[Atlantean's Quest 02] Exodus (18 page)

BOOK: [Atlantean's Quest 02] Exodus
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His lips thinned, but he managed a smile before answering. “As you know, I won the gold test. Unfortunately Ares took the lead for the anaconda. But I’m sure I can best him tomorrow,” he added with enthusiasm.

“I’m sure you will.” She patted his hand.

Jac didn’t know how she felt about his boast. One side of her would love to see Ares brought down a peg or two, but the other, well the other was beginning to get used to those flashing green eyes and that great big muscled body of his lying beneath her after hours of lovemaking.

There was that word again…
Jac had never believed it possible before, because she’d never experienced anything close to that emotion with the men she’d dated. Yet she found it popping up again and again surrounding thoughts of Ares like bees to honey.

Of their own volition her eyes sought out Ares. He stood across the compound like a proud warrior. His body looked more relaxed, as if Eros had done something to calm him down. Jac exhaled, releasing the pent up tension that had been building up inside. Once again she turned her attention to Coridan. He appeared wounded, betrayed.
Had she been that obvious?
Jac decided whatever brought on the mood swing, she had to do something to sooth his ruffled feathers until she could get some information out of him.

She cursed the need to seek Ares with her gaze. In a few days dark warrior had managed to burrow under her skin to the point where her change in behavior became apparent, even to strangers. She really needed to knock this shit off right now. She decided to start by practicing on the man in front of her.

“Maybe you could help me…” Jac batted her eyes, something she’d never bothered with in New York, but found effective nonetheless.

Coridan smiled and leaned in. “What is it you wish to know?”

It was Jac’s turn to smile. Men were so easy. She shook her head.

“Would you happen to know what these funny markings mean?” Jac pointed down at the tattoo Ares had applied earlier.

Coridan’s gaze dropped to her waist and instantly hardened again. His jaw worked from side to side as if he fought to control his anger and his nostrils flared. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then shot a quick glance to Ares. Jac followed his gaze and saw what looked like a gleam of satisfaction on Ares’s face. She shrugged it off as a play of the firelight. She’d seen enough pissing contests in her day to recognize one when she saw it. Jac chose to ignore the testosterone.

“Do you know what they mean or not?” Jac implored, her voice harder than she’d intended.

Coridan looked back to her and gave a short nod.

“Are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?” her sarcasm was unmistakable.

“’Tis a claiming chain.”


He ran his finger along the symbols as if by doing so would erase them. Coridan’s lips pursed. “’Tis what a warrior from Ares’s people uses to identify their mate after she’s been tamed.”

Jac’s eyes widened, but she said nothing. The fire beside her was nothing compared to the one beginning to build inside her gut.

“’Tis what Ares uses to warn other warriors away from his claim, it states that your channel is his alone. And should he find any man trying to enter his domain, he reserves the right to kill him.”

She swallowed hard, torn between outrage and excitement. Jac went with what was familiar. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to speak with Ares. You won’t have to worry about the warning, because I’m going to kill him.” She rose before Coridan could even move and started around the fire to where Ares had been standing earlier.

Eros stood with Rachel, nuzzling her neck and rubbing her pregnant belly. Jac cursed. Where in the hell had Ares gone? She scanned the crowd, searching for the one dark-haired man in a sea of light. She found him standing next to the tree line, talking with Ariel.

Jac’s gut clenched as the seer stepped closer, placing her slender hand upon Ares’s chest. She stroked across his skin, clasping his bicep. He flexed beneath her fingertips. Jac’s hands balled up into fists. She would throttle that blow up doll if she didn’t back off. Rage seethed inside her, pushing out with an intensity that damn near blinded her.

Jac realized the ludicrousness of her thoughts and feelings, but didn’t care. He’d painted the damn belt of symbols on her, not the bimbo, and it was high time he remembered. The seer’s laughter floated on the air as she tossed her head back sending waves of blonde falling over her slender shoulder onto her rounded bottom. She leaned in closer until her ample breasts brushed against Ares’s arm.

That was it!

“Do you see this fucking belt around my waist, lady?” Jac shouted, stopping all activity in the camp. Her fingers were pointed down at the tattoo for emphasis.

Ariel turned, her hand still clasping Ares, a sensuous smile pulling at her pouty full lips. Her eyes sparkled in the firelight, then she arched one sculpted brow.

“I see no claim upon this warrior,” the seer said, pulling back from Ares enough to look him over from head to toe. “He has no mate.”

The words stung, but Jac ignored them. She didn’t want to think about the fact she had no actual claim on Ares. He was free to do what he wanted and be with whom he wanted. She didn’t have the right to say a word. Hell, a minute ago she’d been thinking about leaving him. But this was different. He didn’t need a blonde Barbie bitch from hell for a mate, even if Jac went back to New York City. Ares could do far better than Ariel. Jac’s gaze scanned the camp, but none of the women fit her definition of what Ares needed in a mate.

She glared at Ariel once again. The seer waited for a response.

“You’re right, he has no mate. So if you want him, you’re welcome to him. Oh, and one more thing, fuck you!” Jac knew it wouldn’t be the most mature thing to say, but it was how she felt. With that said, she turned on her heel and marched into the jungle.

Jac stumbled over lianas in the dark, unsure of the direction she traveled. She thought Ares’s hut was somewhere around here, but after ten minutes of scrambling over logs and through bushes, she wasn’t so sure anymore. Not that it mattered. Ariel’s intentions had been clear, and Jac would have to be blind not to see them. Ariel wanted Ares. End of story. The seer had done everything short of fucking him in the clearing to let him know. She was probably screwing him now.

Jac stubbed her toe. “Shit!” She bounced a couple of times before continuing on.

Her whole plan had blown off course. Somehow a simple rescue mission had turned into the Poseidon Adventure and there wasn’t a damn thing Jac could do to stop it. She was stuck here for another four days at least, until the challenge ended. Coridan was a good man and she had little doubt she’d have a problem controlling him, but when it came right down to it, Jac only had eyes for Ares. And it pissed her off to no end.
Why me?

Men, they’re all bastards, every last one of them. One minute they want you as their mate, the next they’re whispering sweet nothings in a bimbo’s ear.

Jac walked for twenty minutes more, slowly coming to the realization that she was lost. She should have arrived at the hut by now and with the growth and darkness, she doubted very much she’d be able to find her way back to the village. So she found a stump and sat down. There was no use going any further. Hopefully when dawn struck, she’d be able to spot a trail and make her way back. Jac didn’t even want to think about the fact she was returning to Ares’s hut willingly.
He’d pay for that too
, she vowed.

* * * * *

It had taken every fiber of Ares’s being to keep from going after Jac. He’d started to do so, when Ariel stopped him.

She needs to sort out her emotions
, she’d said.
Let her go. Give her time
. The seer had left him after imparting her words and joined Coridan by the fire. Ares had considered it unusual but his mind was elsewhere.

Time had passed and Ares felt no closer to relaxing. He wanted Jac in his arms. He’d only flirted with Ariel to show Jac how it felt to him when she’d sat with Coridan. Well the plan had worked, better than he’d anticipated. In a few short minutes he’d probably destroyed everything he’d spent the last three days building.

Guilt and anger pushed vise-like against his chest. His warrior woman had pointed out the tattoo on her body to remind him of his claim, yet he did not answer her pained call. Instead he allowed her to escape into the jungle.

Ares cursed beneath his breath. He had to find Jac, explain, apologize, and if need be, beg. He wasn’t beyond doing so at this point. When he’d seen Coridan’s mouth linger upon Jac’s breasts he’d felt rage unlike anything he’d ever experienced, a beast reared its ugly head, demanding blood. His body had shook with such intensity, it had taken all of Eros’s strength to hold him back, although he doubted anyone but the two of them realized it.

What had started out as a game between potential mates had turned into who could inflict the most pain. In the end, they’d both lost.

Chapter Twelve

Ares found Jac deep in the jungle curled up in a ball. He lifted her limp body from the ground and carried her back to his hut. It had taken him several hours to locate her amongst the dense shrubbery. For a moment his heart stopped when he’d come upon her still body. He’d feared the worst until she’d taken a deep breath. Only then did he allow his muscles to relax and his heart to continue to beat. It had been the longest fifteen seconds of his life.

He took his time, working his way over the trail, trying not to wake her during the journey.

Now, with Jac tucked safely beneath his furs, Ares waited for the first tentacles of dawn to reach across the sky. The energy burst challenge would be starting within an hour and he’d yet to rest a wink. Instead he’d spent the hours watching Jac sleep, her pale face gleaming in the soft glow of the fire pot. She hadn’t awoken, not even when he’d placed her on the bed, her lithe body limp from exhaustion.

It was his fault she’d spent the night unprotected in the jungle. Anything could have happened to her in those hours and he wouldn’t have been close enough to help her in time. The thought of that sent shards of guilt lancing through his body, slicing deep enough to haunt him for a lifetime.

Releasing a heavy breath, Ares readied himself for the challenge, knowing his strength waned greatly from last night’s events. He strapped on his blade, even though it would not be used during the combat. Giving Jac one last glance over his shoulder, Ares pushed the hide away from the door and slipped out. His senses were sluggish as he made his way to the village clearing. He’d traveled about a hundred yards when a subtle shift in the energy field caught his attention.

Ares stilled. He scanned the area around him, trying to determine the direction the disturbance came from. It was never exact, but he could get a fair idea of the general location. His body tightened, going into full alert as he realized the intruder was male. The man wasn’t yet close, perhaps a day or two away, but drew nearer from the north. Ares’s jaw clenched as the red-haired devil came into his mind. Was he the cause of the disturbance? He’d been unable to pursue the Professor since the taming ritual had started. Not content with Jac and Rachel, it seemed the danger had come looking for his people, too.

Ares was torn. If he did not hurry and reach the clearing he’d forfeit his chance to win Jac. But if he didn’t pursue this new threat, there was a chance he would not be able to locate it again, by the time the energy battle ended.

Ares shook with fury at the thought of allowing the male to escape, but without Jac there would be no future for him. So with regret, he set aside his anger and pushed on, entering the clearing right before the seer raised her hands to give the victory to Coridan.

Ares broke through the trees.
I am here
. He announced to the gathering crowd. The entire village had turned out to see this part of the challenge. Part of Ares wished Jac was here, but thought it best that she wasn’t. He couldn’t afford the distraction. Coridan was younger and faster, but Ares had experience and patience on his side. As long as he kept the young warrior running, eventually he’d wear him out and finish him off with no one getting harmed in the process.

The men stood thirty feet apart, facing each other. With hands at their sides, they waited for Ariel to give the signal to begin. Ares flexed his fingers, preparing for the first strike. The seer announced the challenge and then signaled to begin. Ares had barely raised his hand before Coridan’s energy burst struck him in the chest. Knocked from his feet, Ares flew through the air, wind whistling past his head, a second before he landed hard, flat on his back.

The hard ground was unyielding, as his lungs labored to get the air back that had been knocked away. Ares struggled to sit up. Rising up on one elbow, Ares caught the satisfied expression on Coridan’s youthful face. The warrior was more of a threat than he’d anticipated. Ares scrambled to his knees and then stood. He brushed at the burning muscles in his chest as if the pain had been nothing, then positioned himself for the next round.

The signal dropped again and another burst rang out, this time catching Ares in the shoulder. His lips curled as his eyes met Coridan’s face.
I see you’ve been practicing, young one.
He growled in his challenger’s head.

The warrior’s smile widened, then he shot back.
Jac will be mine, Ares. Soon I will sink between her welcoming thighs and plant my seed deep within her womb.
Coridan’s eyes flared in warning.
And there is naught you can do to stop it.

That is where you are wrong, young one. I will not willingly give up what is mine while there is breath left in my body.

The smile Coridan gave him was lethal.

* * * * *

Jac woke to an empty bed. Her head throbbed like a bass drum in brass band. She couldn’t remember how she got here. Jac swallowed, trying to get down whatever had died in her mouth the night before. She squinted, scanning the hut for Ares’s presence even though she knew he wasn’t there.

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