Angela's Salvation (4 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Angela's Salvation
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"Cute girl," he looked over the name Angela Wilkerson, and knew the first thing that he'd change was her name.  "Tell me what you see in her."

"She's got a killer voice, and sings with her soul, but she's so damn shy and reserved I worry that the competition will eat her up and spit her out." He'd almost stopped her from going to the next level for that concern, but there was just something about her that sparked a light he wasn't willing to quench just yet.

"Says here she's a waitress in a bar, you'd think with that background she wouldn't be shy at all?"
Nolan lifted his eyes waiting for some kind of explanation.

"I don't know Nolan, she's either got some shit in her past, or she's a damned good actress, either way, where she's at now isn't ready for prime time."

"Set up a meeting for me, I'll take a look and see if she's worth our time or if nothing else get her in the hands of some of the crew that can make her more appealing to an audience."  Something about the young woman, even in the headshot called out to him.  He knew by gut instinct that she was something he'd at least look over for potential.  He hadn't made a name for himself in this business without trusting his own instincts in the past.

"Will do, you want it in audition format or just a sit down?" Sanders didn't care either way, but if the girl had potential to make them money, he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity.

"Do it audition style; I'd like to see what kind of chops she has before I delve into the personal stuff."  This is what he excelled at, pulling the little divas out of their shells and making them superstars.  He could make a goddess out of a shrinking violet any day of the week, and all it took was a little human understanding.  If they only knew the man behind the mask, they'd probably all run away in fear, he thought self-derisively.

"What day should I set this up for," Sanders asked, standing up. He had a dozen different
projects to work on today and from the years working with Nolan he knew small talk wasn't his forte.

"The sooner the better, pull her in about four tomorrow afternoon."
He knew the last class of the day was something she could miss, and he'd make up for her training if he found her worthy enough to be his pupil.

When Sanders left the office, he gave a deep sigh.  This damn lifestyle was getting to him again, and he knew he needed to reign in his thoughts.  Turning these women into overnight sensations always took a toll on him, he was just glad his partner was able to deal with the males. 
His training methods were at the very least unconventional, and if he wasn't one of the most influential men in the business, not to mention very careful in covering his ass, he would probably be scrutinized by the media more heavily than he already was.

They labeled him the
ball breaker for a reason, everything in his life centered around perfection and nothing else would he ever tolerate.  He'd grown up thrown in all directions by his bastard of a father, he'd be damned if his life was ever unorganized again.  Picking up the folder and staring down into his new conquests face, he wondered if she had any idea what he was about to do to change her life.  If she was fortunate enough, he thought to himself, very few were worth his time.


4 Introductions



Las Vegas had been even more than she expected, Angela thought as they made it back to the hotel.  She'd
really enjoyed Lizzy and Devon's company, and was somewhat amazed at enjoying being around a man at all.  Devon was just the nicest guy and he went out of his way to be a gentleman, which was something you didn't see a lot of where she came from. 

Exhausted, she almost missed the envelope on the table addressed to her, and would have if Lizzy hadn't seen it first.  She picked it up, opening it quickly to scan the contents.  She was meeting with Nolan Fitzgerald tomorrow afternoon, and her heart almost skipped a beat.  Anyone who listened to the radio knew
who the man was; he was owner of the biggest recording label in the United States.

"You're turning green Angela, what's wrong?" She could tell right away that something had shocked her new friend, and waited impatiently for her to answer.

"I'm meeting with Nolan Fitzgerald tomorrow, why would he want to meet me?" She'd seen his gorgeous face in the tabloids, and it was never with any good news attached to it.  The thought of meeting that rude man, made her literally sick to her stomach.

"This has to be a good thing," Lizzy grinned, not so sure she wasn't jealous that she wasn't me
eting the famous Nolan herself.  He was said to be a rude SOB, but if he liked you, things happened for your career. 

"I think I'm going to throw up," Angela wasn't just spouting off words, her stomach was clenching nervously.

"Come on, he probably isn't that bad, I'm sure the papers just try to give him an image to keep the show ratings up."  Maybe she wasn't jealous that Angela was meeting him, she thought to herself.  The man could terrify even some of the bigger stars, and she couldn't imagine having a private meeting with him herself.

"Can I turn it down?" The thought of being alone with him made her more nervous than she
could ever explain.

"Hell no," Lizzy giggled, "
He's the producer of the show."  She couldn't even begin to imagine what he wanted in a meeting like this, and couldn't help but wonder if they were all going to have to meet him.  This was one of the few times she was happy to say she wasn't going first.

Running back to the bathroom she made good on her promise
, and lost her dinner.  Taking deep breaths, she fought back the anxiety the meeting tomorrow was giving her.  She so needed Rachel here at this moment, she thought miserably.  Feeling a little more in control she walked out into her bedroom and pulled out her cell phone, calling her.

"First of all you're going to calm down Ang
, if the man wants to meet you that's a good thing." She spoke in the soothing voice she knew always helped when her friend had panic attacks.  "Just remember he puts his pants on the same way you do, and be respectful."  Rachel was ecstatic that Angela had caught the eye of 'The Nolan Fitzgerald' on her first day there.  She knew that something great was going to come out of this before, and now she was even more certain.

"Okay," taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her racing heart, "you're right, he's just a man and I just need to remember this is all business."  She'd reminded herself
of that fact several times at the club when a few of the men got too inebriated and their hands had reached out to places they shouldn't have.  Of course Rachel was always there to smack them in the head, and this time she'd be alone, but she doubted Mr. Fitzgerald would even look at her that way.  "He is a celebrity after all, and I'm just a little miss nothing to him, so this should be easy right?"

Rachel wanted to say he'd have to be a blind idiot not to notice her
great looks but doubted that would help her friend's nerves.  "I'm sure he'll be very professional."  If not, she decided, she'd drive her ass right into Vegas and kick him straight in the nuts.

Taking a few more deep breaths, she allowed herself to calm down even more. He was just going to tell her what she needed to do to be a better contestant on the show, she convinced herself, and she could do with a little rough criticism. 
That's what she was here for, that and the elusive dream of stardom.  "Sorry I freaked out on you," Angela laughed softly, now that she could breathe again normally.

"No worries honey, so have you made any friends yet?" She knew that people always seemed to want to get close to Angela, but
without even knowing it she snubbed any hopes of giving them the chance.

"Believe it or not,
I really like my new roommate Lizzy, and there's a nice male country singer I've befriended." She knew Rachel would be shocked that a guy was added to her list of interesting people.  It usually took months for her to let down her guard to even speak to a man unless she was working a shift and had no choice.

"Holy hell should I start planning a wedding," Rachel laughed shocked that her little sister, as she liked calling her even if it wasn't a flesh and blood thing, had met a guy she actually thought was nice.

"No way, I don't even think of Devon like that, he's more like one of the girls."  She guessed it probably wasn't fair to label him that way since he didn't seem gay, but who knows, maybe that's why he didn't make her afraid.

"So he's a little on the sweet side then," now that made perfect sense to Rachel, Ang wouldn't feel uncomfortable around a gay man.

"Honestly I don't know, but then it's not like that was the first thing I asked him."  She wondered how that would have went for a conversation starter, and laughed.

"If he's not
, ask him out," Rachel encouraged, she'd tried for years to interest Angela in the opposite sex to no avail. 

"As if I would do that Rach," laughing again, she felt so much more at ease knowing her best friend was only a phone call away.

"It's cool these days for a woman to ask a guy out, and if he didn't freak you out, then I say you should think about it."  She knew Angela would never do that, but maybe they guy had enough sense to know a good thing when he saw it, she hoped.

"They've got us working so hard I'll probably be a zombie by the weekend," she went over the rigorous schedule
and they enjoyed a few more minutes of light conversation before Rachel had to get ready for work.

Hanging up the phone with her, she felt much better about the meeting with Mr. Fitzgerald the next afternoon.  She wouldn't have much time to think about it tomorrow since she'd be exhausted by the schedule they'd given her.  She spent an hour watching television with Lizzie before calling it a night, and for the first time in forever she slept without any night terrors.

The next morning she'd overslept, forgetting that she didn't set her phone, and she hurried to take a shower and dress before her class in an hour.  She'd planned on getting up a few hours earlier, and enjoying a relaxing morning, as it was she and Lizzie barely made it to their vocal class on time.

The day was
to say the least demanding, and for someone who was relatively shy, being in front of so many people made it even harder.  By the time her last class of the day was finished she really wasn't even concerned about the meeting with Mr. Fitzgerald, she just wanted to get it over so she could get some rest.  Every wrong note had been criticized and she definitely wasn't feeling as talented as Rachel and the club thought she was.

She was somewhat shocked w
hen Sanders, one of the judges and well known personality from the show, met her personally at the end of her last class to escort her to Mr. Fitzgerald.  The other people in the class, outside of Lizzie and Devon, looked at her like they wanted to throw daggers at her chest for being so fortunate.  She, on the other hand, just wanted to sink into the floor to escape their scrutiny

After he
led her away from the group, he spoke for her ears only, "Ignore their bitchiness, they all wish that it was them I'd come to pick up."  Giving a small smile, he escorted her out of the hotel and to the waiting limousine.

She wasn't sure why, but she had thought Mr. Fitzgerald would meet her at the hotel, and leaving made her more than a little uncomfortable.  "If you don't mind me asking, um where are you taking me?"  The idea of riding off with this stranger, even though he was
very well known, didn't sit well at all with her.

"Relax little lady, the boss wanted to hear you audition personally without all the eyes around wondering why he was doing it." 
He was right about this one, he thought, she was strung very tight and Nolan might even have a problem getting her to relax.

This had wrong written all over
it she thought, as the driver pulled out.  She had left her purse with her cell phone in it upstairs in her room, and kicked herself mentally for that little oversight.  Without conscious thought, her hand reached over and grabbed the door rest until her knuckles turned white.  She had no idea what was going on, but the feeling in the pit of her stomach told her whatever it was, couldn't be good.

When they had driven out of the city about twenty minutes later and pulled up in front of
huge mansion, her nerves were even worse off than before.  She wanted to demand that the driver take her back to the hotel, but until she knew Mr. Fitzgerald's intentions she couldn't very well do that without looking like an idiot.

the time they'd walked up the huge staircase to the front door, she knew she was going to be sick.  "Is there a bathroom I could use," she whispered, hoping her face wasn't showing just how uncomfortable she truly was.

Sanders took a minute to study the young woman, and knew she was having all the wrong kind of thoughts.
  For the first time in many years, he actually had pity on one of Nolan's little projects.  "Sure thing, I'll take you there before we meet the boss."  He guided her quickly to the restroom on the bottom floor, and the moment she walked in and closed the door, he called him.

"I wish I'd put a wager on this one, Nolan," he spoke into the phone, "I've got your little project downstairs in the bathroom
and I think she's worried you might be bringing out the casting couch." He had to laugh at that idea, because his boss and long-time friend never needed that scenario to get a woman into his bed.  Women flocked to him, not only because of who he was, but his great looks.

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