Bacterial Vaginosis Relief (7 page)

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• fragrance etc

Any of these ingredients can cause a recurrence of the infection. Yet most

of us apply them because we believe that it is helping instead!

Buy your products at a natural health store. Don’t trust any name brand

that you see on TV. You may think that Dove is 99 44/100 pure. It’s not, and

it’s not good for the health of your vagina.

Find products that have the least amount of ingredients, and ones that you

can pronounce.


If you need lubrication during sex, choose one from a health food store.

There all natural and include natural anti-fungal’s that don’t destroy the

good Bacterial like the commercially produced products.

Same goes for condoms. Choose the ones without spermicide. Check your

health store for safer brands.

Avoid any perfume or body sprays in that area.

Here’s Some More Tips

Here are some other tips for preventing BV from coming back:

• Keep your genitals clean and dry. Wear unbleached cotton

underwear, which absorbs moisture and allows air to circulate.

• Avoid tight clothing and synthetic fabrics that do not allow your skin

to breathe.

• Change into dry clothing as soon as you can after swimming. Never

spend a long period of time in a wet bathing suit.

• Do not use corticosteroids or the infection will not clear up.

• Oral contraceptives should also be avoided if you suffer from BV as

they upset the balance of microorganisms in the body.

• Natural progesterone cream applied, again may be beneficial for

atrophic Vaginosis (which occurs in menopausal years)

• Be sure to wash clothing in unscented detergent and avoid fabric

softeners. Preferably you’d stop buying brand names and buy the

alternatives from your local health store.


• Avoid using colored toilet paper. Dyed toilet paper contains

chemicals that can irritate the vagina and the urethra. Also avoid

scented toilet paper.

• Wipe from front to back. After urinating or eliminating, be sure to

wipe from front to back. Wipe swiftly and do not allow urine or

Bacterial from the rectum to enter the vagina as this can cause both

BV and urinary tract infections.

• Make sure you get proper rest, eat a healthy diet and get moderate


• Avoid stress too as that can cause your immune system to lower.

• Drink at least eight ounce glasses of water each day even if you do

not feel thirsty. Insufficient liquid intake promotes hard stools, which

can stay in the colon for weeks or even months and cause symptoms

such as headache, fatigue and depression.

• As the colon and the vagina are closely related it is important to have

a clean and healthy colon. This is where an enema can help. You can

do a apple cider enema to help detoxify your bowls and discourage

yeast and Bacterial growth that can easily spread to the vagina and

cause BV.

• If you are feeling particularly toxic you might want to try a fast.

Fasting helps give your organs a rest and thus reverse the aging

process. Fasting also lightens the immune system’s workload just

making it easier for it to fight Bacterial.

• Kombucha tea is made form the kombucha tea “mushroom” which is

a large flat pancake shaped fungus like growth. It is actually a kind of

lichen. When placed in ordinary sugar and tea, the mushroom

produces winery-tasting broth that which is an ample source of B

vitamins and also possess strong anti-bacterial and antiviral effects.


It is also a potent immune system booster, which can help mitigate

the effects of antibiotics prescribed for the Bacterial Vaginosis.


For the most part, taking care of BV requires taking the responsibility for

your own health into your own hands.

I hope this book has taught you how to do this, as this is the only way I was

able to finally and forever get rid of the smell, discharge, and discomfort of

this annoying and psychologically harmful chronic inflammatory condition.

It is the only way to get off of that Medical Merry Go Round known as the

“prescription antibiotics to treat BV!”


Chapter 9

Step by Step Summary

1. Begin with the 3 Step Plan for ImmediateRelief

- Rinsing out the vagina twice daily with a hydrogen

peroxide douche for 3 to 5 days.

- Use vaginal acidophilus supplements

- Taking at least 1000 mcg of Folic Acid a day

2. Eliminate Refined Sugar, Carbohydrates And Animal Products

a) The primary cause of bacterial Vaginosis is poor diet. The

wrong foods cause excess an imbalance between good and

bad bacteria. Eliminate all refined sugar, carbohydrates, and

most animal products from your diet.

b) Read the entire Optimal Diet Secrets Book and follow the

guidelines which look something like this:

• Drink 1L of water for every 50 pounds you weigh each


• Drink an AlkaCleanse drink 3 times per day or more

• Eat at least 50% vegetables with each meal, as much as

possible raw

• Eat 50% or less of healthy carbohydrate with each meal,

occasionally eating organic meat

• Eat organic as much as you can


3. Cleanse Your Body

Follow the guidelines in the diet book and include the following:

a) As per step 1, take AlkaCleanse before each meal

b) Enjoy an AlkaBath (BV variation) a minimum of 3 times per

week and no more than once per day.

4. Addition Steps

Follow as many Bacterial Vaginosis tip as you can from chapter 8.

If you follow the guidelines in this book you will be well on your way to

eliminating your Bacterial Vaginosis. Many women have used this

information to balance their internal flora, regain vibrant health, and

become Bacterial Vaginosis free. Thank you for taking a step towards your

health that many don’t. Know that you’re not alone and that many women

before you have been relieved.



Vaginal Probiotics Inserts (Vaginal Acidophilus)

Femina Flora



AlkaCleanse/AlkaBath Ingredients

Pickling Lime


Calcium Hydroxide 


Organic Kelp




Every Women II




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