Among Wolves (19 page)

Read Among Wolves Online

Authors: GA Hauser

Tags: #menage, #wolf shifter, #gay cowboys

BOOK: Among Wolves
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"I ain't." Butch stood and looked at the
damage. The home was built with the local timber, and the logs were
too thick for a bullet to penetrate, at least not a forty caliber.
"I'll patch it up."

JP walked over. "How many did you shoot? I
thought I heard three."

"Told you not to shoot it." Roman stood and
left the room, Butch assumed to get his gun from the kitchen
counter. He returned, pulling out the magazine. "Three."

"Stupid shit." Charlie rubbed his sore chest.
"Ya coulda' killed Roman."

"Well," JP said, "It brought the cavalry." He
leaned the shotgun on his shoulder. "You want us to camp out

Butch said, "Now ya see why I wanted to."

Goat smiled. "Sure, Butch."

"I mean it!" Butch attempted to justify his

"I'm gonna try to get some sleep," Charlie
said, standing, "Again…"

"We can keep watch," JP said.

"Though I'm tempted," Roman walked closer to
the two men as he spoke, "No. Go to bed." He patted JP's shoulder
and left the room behind Charlie.

Butch exhaled loudly and looked at his two
friends, who were appearing sympathetic.

"Ya got your hands full, Crowell." JP's mouth
formed a thin line.

"I think you're crazy." Goat ran his finger
over the bullet hole in the wall.

"Someone has to watch over them. I swear I
don't know what the hell is stalkin' them, but its mean."

"It'll wind up killin' you." JP looked back
at the hallway. "Don't stay here. You're insane."

"I don't want nothin' happenin' to those
two." Butch tilted his head to the hall.

"Bullets don't work. What exactly are you
supposed to do to help them?" JP asked.

"I don't know. But whatever I did tonight,
bringin' you two boys with yer guns, well." Butch looked around the
room. "It ain't here. I don't feel it."

Goat touched Butch's arm. "Just holler if it
comes back."

"We can hear ya from next door. Don't be
shootin' at the walls." JP pointed at Butch.

Butch nodded. "Okay. I appreciate that. And…
can ya not tell Vernon…at least not yet? 'til the other two are

"Don't put us on the spot like that." JP ran
his hand over his head. He too was wearing his jacket and boots
over pajamas.

"Please. I don't ask nothin' of you

Goat and JP exchanged looks. Then JP said,
"I'll give ya one more day. But you have to tell him. Ya hear?"

Butch nodded and opened the door for them.
The snow was falling heavily, and nearly four inches had

As they left, leaving footprints in the dry
snow, Butch said, "Thanks. See ya for breakfast." He got a tired
wave as they trudged to the cabin next door.

Butch locked the door, and touched the hole
in the wood once more, seeing obviously, guns were not going to do
the trick. What would? He picked up the rest of Roman's clothing,
including his black sweater and brought it to his nose to sniff.
Inhaling deeply the scent of the man, and his aftershave or
cologne, Butch closed his eyes and moaned. He carried the items to
their bedroom and looked into the room. Charlie was sound asleep
and Roman was awake, watching over him.

"Ya got an extra pillow?" Butch whispered,
putting the clothing on the dresser.

Roman raised up the blankets for Butch in

Butch ripped off his clothing in a hurry and
washed up for bed, brushing his teeth and relieving himself. When
he returned, Roman had shut off the light. Butch crawled behind him
on the bed, spooning Roman, holding him close.

Though his dick grew stiff, Butch closed his
eyes and pressed his face against the back of Roman's neck. He
kissed his hot skin and fell asleep.

Chapter 13


Charlie woke with a start.

He looked around the small bedroom and
touched his chest, which was sore. In the strange soft white glow
coming from the window, he could see three scratches on his skin
and remembered the night before.

The digital clock beside the bed read
six-fifty a.m. He glanced over at Roman and spotted Butch lying
asleep beside him.

Charlie climbed out of bed and walked into
the bathroom, looking at his injury in the mirror.

He recalled the attack as he stared at

Last night, he was exhausted and had washed
up for bed, even preparing himself for sex with Roman, always eager
for it. Once he had finished his nightly routine, he crawled into
bed and could hear Butch and Roman talking, but began to doze.

It wasn't long after he was overcome by sleep
that he felt a presence. At first Charlie thought it was in his
dream. But soon Charlie was pinned to the bed, facedown and gripped
by the back of his neck.

As something began to push between his legs,
Charlie went crazy and spun around. It was then he realized the
Alpha, in human form, was trying to claim him.

The rage in Charlie instantly brought on the
change, but he fought it,
the Alpha male until the sword
was brought to his throat.


Charlie looked into the mirror, at his neck.
Nothing was visible. He splashed his face and loaded his
toothbrush, staring at his blue eyes as he got lost in the memory
once more.


"You are mine," the Alpha said.

Charlie met the golden eyes of this strange
apparition, feeling the man using his legs to part Charlie's
thighs. "Never," Charlie uttered, and snarled.

The man laughed and the sound was off sync,
like it was when he spoke. Knowing he had to fight or be dominated,
sexually, Charlie bucked his hips and pushed at the man's arm,
freeing himself from the blade. Instantly the man changed into a
wolf and Charlie rolled off the bed and went for the door.

He was attacked and heard the threatening
vocalizations of a powerful animal on his back. Charlie clenched
his teeth, refusing to change, battling to stop the violence. He
closed his eyes and envisioned an entire pack of wolves, wild
wolves, to come to his aid. Calm overcame Charlie in that moment
and not only did he not morph into a wolf, the attack ceased.


The toothbrush in his mouth, Charlie stared
at himself, truly wondering about his sanity. He spat out the
toothpaste and rinsed his mouth, wiping his face on a towel.
am losing my mind

He shook his head at his thoughts and spread
shaving cream on his face, shaving, trying to stop a demon that was
struggling to possess him.


Roman opened his eyes.

The room was such an odd shade of white, he
grew startled and sat up. Butch was out cold beside him and Charlie
was not in the bed. Roman listened and heard the water running in
the bathroom sink. Rubbing his chest, trying to calm down so he
could remain in control, Roman slipped out of the bed and pulled
back the sheer curtain. A deep layer of snow coated everything,
even the driveway. He estimated it to be nearly two feet. It was
the snow white landscape that was giving off the odd glow.

Roman glanced at the clock and knew it was
too early for anyone to be out shoveling. Even the ranch hands
would not be here until later.

He headed to the bathroom and glanced back at
Butch. The young man was deep in slumber. Roman closed himself into
the small room and caught Charlie's smile in the mirror as he

"Yer up early," Charlie said, rinsing the

Roman stood in front of the toilet. "How do
you feel? How're the cuts on your chest?" He held the base of his
cock and urinated.

"I'm fine." Charlie glanced at Roman's body
as he relieved himself. "Is Butch up?"

"No. Out like a light." Roman flushed the
toilet and reached into the shower, turning on the water.

"So, he's sleepin' in our bed?" Charlie
rinsed off his jaw and stood facing Roman. "All week?"

"Not if it upsets you." Roman touched the
cream Charlie had missed, a white line running down his neck.

"No. It don't upset me. I jus' don't want him
thinkin' we're a trio."

Roman cupped the back of Charlie's head and
drew him to his mouth. He pecked Charlie's lips. "He knows."

"I doubt it." Charlie stepped into the tub
and wetted down.

Roman brushed his teeth and inspected the
stubble on his jaw.

When he spotted Charlie washing up behind the
shower door, Roman rinsed his mouth and joined Charlie in the tub,
wrapping his arms around his waist and pushing his cock between
Charlie's legs from behind.

Charlie flinched, then relaxed.

"What?" Roman hesitated in his seduction.

"Nothin'. I'm ready for you. Was ready last
night." Charlie reached over his shoulder for Roman.

"Last night." Roman turned Charlie around in
his arms. "What did that bastard do to you other than this?" He
touched the scratches.

"Nothin'." Charlie met Roman's gaze.

"He tried to get in. Don't tell me he

"He tried. He failed."

"How did you fight him off? Were you a wolf?"
Roman swapped spots with Charlie and stood under the shower

"No. I knew that was a losin' battle."
Charlie shampooed his hair as he spoke. "I went into a mental

Roman gave him a skeptical look and took the
shampoo for himself.

"I envisioned an army of wolves, ya

Roman blinked in surprise and listened
carefully. "Go on."

"I tried to calm down, so I wouldn't change
over." Charlie swapped spots with Roman again and rinsed his hair.
"I imagined an army of timber wolves, Roman. I dreamed of them
runnin' down the mountain, a whole pack…"


"And…he retreated. Or at least he let me be
and headed for you and Butch."

"So, you don't know if your tactic worked, or
we distracted him."

Charlie stopped washing. "Roman, if he had
intentions of making me his, which he did, since he said, 'You are
mine' as he tried to fuck me, then yes, the tactic worked."

Roman opened his mouth to respond and then
shut up, trying to digest the information.

"I swear, that's what happened." Charlie
scrubbed his pits and crotch with soap and then stood under the

Roman touched his sternum, feeling his own
Imagining an army of wolves?
"Are you sure?"

"Am I sure?" Charlie laughed and nudged Roman
under the water. "I'm not even sure what day it is."

"Monday." Roman rinsed his hair and soaped up
his body. Charlie took the soap from him and lathered up Roman's
genitals, making them slippery. "Mm." Roman spread his legs.

"What do ya want, my lover?" Charlie licked
at Roman's neck.


Charlie smiled, spun around and leaned over,
bracing himself on the wall of the shower.

Roman grabbed the soap and made Charlie slick
with it, pushing his finger inside him.

"Don't you change on me. I don't want to be
smellin' a wet dog."

Roman smiled. "I'll try not to." He used two
fingers, then three, making Charlie moan and his muscles relax.

Jerking himself to get harder, Roman aimed
his cock at Charlie's rim and pushed in. Charlie whimpered and he
spread his legs wider. Roman made sure he was lathered up well and
pushed in and out slowly, getting Charlie comfortable.

At the sight of his cock inside Charlie's
ass, Roman felt his teeth begin to ache and had to calm himself
down. He used the soap to make Charlie's dick slippery and then as
he fucked his man, he jerked him off.

"Oh, that is so damn nice." Charlie's moans
echoed in the wet stall.

Roman watched his cock penetrating Charlie,
getting very excited by it. When he was edging the climax, he
rested his cheek on Charlie's back and jerked him faster.

Charlie grunted and Roman felt his cock
pulsating both inside and out. It pushed him into an orgasm. Roman
thrust in deeply and shivered down to his toes as Charlie's cock
throbbed in his palm.

A light knock came to the bathroom door.

"You boys see how much snow we got last

Roman chuckled and pulled out of Charlie,
backing up.

"Yer not wolves, are ya?" Butch asked through
the door. A second later, it opened.

Roman shut off the water and pushed back the
sliding glass door. Butch met his eyes and the young man's hunger
was palpable.

"Damn," Butch said, naked, his cock erect and

Charlie peeked out. "A trio. That's what we
are." He shook his head and grabbed a towel.

"Come on, Charlie. Let him at least jerk
off." Roman stopped Charlie from climbing out of the bathtub.

Charlie asked, "Is that what ya want,

"If it's all I'm gonna get." He grabbed his
own cock and yanked it.

Charlie held the towel by his side and
allowed Butch his view.

Roman grabbed Charlie's head and kissed him,
dipping him low.

"Nice!" Butch exclaimed.

Charlie cupped Roman's jaw and they kissed,
touching each other intimately until Butch began to grunt and

Roman pecked Charlie's lips and spotted Butch
cupping the head of his cock, holding a pool of creamy cum.

Charlie resumed drying himself and stepped
out of the bathtub. "I don't know what's crazier in my life at the
moment." He wrapped the towel around his hips and left the steamy

Roman took a towel for himself and rubbed it
over his hair as Butch washed his hands in the sink.

"Thanks, Roman."

"It's the least we can do." Roman stepped out
of the tub and used the towel to dry his back. "Thank you for last

Butch shut off the water in the sink and
inspected Roman from head to toe. "I would die for you."

"No. No one is dying. And don't you dare put
me up on a pedestal."

Butch stepped closer.

Since Roman had him by a few inches, Butch
stared at Roman's neck. Hesitantly, Butch raised his hand. Roman
stayed still.

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