A Love Like This (Book 1) (33 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Lane

BOOK: A Love Like This (Book 1)
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says louder than she intends.
Mrs. Carter clutches her chest startled.


m sorry,

says touching the woman

s shoulder.


m just getting out of a really bad relationship.
I don

t want anything to do with men for a long time.

This gets the attention of some of the other women in the shop.

Girl you

too young to be jaded already,

Tabitha says.

s sitting at a corner booth applying fake lashes that match her new auburn hair extensions.

What you need to do is find yourself one of them old rich men to take care of you.

walks over to Keisha

s next client and escorts her to the shampoo bowl.


want old wrinkly balls but you Tabitha,

Keisha says.

Hell I

ll take

old, young, blind, cripple and crazy as long as he

s paid and can lay pipe,

another woman says.
They all laugh and

t help but smile.
Maybe all she needs is a little beauty shop therapy.


m done with men old and young,


Are you switching teams?

Tabitha asks.

You just haven

t met the right man yet,

one of the older beauticians says before
can respond to Tabitha

s question.


s coming home next week.

ll all go out and find you a good man,

Keisha says.

Every man I

ve ever dated has treated me badly,

says feeling her sadness being replaced by anger.

There are plenty of good men out there.
You just need to try

all out until you find the right fit,

Tabitha says.

Speaking of good men how is your father,

Tabitha says.

Our daddy is fine,

Keisha replies looking at her suspiciously.

Girl fine is the right word to describe that man.
If I wasn

t afraid your mamma would
me I

d be all over him.

Keep talking about my daddy and

burn your ass with this curling iron,

Keisha says pointing the steaming iron at Tabitha.


Tabitha says with a chuckle.


s a complement.

m just saying your father is a very handsome man.

Is your father one of the Peterson boys?

An older woman with bleached blond hair and a southern accent asks.

Yes Xavier,


I can tell because you girls look just like him.
So how

s your older brother?

We have a younger sister no brothers,

Keisha says.

Really, because I

m positive that woman told me she had a boy.

Our mother

s name is Dana and she does not have a son,

Keisha says.

Her name wasn

t Dana,

The woman says scrunching her nose and snapping her finger.
The woman doesn

t notice that everyone in the shop has stopped what they

re doing to
listen to her.


The woman shouts excitedly.

Valery Callaway had a child by the oldest Peterson boy.

The woman realizes all eyes are on her
so she stops talking and looks down at her hands.



and Keisha lock up the shop after the last customer leaves.
They walk out to Keisha

s car.

asked us over for dinner.

s picking up the kids and meeting us there,

Keisha says.


s she making?


s making lasagna.
She made
a small
meatless lasagna for Trinity since she decided to become a vegetarian.
She said her tummy will not be a grave yard for dead animals.

That little girl reminds me so much of you,

says laughing.


s so outspoken and she knows exactly what she wants.

Yeah she

s a mess.
I just wish she wouldn

t bully her sister so much.

You use to do the same thing to me,


I never bullied you,

Keisha replies.

Girl you made me do your homework your entire senior year of high school.

Keisha is quiet for a few seconds as they drive down the 710 freeway.

Heaven reminds me of you.

s so gentle.
I don

t know why I can

t get her to stand up for herself.

Not everyone

s a fighter,


Well everyone should be.
You don

t have to be aggressive but you have to know your worth.
If you don

t let people know what you will and will not stand for they will walk all over you.

turns to face the window.

s feeling more anger than she ever has before.

I went online last night and ordered some college brochures,

Keisha says.

I know how much
love English.
You should go back to school.

Thank you,

says still facing the window.

They pull up to the curb in front of their family home.

Are you alright,

Keisha asks


ve wasted so much of my life trying to please other people.

Girl stop
being so morbid, you

re only twenty-four you still have your whole life ahead of you.


Okay, I have to admit that running away from Tucker

s family was not my finest moment.
When they all turned and looked at me and
I freaked.
What was I supposed to

Sorry Tucker and I eloped but I promise I

m not a whore.

The way I saw it my only options were to run, faint or have a panic attack.
In the heat of the moment running was the only option that made since.
So here I am doing the 100 yard dash down the hall through the kitchen and out the back door.
I nearly fall twice on the wedged heels I

m wearing.

m not sure where I

m going because this house is on the side of a mountain and my car and driver are nowhere to be found.
When I reach the walkway I hear Tucker calling my name.
I look back and my foot gets stuck between two rocks.
I trip, land flat on my stomach and everything goes black because my dress flies over my
I lie perfectly still hoping that this whole day has been a bad dream and that I

ll wake up in my bed wearing my footie pajamas.
I can hear footsteps approaching.

Her foots stuck,

Mr. Bradley says.

This is not a dream.

m on my stomach. My dress is over my head.
Tucker and his father are behind me and I

m wearing a thong.
Tucker dislodges my shoe from the rock and rolls me over.
I have leaves and rocks in my hair and I skinned my knee.
I close my eyes tight because I can

t bear to see their faces.
He picks me up and I press my face against his shirt and ask,

Did your father just see my ass?

Tucker kisses the
of my head and carries me into the house.
He puts me down in the kitchen and Joan comes running towards me.

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