Betrayed by Trust (9 page)

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Authors: Hailey Hogan

BOOK: Betrayed by Trust
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Chapter 17


Caitlyn thought her night out on the town with Tasha would be interesting, but she didn’t expect to run into Blake. The more she was around him, the more she found herself being swept up in his make believe world. Their first slow dance was to one of her favorite Luther songs. Now here they sat next to each other in a crowded club but to her, it was as if they were the only two in the building.

A man and a woman sat down at their table. The man extended his hand.

“I’m Blake’s best friend. Trent.”

The woman didn’t act too friendly. She could barely hear her say, “Cassie.”

Blake said, “Trent and I were hanging out before the big party.”

listened as Blake and Trent went back and forth. Trent reminded her of Tasha, who she hadn’t been able to locate since being thrust onto the dance floor with Blake.

“So you’re the fiancé?” Cassie asked.

“Yes and you’re Trent’s wife? Girlfriend?”

“Neither right now, but I’m working on it.” Cassie smiled and turned her attention back towards Trent.

Blake cleared his throat. “Look at the time. Trent. I’ll see you tomorrow. Dear, you want to follow me.”

immediately saw through Cassie. Women like her had no problems using their assets to get what they wanted. She had met many women like Cassie.  Some were the cause of her relationships ending prematurely. Cassie reminded her of the woman she caught Byron with. She hoped Trent was smart enough to see through her act.

touched her on the arm. She responded. “You go right ahead. I’m waiting on Tasha.”

“I’ll help you look for her.”

Blake stood up and helped move her chair. She gave in to his demands. “Nice meeting you Trent.”
He waved at her.

“You know she’s only after his money,” she said, as soon as they walked away.

“You don’t have to worry about him. Trent’s only after the booty.”

“That figures,” she said, as she playfully hit him on the shoulder.

They walked through the crowd. Liquid splashed and hit her skirt. She moved back. “Darn it.” She attempted to wipe her skirt.

“If it isn’t the tramp and her boss,” Charles slurred, in his drunken state.

Blake jumped in front of Caitlyn blocking her from him. “Man, I think you better chill.”

“Or what? Pay me off.” He stumbled forward.

Caitlyn tried to pull Blake away, but he wouldn’t bulge. They stood at a standstill. Finally, Blake said, “Cat. Come on.”

She heard Charles yell obscenities as they walked away. She tried her best to ignore him.
Tasha walked towards them as they made their way to one of the bars. “I saw what just happened,” she said, as she leaned close to Caitlyn.

“Girl, I don’t know what I ever saw in him with his drunk behind.”

“If you’re ready to go, I can leave and take you home.”

intervened. “I can take her home.”

“You sure? Is that okay with you?”
Tasha looked at Caitlyn.

“Stay. I’ll ride with

“I wa
s hoping you said that. See the tall cutie over there. He might be the one.”

laughed. “Girl, every man you meet might be the one.”

They hugged each other
and said their good byes. Her night out on the town didn’t end the way she expected but she did get to take home her own tall cutie. She grabbed Blake’s hand and led him outside. They walked hand in hand to his SUV.

“So how long have you and Trent been friends?”

“Since as long as I can remember. He’s like the brother I never had.”

“Does he know about me? About us?”

By now Blake’s hit the highway towards her place. “He knows about us.”

“Just about.”

For the most part,
Caitlyn really didn’t care what people thought; but for some reason it bothered her Blake’s friend knew details about their arrangement.  She reached over and turned up the volume of the stereo.

turned the volume down. “I thought we had a nice time tonight. What’s wrong?”


“Yes, there is. Are you hurting because of Charles?”

laughed. “Please. Charles can kiss my behind.”

“Then what is it?”

“Just take me home,” she snapped. She turned her head away.

He turned the music back up. He didn’t try to talk to her again until they reached her apartment. He opened her car door and followed her to the stairway. “I’ll say my good night here. I don’t want to fight with you.”

“You’re welcome to come up.”

“I’ll pass.”

“Suit yourself.” She felt disappointed, but she didn’t blame him. She had snapped at him, but it wasn’t his fault she was hurting. She desired love—real love and knowing she was going into a loveless marriage hurt. 

flipped the lights on in her apartment. It was late, but she wasn’t sleepy. The need for male companionship overrode her need for revenge.  She regretted Blake didn’t accept her invitation.  The knock on the door startled her. Maybe Blake changed his mind. She peeped through the hole and was disappointed to see it wasn’t Blake.

“Charles, what do you want?”

“Let me in so we can talk.”

“I’m all talked out.”

“I’m sorry about what happened at the club.”

“Whatever. Just go away.”

“Caitlyn, open this door now.” He started beating on the door.

“You better hope one of my neighbors don’t call the cops on you.”

“Either you open the door or I’m camping out.”

Charles behavior wasn’t normal. He was the one who took money to break up with her, but he acted as if she was the one who broke up with him. Not sure if he was serious or not, she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep with him outside her door. She contemplated on whether to call the police.
She made a phone call.

Blake, I need you,” she blurted as soon as he answered his cell phone. She explained to him about Charles.
“I’m on my way. Don’t open the door.”

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

“Call the cops and I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m turning around now.”

She hung up with him and did as he suggested. She went back to the door and peeped out the peephole. Charles eye stared right back at her. She jumped.

He yelled, “You called your boyfriend didn’t you. Well you know what. You’re nothing but a paid whore. He paid for you and he’s getting his use out of you.”

“So that makes you my john since you took the money now doesn’t it?”

His sinister laugh caused her to back away from the door. “Baby girl, you won’t be happy with him. I’ll give back all of the money. Well the money I haven’t spent and we can go back to the way things were.”

“Get away from the door,” an officer shouted.

Charles spurt out obscenities and a shuffle occurred. Caitlyn felt a thump against her door.  The next sound was that of an officer knocking on her door. “Ms. Crenshaw, open up, it’s the police.”

She looked out her peephole and saw the badge he held up to the hole. She opened the door to see two police officers. One had Charles in handcuffs.
Blake stood behind them. He brushed past them to reach her. “Officer, I’m her fiancé.”

The officer
looked for her to confirm. “Yes, he’s my fiancé.”

Charles said, “
Fiancé? You’ve been cheating on me all of this time.” He attempted to come at Caitlyn but was jerked back by the other officer. 

“I’ll need to get your statement,” the officer stated, while the other officer escorted Charles away.

Charles continued to yell out obscenities. Some of her neighbors now stood in their doorways watching the entire scene. She couldn’t wait to move. She had never been so embarrassed. She welcomed the officer in. She didn’t want to file charges against Charles, she just wanted him to leave her alone.  Blake’s arm around her shoulders during the questioning comforted her.

“Since one of your neighbors also reported a disturbance, we can fine him for disturbing the peace. If he does anything else, here’s my card.” The officer handed her a card with all of his information.

“Thank you Officer Mendel.”

“You two enjoy the rest of your night. Well, what’s left of it anyway.”

“Thanks officer,” Blake responded.

locked the door behind the officer. He held his arms out and Caitlyn closed her eyes and fell into his warm embrace. Blake no longer seemed like the enemy. Caitlyn was seeing him in a whole new light. 


Chapter 18


Blake wanted to wring Charles neck for frightening Caitlyn. The fact she felt comfortable calling him about the situation said more than she could say with words. He held her in his arms and didn’t want to let go.

“Do you need me to stay the night?” he asked.

“No, but I want to thank you for coming. It really means a lot.” She seemed to retreat back into her shell.

“Call me Superman,” he joked.

She removed herself from his embrace. She looked at the clock. “It is late, so on second thought, why don’t you stay?”

“This is my lucky night.”

“Hold up. You’re sleeping on the couch.”

“I don’t know. I did drive all the way over here. Can I at least get the bed?”

“We’re two adults. You can sleep on one end and I the other. And before you get any ideas, you’re keeping your clothes on.”

“Can I at least take my socks off?” he asked, as he followed her to her bedroom that looked just as feminine as she was. The soft bright colors seemed to reflect her jubilant personality.

“If your feet stinks, you’ll have to keep them on.”

“I don’t have stinky feet.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.”

changed into a pair of maroon floral satin pajamas. To him, she could have worn a flannel gown he still would have found her sexy. Tempted to release her ponytail, instead he used his hands to unbutton his shirt.

“What are you doing?” she yelled.

“I’m taking off this shirt. Don’t worry. I got a t-shirt under here.”

“I guess it’s

She sectioned off the bed
with an extra blanket as he took off his shirt. He caught her watching him a few times. He smiled.

He got under the covers with his head at the foot of the bed. “Good night,

She mumbled, “Good night.”

Although Caitlyn’s bed was spacious, he felt uncomfortable. He turned in different directions and could not get comfortable. “Caitlyn, I’m not used to sleeping at the end of the bed, can I come up there where you are?”

For a moment he thought she had fallen asleep. She growled. “If that means you’ll stop moving around, come on.”

He grabbed his pillow and moved to the head of the bed. “Now that’s better.”

She tugged on the bed spread. “Be quiet and go to sleep please.”

“You sound tense. I know how to release some of the pressure.”

Caitlyn reached from behind her and pulled her pillow and hit Blake upside the head with it.

“Oh, you want a fight. You got one.”

He couldn’t believe it. Here he was a thirty six year old man having a pillow fight and it felt good.

“I give,” he said, as they both doubled over with laughter.

“I needed that stress release. The only thing that would have made it better if I could have gone upside Charles’ head,” Caitlyn said.

“Anything else I can do
to help?” he asked, as he leaned on his elbow and looked into her eyes.

“Just hold me and go to sleep.”

“Your wish granted.”

turned her back to him and snuggled her body close to him. He shifted his body so she wouldn’t feel the erection developing due to her slight body movement.  Before long, they both were sleep.

The sun beaming through the curtains and
Caitlyn removing his arm from around her woke Blake up. It took him a few minutes to realize where he was. “Caitlyn, where are you going?”

“I have a day of pampering ahead of me. I can’t stay in bed all day.”

“What time is it?” he looked around for a clock but didn’t see one.

“It’s almost noon.”

“Man, I can’t recall the last time I slept this late.”

“Me either. But hey, you’re welcome to wait around; but I’m about to go get in the shower.”

“Maybe I can join you.”

She stood up and threw the pillow at him. This time he ducked. “No such luck.”

“You go bathe and I’ll be here.”

He went to her second bathroom and washed up. He roamed through her refrigerator and found some breakfast items and cooked while waiting for her to get dressed.  Since he had a few things to take care of himself, he would utilize her microwave to do a quick meal.

He had just removed two slices of toast when she came in dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a New Orleans Saints t-shirt.

“I didn’t know you were handy in the kitchen?”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” he responded, as he placed the bacon and eggs on two separate plates.

“Good job,” she said, as she poured two glasses of orange juice.

They chatted over what could now be considered brunch because of the time.

“What’s with the Saints shirt? You know you’re in Cowboy country?”

“My brother played for the Saints until he hurt his knee,” she said, nonchalantly.

“Which position?”

“I think it was linebacker or was it running back. Shoot I don’t know. I’m not a football fan.”

“You won’t have to worry about me taking you to any games.”

“Good, but if you get some tickets to a Mavericks game, you better hook me up.”

“I can do better than that. I have a skybox.”

“Cool. Then it’s on.”


Caitlyn enjoyed their back and forth banters. Being in his arms overnight stirred up emotions she thought were long gone. The more time she spent around Blake, the more the desire to get revenge on him disappeared.

Maybe Bridget and Bradford were right. Maybe she should give up her quest for revenge. If she did that, could she really move on? She could renege on the contract she signed with
Blake but where would she hide.  She grew up in Dallas and had no plans of relocating. She knew Blake would hunt her down to make her live up to her end of the agreement. She would see this situation through. It might cost her—but how much was the million dollar question.



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