Alien Romance: The Barbarian's Owned: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Mates Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: The Barbarian's Owned: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Mates Book 1)
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She didn’t melt his pants off him, as she could, but rather opened them so that she could see the faint trail of primal hair bunched at the root of his erection. An inch at a time, she lowered his pants until the shaft sprang free.

Settling onto his knees, Rae took a moment to appreciate how gorgeous he was lying beneath her, stretched taut and with his shaft totally on end. She could see the full markings of his body on display, and liked how they cut down his abdomen, traced over the ridges of his hips, spread down his thighs and also over his phallus, including that ring beneath the head.

Knowing those markings were likely packed with extra nerves, Rae lowered herself over him and let him feel her warm breath on his waiting erection. Her heart pounded in nervous anticipation, knowing he’d never had this done to him before. That made it all at once more taboo and exciting.

Smoothing her hands onto his shaft, she loved how his expression changed—frozen at first by anxiety, concentrated on the impropriety.

But as she stroked him and dragged the soft pad of her thumb up the markings on the underside of his shaft, his hips shot in the air. His body strained deliciously against those meager bonds, and his eyes shut through the contortions of pleasure she put him through.

“You like my hand?” she teased, leaning down, waiting for him to look at her.

” he groaned, glancing at her—eyes ringed in shock when he saw how close her mouth was to him.

“Then you’ll really like this.” Holding him under her gaze, she opened her mouth and took him inside, a quiver working up her spine at the expression of tortured ecstasy that overtook him.

At the touch of her tongue to the dark ring held inside her mouth, his body arched and his groan filled the air.


Was this bliss or torment? His taliyar’s impossibly cruel mouth, which had needled his pride with so many sharp darts, was now leveling him in a different way.

He arched and strained against his bonds, wanting to snap them, seize her hair, and thrust. Indeed, she was right—it was a strange pleasure to allow his mate to pleasure him.

He knew it was a test of sorts. His mate was no Ythirian. He shouldn’t have given into her, but then again, Kaython seemed to approve of everything this alien did—and therefore, it was a blasphemy only to his own thickheaded mind, and not to his domé.

“I am on fire,” he pleaded as she suckled and teased. Her hand now worked in tandem with her mouth and his toes curled with the urgency of being inside her.

What would he do if she took this to its conclusion? If she brought him off without ever letting him take her? “Please. I need you. Let me have you.”

She shook her head, eyes twinkling with merriment, not bothering to stop her wicked ministrations. He was harder than he’d ever been, the urge to fill her body with every firm inch so great that only an expenditure of his willpower stopped it from happening.

In spite of that, she
at him through the act, the lewdness of her expressions as she bobbed and teased him only making it somehow better.

When she dipped farther than before, engulfing more of his shaft in an abrupt motion, he nearly lost it. His back arched, the bonds on his wrists finally gave with a loud snap, and he reached for her.

But those small hands met his huge ones, fingers interlacing with his, and she thrust them to either side. She didn’t use strength, but just a harsh “don’t you
” look that overcame him.

When he settled his hands by his hips and bunched them into the otoya sheets, her eyes grinned at him—her eyes, because her mouth never ceased tormenting him.

“You are a devil,” he groaned.

She came wetly off him, licked him once in a way that weakened his knees, and said, “Then now that I’ve tamed you, Prime Garr, why don’t you tame me?”

Her invitation was unmistakable.


The plan had been to finish him, but he’d been so good and so responsive that Rae was losing control too. She couldn’t stand not having him inside her a moment longer, and the fact he’d allowed her to do that incredibly taboo act told her that this alien did, in fact, want Dr. Rae Ashburn.

Not just the taliyar he imagined her to be, but the woman—with all her hang-ups and headstrong ways.

Which was good, because he came at her like a wild animal, and Rae had no inclination to stop him. Even as he rolled up, he pushed Rae back into the mattress with a slight bounce, seizing the crooks of her knees now that he was overtop her, and dragged her close.

All that power was above her now, giving her no quarter—a relentless creature who she’d wound tighter than a spring, and who was going to take her hard now.

Rae loved it.

His otoya melted from him and he thrust into her in one sudden motion, filling her molten center with every hard inch of him. The long, delicious stroke elicited a moan that never made it into the air—because he bent over her, planted the great column of his arm beside her head, and seized her mouth with his own.

She moaned into the kiss instead, and he rocked his hips just once into her, as though to remind her who was in charge.

You’re in charge now, and I think I like it.
Curling her fingers into the sheets, Rae felt the way his thrusts angled into her, the stimulation of his shaft spearing her and his pubic bone giving her clitoris the most delightful friction.

Both so thoroughly scratched her itch, that she could do little but tilt her hips and offer herself to him.

The oral sex had lit him on fire like never before, because his panting rhythm was quick and strong, each of his wanton thrusts accompanied by animal growls. He was like a beast atop her, and made her feel like one too.

She clutched the forearm he’d planted by her head with one hand and turned her head to one side, sinking her teeth into the skin of his wrist.

All she could do was hold on while he drove relentlessly into her and rapidly approached his orgasm.

“Stay,” he ordered. “Stay forever.”

It electrified her. She knew what she had to do. Looking into his eyes, she gave an order of her own: “Stop.”

He’d been near release, and she could see his face fall. Could see the way he fought for control of himself, pushing the animal back into its cage until all that was left in his eyes was concern.

He drew back, and out of her, and Rae despised the near-painful emptiness she felt in his absence, wanting nothing more than for him to fill her again.

But instead of stopping, she blushed at the realization of what she wanted to do. Sitting up, she turned onto her knees, heart pounding in her chest.

The act of turning her back to him and dropping her elbows to the mattress made her feel at once self-conscious and aroused.

It was a supremely submissive posture, her shoulders down and her back end up in the air, and it gave nearly all the control to him.

But Garr had given himself to her, and she wanted to do the same—not as a favor, but because surrendering to him felt right.

Smoothing her hair to one side, she glanced over her shoulder to see him.

He was on his knees behind her, panting, eyes fixed on her with a strange mixture of awe and total want.

“I made you mine,” Rae whispered. “Now make me yours.”

He ran his hands reverently over her body, touching her from her hips and backside, all the way down her spine, rolling his thumbs possessively across her shoulder blades in a way that made her feel both owned and aroused.

He groaned, seeming to savor the angle of her body beneath him, and his hard shaft was brushing rhythmically against her folds, teasing her in ways that made her reach between her thighs, capture his cock in her fingertips, and pull it flush to her sensitive nub. Shutting her eyes, she gyrated against it, savoring the silky feel of him.

“Even when you present like my taliyar,” he breathed, “you are bold.”

“You like it when I’m bold.” She stroked her fingertips on his shaft, intent on pleasuring him in return.

He whispered an elaborate curse that Kaython couldn’t translate.  Then his otoya transformed and she felt its liquid wrap her up as it had on the kitchen island and when he’d taken her climbing—the fabric formed a harness of sorts that ensnared her waist and inner thighs, and which also bound her wrists together.

It looped around her chest, seeming to cup and hold her breasts. All the fabric was even silkier than usual.

Not just silky, she realized. When she moved against it, the fabric responded—the cloth at her chest produced a rhythmic contraction that brushed her stiffened nipples.

Another contraction rippled through the fabric and teased the spot where it nestled against her clitoris. The otoya’s movement sent a bolt of pleasure up her spine, but all she could do in her bonds was arch.

“Oh God, what are you doing?”

“Tormenting you as you did me,” he answered.

He’d taken control of her using the otoya, and when the fabric licked at her sensitive body a second time, she arched deeper. In the midst of that arch, the thick head of his cock pressed into her, not quite filling her yet.

“Say it again,” he ordered, teasing her entrance and forcing her to grind back into him and into the rippling fabric that already had her close to orgasm.

“I’m yours,” she whimpered in a voice so wanton it shocked even her.

He thrust and the gentle clap of her backside into the natural cup between his hips felt so sublimely perfect that she shook all over, their bodies meeting as though sculpted for one another.

The otoya’s rippling teases heightened it, as she was filled totally while being licked and stroked all over. “Say it again,” he groaned, voice now more a plea than an order.

“I belong to you.” She pushed into him, urging him on, looking over her shoulder and spotting him from the corner of her eye. “I’m yours, my prime.”

He tensed, head rocked back, and hips driven forward. The second clap of his hips into her backside was followed by a third, a fourth, his thrusts hitting a swift, regular rhythm. Each stroke sent Rae higher and dragged moans and pleas for more from deep inside her.

She clutched the covers between her bound hands. The otoya’s rhythmic contractions brought her wildly over the brink, and she lost control: “Don’t stop. Claim me. Make me yours!”

The sound he made—the sensation of his pulsing erection filling her with his seed—sent her over the edge. They howled their mutual release together and the waves of pleasure swept in, crashing over her body and blinding her.

His orgasm seemed to last nearly as long as hers, every shudder and pulse from their bodies shared sympathetically with the other.

They collapsed together on their sides and he dragged her into his chest, otoya melting away so that they could lie naked together. He held her in powerful arms, heavy breath spilling over her back.

“You belong to me, my mate,” he whispered from a voice rugged and spent. “And I belong to you.”

Hearing the words sent a thrill through Rae, one that started in her heart and worked outward until it warmed every part of her. Whatever else they might face, she knew Garr had accepted it—that he loved her in the human way.



The End



Chapter One


The lights of the stage were blinding, dazzling Erena's already hazy eyes. Whatever drug her captors had forced on her had left her so helpless she could barely move, her skin burning, her body aching, her vision blurry.

Every sensation was overwhelming, from the clink of the silver chains around her wrists, to the grain of the cage floor beneath her bare skin, to the murmur of voices as creatures too strange to be real moved past her prison, only pausing briefly to stare at her before moving on.

She tried to hide her nakedness; ashamed of what she had come to, but moving was a desperate struggle against the drug, which made her limbs so heavy. And anyway, nothing mattered anymore. Her entire team was dead except for Alice, and Erena had no way of knowing where the other woman had been taken.

She could be in one of these cages too, or a thousand lightyears away. And as for Erena herself, she didn't know what was going to happen to her, but she couldn't imagine it was going to be anything pleasant.

She was naked and drugged and surrounded on all sides by strange, totally alien beings. Some of them looked almost human, but many of them were so far from humanoid she could barely comprehend them.

And the way they stared at her, openly hungry, eyeing her body like meat in a butcher's shop… Maybe that's what this was, she thought with trembling, hopeless fear. Or some kind of zoo. Whatever it was, she was certain it was the last place she would see. This was the end of her.

Just as she was giving up totally, the cage opened and something reached in, clipping a leash to the collar around her throat and dragging her out onto the stage.

"Our next item for bid," the thing holding her leash was shouting as it pulled her on her knees to the front of the stage, "A true rarity! A female from a totally undiscovered species, stolen from the furthest depths of uncharted space! Even if you aren't seduced by her alien beauty, she'd certainly be a fascinating research subject! She's already been outfitted with a full set of vaccinations and a language chip for your convenience! So who wants to start the bidding at ten million?"

The auctioneer rattled on, praising Erena's attributes as she sat on her knees, naked and trembling and confused. She could barely see the audience past the stage lights, but she could hear them crying out bids.

Fear bloomed in her despite the numbing effects of the drug. She was being sold, like an object. This wasn't right! She searched the crowd as tears stung her eyes, looking for someone, anyone, who would point out how wrong this was and save her.

Her eyes locked with a man across the room. At least, she thought it was a man, through the blinding stage lights everything looked strange. But she saw his eyes, piercing even from this far away. They locked with hers, clear even through the haze of the drug, and she trembled at the sharpness of that gaze.

Help me
, she thought, wishing she had the strength to form the words,
Please, save me!



Erena had dreamed of this moment all her life. She'd always longed to be a scientist. She'd grown up completely fascinated by all of it. Chemistry, biology, physics, nothing was beyond her. It felt like magic to her, learning all the building blocks of the universe, the secret undercurrents and reactions that caused every single thing on earth.

Eventually, she took a specialty in astro physics. Not because it was her favorite or because she wanted to stop studying everything else. She went on studying all the other subjects in her free time. But astro physics was what would allow her to go into space, and in this day and age all the most exciting discoveries were happening in space.

It had been many years since mankind had moved beyond earth and begun colonizing other planets in their star system. Only now were manned missions moving beyond the Sol system and out into deep space in search of new fantastic discoveries. Erena, thanks to her tireless hard work, was going to be part of the first manned exploratory mission into deep space.

She'd never been so proud. She was already going to be in the history books just for going, but Erena's excitement was entirely in thinking about the incredible things she would discover out there.

She was the ship's chief science officer. The captain was a tiny, red headed woman named Alice Harper, calm and clear headed with natural leadership instincts and a talent for getting along with anyone.

There was also Sergei, a swarthy Russian man and the security officer, and Paolo, the handsome bronze skinned Brazilian chief engineer, and Fin, a chipper and yet surprisingly serious dark haired French man, in Medical.

They were a small team, meant to work closely together, with everyone helping out with everything, deferring to each other's expertise in case of decisions.

Erena had been training with the four of them for years preparing for this and they knew each other better than anyone. Erena practically considered them her siblings. She'd even dated Paolo for a while, though it hadn't worked out and they'd broken it off amicably.

The day of departure, they waved to the cheering crowds seeing them off. Erena leaned over the high platform that connected to the side of the ship, smiling with delight. The sun caught her golden hair, pulled back in a business like pony tail, and highlighted her curves, held in by the skin tight silver flight suit she was wearing.

The team had been carefully chosen and groomed to be as attractive as they were qualified, as this mission was as much about inspiring people as it was about progress. But Erena, with her long, thick blond hair and her bright amber eyes, was a media favorite.

She and the team posed for a few photos, then strapped into their sleek space craft, the Spirit of Exploration. Erena had run through the simulated take off so many times it almost seemed unreal to be finally doing it, feeling the ship shake and roar as the powerful rockets below it fired, shooting it up into the atmosphere on a cloud of fire.

The rockets detached and the boosters kicked in, pushing them out of the atmosphere entirely and into orbit around Earth. From here there was a brief wait as they drifted, waiting for the ship's orientation to line up perfectly with their destination.

Then Captain Harper fired the ship’s impulse thrusters, pushing them off out of orbit, heading towards the edge of the solar system. The hard part was done. Fin cheered first, always loud and excitable, and Erena soon joined him, climbing out of her harness and going to hug her team mates. They celebrated their success, breaking out a bottle of champagne and staring out the windows at the earth as it dwindled.

"Alright everyone!" Captain Harper said eventually, "That's enough fun. It's time to settle in for the long haul. Let's get you kids to bed!"

Though Paolo grumbled and they tried to argue for a few more minutes of enjoyment, they had a schedule to keep. Alice programmed the auto pilot as the rest of the crew settled into their stasis pods. They would remain in semi-cryogenic stasis for several years as the ship traveled out of the solar system at near light speeds.

It was unhealthy for the human body to be awake and active during near light speed travel, so until they reached their first destination they would be remaining unconscious, their bodily functions slowed to a near death like state, not even ageing.

It was the scariest part of the mission in Erena's opinion. This trip would take them nearly a decade, and due to relative time, far more time would pass on earth.

They'd had to leave their families and friends behind, knowing they would never see them again. Leaving her parents had been painful, but Erena had been preparing for this all her life. It also frightened her, thinking about how many advances and changes might happen before she returned.

The place she returned to would almost certainly be nothing like the place she left behind. But it was all worth it for the incredible things they would learn. Erena felt no regret, only eager optimism for the amazing future ahead of her. She sank into cryo sleep with a smile on her face, dreaming of the whole new worlds that would await her when she woke up.


She felt as though she'd barely closed her eyes before she was waking again, blinking frost from her lashes as she sat up. The rest of her team was shifting around her, stretching and groaning as they climbed out of their pods, ice clinging to the tight curves of their suits.

"Good morning," she said with a yawn.

Paolo, looking deliciously sleep mussed, his dark hair tousled and his eyes half lidded, draped himself across the end of her pod.

"Good morning bella," he crooned, gazing at her affectionately, "I dreamed of you the whole way here, and now I wake to see you looking more beautiful than ever."

Erena laughed, dismissing his compliments. Paolo talked to everyone like that. Besides, the blue white led lighting of the ship washed everything into a kind of pale morning haze, shining on the sleek gray panels and consoles of the ship's stylish interior.

Compared to such fashion forward surroundings, Erena was fairly certain no one but Paolo could manage to look anything but pale and drab. It had been very important to the directors of this mission that they glamorize space travel enough to attract more people, and thus more money, to it.

For that reason, one of the biggest costs of the project had been consulting fees for famous architects and stylists and expert advertisers to contribute designs for everything from the ship itself, to the suits they were wearing, to even the choice of team members.

"You're looking as cheesy as ever, Paolo," Erena replied, teasing, "Are you planning to try out for a soap opera after the mission?"

Paolo stumbled back, clutching his chest.

"My love!" he gasped, "You wound me!"

Erena laughed, and Paolo nearly tripped over Sergei, who was shifting past him to get changed. Sergei scowled at them both, his dark eyes withering.

"Stop fooling around," he scolded, "We have work to do."

"Ah, my brooding hero," Paolo instantly turned his playful flirtations on the Russian, "Could it be you're jealous of my attentions to the fair Erena? Could it be you've decided to return my affections at last?"

He clasped Sergei's hands, and the other man blushed, sputtering in flustered incoherency.

"You know," Paolo teased, leaning closer, "You are the only member of the team I have not yet had the pleasure of getting to know... intimately."

"It's true," Finn chipped in from across the room, his accent lyrical.

"Really Finn?" Erena laughed, "Even you?"

"He's a very handsome man," Finn shrugged, "And I have a weakness for people who can out drink me."

Sergei shouted something presumably very crude in Russian and hurried away, the other three laughing at his scramble to escape.

"I will woo him one of these days," Paolo vowed, beginning to strip out of his jumpsuit.

"Forget it Paolo," Erena advised him as she did the same on the other side of the room, "Some people just can't be wooed."

They changed into more comfortable clothing now that the tight flight suits were no longer necessary. They'd entered what Finn called the 'road trip' portion of their flight. They were well outside Earth's solar system now, and were approaching the first of the planets they would be examining.

Dressed in a simple white t-shirt and shorts, Erena drifted into the cabin where Captain Harper, the first to wake, was already at the console checking on their status.

"Is that it?" she asked, her hands in her hair as she tied it back, "It doesn't look like much."

Outside the front view screen a blue gray planet was turning, looking cold and uninviting.

"Yeah, it looks like your predictions about it were right on the money," Alice agreed, "Cold and barren."

"The gas super giant in this system causes too much interference with its orbit," Erena explained, looking down at the start chart displayed on Harper's console, "It's just too cold to be worth setting down on. Not when we only have enough fuel to do that a handful of times."

"Maybe five, if we stretch it," Alice's tone was thoughtful as she looked out at the ice planet, "Is it worth sending out a probe at least?"

"Definitely," Erena smiled enthusiastically, "I'm pretty sure this planet has liquid water whenever that gas giant isn't cutting it off from the sun. It could have microbial life."

"Well then, I guess we'll be hanging out here for a few hours till the probe gets back," Alice punched in directives for the probe and sent it out. They both watched as the tiny silver craft dropped out from under them and fell towards the planet like a shooting star.

"Tell Finn to break out the playing cards," Alice ordered, "And don't let him deny it. I know he has them."

A few hours later the probe returned and they were all busy for a time analyzing the data quickly to make sure there wasn't anything more interesting about the planet that they'd missed. When they'd confirmed that it was just the ball of ice Erena had thought it would be, they moved on.

"Now comes the real road trip," Finn commented, drawing a card from the deck, "Damn, another two."

"Are we up to near light speed already?" Erena asked, taking her own turn to draw and laying down a pair.

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