Alpha Pack 3 - Black Moon

BOOK: Alpha Pack 3 - Black Moon
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Praise for the Alpha Pack Series

Primal Law
, J. D. Tyler has created a whole squad of yummy shifter heroes whom readers will fall head over heels for. Heroine Kira Locke is courageous and intelligent, with her own intriguing

paranormal talents, while Jax Law is a sexy alpha-male werewolf who is both heroic and just dominant

enough to give a girl wicked ideas. I can’t wait for Tyler’s next Alpha Pack adventure!”

New York Times
bestselling author Angela Knight

“What do you get when you combine top secret military teams and werewolves? Try Tyler’s sizzling

new supernatural series featuring the Alpha Pack—a specialized team of wolf shifters with Psy powers.

In this launch book, readers are introduced to the various team members, with the primary focus on

Jaxon Law. Tyler has set up an intriguing premise for her series, which promises plenty of action,

treachery, and scorchingly hot sex.”

Romantic Times

“Sizzling and interesting,
Primal Law
pays homage to Lora Leigh’s Breed series while forging its own paths. The characters are likable, and the work speeds along.”

—Fresh Fiction

Primal Law
is riveting and carnal . . . full of testosterone-laden men, hot action, and unforgettable passion! In other words, a truly addicting series!”

—Reader to Reader Reviews

“In a genre where the paranormal is intense, J. D. Tyler may just be a force to be reckoned with. The

book kept me riveted from start to finish.”

—Night Owl Reviews

The Alpha Pack Novels

Primal Law

Savage Awakening

Black Moon






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First Printing, December 2012

Copyright © Jo Davis, 2012

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To my lifelong best friend, Debra Stevens. You’ve been right there with me, celebrating all the rip-roaring wild times, and holding me up through the horribly bad. You understand me as no one else

does, and you give me the strength and courage to go on when all I want to do is curl into the fetal
position and give up.

You make me laugh until the tears stop, and you make me glad to be alive. My world is a much happier
place with you in it.

I love you, girlfriend.


Special thanks to:

My family, especially my children and my parents, for their unwavering support. I love you.

The Foxes—Tracy Garrett, Suzanne Ferrell, Addison Fox, Jane Graves, Julie Benson, Lorraine

Heath, Sandy Blair, Alice Burton, and Kay Thomas. I don’t know what I’d do without you, and I’m not

about to find out! Bring on the wine!

My agent, Roberta Brown—my cheerleader, friend, and rock. I can’t wait to see what fun surprises

tomorrow brings for us.

My editor, Tracy Bernstein, for supporting and encouraging me when my personal life got really

tough. You’re a diamond who allows your authors to shine, and I’m grateful for you.

My personal assistant, Carla Gallway, for your enthusiasm and all the hard work you do. And to my

Street Team, the Alpha Bitches (founded by Carla), for being my cheering section and spreading the

word to those who love hot shifters as much as we do!

The art department for their gorgeous covers, and all the rest at New American Library who make

my job so much fun and run so smoothly. You guys are the absolute best.

And to the readers, for welcoming my Alpha Pack shifters into your world and embracing them.

May we have many more adventures together . . .

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Title Page






















Special Preview of
Hunter’s Heart


Kalen was thirteen when his grandmother told him that he’d been born under a black moon.

That didn’t sound so great, and to be honest, Kalen didn’t want to hear it. Wasn’t he enough of a

freak without adding another nugget of crap to the pile? His dad already had plenty of excuses to beat his ass, and like hell did Kalen need to give him one more. On top of that, it was Saturday—his dad’s

busiest day at the shop where he worked as an auto mechanic, which meant hours of glorious freedom.

A whole day of no yelling, no fists. No new bruises. As soon as Kalen could get away and hurry to meet his friends, he’d make the most of it, too.

He squirmed as his grandma’s old, gnarled hands gripped his. Who the heck cared about this moon

thing? He resisted the suicidal urge to roll his eyes. Barely.

“A black moon is a rare occurrence in astrology, but you were born during the rarest of the four

types—a month with no new moon or full moon at all.”

Kalen suppressed a sigh and tried to appear interested. “Yeah, so?” He loved his grandma, and she

loved him right back, but jeez. The guys had probably taken off on their bikes without him. “Do we

have to talk about science stuff right now?”

Ida May’s faded blue eyes bored into his. “Pay attention, my boy. You’re old enough to understand

BOOK: Alpha Pack 3 - Black Moon
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