An Unlocked Heart(Collars & Cuffs Stories) (31 page)

BOOK: An Unlocked Heart(Collars & Cuffs Stories)
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“Stay with me. One more, boy. Take one more for me, and then I’m going to fuck you.” Leo’s words were quietly spoken, and Alex latched onto them eagerly. “This one will hurt, boy.” Alex pulled at the chains, bracing himself, and the last stroke landed and made him scream loud enough that it reverberated around the room.

“F-five, Sir.” Alex was biting back the sobs as his back arched, almost as if he were trying to get away from the source of the pain. Through it all, he held onto Leo’s instructions. “Th-thank you, Sir.” He heard the dull thud as the tawse hit the floor, and suddenly Leo’s hands were on his shoulders, Leo placing soft kisses across them.

“You did so well.” Leo’s hands rubbed gently at his ass, causing Alex to groan. He lost contact as Leo moved away momentarily, and a whimper escaped his parted lips. Leo was back in an instant. “Still here, boy. I won’t leave you.” Alex let out a shuddering exhale as Leo’s slick finger pressed between his ass cheeks and sank into his anus. Groaning, he pushed back, eager for the intrusion. “Oh, fuck, boy, your ass is so hot and tight.” Leo’s murmurs of approval made his heart soar. He was rewarded when a second finger slid inside him, pressing deeply into his ass.

Leo’s hot breath wafted against his ear. “This isn’t going to last long, boy. You’ve got me so fucking hard right now, I’m probably going to shoot my load as soon as I get inside you.” Alex moaned, pushing back once more and riding those fingers that were stretching him, ignoring the momentary flare of pain as Leo’s hand brushed against his sensitized flesh. He heard the tearing of foil and the snap of latex, and then suddenly the blunt head of Leo’s cock was pressing insistently against his hole, waiting.

, Sir.” Alex was wailing and didn’t give a shit how he sounded. “Fuck me! Fuck me hard, Sir. Fuck your boy!” Leo’s equally loud groan sounded in his ear, and Alex rallied against the chains and cuffs as Leo’s thick cock thrust up into him in one quick, deep penetration. “Oh, fuck,
!” Leo’s hands gripped his hips, so tightly Alex swore there would be bruises later, and he proceeded to fuck up into Alex with long, forceful thrusts. Alex screamed in ecstasy as Leo pistoned into him, hips slamming into his tender ass, the cuffs biting into his wrists as his body contorted.

“Oh God, boy… I’m going to come.” Alex barely registered Leo’s words before he felt heat fill him and the slow throb of Leo’s cock as it pulsed come into the latex. Alex’s cock had never been so hard, and he knew he couldn’t hold on any longer.

“Please, Sir,
… let me come. I’m begging you, Sir!” he cried out shamelessly, fighting the onslaught of orgasm with desperation.

Leo gave a loud groan, and… oh, fucking
His hand reached around, unsnapped the cock ring, and threw it to the floor. “Come for me, boy. Come for me

Alex cried out as his cock erupted, spattering the wooden frame in stream after stream of hot come, his body shaking as his orgasm crashed into him like a train wreck. Leo’s arms wrapped around him, his body pressed close. Leo held him securely, Alex trembling as the two men stood entwined for a moment or two, letting the frame take his weight. Fingers scrabbled against the grain of the wood as Leo pressed his chest to Alex’s back.

Leo pulled free of Alex’s ass. He took care of the condom, and with hands that were remarkably steady, he unfastened the chains, then the cuffs from Alex’s wrists and ankles. Gently, Leo turned Alex to face him and took hold of his hands, tenderly kissing his wrists. Alex watched this display of tenderness openmouthed as Leo proceeded to take care of him. He led Alex to the bed, letting him lie facedown. Alex winced, and then sighed with relief as Leo’s fingers smoothed something cooling onto the hot flesh.

“This will help with the sting, boy.” Leo’s fingers moved carefully over his ass, working the cream into his skin.

Alex breathed more evenly and then let out another contented sigh as Leo stretched out alongside him on the bed, lying on his back. Leo held out his arms, and Alex curled up to him, his head on Leo’s chest, Leo enfolding him in an embrace. Alex snuggled closer, wanting to prolong the connection between them.

Leo chuckled. “Never picked you for a snuggler, boy.”

Alex grinned against his chest. It wasn’t something he’d realized about himself until that moment. But lying there in Leo’s arms… no, in the arms of the man he loved, Alex realized he was still learning things about himself. And that was just fine.



awoke from a light doze. Alex was curled up next to him, fast asleep, his head tucked under Leo’s chin. Leo smiled and, reaching up very slowly so as not to disturb the boy, softly stroked his hair. He lay there for a few minutes, enjoying the feel of having Alex in his arms, and reflected on the scene they’d just shared.

Leo wasn’t sure why he should have been so affected by the scene; he only knew the intensity of it had shaken him. But when was the last time he’d been so connected to a sub during a scene? He already knew the answer: not since Gabe. Leo looked down at the young man nestled in his arms and wondered how Alex would react if he confessed how he felt. Just as quickly, however, he dismissed the idea. Yeah, Leo knew he wanted Alex in his life for a long time to come. But Alex was young. He had years to settle down with someone, maybe someone closer to his own age. Besides, although Leo couldn’t deny the chemistry between them, who was to say his feelings would be reciprocated?

No, Leo mused, somewhat unhappily. Better to say nothing. Better that than get his heart broken by rejection. It was going to happen, sooner or later—Alex would move on, find another Dom. It was the nature of things. But until that time, Leo was going to enjoy every minute he possibly could with the beautiful young submissive. He closed his eyes, drinking in Alex’s sensual scent, an aroma that pulled at his heart and filled his senses.

What are the odds?
he thought. The first guy since Gabe’s death to cross his path who actually stirred something inside him, and Leo went and fell in love with him. Somewhere, someone was having a really good laugh at Leo’s expense.



let himself quietly into the silent house. It was past two in the morning. He could have gone straight to work from Leo’s, but unfortunately, he’d run out of clean uniforms at the restaurant and there was nothing for it but to go home for the night. Alex smiled to himself. Both he and Leo had put off leaving the club until the last minute.

Silently, he made his way up the stairs, his feet barely making a sound on the thickly carpeted treads. Opening his bedroom door, he winced as the hinges creaked and then slipped inside. He was anxious to see something. Well, maybe “anxious” was the wrong word—“eager” was much better. He’d deliberately avoided looking in the mirrors at the club; he wanted privacy to inspect whatever marks had been left by Leo’s handiwork. Quickly, he removed his clothing and stood before the full-length mirror on his wardrobe door. Twisting around, he tried to peer at his ass.
… he could see where the tawse had landed—there were definite marks. Alex grinned at his first stripes. He glanced down at his wrists, where the flesh was reddened, though thankfully the skin hadn’t broken. But Alex knew. A warm glow coursed through him as he recalled their scene, and he gingerly reached behind him to touch the tawse’s legacy on his ass.
That was so cool!

“What the fuck…?”

Alex whirled around in a panic. Rob was standing in the doorway, eyes wide, mouth agape. Alex made a grab for his robe from the chair by the bed, but the damage had been done. Rob had a nasty gleam in his eyes. “What do you want?” hissed Alex, glancing at the clock. The last thing he wanted was for his parents to be awoken.

Rob regarded him, his expression incredulous. “What the fuck is going on, Alex?” At least Rob was trying to modulate his voice. “Wanna tell me why your ass is all messed up? And what have you had round your wrists?” Suddenly his face darkened. “Did
do this to you?”

For one split second, Alex was touched. His brother seemed to be genuinely concerned.

Rob’s next words, however, sent that hope dashing to the ground. His face cleared, and he grinned. It wasn’t a pleasant grin, and Alex began to get a very bad feeling. “So Jamie was right,” Rob said, still grinning. Alex said nothing, and Rob needed no further encouragement. “Jamie told me he knew all about your Mister Leo Hart.” His eyes narrowed. “Said your Leo was a pervert, into all that BDSM shit, like in that book they’re all reading,
Fifty Shades
…. Only he does it with guys, obviously.”

Alex suddenly felt cold. There was no way Rob would be able to keep something this big to himself. He’d be bound to tell their parents, and Alex didn’t have a hope of making them understand. There was only one thing for it. Alex had to level with him. “Rob, you don’t understand,” he began softly, but Rob interrupted him.

“Alex, it’s no skin off my nose if you’re into all that kinky shit.” Alex stared at him in disbelief.
? But then Rob dispelled any illusions Alex might have been under. “But boy, when I tell Mum and Dad, they’re gonna have kittens.”

“Rob, please.” Alex couldn’t believe he was about to say this. “Please, don’t say anything. Leo… Leo is important to me.” He took a deep breath and looked his brother in the eye. “I’m in love with him. Please don’t say anything that would jeopardize our relationship. I want Mum and Dad to be on civil terms with him, ’cause if I get my way, he’s going to be part of my life for a long, long time.” He might want to get out of their house, but they were still his parents, when all was said and done.

Rob gaped at him, his eyes widening. “You… you’re in love with him?” Alex nodded, miserable. Rob had a lot of power in his hands right now, and Alex knew he’d given it to him. Silence ensued. Rob appeared to be deep in thought, frowning, and the longer the silence went on, the more concerned Alex became.

“Promise me, Rob.” Alex knew he was pleading with his brother, but he couldn’t stop himself. This was too important. “Promise me you won’t tell them about us being into BDSM.” He waited anxiously.

Rob’s brow cleared, and he gave Alex a smile that gave Alex chills. “I promise I won’t mention BDSM to them,” Rob said solemnly. Alex’s face must have betrayed his disbelief, because Rob raised his eyebrows. “No, really, I won’t even mention it, I promise.”

Alex gazed at his brother doubtfully. That bad feeling he’d gotten earlier? It had suddenly gotten much, much worse.




you think Rob’ll say anything to your parents?” asked Pietro as he passed Alex, who was coming out of the utility room with fresh napkins and tablecloths.

“To be honest, I haven’t got a clue,” he said, his face glum. He hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. He’d tossed and turned until nearly six in the morning before finally falling asleep for a couple of hours, only to awaken at eight, tired and drawn. It was hard to believe yesterday had been one of the happiest days of his life, and Rob had obliterated it all in one fell swoop.

“Hey, Alex!” Adam called to him across the kitchen. “Your man’s here.”

His tiredness momentarily forgotten, Alex’s face broke into a huge smile. “Really?”

Adam grinned. “God, you really have got it bad, haven’t you? I’ve sat him in your zone, but for God’s sake, wipe that lovesick grin off your face before you go out there.” He winked at Pietro. “You’ll have all the customers throwing up.”

Alex retaliated by flicking him with a nearby tea towel before hurrying out of the kitchen.
Leo was here
. As he entered the restaurant, he caught sight of Leo and Thomas sitting easily in their seats, perusing the menus and talking quietly. Alex grinned. Leo knew that menu from back to front by now. He walked up to their table, notepad in hand. Both men were engrossed in their conversation.

“Good evening, gentlemen. What can I get for you?” He spoke quietly, but it was hard to keep the joy inside him from bubbling up.
Fuck, he was so pleased to see Leo.

Leo looked up, and Alex was gratified to see him break into a beautiful smile. “Good evening, Alex.” Alex kept his eyes low, but he couldn’t resist flicking a quick glance at Leo. “I’d like a bottle of the Pinot Grigio, please.” Alex nodded, knowing it was Leo’s favorite. “And you’re having a glass too, old man.” Leo grinned cheekily at his business partner, and Alex had to bite back his own grin.

Thomas smiled up at Alex. “You see what I have to put up with, Alex?” His eyes were dancing. A phone warbled, and Thomas reached into his pocket, frowning as he saw the display. “We’ve only just left—whatever can Miles want?” He accepted the call, listening intently for a few moments. Suddenly, Thomas’s expression changed entirely. He sat bolt upright. “When did they leave? So they’ll be here any minute now? Yes, thanks, Miles. You did right in calling me.” He finished the call, his eyes on Leo as he placed the phone on the table. Leo was staring at him, puzzled. Thomas spoke urgently in a low voice. “Leo, the police are on their way here to see you.”

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