A Scandalous Arrangement (20 page)

BOOK: A Scandalous Arrangement
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“Do it this way, or I’ll tie you to the bed. Your choice.” His tone was hardening, demanding. Victoria quaked, uncertain what was about to happen but her curiosity was nearly insatiable. Her sense of adventure was not the only thing aroused. Her pussy was already damp. Confused, scared, intrigued beyond belief, she wrapped her fingers around the post behind her head and hung on.

“Better. Now, we can have some fun.”

Adam returned his attention to her engorged nipples, sucking each tender peak until Victoria was writhing on the bed. The sensation was wonderful, sending a crackling pulse of energy to her clitoris. It terrified her too, the memory of yesterday’s torture with the red ribbon still fresh in her mind. Did he intend to repeat that? And would she really object if he did? It had been weird, but so very, very exciting.

“Open your legs. And lift your bottom up, please.” Adam had released her nipples and was now leaning on one elbow, watching her.

She noted that he too remained naked, and wondered if that meant he had nothing too unorthodox in mind for her this morning. Throughout her admittedly brief acquaintance with him, she had observed that he tended to be clothed while she was nude during those interludes when his tastes took on a darker edge. Right now, she was uncertain if she was disappointed or relieved.

“Victoria, I gave you an instruction.”

“Yes, sorry.” She spread her legs wide, her knees bent to expose her pussy. Her cunt was trickling in a manner she could best describe as disgraceful though she was as certain as she could be that he had yet to touch her there.

Adam leaned over her to grab several pillows, which he shoved under her bottom, lifting her hips further off the bed. Victoria felt awkward and horribly exposed, though she had sufficient insight into the dynamic emerging between them to assume this was his intention.

He was in charge. He led, he commanded, she obeyed. If she was nervous or vulnerable, this would help to reinforce his power and authority, and her trust. Victoria would not admit as much to him, but she rather enjoyed the illusion of being controlled and helpless. And it
an illusion. She had her special word, the word she had to only utter, and he would stop. She trusted him on that, absolutely, and knew she could leave here at any time. She would be gone anyway in a matter of hours.

“Yesterday you submitted to my explorations. You did well, I am pleased with you. This is similar, but I trust you will feel a little more comfortable this time. And perhaps less inhibited. You may become aroused when I touch you, you may feel a need to climax. I will expect you to resist that. If you take your release without my consent, that will carry consequences you might prefer to avoid. If you feel such a need, ask me and I may give permission. Do you understand your instructions so far?”

“Yes, sir.” He intended to punish her, and that outcome would be inevitable. He would touch her in any way he chose, and she would not be able to suppress her response, she knew that much already. She was a slut, he had said so, and proved it time and again. Victoria did not relish the prospect of a spanking, though she found the notion less abhorrent than she would have only a week ago. As for being a slut, his slut, well, perhaps that too was merely a matter of perspective, and hers was shifting rapidly.

“Any questions?”

She met his gaze. “No, sir. Except, will I be allowed to speak or…?”

He chuckled. “You may speak, Victoria. Indeed, I require that you do. You will tell me if I touch you in a way that gives you pleasure. You will also tell me if I hurt you, or scare you. Is that also quite clear?”

“Yes, I think so, sir.”

“You think?”

“Yes, sir. Perfectly clear.” She hoped.

“Excellent. One final thing, you are to remain quite still unless I instruct you to change your position. That is simple enough, I think.”

“Yes, sir.”

“So, yesterday I explored you with my fingers, and my eyes of course. Today, I will taste you.”

“What? No!” Horrified, her resolve shattered instantly, Victoria closed her legs, pressing her knees together in her consternation. “You can’t do that. It is not, not…”

Adam shifted position so he was lying across the bed at right angles to her legs. He raised his gaze above her quivering knees. “Victoria, what did you just agree to about remaining perfectly still? Do not force me to tie your ankles to the bedposts. Spread your thighs. Do it now and keep them open. I do not intend to ask you again.”

His tone was firm and quite implacable. Victoria quaked, but she did as he commanded. So much for being less inhibited. Her inner slut had deserted her, just when she was most needed. She lay still, her legs spread, her pussy exposed and dripping. What on earth was happening to her that her head could experience such outrage, yet her body’s response was positively wanton? She obeyed his commands because she dared do no other when he adopted that stern tone, but her treacherous pussy had its own ideas.

“Good girl. It is not really so difficult to obey, is it?”

“No, sir.” She was not sure if the question was rhetorical or not, but erred on the side of caution. And, he was right. If she could manage to stop thinking and just do, it was fine. Sort of.

Adam lay with his elbows on either side of her waist. He dipped his head to trail a wet line around her navel with the tip of his tongue. He had not yet shaved this morning and the light dusting of stubble on his face rasped against her skin. It felt delightful, intimate. Victoria shivered.

“Are you cold?”

She shook her head. The room was actually quite warm, once the initial chill of losing her bedclothes was past.

“I see.” He returned to his task, teasing her navel, then kissing and nibbling his way downwards.

Victoria knew where he was headed, and found herself both mortified and exhilarated at the prospect. Despite her best intentions, she jerked when his lips brushed her clit. He paused, and though her eyes were tight shut, she could sense his vivid green gaze on her.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No, sir,” she whispered.

“Then, why did you move when I expressly told you to remain still?”

“I didn’t mean to. I could not help it.”

“It affects you then, when I touch you here?” He took her clit between his fingers and rolled it. His touch was firm but gentle, and sent a bolt of lightning straight to her core. Victoria squealed.

“Words, please, not sounds. Do you like me to touch you here, or not?”

“I, I like it, sir. I think. Except when you squeeze too hard.”

“Like this?” He pinched the tender nub between his finger and thumb, the pressure light at first, then gathering strength.

“Aagh, yes, like that. I don’t like it.”

He relaxed the pressure though he continued to roll her clit between his fingers and thumb. “Thank you. In that case, this would make a good and effective punishment for you. It will be the penalty for disobedience. Or for forgetting your manners and failing to refer to me as sir.” He strengthened his grip again. “As you did just now.”

“Sorry, sorry,
sir,” Victoria yelped as he squeezed and twisted her clit. The discipline was over almost as quickly as it began, but she promised herself it was a lesson well learned. She would avoid giving him cause to do that if she could help it. And in any case,
suited him very well; to call him that was a habit she could form without any difficulty.

Adam released the pressure straight away, and proceeded to rub her throbbing bud. Pain was transformed into pleasure. Victoria groaned and thrust upwards.

“Be still.” He slapped her pussy, a sharp, open-handed blow that hurt and excited her at the same time. “I will insist on you remaining still, and if you continue to wriggle like this, things will be much harder on you. If you really cannot do it, tell me now and I will help.”

“By tying me up, sir?”

“Exactly. If it is your desire to obey me but you believe you may struggle, you should tell me. I am not a cruel man, I know this is new to you, and not easy. Restraints will remove the responsibility from you and allow you to relax.”

“I do want to please you, sir. I am sorry…”

“Then allow me to help.”

Victoria took a moment to consider, then gave a brief nod. “Please, tie me in place, sir.”

Adam rolled from the bed and strolled naked across the room. Despite her predicament Victoria could not suppress her admiration. He truly was a magnificent man, powerful but not bulky, his muscles rippling beneath his skin. She was not given to inspecting the male physique as a rule so was no real judge, but she believed there was not a woman breathing who would disagree with her. Right at this moment though she, Victoria Wynne, was the only woman breathing in this bedroom, with Adam Luke. She intended to enjoy the experience, or die trying.

He crouched beside his bag and produced a coil of rope. It was not the same length he used yesterday; for one thing it was much longer. Several feet, she would estimate. He returned to her and, without speaking, crouched again beside the bed. She heard a rustle as he tossed the length under the bed, and when he stood he held just one end in his hand. He laid that on the cover beside the pillows, and strolled around to the other side. He picked up the opposite end of the rope, which was now stretched under the bed.

“I require your legs to be spread wide, so I will tie a loop around each of your knees. As I tighten the rope under the bed your knees will be pulled apart, and held there until I release you. I am prepared to leave your hands free, but any attempt to cover yourself or to interfere will result in them being secured too.”

He was not asking her consent now, he was telling her how this would work. Victoria merely nodded her understanding. Moments later he had secured one end of the rope around her right knee. He went around to her left and looped the other end around that knee too. He did not tighten that knot straight away though. Instead he eased her knees apart, drawing on the rope to ensure it remained taut until Victoria yelped in discomfort.

“Okay, that’s wide enough, I believe.” He secured the second knot, and stood back to admire his handiwork. “Ah, sweet Victoria, how utterly divine you do look. So sexy, so vulnerable. So completely mine.”

“Yes, sir.” There was really nothing else to be said.

Adam moved around to stand at the foot of the bed. He was looking at her, examining her, his expression intent.

“I might shave you. I prefer a woman’s pussy to be smooth.”

“I see. You won’t cut me, will you, sir?” It did not occur to her to protest.

He chuckled. “No, little one. I have a steady enough hand, I believe. I will just be a moment.” He left her, striding off into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later he returned. He had a towel looped around his waist and tied at his hip, and a second one over his arm. He was carrying a tray, upon which were laid out the items he would require. She saw a bowl of water, a flannel, a shaving stick and brush, a leather and canvas strop, a small pair of scissors, and a cut-throat razor. He set his equipment on the small bedside table, which he repositioned just beside him.

He sat on the edge of the bed by her hips and idly tugged at a wisp of her pubic hair. “I will trim it short first, then I will shave you. I suspect you will thank me for ensuring you cannot move. It would be a pity to do any damage to such a beautiful pussy.”

Victoria swallowed hard but offered no other comment. He was perfectly correct though.

He pulled one of the cushions from underneath her hips and replaced it with the towel. Victoria relaxed, allowing him to move and position her as he saw fit, within the obvious confines of her restraints. She then watched the top of his head as he bent over her, the whisper of his scissors the only sound as he clipped the longer hair away. He dropped each piece onto the tray beside the bowl of water, pausing just once or twice to shoot her a brief smile of encouragement. She appreciated it.

Soon he was done, and reached for the flannel. He dipped it in the water and swiped that over her freshly trimmed pussy. Victoria had expected it to be cold, but he had brought hot water for her. She was glad of his consideration. Next he picked up the shaving stick and applied a layer of the soap to her pussy, lifting her bottom up so he could reach her anus. Victoria gasped; surely she had no hair there.

It seemed she did. Adam picked up the brush and dipped it in the bowl of water. He flicked it a couple of times to remove the excess, then started to work up a lather. He brushed her firmly, but without pressing hard, creating a rich, smooth foam. Victoria allowed her head to drop back and her eyes to close. In truth, this felt divine.

Adam seemed to be in no hurry to move on. Perhaps he realised how much she loved the sensation of the warm, slick soap soaking into her skin, softening it for him. Maybe he too relished the sweet intimacy of his grooming her. She would never have imagined such a sense of release, of trust and peace as she lay still, her eyes closed and her thighs spread wide, his fingers gently probing, stretching her, opening her to reach every fold and crevice with the foam. She was confined but had no desire to move anyway, utterly vulnerable, completely trusting him.

Too soon he replaced the brush in the bowl and reached for the razor. He stood to strop it, and Victoria watched in fascination as he ran the blade along the smooth leather. He glanced at her.

“Okay so far?”

“Yes, sir,” she answered, without hesitation.

“Good.” He sat back down, the razor unfolded in his right hand. “Not long now.”

He leaned in and started to draw the blade across her skin. With each stroke he picked up a layer of foam that he flicked into the bowl, rinsing off the blade each time. He started with her mound, then when that was smooth and to his liking he edged his way down along her sensitive pussy lips. He used his fingers to open and flatten, then drew the blade through the lather. As he reached her anus he slid his free hand under her buttocks to lift and turn her, positioning her for the blade. He was unhurried, and took infinite care over her. Victoria could not recall an occasion when she had ever felt so cherished.

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