AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories) (134 page)

BOOK: AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)
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Chapter 5

              The men looked at each other for a moment. Casey gazed into this person’s dark eyes in a sense of disbelief. He didn’t know this man, and yet he felt some sort of gravitation toward him, like he wanted to stay in the man’s embrace. This scared Casey, causing him to squirm again. The man, an alpha dragon, sighed before letting go of the omega.

              The dragon watched as the small man got up quickly. His eyes lingered over his body for a moment as his tongue flicked over his sharp teeth. His eyes seemed to blaze with delight.

              Casey, on the other hand, looked panicked as he searched for his jacket. Spotting it in the corner, he grabbed it without even glancing at the naked man lying on the ground. Tossing it on he made his way back to the mouth of the cave, hoping to leave this weird experience behind.

              As he reached the entrance, his hopes were crushed. Where the entrance of the cave should have been, there was now a wall of frozen snow. Casey looked at it as he ran his fingers through his red hair in desperation. He was trapped. He looked toward the back of the cave, knowing he couldn’t go back there. He quickly began to dig his way through the snow until his fingers grew numb.

              He shivered as his body grew cold. He sighed and kept trying for a while longer, his need to escape growing into an obsession. He was forced to stop, however, as he completely lost all feeling in his fingers. He got up and began rubbing them together, trying to bring them back to life.

              Wrapping his arms around his body, he tried to keep himself warm, but it was hopeless. If he wanted to keep warm he would need to venture back into the cave. Sighing, he followed the soft, glowing light coming from the back.

              As he walked back into the cave, he felt the warmth return to his body. He smiled ever-so-slightly.

              “Welcome back.” Casey froze in place as he heard an unknown voice ring through the cave. He looked around before spotting the man standing there. He was now dressed in tight-fitting jeans and a red shirt. His wings were gone. Casey looked at him in utter disbelief. He looked normal.

              “Wh…who are you?” Casey stammered, as he pressed his body against the wall. He took a step backward when the strange man took a step forward. He ran a hand through his hair nervously as the man grinned at him.

              “I’m Andries,” the man introduced himself. “And who are you?”

              “C…Casey…” He no longer knew if he was stammering from fright or from the cold. His eyes looked at the tall man before him, watching his every move. He shied away as the man stepped closer.

              “And what brings you to my humble nest, Casey?” the man asked plainly as he flipped his hair to the side, getting it out of his eyes.

              “Nest?” Casey asked in confusion. The man nodded, confusing Casey even further. “What do you mean ‘nest’? This is just some cave.”

              The man smirked as he looked at the quivering human. “That’s where you are wrong. This is my cave. I have hibernated here for centuries. It is guarded with very powerful magic. This magic keeps away any enemies who might stumble upon it. The only people who can enter are dragons, like me.” His voice was calm and steady as he explained this impossible feat.

              “You…you’re lying! Dragons don’t exist!” Casey yelled, trying to defend his sanity.

              “Is that so?” Andries had a mischievous look on his face as he looked at Casey. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as his wings slowly began to emerge from his back and his body started to turn once more into that of a dragon. Casey stepped back, shying away from the large beast.

              Andries, now a dragon, moved forward, his tail swaying back and forth as he stared Casey down. His eyes were a blazing red. Tilting his head back, he released a thunderous roar that shook the entire cave. Casey covered his ears, pressing himself against a wall, naively hoping to blend into it and go unnoticed by the dragon.

              After a moment, Andries slowly turned back into his human form and looked at Casey. “So then, care to explain that?” He raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer. Casey shook his head, trembling as he looked at Andries. What was going on? This had to be some sort of a nightmare. “Well,if you want to keep cowering in fear, so be it.” The dragon turned on his heels, moving back into the cave.

              Casey watched him disappear beyond the bend. He stood there for a moment, a million questions buzzing around in his mind. What was he to do? He couldn’t leave through the entrance blocked by compacted snow. With a sigh of despair, he tried to get a grip on his emotions and fears before following Andries, prepared to ask him everything that was on his mind.

              “Are you really a dragon?”


              “Why are you here?”


              “Why do you protect your cave with…magic?”


              “Can you fly?”


              Casey continued to assault him with an everlasting barrage of questions. The dragon quickly answered all of them with an air of indifference. He seemed to be slightly annoyed with Casey, but nonetheless he answered all of his questions with honesty. With his curiosity quenched, Casey had one final question to ask.

              “How do I get out of here?”

              “Well, I can take you to my other nest. It is much nicer than this one,” the dragon answered, looking at him with a mysterious emotion playing in his dark eyes. Casey bit his lip, looking at the man for a moment.

              “What…exactly do you mean by…‘nest’?” Casey questioned as he felt his skin prick with nervousness.

              “It’s where a dragon lives.” Casey thought about this for a moment. “My other nest is much warmer than this one,” he added, as if this specific detail was very important.


              “Hmm?” The dragon raised an eyebrow.

              “How can we get to your other nest?” The dragon nodded before reaching inside of his shirt. He pulled out a necklace. It was composed of a heavy-looking gold chain, and there were two golden rings hanging from it. One of the rings was decorated with rubies and the other with aquamarines. Casey stared at the rings for a moment, impressed by their obvious value.

              “These allow me to travel between my two nests,” he explained, looking at Casey, who seemed a little bewildered. “So, would you like to see my other nest then?” Casey thought about this for a moment. His mind returned to the entrance packed with snow. At this point, he had nothing to lose.

              Still, he hesitated a bit before nodding. Andries grinned wildly before reaching out a hand, waiting for Casey to grab it. Casey hesitated once more before placing his hand in Andries’. The dragon gripped it tightly and Casey closed his eyes.

              In a moment, he felt a soft, salty breeze caress his skin. He opened his eyes to find himself standing on a balcony looking over a beautiful ocean. His eyes widened in surprise as he looked around before noticing the man standing a few feet away from him. “Thoughts?”

              “Where are we?” Casey asked as he walked forward and leaned against the railing, nearly falling over. He was mesmerized by the view, much like when he stepped onto the balcony back in the ski lodge. The dragon quickly grabbed him and pulled him back.

              “Careful,” he growled. Casey blushed in embarrassment. He nodded. “We are in my primary nest, in a part of the world completely unknown to humans, but we are somewhat close to Hawaii.” Casey looked at the dragon in disbelief.

              Finally, he managed to snap out of his trance. With glowing eyes, he looked around the extravagant home. It resembled the inside of a castle, but it still felt quite cozy. As he walked inside, the heat started to build around him, making him feel uncomfortable. Without a second thought, he started to peel off his clothing until he was in nothing more than boxers. The dragon looked on in delight from a nearby sofa.

Chapter 6

              After Casey’s first day in the nest, he didn’t want to leave. The heat wasn’t something he was used to, but at the same time, he couldn’t think about leaving. The nest was incredibly cozy and the ocean was amazing. He felt like he was in some sort of tropical paradise.

              And as time went on, spending time with Andries became less awkward. Casey was no longer as threatened by the dragon. In fact, he was actually starting to feel quite at ease with him. Casey was becoming very comfortable here. He rarely thought about his old home.

              One night, however, Casey went to sleep in the guest bedroom. This room was decorated in lush, red velvets and golds. It was a beautiful room and he loved sleeping there, especially as the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore outside lulled him to sleep. But tonight was different.

              As he drifted off, he fell into a fitful slumber that brought back unwanted memories. He remembered his childhood. He had lost his family in a blazing fire, and these flames threatened to burn him now as he whimpered in his sleep, suffering through his nightmare. He tried to save his family, but he was paralyzed. He couldn’t move and was forced to watch as he heard his family’s screams resound through his skull, overwhelming him with a guilt he couldn’t quite bear.

              As he watched his little sister, a sweet girl of five, perish in the flames, he woke up with a gasp, breathing hard. A strong hand gently pressed against his bare chest, pushing him back onto the bed. “Shh. It’s alright,” a husky voice whispered in his ear before strong arms wrapped around him, pulling him close.

              Casey resigned himself to the embrace, laying his head down on Andries’ chest. The dragon looked at him, a hint of compassion in his dark eyes. Casey looked back, his breath catching in his throat. It was the first time he had ever really admired the dragon close up since the first time they had met.

              As the dragon held him, he could see the black specs in his eyes, his fair skin, and his kissable jawline. Casey bit his lip as he looked up at the man, who held him like a lover.

              “Um…Andries?” Casey whispered softly, looking up with red cheeks, obviously embarrassed.

              “Hmm?” The dragon raised an eyebrow.

              “Um…well…are you by any chance…attracted to men?” Casey’s cheeks turned a bright shade of red, matching his hair. The dragon chuckled and leaned down, kissing Casey on the lips in answer.

              Casey’s eyes grew in surprise as he felt the dragon’s hot lips press against his. Soon enough, however, they closed as he felt a warmth running through his body. He wrapped his arms around the dragon, slowly letting his suppressed feelings come to the surface.

              He felt himself melt against the dragon’s eager lips as he returned the kiss. The dragon grinned slightly as he felt the omega reacting to his affection. Still holding on to Casey, he flipped them over so he was lying on top of him. He grinned down at Casey and whispered gruffly, “I’ve wanted you for a while, little omega.”

              Casey blushed deeply, not quite understanding what he meant by “omega,” but understanding everything else just fine. As his eyes moved over the dragon’s body, he felt a stirring in his pants he couldn’t deny. He groaned slightly as he felt the dragon’s hand rub him through his boxers.

              Casey couldn’t hold back anymore. He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around the dragon’s neck, bringing him down, pressing their bodies together as he pressed their lips together, kissing him hard and passionately.

              The dragon groaned into the kiss as he used his sharp nails to slice through the thin material of Casey’s boxers. Casey shivered, feeling a slight breeze roll into the room and tease him gently. He looked up at the dragon with pleading eyes. The dragon smiled knowingly before flipping him onto all fours.

              Casey bit his lip, waiting for the dragon’s next move. Soon enough he felt something cold press against his eager hole. He closed his eyes and steadied his breath as he felt one of Andries’ fingers slither into his opening. A soft moan emerged from his lips as he arched his back and clutched at the sheets. The dragon hooked his finger slightly, driving the omega into a state of bliss.

              The dragon continued to play with the omega’s hole, slowly preparing it. Eventually, he had two fingers sliding around, slowly, teasing him until Casey was begging for it. Andries moved over to Casey’s head, showing off his well-endowed member. Casey’s eyes grew in surprise when he saw it, biting his lip in anticipation. He shivered as he watched the dragon disappear behind him, knowing what was to come.

              Placing his hands on Casey’s hips, Andries plunged himself inside. Casey howled in pleasure as his back arched, taking in every inch. He closed his eyes as Andries closed his, enjoying the feeling of Casey’s tightness around him.

              After a moment the dragon’s fingers dug into Casey’s hips, pulling him even closer until he was balls deep. He reached around and fondled Casey’s eager dick, gently teasing the tip, rolling it around between his fingers. Casey grunted as he bucked his hips slightly, wanting more, before grinding himself against the dragon.

              Andries quickly started to pound into him. His dick rammed in and out of Casey, making his whole body rock back and forth. Casey clutched the sheets. Andries continued to pump in and out of him until he felt Casey’s hole tighten around him even more. He reached forward, taking Casey’s balls into his hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. Casey was suddenly taken over the edge, shooting his load onto the bed.

              Andries grunted, about to pull out when Casey whimpered, tightening even more. “No…don’t…” He looked back, pleading with the dragon, his pale blue eyes looking up with earnest lust. The dragon howled before climaxing inside of him.

              He then collapsed onto the bed, still inside of Casey. Breathing hard, he pulled Casey into a possessive embrace before closing his eyes. Casey smiled before nuzzling into the dragon, falling into a blissful slumber.

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