Abducted: Alien Mate Index Book 1: (Alien Warrior BBW Science Fiction Paranormal Romance) (The Alien Mate Index) (22 page)

BOOK: Abducted: Alien Mate Index Book 1: (Alien Warrior BBW Science Fiction Paranormal Romance) (The Alien Mate Index)
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“I’m not sure.” I was blushing and biting my lip, feeling uncertain and scared and embarrassed all over again. “I mean it’s just…very intimate. You’re sure you don’t…don’t mind?

He frowned. “Why would I mind?”

“Because, well…some guys don’t want…I mean…what if you don’t like it?” I blurted out at last. My boyfriend in college never had much and Scott had never even asked if he could go there.

“How could I
like tasting you?” he murmured, reaching out to cup my flushed cheek. “Even if it’s just for the purpose of healing you, it’s a privilege. Your scent is intoxicating and your pussy is so beautiful and delicate—it reminds me of a

“A what kind of flower? No—never mind.” I took a deep breath and made a decision. “You can do it,” I told him. “But only…only on the outside. Okay?”

Sarden frowned. “But your inner pussy is in pain as well. I saw how red you were, Zoe.”

“I don’t care about that,” I said stubbornly. “I’ll manage. Just…just lick the outside—that’s all.”

He shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling.

“If that’s how you want it but I’m afraid you’re going to have a lot of pain and discomfort later.”

“Let me worry about that,” I said. “Do you want to do it or not?”

His gold eyes flashed. “More than anything. All right—spread your thighs and let me heal at least the outside of your sex”

Heart hammering, I did as he said, forcing myself to spread my thighs as he knelt in front of me again. Sarden leaned forward slowly, taking his time, making me even more nervous, the big red bastard!

“So beautiful,” I heard him murmur and then his long, hot tongue was lapping slowly over my swollen folds, making me moan and gasp and squirm in the silver beanbag chair even though I tried really,
hard not to.

“Sarden…” I gasped breathlessly.

“Hold still.” He frowned up at me. “You moved too much—I have to do it again to be sure I got everything.”

He spread my thighs even wider, putting his big hands on my legs and opening me so wide I could feel my pussy lips parting with the gesture. Again my hands clenched into fists in the silver material. Oh God, I couldn’t stand this…

But I had to. Once more he dragged his hot tongue over my swollen pussy. But this time there was a difference. The first time, he’d used the flat of his tongue and I’d felt it stroke over me smoothly. This time I felt it enter me. Not a lot, but enough. I felt just the tip of his tongue slide lightly over my throbbing clit and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from moaning. God, it felt so

At last he finished and looked up at me.

“You’re delicious, Zoe.” His deep voice was thick and his eyes were heavy-lidded with lust. “I’d love to heal inside you now—would love to lick your sweet pussy until you’re all better.”

“I…I don’t’ know what you mean by ‘all better,’” I whispered in a breathless voice.

“Oh, I think you do.” His eyes gleamed. “I mean I want to taste you until you come. Until you come all over my face.”

“I…you…we shouldn’t,” I protested weakly.

“Why not? If it makes you feel good. Besides…” His voice took on a lecturing tone. “Having an orgasm would help facilitate the healing process.”

“It…it would?”

Slowly, he nodded.

I knew it was an excuse to let him continue but hell, at this point I
an excuse.

“Okay, well I guess so,” I whispered. “If you think it will help…help to heal me.”

“I know it will,” he growled. “So just lie back and let me work on you. Let me

“I…I’ll try,” I said in a shaky voice, but he was already at work. Leaning forward again, he parted me with his thumbs and began circling the swollen bud of my clit with his tongue. I moaned and bucked up against him, unable to help my reaction. Damn, he was good at this! So good I could hear myself panting, unable to catch my breath as he licked and licked, tracing and stroking my hot little bud as though he’d been born to do it.

This was nothing like my boyfriend in college, nothing like anything I’d ever experienced before. The hot cinnamon of his mouth felt tingly against my inner folds and seemed to intensify every sensation until I was almost begging for release.

“Sarden!” I gasped, arching my back as he lapped me eagerly, like an ice cream he didn’t want to melt. “Oh,

He paused for a moment, his thumb taking the place of his tongue as he looked up. His mouth was shiny with my juices and his eyes were filled with a flickering, golden lust. “That’s right, sweetheart, give it up,” he growled. “Gonna make you come. Gonna make you come so

“Sarden—” I wailed as he started to duck back down between my legs. I could feel my orgasm beginning—my insides tensed in a knot that was destined to explode as the broad pad of his thumb slid over my tender bud again and again and again.

He was right, I was going to come. Going to come harder than I ever had in my life while he tasted me with his long, talented tongue…

Just then, Al buzzed into the room, still in his firefly form.

“Master!” he said in his proper voice. “Forgive me for interrupting you and Lady Zoe while you are…” He paused delicately. “Well, I am not certain
you are doing. But—”

“Go away, Al,” Sarden growled, glaring at him. “
Go away.”

But it was too late—the mood was lost and so was my orgasm.

Feeling ashamed of myself, I clamped my thighs shut and sat up straight.

“We weren’t doing anything Al,” I said, trying to make my voice sound normal.

“Yes, we were,” Sarden growled. He looked at me, his eyes still hungry. “Come on, Zoe—I was about to make you come.”

“Come where? Where were you going?” Al wanted to know.

“Nowhere, now,” I said and sighed. I looked at Sarden and shook my head. “Sorry. I just…can’t. But, um, thank you for, uh, healing me.”

“Fine.” He sighed and sat back, looking at Al. “What do you want? Spit it out.”

“Forgive me, Master, it’s just that Count Doloroso is here to pick up the collection of Assimilation medical artifacts. I have asked him to wait outside the ship but I cannot keep him waiting forever.”

“Frozen Hells—I completely forgot he was coming.” Sarden jumped up, leaving me feeling exposed. Immediately I started refastening the shirt I was wearing.

“Bring him around to the back entrance to the hold. I’ll meet him there,” he said.

So there
an exit from the ship in the hold! I bet myself I would have found it if I hadn’t been grabbed by the damn rapey tentacles. I wanted to go see exactly where this Doloroso guy came in at so I could get out if I wanted to. But I was steering well clear of that awful tank.

I hopped up but Sarden pointed a finger at me.

“You stay here.”

“What? Why?” I demanded.

“Because every damn time you leave this room you get into some kind of trouble or other,” he growled. “I mean it, Zoe—
stay here.”

“Fine,” I said. “I’ll go finish drying my hair in the mister if I can figure out the controls.”

“An excellent idea.” He gave me one last stern look and left with Al buzzing behind him.





Chapter Thirteen



I left Zoe in her room and went to make certain the Assimilation artifacts hadn’t been damaged by my hurried rush through the hold to get her out of the tank. I knew she was upset that I’d confined her to her room but it was for her own safety. She needed to stay far away from this area—especially now that the damn sensu-pods had gotten a taste of her. Who knew if they might want more?

They aren’t the only ones that got a taste of her,
whispered a little voice in my head.
What were you thinking, offering to heal her orally? What are you trying to do—form some kind of bond with her?

Right. As if I could bond her to me, even if I wanted to. It wasn’t possible and I knew it.

She was in pain,
I argued with the little voice.
What was I supposed to do—just let her suffer?

She’ll suffer even more if you let her form an emotional attachment to you, even if it isn’t a bond, and then you trade her to Tazaxx and never see her again,
the voice pointed out implacably.
And she won’t be the only one suffering.

Shut up!
I pushed the voice away as well as I could. It was true that only bonded mates usually healed each other orally and I never should have offered it to Zoe. But I was just trying to keep her healthy enough to trade, I told myself. After all, Tazaxx didn’t take damaged goods. So there was nothing else I could have done.

Soon enough I was in the hold and calling for lights. A few of the medical artifacts had been pushed aside to make a path to the tank but none of them looked that much worse for the wear. Even the tank itself wasn’t damaged although much of the yellowish slime inside it had slopped over the edge when I’d dragged Zoe out. The many-tentacled sensu-pods were sulking in one corner. I tapped the glass but they barely stirred. No doubt they were angry at being deprived of their meal.

“Master, Count Doloroso is asking for admittance to the ship,” Al told me.

“Let him in,” I said. “Then send a household droid to clean up this slime—it’s damn slippery.”

“At once,” Al said and buzzed off. No doubt responding to his order, a rectangular door opened in the far wall and one of the small, silver household droids which are usually kept dormant within the interior of the ship came whirring out. A pink mop attachment which looked a lot like a tongue shot out and began lapping up the slime from the floor. Good, at least now no one would slip in the mess.

The door at the far end of the hold slid open, revealing Doloroso’s angular form, framed in the bluish light from the spaceport.

“Sarden,” he said, waving at me. “So good to see you again. I’ve come to transfer the credit to your account and take possession of my new collection. I hope you don’t mind—I brought some moving droids to do the heavy lifting.”

“That’s fine.” I picked my way over to him through the medical equipment. “But don’t you want to examine everything first?”

“I’ll take a look, of course. But the chip-drill and sensitivity tank are the two items I’m most interested in.” He stepped inside, followed by several lumbering moving droids, each with a shell on their backs capable of lifting and holding items weighing up to three metric tons. He would need them—the hold really was crammed full of the Assimilation equipment.

“So…the tank?” He raised his eyebrows inquiringly. “Or would you like to show me the chip-drill first?”

“The chip drill is this way.” I wanted to give the household droid a little more time to clean up the slime. We made our way around the perimeter of the room with Doloroso commenting delightedly from time to time over the “priceless collection” and “wonderfully preserved artifacts.”

I was glad he liked what he saw—I wanted him to pay and get the hell out as soon as possible. My feeling from The Suck Hole had only grown stronger—though he was paying an exorbitant amount for the medical equipment and had been nothing but courteous, I didn’t like him. Not one damn bit.

“All right, now where did I put it?” I looked on the shelf where I’d last seen the chip-drill but it wasn’t there.

“Is there a problem?” Doloroso looked concerned.

“No. It’s here somewhere, I know it is. I must have misplaced the damn thing.”

Exasperated, I looked around—where in the Frozen Hells could the chip-drill be?

“Ah-ha!” Doloroso said from behind me. “Here we are—it must have fallen and rolled—the bottom part is round, you know.”

I turned to see the round blue bottom and twisting curved metal end of the drill at his feet. He was just bending over to pick it up when a familiar voice cried,


“Well, well and who have we here?” Doloroso murmured, picking up the chip-drill by its round, bulbous blue end anyway.

I turned to see Zoe standing in the doorway to the hold. She was wearing another one of my formal shirts with the sleeves rolled up and the black material made her pale, lovely face glow like a distant star. Her long curly hair was a wild mass of ruby red around her shoulders and her bare legs were both shapely and tempting.

All in all she looked fucking gorgeous. I felt a surge of possessiveness fill my chest—I didn’t want Doloroso seeing her like this. Or at all, for that matter. Zoe, however, seemed oblivious to the way he was looking at her.

“Really, get rid of that thing—you don’t want to touch it,” she said, gesturing to the chip-drill in Doloroso’s hand as she came forward. “It’s extremely dangerous. Look—see what it did to me?” She pointed to a long scratch across her cheekbone which I hadn’t noticed earlier. I would have to heal it for her later—if I didn’t kill her for disobeying orders first, that was.

“I see. So this is your blood, my dear?” Doloroso asked, examining the end of the drill.

“I’m lucky it wasn’t my eye,” she said. “Another inch to the side and it would have been. Just don’t get it too close to your face—it stabs out with no warning.”

“Zoe,” I growled, feeling another surge of possessiveness fill me. “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay in your room.”

“Well, I got
,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest which caused her creamy cleavage to become more prominent in the v-neck of the shirt. “So I was going to make something in the food-sim but just as I was passing by the hold—”

“The food prep area isn’t anywhere near the hold,” I pointed out.

I was passing by,” she went on, ignoring me pointedly. “I saw your, uh, friend here about to pick up that extremely dangerous stabby-stabby corkscrew thing. I was just trying to warn him—you don’t want him to lose an eye, do you?”

“I assure you, my dear, I am quite safe. I collect antiquities and oddities like this for a living.” Doloroso gave her a greasy smile I didn’t like a bit and set the chip-drill down on the shelf to hold out his hand. “Might I know your name and planet of origin? It isn’t every day I meet such an enchanting creature.”

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