”

“Me, too.” Brice looked up, and noticed the curtain pull back. A few seconds later, Jacob was running toward them.

“Mommy!” Jacob yelled. Megan stepped out from behind the car and had her hands flung out. Jacob jumped, and nearly toppled her over.

“Oh, baby, I’ve missed you so very much!”

“I missed you, too, Mommy! Nana and I had so much fun.”

“I am so glad that you did, Jake. I missed your kisses.”

Jacob laughed and kissed his mommy’s nose, then her lips, then her nose again. Brice didn’t think the kid could get any cuter.

“Brice! I missed you, too!” Jacob yelled, then put his arm out, including him in the hug with him and his mother. Brice swallowed, suddenly feeling that huge weight on his chest again. This kid was becoming very important to him, and so was his mother.


Brice went in to the station early for his shift Monday to talk to Carl.

“Hey! How was the trip?”

“It was great. She was—do you have a minute?”

Carl looked up from his paperwork, and nodded. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I talked to Megs about you and your son.”


Brice grinned. “That’s what I call her, anyways, she told me that—”

“Wait a minute, you talked to her about me?”


“Must have been a boring weekend.” Carl laughed at Brice’s annoyed expression, and then waited for his friend to continue.

“It was great. Anyway, she said something that made me think. Do you think that maybe Carrie is still in love with you?”

Carl’s eyes widened, and he looked away. “No.”

“Because if she is, that all makes…”

“No, she’s not.”

“Okay, because Megs said that if she was in love with the guy, and he wanted to see her kid it would be hard.”

Carl only nodded, but Brice could tell that he was upset.

“You never really talked much about what happened.”

“I don’t want to either,” Carl said, then looked down at his desk and finished what he was doing before Brice got there.

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