A Stormy Knight (11 page)

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Authors: Amy Mullen

BOOK: A Stormy Knight
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As if he heard her thoughts, Nicholas sauntered into her private quarters and startled her as she went through her trunk. She was holding up a black kirtle she had worn after her mother
s death.
Once, s
owned quite a few of them, but this kirtle was the only one remaining. It was drab and faded with visible wear and tear about the bottom hem. The bodice was high, showing little skin
and there was a visible tear on the right sleeve.

Black? I hope you are not choosing a dress for our wedding,
he said
and she jumped
, nearly dropping the kirtle to the floor.
I thought green would go better with your eyes. I want you to be beautiful when we wed. Choose something else. Throw the black away. I will not have you wearing such a depressing color.

She spun around, clutching the kirtle in her hands.
Why do you care? I still cannot figure out why you have agreed to this madness. You could simply secure the castle and be on your way if you are so worried about the king and his interests. You could leave us be. My father would reward you well.

A smirk skated across his face.
Do you
think I would pass this up? A chance to take this land and this castle from you? A chance to have a home? I have not had a real place to call home since I was twelve. You saw to that.

m not leaving. I cannot or I would!
she said, resisting the urge to stomp a foot on the floor like a child. Preserving her dignity had become
a full time endeavor. This was
hard for her indeed, as he invoked emotions so volatile she feared she
be losing her mind.

I have a gift for you,
he said.
I care nothing for your temper tan
trums, so shut up and take it.

He tossed something
her bed, but she refused to touch it.
I do not want to take anything from you. I just want you to come to your senses.

So you have not yet accepted we will be wed?
is eyes flashed as he stepped

I did not say that,
she said as she returned to her trunk, deliberately turning her back to him.
I just thought mayhap you might rethink your position. Surely be
tied to a woman you hate is not something you wish for your life.

I loved you once. I was young, but I knew love when I felt it. I was a foolish boy, thinking all would end well. In a way, having you as a wife will take away some of the sting for feeling so stupid, for feeling I was not good enough. Having this land may make up for some of what has happened to my parents. We cannot get those years back, but we can look forward. My parents are strong and they seem happy now, but that does not mean I will ever forget or ever forgive you.

Gemma clamped her hands down on the lid of the trunk. It took everything within her to stay where she was. She would have loved nothing more than to turn around and beat her fists upon his chest.
You keep insisting we did something to you. You forget it was the other way around. You meant to turn us over to Matilda with no care as to what would happen to us as a result. My entire family could have been wiped out, not to mention the innocents
live here as servants.

We can keep having the same argument, but nothing will change until the truth is known,
he said, pulling her around to face him. The lid of her trunk slammed down
and she jumped again, this time

Have you always been so jumpy?
He laughed and then swiftly got back to the reason for this visit.
We need to talk about some changes that have been made due to the danger around us.

She forgot her anger for a moment as worry flooded over her
Has someone else been hurt?

Nay. I want you to know what has become of some of your people. You seem so worried about them. They have been sent out to the village and will return here once this situation has been resolved. It is a regrettable step but is necessary. Temporary housing for them is being erected as we speak. Those
have been here a while shall stay, but they are being watched.

It sounds so harsh,
she choked out as she
those she ha
grown to care about being pushed from the walls of the castle as if they were being punished. Their sad faces were already haunting her. Then, after a moment, thinking of her father lying in his bed, she added,
but I do understand.

Finally, something we agree on,
Nicholas said and then gestured
the bed.
Wear that. I wish to have a beautiful bride
your looks. We may not care much for each other, but our marriage will be adventurous for both of us.

As quickly as he arrived, he left her alone.

Upon the bed sat the most beautiful cloak she had ever seen, green in color, rich with embroidery, and edged with fur. It was a gift fit for a queen.

a feminine voice said from out in the passageway,
is it safe to enter?

Gemma instantly recognized Leda
s voice and waved her in.

I had a few moments and thought I should talk with ye,
Leda started and then faltered.
Isabel be with Hesse in the kitchen
so I thought we could talk.

Is this about the changes Nicholas is making? I assure you he is doing this for our benefit. Things shall return to normal soon I pray.

Nay, milady
he cook took another step into the room and lowered her voice.
I came about yer marriage.

Gemma said, surprised.
What is it? Feel free to speak your mind.
She gestured to the bed for Leda to sit down.

What a beautiful cloak!
she said as she sat upon the bed and lifted it up.
Carefully, she
allowed the satin material to run over the rough tips of her fingers.
Tis the most beautiful I have ever seen.
With a sig
Gemma sat and silently nodded. Leda was right. She h
ad never seen anything like it.

A gift from yer intended, milady?
she asked, still feeling the material as if she was mesmerized and could not put it down.

Aye, it is, though I am not sure why,
Gemma admitted.
What did you want to see me about?

Yer mum is not here
and a mother is so important before a marriage,
she started, shifting uncomfortably.
I thought mayhap I could help. I married off two of three daughters ye know, and I fear going into this marriage blindly will be bad for ye.

I see,
Gemma eyed the cloak, afraid to touch it as intimately as Leda had.
I do not know much about marriage, though I certainly know the marriage bed is something to be feared.

Milady, that is most certainly true in some cases, but I think ye have nothing to fear with yer intended. He seems gruff I know and acts like a knave near ye, but he has been nothing but kind and patient with the servants. He even makes time for Isabel when ye are not near. They be smitten with each other.

This was news to her.
He has been kind?

Most kind
s head bobbed up and down excitedly.
We all think he be a kind man, milady, and though ye are butting heads now, everyone senses this is a good match if ye could only put aside yer differences.

Gemma said, taking in all Leda had said.
So he only treats me with such distaste. Lovely. How is a wife to handle such a thing? What am I to do? I do not trust him. He once betrayed our family

she interrupted.
I have been around as long as ye have been living. Ye may not realize it, but I knew of ye leaving the castle on occasion to meet up with Nicholas. I tried not to spy, but I stayed nearby until ye returned to yer bed. I love ye like a daughter I do, and I knew true love when I saw it. I did not tell yer father, but I now think I should have. I now be certain I failed ye in not telling
im. It just reminded me of how I met my husband. I should have told
and things for ye
be so different right now.

Shock registered in Gemma
s mind as she took in what Leda had just said.
She knew!
Gemma began speaking as quickly and as quietly as she could.
Are you sure you told no one? Are you sure Father did not know? Do you know what happened and why his parents were taken?

I am sure yer father never knew. Had he, he would have put a stop to it at once, milady. And nay, I do not know much more than that. I just meant to watch over and protect ye
did not sleep much during that time, wondering when ye
sneak out again.

I am sorry to have worried you so, and I do appreciate
you did what you did. I wish Nicholas would know what you have just told me. Mayhap he would see our family meant him no harm
and I did indeed care for him once. He is so angry
and he won
t hear anything I say.

It be impossible to change yer past,
the cook shook her head.
Ye and yer husband
be need to be open and work
truth. Truth is often all we have. Oliver says the marriage must happen.
Twould be in yer best interest to make it a happy union.

If only I knew he and his family did not betray us. If only I knew. Then
twould be easier to start over again to learn about one another.

Mayhap time will reveal what ye both need ta know,
Leda said with a knowing nod.
Now, milady, would ye like to know more about the marriage bed? Ye may not be so scared if ye know what to expect.

Gemma agreed. She may as well hear what
become of her on her wedding night.

She was shaking by the time Leda was done talking and excused herself to go back to her kitchen duties. As much as
did not want to admit it, she partly enjoy
the kiss
she shared with
Nicholas, but after what she had just heard, she was certain she wanted no part of the physical aspects of being married to him, or any man for that matter.

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