Always Mine (34 page)

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Authors: Sophia Johnson

BOOK: Always Mine
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When her feet reached the floor, he waited until she had her balance, then brought over the modesty screen to give her privacy undressing.

For the first time in his life, he fidgeted. He glanced around the room and saw the mead he had brought from Ridley, and a pitcher and chalices sitting on the table beside the bed. Hearing Brianna’s surprised gasp, he grinned and listened to her soft words.

“Why, it’s so light, so fine I can hold it on the palm of my hand and still not feel its weight.”


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Anticipating the sight of Brianna’s beautiful, lush body in the exquisite garment his mother had painstakingly made for her, his blood ran hot. While his wife prepared herself for him, he prepared himself for her.

In his haste to strip, he grabbed for the large brooch holding the tartan at his shoulder and stuck the pin into his thumb.

“Lucifer’s prickly arse,” he muttered. Blood stained his tartan.

He jammed his thumb in his mouth and sucked the blood away, then whipped off his belt and sword. By the time he placed them across a chair, his tartan had slithered from his hips. He glanced over at the screen, then nearly tore off the rest of his clothing. He rolled his eyes, sheepish now, when he had to step over the garments strewn over the floor. Never before had he been so careless of such costly attire.

Gathering his finery, he laid it atop his chest. He loosely belted a black silk robe around his waist and, just as he swiped his hands through his tousled hair, trying to do something with his hands other than yank away the screen, Brianna came from behind it. She hesitated and started to fold her arms across her chest, then changed her mind and dropped them to her sides, her hands shaking.

Damron forced his face to show only pleasure at her beauty, though his heart near sprang from his chest, his loins from his skin.

“Ye are most lovely, wife, e’en more today than e’er before.” He was grateful he could turn his back to her with the excuse to see Mari out, for he did not want to further unnerve Brianna. His shaft was like to burst with longing. He could not hide his impatience, no matter how he adjusted his robe.

“Dinna slabber on yer bride, milord, and take care not to tear the wee un’s pretty gown,” Mari warned, looking pointedly down at the bulging black robe as she went out.

“Sassy woman,” he grumbled and latched the door behind



her. Brianna shifted from one foot to the other, her eyes looking everywhere but at him. He tried not to smile.

“Is my face so changed these last moments, wife?”

She did not answer, but shook her head and lowered her gaze to stare at her pink toes peeking beneath her gown.

He poured the wedding mead into a chalice they would share and placed it on the table near his chair. Brianna looked so unsure of herself, so vulnerable standing there. Tenderness filled him as he picked her up and sat, settling her comfortably on his lap. He held the mead for her to sip before he drank.

“Have I done everythin’ ye wished for our weddin’, love?

Alana is here, and yer family is below wishin’ us well. Grandfather, Mother and all my family were present. Yer Bleddyn is here, and we have thrice been joined. Will ye now stop fightin’ me and be a dutiful wife?” He almost groaned aloud as his foolish question left his lips.

“I can’t ever be the dutiful wife you expect, Damron. It’s not my nature to sew and gossip with the women. As for blindly obeying, you well know what I think of that.”

“I dinna expect ye to bow and scrape on yer knees to me, love. I demand loyalty from ye, and I will ne’er allow ye a lover like in the royal courts. Ye will obey me in this.”

“Humpf. I don’t want a lover. But you insult me by having everyone think me inadequate for one primitive man.”

“Primitive. Did ye say primitive?” His eyes widened in disbelief. “I am one of the most learned men in all of Scotland.

I read, write and speak six languages, have been knighted earlier than most, have helped plan battles, fought and won many contests, razed many castles, and have the power over life and death of hundreds. I doubt another can rival me in this.” He thrust out his chin and stared down at her.

“Bleddyn can.” Her words were near a whisper.

His rampant tarse deflated like a popped soap bubble.

Damron sighed. His foolish wife never knew when to keep


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her tongue behind her teeth. His brows drew together as he mulled over his reply. He nodded.

“Bleddyn does not count. He is Welsh.”

He rested his chin on her head and waited before he again spoke. “I have said that I would be faithful when ye became a true wife. We have stood afore the priest and made our vows. I will make another to ye now, love. I will ne’er go to another as long as ye dinna deny me yer comfort.” He felt her body relax against him.

His fingers threaded through her hair’s clinging warmth to grasp her nape. Her breath caught as he lowered his lips to kiss the corners of her mouth. The tip of his tongue ran along its seam, and he drew her lower lip between his teeth and nibbled. His lips moved up to her eyelids to close them, to make her more conscious of his touch. Each time her lids flickered and tried to open, he kissed them shut again. He trailed kisses along her hairline while he murmured all he wished to do to her. He found her ear and lightly tugged the lobe, then the damp tip of his tongue traced the outline as his breath tickled its depths. Her moan of pleasure delighted him.

He caressed the silky skin of her arms up to her shoulder, then traced her collarbone. His calloused fingers found a warm, pliant breast, and she shivered. He pressed it in his cupped hand, his thumb circling the nipple until it peaked and hardened. When he rubbed his rough palm over it, she quivered. He kissed her eyes closed again, then gazed hungrily at her body displayed through the sheer gown.

Though he wanted to rip the garment off and bury himself deep within her, he cautioned himself to go gently. She would never seek to leave him if all went as he hoped, for she would still remember this night when she was a grandmother many times over. Nuzzling his face against the soft hollow of her neck, he arranged her across his lap so she was more open to



his greedy mouth and hands. Did she hear his heart hammer-ing against his ribs?

To relieve the painful tightness returning to his groin, he slipped his arm beneath her knees and lifted her enough that he could spread his legs.

Brianna peeked through her lashes at Damron. His robe gaped to reveal his broad, sculpted chest with its dusting of curly black hair. His iron-hard shaft pulsed against her side.

If she lowered her gaze, she knew she would see his sex fighting to be free of his robe. She had an almost irresistible urge to peek. Her mouth filled with water.

Heaven help her! Did she drool for him? She did.

Her hands flew up to grip his shoulders, and her cheeks burned when she brushed against his hard member. His mouth lowered to lick and nibble at her nipples through the fabric. When he began to suckle firmly, fire streaked from her breasts down to the center of her being.

Damron’s fingers crept under the hem of the gown to skim lightly over the sensitive flesh of her legs and, when they reached her thighs, she tensed. He smiled wolfishly down at her. He did not linger where she expected him to, but continued up over her hip. He lifted her with his left arm and, before she could draw her next breath, the gown lay puddled on the rug.

Damron made little shushing sounds, soothing her. Gazing at her body stretched between his arms, murmurs of pleasure rumbled in his chest. His teeth clamped together when he eyed the brown triangle between her legs. He didn’t touch her there while he teased her body, and his fingers stroked where she didn’t expect them. Her mewling sounds, so light to be almost unheard, brought a gleam to his eyes.

Damron’s lips, tongue and teeth explored her. His humming, guttural murmurs reminded her of a giant panther who licked and savored his kill before devouring it. She quivered and throbbed from head to toes.


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His palm grazed the curls at her mons. She gasped, knowing he was going to explore her further. He didn’t. His hand moved around her hip to caress her plump nether cheeks and squeeze each, then traced the crease between them. When he tightened his arms and stood to carry her to the bed, she clutched the hair at the back of his neck.

His hard shaft bumped against her bottom with each step, tan-talizing her. Her heart moved its way up into her throat. His gaze held hers as he placed her on the bed. Slowly, he untied the silk rope at his waist. First his right shoulder, then his left, shrugged slightly. The robe slithered slowly down his arms. Inch by inch, Damron bared his body to her. She watched in fascination as the sliding cloth exposed the hair on his powerful chest, his hardened nipples. It was a fascinating sight.

His bent elbows stopped the silk’s slow descent. His gaze examined her face. She studied his. What did he want? He smiled, eyes heavy with passion, lips wet and glistening. She yearned to tease his lower lip as he had done hers. Those lips were more sensuous now, fuller when he was aroused. Her eyes widened when her gaze came to rest on the taut, ridged muscles of his stomach. Finally, his arms lowered to let the robe fall. It caught on his rigid, upright shaft. His smile was wicked as his engorged rod bucked. The silk fell. Brianna blinked, and giggled. He went to the foot of the great bed and crawled to her on hands and knees. His black hair fell to frame his face as he moved with all the grace and beauty of a great jungle animal. A little frightened, she grasped the sheet in her fists, until he stretched his massive, hot body over her.

Damron began his seduction again and, this time when he came to her velvety mons, his hand cupped her. He growled his pleasure at the slick wetness there. Her hands began to explore him. Her fingers glanced over his hardness. He couldn’t suppress a groan as he waited, hoping she would grasp him firmly. She didn’t. She looked satisfied, smiled and began to



tease his body as he had teased hers. Each time she came close to his sex, her hands fluttered away.

He straddled her and buried his face between her breasts.

Each time he suckled, her grip tightened. Her hands roved over his back, down to his muscled buttocks. His heart skipped a beat when her hand slipped between their bodies, searching for his hardness. Her fingertips flirted over the silky head and around the fold, and then down the engorged shaft. His groans deepened. He gasped as her hands overflowed with his ballocks. She squeezed, gentle but firm. He buried his head against her neck and held his breath. Hearing her slow, husky whisper in his ear, he near spilled his seed.

“Mmm. Nice balls, Damron.”

His lips clamped on hers, his tongue plundered her mouth.

He settled himself between her legs as his lips traveled down and over her stomach. His fingers raked through the curls protecting her sex and searched out her hidden nub to stroke and play havoc with her swollen nether lips. His tongue thrust between her teeth when he circled her tight entrance. He teased her slick flesh until she writhed beneath him. When she stiffened, close to release, he moved to plunder elsewhere.

Once she was back from the brink, he redoubled his assault.

Finally, she panted for him.

“What is it ye want, love? This?” His tongue plunged, claiming her mouth. She whimpered and writhed, but refused to answer.

“What is it ye want, love? This?” Relentless now, he teased her breasts, laving and drawing each in turn into his hot mouth while rolling and plucking the opposite nipple between two fingers. She gasped and bit her lip, but kept silent.

“Hmmm. What is it ye want, love? This?” He spread her wider with his hand. His fingertips caressed the petals around her opening. He moistened his middle finger with drops seeping from his tarse and slowly pressed it into her hot, tight innocence.


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Then, he asked for the last time.

“Ah, is it this, love?” He rubbed his thumb against her swollen bud until she could deny him no longer.

“You, Damron. I want you!”

He rumbled his satisfaction and nudged his tarse to enter her. Her body tightened, resisted his invasion. He stilled, and returned to lave and tease her breasts until her muscles softened and surrendered around him. Encountering her maiden’s barrier, his breath rasped between clenched teeth as he held himself in check.

“Open yer eyes, love. I would have ye look at me and know to whom ye belong when I claim ye,” he whispered. He tipped her chin until her face tilted to him.

Brianna gazed into blazing green eyes near black with wild passion. She caught fire feeling his fingers circle her flesh around his thrusting tarse. His hands and lips refused to relent in their exploring. Each touch became more gentle, each kiss more coaxing until she responded to his lightest demand.

Whimpers of arousal escaped her lips. She clutched his shoulders. His touch softened even further. Holding her gaze with his, he thrust deeper.

Brianna winced and tried to draw away. Surely Damron was too large for her? When she had gone to Gordon a virgin, she had no trouble adjusting to him.

“Easy, wife. Look at me,” Damron crooned.

She blinked and met his gaze. He thrust again, but the barrier refused to give way. He stopped. Waited.

She read indecision in his eyes.

“Yield to me,” he ordered, then sighed.

She tried to relax, hoping her body would adapt.

He pulled back. She took a deep breath, thinking he had changed his mind. He hovered, the tip of his shaft still entered, for what seemed a goodly time. She began to relax around him. He lunged forward.



Sharp pain ripped through her. She cried out and beat at his chest. He stilled and gripped her shoulders when she tried to squirm from beneath him.

“Ah, Brianna, I did not mean to hurt ye, but ye were so tight. I thought it would be better done quickly. I hoped to shorten yer pain.”

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