Beautiful boy (15 page)

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Authors: Grace R. Duncan

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Beautiful boy
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Another silence. “More? You’ve known him now… five days? How can you know there’s more?”

“Jesus, Cam. Just because you and Sammy took a fucking year to move in together doesn’t mean everyone else moves at a snail’s pace.” I scowled out the window of my office, not seeing the flat landscape or clear sky.

“There’s a difference between a ‘snail’s pace’ and a fucking tornado, dude.” Cam sighed. “Fine, whatever. So, you spent at least some time over that weekend not fucking, then?”

“Yes,” I said, knowing it came out short and not giving a shit. “We talked quite a bit. So, yeah, there’s more than the physical, than our D/s dynamic. And….” I sighed. “It fucking irritates me that you reduce it to that.”

Cam laughed for a long time, and I was about to hang up when he spoke. “Well, good. I was hoping to hear something like that.”

“Asshole,” I grunted.

“Yup. When it comes to my best friend? I will pull no punches.”

“Which is one reason you’re my best friend. So, tonight is our first official date.”

“Yeah? So you’re dating. Doing anything else with him?”

“I gave him a temporary collar when I dropped him off Sunday night. Just a thin leather thing that would pass in the vanilla world.”

“You collared him? Beyond a scene, collared? You didn’t even collar Blake.” He sounded seriously shocked.

“Yeah, I did. Like I said, different. But… it’s the reason I haven’t stopped jacking off in two days, though.” I laughed.

Cam groaned. “I don’t think I want to hear this.”

“Oh, so Sammy
letting you have any?”

“Fuck you,” he grumbled, then gave in. “No. I was allowed to fuck her Friday night, but she’s kept me locked and frustrated since then. I’ve gone down on her, fucked her with her toy, but my dick’s been locked up. I’m going fucking crazy.” This ended on an almost whine.

“You love it and you know it.”

He didn’t reply to this.

“She’d stop if you truly wanted her to,” I reminded him.

He sighed. “I know. And just like her, you know I don’t want her to. Sometimes you Dominants can be assholes.”

I laughed.

“So… collared and dating? Well, I have to say I didn’t think I’d see the day. You’re still safe, right?”

“Yeah. Not going to fuck with that. We got tested together yesterday.” After texting back and forth for the morning, I’d suggested it, not really expecting him to agree so soon. But Kyle had been more than happy to meet me for lunch and to go to my doctor’s office together. I certainly appreciated the chance to see him again, even for so short a time.

“Seriously? You
serious about him. Holy fuck!” Cam almost shouted this.

“Tell me you’re not in the office,” I said, blinking.

“Oh hell no. I’m not interested in getting fired, thank you.” He laughed. “No, I’m outside. Can you trust him?”

“We got tested, dude. That’s kind of the point, isn’t it? He did say he hasn’t fucked or been fucked in more than a few months, though. He was training under Nash, and Nash had him going without for a while.”

“I thought Nash is straight?” Cam asked, sounding puzzled.

“Yeah, he is. One of the reasons Kyle didn’t have any for a while. Poor kid was frustrated as all hell. Apparently, the last few months with Nash, the only relief he got was with his own hand. He played with two other Doms during that time and neither wanted anything but a blow job. Anyway, I got the results from the doc today. I know I came up clear, and I’m pretty damned sure he is. So, it’s all good.” My intercom buzzed and I turned around. “Hang on a sec, Cam.”

“Mr. Tate?” My assistant’s voice came through.

“Yeah, Sara?”

“Your one o’clock is here.”

“’Kay. Just a minute, thanks.” I put my cell back to my ear. “Gotta go. We’re going to see
The Hobbit
tonight for our first date. I like him. I think he likes me. And I’m hoping it turns into more.”

“Well, just be careful, dude.”

“It might be a little late for that,” I said quietly. “I’m taking him to dinner on Sunday. Be good. I’ll call you later,” I said and, not giving Cam a chance to yell at me again, hung up.

I glanced at the clock and sighed. Five more hours before I could see him. It’d been an entertaining and horny couple of days. We’d been in contact almost constantly, texting back and forth quite a bit. We’d said “good night” and “good morning,” and I’d called him Monday before he could even call me to make sure he was still feeling okay. I knew I was probably overdoing it, but I just didn’t like the idea of him possibly feeling down because of what we did together.

After we’d met for testing during lunch on Monday, I’d given him a task. An hour later, he’d sent me the first of a series of pictures. One had his cock nice and hard, with black ribbon wrapped around his sac and length and tied in a bow just under the tip. He’d also sent me a picture of his red face. He’d confessed later how hot it’d been to know he’d been wearing something like that out of sight and that his cock hadn’t spent much time soft all afternoon. Especially since he had to go into a stall anytime he went to the bathroom because he didn’t dare have his cock out where anyone else could see.

I’d teased him with my reply: a picture of my cum after I jacked off to his picture. A not-so-subtle reminder that I was allowed orgasm while he wasn’t.

The good-morning text I received right after I walked into the office included another picture. His morning wood still hadn’t gone down by the time he got to work, all thanks to my orders that he edge before going to sleep. I couldn’t resist the opportunity for one last tease: I masturbated once more and showed him the result. I looked at today’s picture again, of the ribbon wrapped around the top of his sac, then worked somehow to separate his balls before going back around the top and tied in a bow. He was to have it like that when I picked him up.

With a sigh, I set my phone aside, adjusted my cock, which was—still, again—hard, and resigned myself to a frustrating afternoon full of interviews for a new tech.



way too long to get the last interviewee to shut up about himself and get him out of my office. I gave him the polite “We’ll make a decision soon,” and threw his resume in the circular file as soon as he left.

It took me approximately four-point-two seconds to get out of the office. I still had to hurry through my shower and dressing to make it to Kyle’s on time. I wanted to pick him up so we could go in the Z, since Kyle liked it so much.

I did manage to knock at precisely six. The movie was much earlier than either of us had expected—running at nine instead of the midnight it usually did—so we’d had to adjust plans. I didn’t mind, though. It just meant more time with him. And, if all went well, more time
the movie, in bed.

When he opened the door, I had to stare for a long moment. He wore a button-down shirt in green silk almost the exact color of his eyes. The top two buttons had been left open, showing off my collar. His jeans were snug enough for me to tell his cock was hard, and my own twitched at the thought.

He looked good enough to eat.

“Is that… a brown… coat?” he asked, his lips twitching, giving my calf-length duster a slow once-over.

I grinned. “Well, I
aim to misbehave.”

He held the straight face for about five more seconds, then burst out laughing. “Oh… my….” He snorted, then started laughing again. “Oh God! Too good.”

I stepped into the loft, shut the door behind me, and pulled him to me. I caught his lips and kissed him breathless, if his gasping was any indication when I let him go. “I missed you,” I whispered.

He looked up, those huge green eyes showing everything: that he missed me too, the hope, the want, the heat from the kiss. There was fear in there as well. I was sure it came from wanting that, wanting me but being afraid I’d change my mind. Still, he said what I hoped to hear. “I missed you too. Seems… crazy, doesn’t it? Only been one day? But—”

I stopped him with my lips. “Who cares? Isn’t it up to us?” I asked when we broke apart.

He nodded. “Right. It is.”

“I have a few things for you,” I said, letting him go for the moment.

“Oh?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Yes. First.” I shrugged my coat off and pulled the envelope out of my inside pocket, then handed it to him. “I picked these up at lunch today.”

“Oh! Good!” He grinned, took it, and tore it open. The grin widened, if that were possible, as he ran his eyes over the paper. He cheered, turning it around to show me. Just as I’d expected, a full column of
under the results heading.

“Did you doubt it?” I asked, my smile matching his.

“No, but I like the confirmation.” He turned it around and looked over it again, then gazed up at me through his eyelashes. “I like what it means. If… I mean, if you… if you’re comfortable that I told you the truth about the four months since I was tested last.”

“I believe you, baby,” I murmured, cupping his face. I kissed him again, then dug into another coat pocket and pulled out the little silver lock I’d bought. I held it up. “Would you like to wear this tonight?”

He nodded eagerly. “Yes, Master. Please!”

I couldn’t stop the smile again as I pulled out the key, opened it, and threaded it through the loops in his leather collar. I snapped it closed, then put the key on my key ring. “Okay. Next.” I reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out a short box chain in the same silver as his lock. “It’s not much, but I thought you might like to put this on me. Kind of to match.” I shrugged a shoulder, suddenly feeling silly and shy.

But his smile eased my fears and he held his hand out. “I’d like that, Master.”

I handed it to him and held my arm out.

His hands shook slightly as he fixed the clasp, then brushed his fingers over it before bending and kissing it. “Thank you, Master.”

“Thank you, boy. I’m proud to wear it. So proud to see this on you.” I brushed my fingers over his collar. He leaned in and I caught his lips again, teasing them slowly. When we broke apart, I grinned. “Now. Drop the jeans.”

“Yes, Master,” he said, breath rough. He stepped back, unbuttoned his jeans, and pushed them down over his hips. His cock sprang free, hard and dripping already. Below his cock, his balls, bound as I’d ordered in the black ribbon, looked red, swollen, and
frustrated. And he was completely smooth, as I’d ordered.

My dick, already half-hard, filled the rest of the way. “This hungry, boy?” I asked, wrapping my hand around his cock and stroking it slowly.

He whimpered and nodded. “Yes, Master.”

“Good. It’s not getting relief until later. Maybe.” He looked up at me as I gripped the base. “How many times have you bitten your lip since Sunday, boy?”

He frowned. “Four, Master.” He swallowed, and I almost wanted to tell him to forget it at the horrible upset look on his face. But it was for both of our good that I follow through. He had to know I’d Master him, follow through on my rules. I had to show I could.

“Four. And what other rule did you break?”

He swallowed again. “I didn’t give you my opinion, Master. I… I asked you instead.”

“Precisely. That’s five. Hands behind your back. Present the best you can.”

“Yes, Master.” He hurried to obey, spreading his legs as far as the jeans allowed. His hands went to the small of his back, and I was pleased to see his head lift as he dropped his gaze to the floor.

I ran my hand over his ass slowly, watching the cheeks jump. “I’ll give you a choice. I was thinking of making this nice and sensitive for dinner and the movie. I’ll let you take swats for that as your punishment—swats you won’t like, they won’t make you fly—but they’ll get you nice and sore. Or… you can wait until Friday before you’re allowed to come.”

He struggled with the decision. I could see from his expression he was fighting it. I knew he didn’t like orgasm denial for a punishment. I’d seen the results of that Saturday evening. He also knew I would make him as miserable as I could between now and Friday if I did it. I wasn’t a betting man, but I’d also have been willing to bet he didn’t want our first time bare to be without him coming. On the other hand, as much as he liked pain, I could tell he wasn’t too happy about the idea of swats he wouldn’t like either.

He licked his lips a few times—fighting the urge to bite, no doubt—then took a breath. “The swats, Master. Please.”

“Good boy,” I said, tapping his ass. “Brace yourself against the bar.”

He turned and did so, sticking that amazing ass out. I bent over it, pressing my cock into the crevice between his cheeks and leaning to his ear. “I can’t wait to fill this with my naked dick later, leaving my load behind in your ass.” I nipped at his ear and he shivered. “I’ve never gone bare before,” I whispered.

He gasped. “Never, Master?”

“Never, Kyle.”

He glanced up at me. “Me either, Mal. I want to, though, with you.”

I smiled. “That… does me good to hear.” I kissed him quickly. “Now, your punishment.” I stepped over to my coat and pulled out another thing I’d brought along. “I love this coat. The inside pockets hide so many wonderful things.” I held up my favorite paddle: the rounded one I’d used on him for our scene the week before.

He whimpered.

“You’ll count them. How many, boy?”

“Twenty-five, Master,” he said, voice pure distress.

I nodded. “What are your safewords?” It was a reminder he could call them more than anything.

“Cherry and lemon, Master.”

“Good.” I ran my hand over his asscheeks, squeezing them and bringing the blood to the surface. Then I let the paddle fall. He jumped a little, but I could tell by the look on his face he’d expected harder.

“One. Thank you, Master.”

I kept the first ten light. I didn’t want him unable to sit through dinner and the movie, after all. He counted them easily and his ass only turned a dark pink.

The next five, I gave a tiny bit more force to. But after them, I didn’t hold back nearly as much. I still had to be careful. I knew all too well the kind of damage a paddle like that could cause. But I made sure he had trouble counting, and by seventeen, he had tears running down his face and was shouting pretty loudly.

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