Black Heart (16 page)

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

BOOK: Black Heart
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decided that he was going to use this knowledge to his advantage and enjoy every second of

it. His fingers pinched her hard nipple through the material as he teased her bare slit with his

fingers. She was so goddamn wet that he had to grit his teeth as pleasure shot through his

painful erection.

“So wet….so beautiful…,” he mumbled against her skin.

He sucked harder on her neck as he slid a finger inside her. She gave an inarticulate cry

as he entered her. It was loud, too loud. With his other hand, he covered her mouth. She

moaned and licked his hand as he added another finger to his slow torturous assault.

Marty cried against his hand, begging him to go faster, but he stubbornly maintained his

pace. It was too much for her. Every nerve in her body was on fire and this slow pace was

killing her. He was going to make her come painfully if he kept it up. Unable to stand it any

longer, she flexed her hips against his hand and, as a result, his erection.

Her skirt rode up until it was above her hips, leaving her barely covered bottom pressed

intimately against him. Every thrust of her body enveloped his erection in a firm caress, a

familiar caress that had pleasure and relief soaring throughout her body as she gave in and

enjoyed his touch.

“That’s it, baby, keep doing that,” Tristan moaned against her neck as he rubbed himself

against her in time with the thrust of his fingers. He wasn’t going to come like this.

Correction, he wasn’t going to allow himself to come like this. The first time he came with

her, he would be buried deep inside her body. That didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to

enjoy it.

He could feel her body tighten around his fingers. She was close, he knew it instinctively.

Using the hand covering her mouth, he moved her face to the side and covered her lips with

his own. This was no first date peck or even a buildup. This was intense and carnal as they

deepened the kiss the instant their lips met. Their tongues fought for dominance as Tristan

quickened his thrusts.

His now free hand cupped and squeezed her breast as she came undone. “Say it!” he

demanded. “I want to hear it,” he demanded harshly against her lips.

“Tristan…oh, Tristan!” she moaned into his mouth, pleasing him to no end as she rode

his fingers hard, damn near breaking them off.

He pulled back from the kiss, leaving her panting against him as he ran his tongue over

her neck, smiling when she shivered. He moved his mouth next to her ear.

“You might have dressed like this for
, but never forget that it was
name that you

moaned as you fucked my fingers.”


Marty glared at him as she angrily fixed her skirt. Somehow he’d managed to break

through her lust filled craze and brought reality crashing down on them with that one little

statement. He’d just given her the most erotic experience of her life, only to stomp on it

when it was over.

Holding her glare, he slowly brought the fingers that he’d just used to pleasure her to his

mouth and sucked them clean, groaning loudly as he did it, much to her embarrassment.

“You’re an asshole!”

He smiled charmingly up at her from his lazy position in his chair. “Yes, but an asshole

that you want.”

She crossed her arms defiantly over her chest. “It was a moment of weakness, nothing


Tristan scoffed. “That moment damn near broke my fingers off.”

Heat scorched her cheeks as memories of her behavior shot through her head. She was

never going to live down her behavior and, judging by the expression on his face, he had no

intentions of ever letting her forget.

“Asshole,” she muttered.

He sighed as he stretched in his chair. “That’s really getting old, baby.”

“Don’t call me that!”

He shrugged. “So, what am I ordering out for tonight? Chinese food, pizza, subs?”

She eyed him warily. “Ordering out for what?”

“Supper. If we’re going to spend all night in my bed, then I’m going to need sustenance,”

he said charmingly, damn him.

Startled, her mouth dropped open. “You really are arrogant, aren’t you?”

“Only when it comes to you.”

“This,” she gestured wildly between them, “was a mistake. A momentary lapse of

judgment. Nothing more. I have a date tonight with a really nice guy and I intend to forget

all about this and go have a nice time with

Tristan scratched the top of his head in a bored fashion, ignoring everything she’d just

said. “Should I just order or do you want me to wait until you come over to decide?”

She laughed. She really couldn’t help it. The man was beyond conceited. “What makes

you think that I’m coming over to your house tonight? I just told you that I have a date.”

He sighed heavily as he looked up at the clock on the wall above her desk. “What time is

this date of yours supposed to pick you up?”

“Why?” she asked suspiciously. “Are you planning on waiting around for him?”

He shook his head as he stood up to organize the files and place them into his briefcase.

Marty’s eyes briefly dropped to his lap and sighed with relief when she didn’t see his

erection straining against his pants.

“I’m heading home now, but I just wanted to have a rough idea of what time I should

expect you.”

She opened her mouth and then shut it, searching for the right words. Had he always

been this conceited? She didn’t remember him being this way when they were younger. She

remembered that he’d always acted indifferently towards the girls throwing themselves at

him. At least, she thought he had.

“I told you,” she pressed a hand to her forehead, hoping it would be enough to fight off

the headache that she was sure was coming, “I’m going out with Roger tonight. If you must

know he’ll be here in an hour to pick me up. Then I’ll be with him for the rest of the night.”

“Uh huh, sure,” he said as he shut down his computer. “So, I’ll see you around,


“I’m not coming over! What on earth makes you think that I’m going to be there when I

have a date?”

He smiled knowingly at her. “You’ll be there and, as far as your date is concerned, I can

guarantee you right now that isn’t going to happen tonight,” he promised with such

conviction that she knew that he was up to something.

“What are you planning on doing?”

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I just know that your date isn’t going to take you out

tonight, not when he realizes that you belong to me.”

“Belong to you?” she repeated dumbly. Then she laughed coldly. “You are an arrogant

son of a bitch! I do not belong to you or any other man!” A partial lie considering that she’d

always felt like she belonged to him in some strange way, but right now was not the time to

think about that.

“What we did was a mistake and it will never ever happen again! And I will not be

coming to your house tonight. I can guarantee that right now!”

He ignored her little outburst and grabbed his briefcase. He headed for the door only to

pause in front of her. For a moment she thought that he was going to kiss her and try to

convince her of his claim, which she was forty percent sure that she’d be able to resist.

Instead, and much to her surprise, he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss against her


“I’ll be counting the minutes,” he said with the sexiest grin she’d ever seen as he walked

out, leaving her dazed.

No matter what she’d said, she wanted nothing more than to go home with him and live

out every single fantasy that she’d had over the past fourteen years, but she refused to feed

his ego. She really didn’t want to go on this date, never had, but she’d let her friends push

her into it. It had been the only way to shut them up at the time.

Besides, Roger seemed nice and harmless enough. It was supposed to be dinner and

a movie, but she’d already decided that she was going to cut their date short after dinner. If

she couldn’t be with Tristan, she’d rather be alone, which was the problem that she’d

always had when it came to men. She’d never been attracted to them and had no real

interests in dating.

She’d had a few boyfriends over the years, but when all was said and done they’d

never been anything more than friends that she’d hung out with a few times. It didn’t matter

what she did to convince herself otherwise, she was in love with Tristan and no other man

would ever take his place. That didn’t mean that she was going to be a bitch and stand

Roger up. She’d agreed to the date so she’d go, but she already knew that nothing would

ever come of it.

Deciding the best thing for her to do was to go through with the date, she pulled out her

small handheld compact and fixed her makeup. Her hair surprisingly looked good

considering what they'd just done. When she was finished, she sat down and focused on her

work while she waited for six o’clock to roll around. The time went by quickly and before

she knew it there was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” she said as she grabbed her purse and shut down her computer.

“Hi, I hope I’m not too early.”

Marty smiled. “No, I just finished.” She turned to face him. He was cute in a boy next-

door kind of way where Tristan had panty-melting good looks. He was tall, but not as tall as

Tristan. Just as she was silently reprimanding her brain for making unwarranted

comparisons, she noted his frown of displeasure.

“What?” she asked, looking down at her blouse, wondering if she’d spilled something.

“Unbelievable,” he muttered.


He rubbed the back of his neck while shaking his head in disbelief or disgust, she really

wasn’t sure at the moment.

“Just a bit of advice, don’t screw around with another guy the same night that you have a



They could tell those things?

Was she wearing a sign or something?

He gestured to her neck. “Looks like whoever it was wanted to make sure everyone knew

that you were spoken for.” He put his hands up in surrender and stepped back. “My loss,”

he sighed. “Have a good night.” With that he left her standing there with a feeling of

absolute dread.

Slowly, or so it seemed in her mind, but in reality she was probably moving fast enough

to scare the hell out of the Road Runner, she dumped her purse on the desk and found her

mirror. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and angled it towards her neck and stared at the

large and obviously fresh hickey on her neck.

“That little…son of……asshole….I’m…..I’m……


“Why are ye grinning like an idiot?” Shayne asked, never looking away from the

television where a low budget seventies porn was playing.

Tristan hummed happily as he towel dried his hair and chest. He probably should have

finished drying off before he pulled on his jeans, but he’d been too damn anxious to wait.

Marty was coming over, he thought, grinning like a fool and not really caring.

“No reason,” he replied happily as he walked through the living room and headed

towards the kitchen.

Shayne, surprisingly followed after him, shutting off his porn, which he only did under

dire emergencies or because Tristan’s mother was visiting. He followed Tristan into the

kitchen, saying nothing as Tristan looked through the drawer full of take out menus.

“Are we ordering out tonight?” Shayne asked. In all the years he’d watched over the lad,

he’d never once seen him this happy. The closest he’d ever come was when Marty was


“Yes, Marty’s coming over.”

His brows flew up at that bit of news. “Ye have a date with Marty?” He didn’t try to hide

his surprise. Tristan had been in love with the girl for years and never once, to his

aggravation, had the lad acted on it.

Tristan shifted uncomfortably. “Not a date so much as her coming over here to kill me.”


“I, uh,” he cleared his throat loudly, “might have done something to um, piss her off

enough to come here and kick my ass.”

“I think I should sit down for this,” Shayne said as he stumbled over to the kitchen table

and sat down on the chair. He gestured for Tristan to continue even though he was sure this

wasn’t going to be good and might end up with Hank coming after the lad with a shotgun.

“Do you think she’ll want Chinese?” Tristan asked, making a piss poor attempt to distract


“Lad,” that one word was laced with warning, a tone that had always worked on Tristan.

Where his natural father hadn’t given a flying fuck about him, he had three men who

eagerly took over the job.

Tom, his real dad as far as he was concerned, was protective. He’d been the first person

to show Tristan unconditional love. He’d also taught him how to fish, ride a bike, and

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