After Work Excess (17 page)

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Authors: Samantha Davies

BOOK: After Work Excess
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So I there I was, at 18 years old, single and halfway through my final year of my A Levels, and starting, for the first time, to fail some of my mock exams. I seemed to have
lost my track
, having lost my
love life
, and more importantly my
sex life. As for career aspirations, all I really felt that I needed at the time was money, but I knew that I’d need a decent set of qualifications to get a proper job. After cascading down the college rankings from being
a top of the class girl
, to just an
, I was resigned to the fact that now I was never going to get the grades needed to go to University. But at least with a couple of half decent A Levels under my belt,  I might get a decent full time job in my home town of Weston.

For now though, during my free time, away from class, I was working in one of the amusement arcades at weekends 12noon – 8pm, for a little extra cash. It was a long old shift, and I worked it every Saturday and Sunday and it was boring as hell. My only highlight was when one of the machines got blocked, someone asked for some change or occasionally needed to select a prize from behind the counter. There were always two of us on duty, a manager, and me –
a lackey
. Strangely everyone else seemed to be considered as a manager
except for me
, but as the youngest member of staff I just had to put up with being everybody else's
general dogs body
. Two of the managers were older women in their forties or at least they seemed old to me at the time, being a fairly shy looking 18 year old. The other person on duty at weekends was a guy called Warren, he took a shine to me when we worked together and I used to frequently
cover for him
while he used to disappear, sometimes for up to an hour to meet his girlfriend, who worked nearby. I can still remember her clearly, she was a proper ‘Weston-Chav’, with peroxide blonde hair, dark roots and an incredibly mean face – she really was the epitome of
. She used to frequently come in and sometimes hang round for hours, and used to stare at me as if I was the devil incarnate! Warren on the other hand was nice, he was funny and supportive, although I'd have to say that he was also quite a
person, but not in a
perverted way
, he was just nice like that.

After work one Saturday at a little after 8pm he asked if I fancied a McDonald’s after our shift, as he had found some money that had been dropped on the floor, and the cash box had already been locked away. It was a kind gesture, and so I said ‘why not’. We continued to power down the machines, before running through our locking up procedure, and then walked over the road and towards the local McDonald’s. I then sensed that he was actually veering off coarse, and walking towards the car-park. I was beginning to feel slightly concerned, as I was acutely aware that he had tried to offer me a lift home in his
boy racer car
, a couple of times before but I had always sensibly decided not to accept his offer of a lift. He was nice,
but not that nice
– and furthermore I knew that my Father would be furious if he saw me being dropped off at my family home in a car like that, with it's overly-loud exhaust and booming sound system.

I felt awkward though, as this time I felt like it would’ve been impolite if I then said ‘
’ to getting into his car, as on this occasion he had kindly offered to buy me a burger meal. He soon set my worries at ease though when we arrived at his car by saying “I hope you don't mind, but we'll go to the
on the edge of town instead, if that's okay?”

Why's that then?” I innocently asked as I smiled across at him and carefully fastened my seatbelt.

Well you know, I know you're just a
, but I think
my misses
would get kind of funny if she were to see us two sat together in the main restaurant in town.”

Okay...” I replied, agreeing that the last thing that I wanted to do – for my own health, was to give off the false impression that there was anything at all between Warren and I.

He ignited the engine, and cranked up the stereo, which blasted out his home compilation of full on
rave music
, and at just 18 I strangely loved it as we sped through the dark streets, over to a suburb on the edge of town called Worle where there was a
at the back-end of town.

I was absolutely starving as I scoffed down my food as we chatted in his car in the car-park and had a general laugh together. He then shocked me asking why I didn’t have a boyfriend, and I felt stumped. I explained that I did have a boyfriend, for a year, but that he had no gone off to University, so we had split up. He then complimented me, by saying that it was such a waste that a girl like me was single, saying I had lovely blonde hair and bright blue eyes, which although was kind of him, it just made me feel awkward and quite embarrassed.

He then asked me where I’d like to go next and I said “Home, please – as my Dad will be wondering where I am.” and laughed innocently.

But then he really shocked me as he quite unexpectedly leant over and kissed me. All I can remember was tasting the all too familiar flavour of a
Big Mac
on his tongue as it darted into my mouth, also leaving me with a smell of stale cigarettes, nice! I was totally stunned, and surprised, mainly because this
older guy
was giving me some attention. I guessed that he was in his late twenties, with spiky dark hair and a slightly chubby face, but the kiss felt strangely nice though, as I hadn’t been kissed that way, not since I'd been with my first proper boyfriend from college. He kissed differently to the couple of guys that I'd kissed since becoming single too, guys from college – of my own age, as he was full of manly confidence compared to the chancers that I'd met at the local college discos…

Sensing that I wasn’t entirely against the idea of kissing him, Warren then moved his hand across to me and dared to feel for my rather small breasts through my black work shirt, which only made me wish I’d worn a more substantial bra. Then, after a few more minutes of feeling for the shape of my chest through my shirt as he kissed me, he really shocked me by reaching for my hand, and moving it across, placing it assertively on the hardness that had obviously been growing within his tracksuit bottoms!

This made me feel really shocked but didn’t pull my hand away, I don’t know why I didn’t looking back, however, I refused to grope him, I just rested my hand there, but to the side of where he had initially placed it, determined not to let this cheeky
kissing session
actually spiral into something far more sexual than it already was.

He eventually gave my mouth some rest, as he pulled back and stopped kissing me, but then asked if I wanted to drive and park up somewhere more private? I knew exactly where this was leading now, and started to worry that I'd been giving him all of the wrong signals as I said “No, I'm sorry, but I really need to get home now…”

He smirked, lighting up a cigarette, and winding his drivers side window down slightly, before saying “Look, if you agree to come and
have some fun with me
I’ll give you £40?”

What do you mean by having some fun with you?” I shrieked.

Don't worry, it's nothing serious, just to hang out and do what we've been doing, and I'm sure that they money will come in useful won't it?”

I'm really not sure...”

Oh come on,
live a little
– just for half an hour and then I'll drop you back home?”

Now I know that I should have said
straight away, but £40 was what I earned in a whole weekend in the arcade, so I nervously responded with “Okay, but again - what
of fun exactly?”

As I said, just a bit of a kissing and teasing, as you really are beautiful…” he again suggested.

I thought about it all for a moment and then finally blurted out “Look Warren, I’m not having sex with you, as
I'm just not that kind of girl

He pulled back and laughed out loud, inhaled deeply and replied with “Me, have sex with
? Christ mate, you’re only 18, why would ‘
’ want to have

I felt more than slightly crushed by his comment, but on the plus side, I also felt slightly more assured that his intentions were better than I had first envisaged, and that he just wanted to
mess about
for a bit, as I said “Okay then, just for a bit...”

Cool! Let’s go and find somewhere to park up then…” he said, as he started the engine and we pulled away in the car, speeding down the dual carriageway, and back into Weston town centre.

After a quick stop off at the cash machine in town, we drove down to the far end of the deserted beach car park, at the far end of beach. Once parked up, he wasted absolutely no time in unzipped his flies and asking me to wank him.

“You're seriously having a laugh aren't you?” I barked, as I looked down at his throbbing member with my steely blue eyes.

No... Not at all...”

I thought we were going to kiss?”

Well we can kiss, while you stroke me, come on, you'll have me
in minutes, then I can take you home..?”

I couldn't help but to giggle at his cheekiness, as he motioned for me to come closer to kiss him. I did so, leaning across to connect my lips with his, but still refusing to touch him
down there

Just put your hand down there...” he breathed, as he tongue danced with mine.


You don't even have to look at it, just grab it...”

No, it's okay.”

I'm guessing that you never actually got near the cock of this
so called
ex-boyfriend then?” he asked as he pulled his face back from mine dismissively.

Yeah, of course I did..!” I protested adamantly.

And you wanked him off?”

Yes many times,
I sucked him,
I had sex with him, dozens of times!” I argued, feeling slurred that he was making me out to be a girl with little or no experience of sex whatsoever.

Well just hold it then,” he asked, as he gently pulled my hand closer and placed it around him, to grab his bare member, before he began to kiss me again, adding “see, it feels nice doesn't it?”

It does feel kind of hard...” I sheepishly responded, as I allowed my hand to briefly remain wrapped around his erect penis. After-all, as I had stated, I had done this to my first boyfriend Steve so many times, in his last year of college, and we’d dated for a year – with him finally taking
my virginity
. It was a proper romance though, as we'd dated for so long first. Having already lost my virginity to Steve, despite what Warren had just said - I actually felt quite grown up, as I began to stroke him whilst kissing him, to show him that I wasn't the inexperienced young girl that he thought I was! Furthermore, despite my initial reservations, this wasn’t just
some boy
from college, this was
a proper man
– and that actually made me strangely feel like I was finally coming of age.

After a few more minutes of gently stroking Warren's cock, he broke his lips away from mine, yet again away and said “Will you take it in your mouth?”

“I don’t think so, no..!” I nervously answered as I finally looked down at his expectant and fully erect member.

Undeterred, he asked “You’ve never given a
blow job
before, I’m guessing, is that right Sammy?”

I have actually!” I barked, gripping him for effect.

It's no problem if you haven't, in-fact I can teach you the technique if you like?”

I paused and looked at him, not being able to take in the audacity of the man before me.

Finally I replied with “I have actually, as I said - with my ex-boyfriend…”

Warren laughed dismissively, “Well, I don’t think you have..!”

“I have actually, many times!”

Warren then said “Well even if you have given some college boy a
blow job
, what you think is a
blow job
is actually a totally different affair from giving
a man
blow job
, so let me show you…”

Look, I know what I’m doing!” I barked aggressively, falling into his trap

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