Blood Hunger (An Adult Paranormal Romance) (Deathless Night Series #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Blood Hunger (An Adult Paranormal Romance) (Deathless Night Series #1)
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He rubbed the back of his neck. He just needed to get through the next few days. Afterwards, he’d be busy with his brother, and she could go home with her sister, and they’d never have to see each other again. Things could go back to normal. Maybe take Aiden up on that harem idea he was always bugging him about, or something.

Yeah, right.
The guys teased him
for living his life like a monk, he had a feeling it was only going to get worse once Emma was gone, if that was even possible.

Tossing the now empty blood bag, Nik grabbed a glass and poured himself a large shot of Maker’s 46, not that it would do much good. Alcohol didn’t affect him anymore, which was great, or he’d be a goddamned alcoholic by now. He still liked to slug it down though, more for comfort than effect, and he quickly downed that glass and poured another. Tossing that one back just as quickly as the first, he rinsed out his glass and gathered up the courage to go talk to his female. It was time to quit being a pussy and go in there and tell her how it was going to be, which was strictly business from here on out. She’d help them when they found Luukas, and then she’d be on her way back across the country, lost sister in tow. Fated mate shit be damned.

     Mind made up, he headed to his room, strolling in without knocking. Emma wasn’t there.
Where the hell is she now?
Walking around the bed he checked the couch, which was empty. His heart gave a heavy thump in his chest. Where did she go? He’d been standing right there in the kitchen the entire time; she couldn’t have snuck past him.

     He made himself stop, took a deep breath, and focused himself, paying more attention this time. Ok. She was in the room. He could feel her. Her stuff was still here, and the suitcase was open on the bed. His head whipped around as he noticed the bathroom door was cracked open, and the soft light above the sink was on.

     He was standing in the open doorway before he was even aware that he’d moved, a deep breath of relief filling his chest. Emma was there, in nothing but a towel, her hair pulled up to reveal her graceful neck. Holding the towel closed with one hand, she reached in with her other to turn on the water, holding it under the stream as she waited for the temperature to adjust. As he watched, she dropped the towel she’d been wrapped in and stuck her hand in for a final check.

Ahhh. Fucking. Hell.

     As the graceful line of her spine and her hot little ass were revealed to him, his cock punched up so hard, he sent up a silent thank you for stretchy running clothes. Her body was lean and strong, yet still retained plenty of feminine curves. She was absolutely perfect.

     Scrubbing a hand across his mouth, he nearly sliced it open on his aching fangs.

     If there were anything left of a gentleman in him, he would leave and give her her privacy. Turn around right now, and walk right the fuck back into the kitchen. Yeah, he should do that. He could come back later for that talk. When she was fully clothed.

     He was about to step back into the bedroom. Really, he was. But then she shifted slightly as she removed her hand from the water and pulled back the curtain to step under the water.

What the fuck?

     The light was soft in here, as it was easier on his sensitive eyes, so he hadn’t noticed right away.

     More scars, similar to the ones he’d already seen, ran across her hip and down her one leg. Ragged tears that had healed unevenly where they couldn’t be stitched closed. She looked like she’d been torn into by rabid dogs. How had she possibly survived wounds like that? And there was another one on the muscle between her neck and shoulder, and another on her side above the opposite hip, one of her calves, her arms, her legs…

“Stop!” he ordered. “Don’t. Move.”

Chapter Eighteen





     Emma let out a small shriek, nearly jumping out of her skin as Nik’s voice boomed and echoed in the small room. Bending down to retrieve the towel she’d just dropped, she wrapped it back around herself before turning around to face him. “What the hell are you doing in here? Get out!” 

Catching her first good look at him, she immediately took a step back, almost falling into the shower. He was totally vamped out again, and not just in an “I want to fuck you and/or drink you” kind of way. He was utterly enraged, and perfectly lethal.

     “Nik? What’s wrong?” Looking around, she didn’t see any immediate danger lurking about. What was he so riled up about?

     It never crossed her mind that she could be in danger from him.

     He didn’t immediately answer. His glowing eyes raked over her, like he could see right through the towel she was clutching. “Take off the towel, Emma,” he ground out.

     “What? No! I will not!” Pulling it tighter around her, she ordered sternly, “Nikulas. You need to leave.”

He narrowed his eyes, and she could see the muscles jumping as he clenched his jaw. “Take. It. Off.” He started advancing towards her. “NOW.”

Emma began to panic. No, no, no! How much had he seen? Tears filled her eyes as she begged him, “Nik, please.
. Leave it alone.” Stepping back into the shower, with a death grip on her towel under the onslaught of water, she got as far from him as she could. She didn’t want him to see the rest of her body. She was ugly and scarred and…and…ruined. He’d already seen enough. More than enough.

     A harsh sob was wrung from her chest as she suddenly comprehended why he was reacting the way he was. Horrified that he’d seen so much, she gripped that towel so hard her knuckles turned white.

     The wretched sound that burst from her drew him up short, and he stayed just out of arm’s reach of her. “Emma…I want to see them. I
to see them.”

She shook her head frantically. “No! No, Nik.”

Reaching out a hand towards her, but not touching her, he said more calmly, “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you…I’m

Dropping his hand back down to his side, he just stared at her for long moments. When he did finally speak, his voice was hoarse with the emotions raging through him. “What did they do to you?”

She trembled visibly in the warm water, desperately clutching her drenched towel to herself. “Please…” she whispered.

     Why wouldn’t he just leave?




     Fury surged through Nikulas’s body. He couldn’t control it. Fury at himself for scaring her, and fury at the things that had torn her up like a piece of meat. If there was any doubt in his mind that the things she’d described existed, it wasn’t there anymore.

     Stepping into the shower fully clothed, he ignored her protests and pulled her trembling body into his arms. She wasn’t broken. He would hold her pieces together. His strong, brave, sweet girl. His little warrior. She had nothing to be ashamed of.

     He held her head to his chest and wrapped his other arm tightly around her back, holding her to him like she was the most precious thing he’d ever beheld.

She is,
he realized.

     Tearfully, she whispered, “I just don’t want you to see…”

“How stunningly gorgeous you are? You’re right. Probably not a good idea. I don’t know that I’d be able to control myself. It would totally ruin my long running status as the monk of the group here.”

It took her a moment, but then…Her muffled giggle was the sweetest thing he’d ever heard. “Somehow I don’t believe that,” she mumbled into his wet shirt.

     “It’s absolutely true. The guys tease me relentlessly about it.”

He was trying to distract her, and it was working. “How is that possible? I mean, you’re…you…and you look like…you do.”

“That’s a story for another time.” As he felt her start to relax, he loosened his grip and leaned back to look down into her face. “Ok?”

Peeking up at him from beneath her lashes, she gave a small shrug as she awkwardly tried to hike up her towel while still in his arms.

     “I’m sorry for barging in like I did. I should have let you know I was in the bedroom.” He wanted to rip the towel off of her. Wanted to demand that she tell him, in detail, what those things did to her. So she wouldn’t have to bear the pain alone anymore. But he did neither of those things.

     In an act of sheer willpower, he kissed her on top of the head and took a step back. “I’ll leave you to your shower. There’s more towels in the closet right there.”

Emma stayed him with a hand on his arm. “Thank you.”

He gave her a little smirk. “For barging in on you unannounced, invading your privacy, and yelling at you?”

“No…” She giggled again, holding her sopping towel with one hand and running her fingers through her steam dampened hair with the other. “Not for that part. But for not pushing the matter. And for lying.” She let go of his arm, but he stayed where he was, frowning down at her.


“Yeah. You know…about the ‘gorgeous’ thing and all that…” Color rushed into her face as she lowered her head in embarrassment. “I’m far from it, but I appreciate the gesture.”

Nik’s anger returned full force. Gripping her chin, he tilted her face up to his until she was forced to look at him. Her eyes were wide as he gently squeezed her jaw, just enough to make sure he had her full attention. “I NEVER lie, Emma. You would do well to remember that.”

Loosening his grip, he ran the backs of his fingers across her cheek and down her neck, following the path they made with his bright eyes. “Everything about you is perfect to me, don’t
doubt that. Your face, your hair, your scent, your voice, your soul…even your scars. Especially your scars. Every single second I’m near you is absolute torture for me. You couldn’t even begin to comprehend the amount of willpower I have to have not to throw you down onto this cold bathroom floor and fuck you senseless. Every single second of every, single, day. I don’t care where we are, or who’s around. It’s always like that when I’m next to you.”

Did she believe him? He couldn’t tell.

     Suddenly, she rose up on her toes and softly kissed the skin stretched over the sharp outline of his jaw. God, she smelled so good. He wanted her to kiss him again, wanted to taste her, wanted to run his tongue slowly from her lips to her groin and everywhere in between.

     Nik closed his eyes as he felt her lips touch his skin again, a low growl rumbling in his chest. He couldn’t contain it. His self-control was quickly slipping away. The sweet scent of her building desire came to him, and he knew if he touched her there, she’d be soaking wet and ready.

     He heard her heart racing and the sound of her blood rushing through her veins. His mouth watered at the memory of that blood. He’d never wanted a female like he wanted Emma. He wanted to see her naked and writhing beneath him, her hair mussed and the sheen of sweat on her skin. He wanted to feel her lose control and scream his name. Wanted to make her come over and over again.

     Opening his eyes, he looked down at her flushed face. He knew it wasn’t the heat of the shower bringing the color to her cheeks. Her hazel eyes were bold and bright with desire as she stared up at him. Her lips slightly parted. Her breath coming in soft pants. It would be so easy to devour that luscious mouth of hers. All he had to do was lower his head just a little. He could be very careful.

     Moving quicker than she could track, Nik kissed her. He ravaged her sweet mouth, being very careful of his fangs this time. It wasn’t enough. He wanted more.

     Clenching his fists, he fought the animalistic instinct raging through him to complete overtake her. He felt one of her hands come up to rest on his stomach, hesitate, then move up his shirt over his chest, to push into his hair and hold his head to hers, while she enthusiastically kissed him back.

     Though his hands were now fisted at his sides, his mouth on hers held her there against him as effectively as his arms would. He kissed her like a starving man, kissed her relentlessly, growling low in his throat at the taste of her.

     He wanted to pull her to him, to wrap his arms around her. He wanted to tear off his clothes, push her up against that shower wall, and bury his length in her. He wanted to sink his fangs into her plump vein as she came, and then pound into her while her blood ran down his throat, until he erupted inside of her.

     And then he wanted to do it all over again. And again. And would probably rip her apart and suck her dry without even realizing it.

     Just like Eliana.

     Holy hell, he wanted this woman, but he couldn’t trust himself to be careful enough with her if he fucked her. There was no damn way he’d be able to control himself when it was agony to just stand next to her. But maybe…

Emma let out a little sound of protest as Nik broke off the kiss and stepped back again. He took a moment to calm his breathing as he silently tried to talk himself out of what he was thinking.

     In the meantime, he allowed himself the luxury of letting his eyes roam over her. Her eyes were bright. Her lips swollen from his kisses. Her nipples were hard little pebbles underneath her wet towel.

     She lifted a hand and swayed towards him, but he grabbed her hand before she could touch him, and quickly spun her around to the back of the shower, “Put your hands up on the wall.”

The need he could feel emitting from her as she tried to touch him had locked down that decision he was trying to make.

     “Nikulas? What are you doing?” Emma tried to twist herself back around to face him, but he wouldn’t let her.

     “Do as I say. Put your hands up on the wall, above your head.” With only a slight hesitation, she did. The towel fell open in the front, but the wet material stuck to her back.

     “Don’t move your hands, no matter what. Don’t touch me. You hold up that wall like it will come crashing down on us if you don’t. I don’t think I could control myself if you touched me anymore, Em, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

He heard her suck in a breath as he moved up against her back, blocking the shower spray, his huge staff pressing into her backside as hard as the stone tiles under her palms.

     Leaning down into her from behind and putting his arms around her waist, he put his mouth to her ear… “I want to touch you Emma. I want your breasts to fill my hands. I want to feel how wet you are. I want to make you come and I want you to scream my name when you do so. I won’t hurt you. I won’t bite you. I promise. Do you trust me?”

She didn’t even hesitate. “Yes.”

With a hungry growl at her answer, he didn’t give her any time to change her mind. Gathering her hair out of the way in one hand, he pressed his lips to the back of her neck, careful to keep his fangs in check, as he slid his other hand across the satiny skin of her stomach. Running his palm up her ribcage, he squeezed her full breast, kneading her gently and then plucking hard at her nipple, making her gasp and arch her back. His chest rumbled against her back as he felt her reaction, “Perfect…you feel so perfect…”

Moving his hand to her other breast, he did the same on that side, and felt more scars there. He had to quickly tamper down the rage that rose up, needed to distract himself. Moving his hand back to her other breast, he lost himself in the feel of her.

     Still playing with her nipples and kissing her nape, he let go of her hair and slowly moved his other hand back across her flat stomach, then over her hip and down to settle low on her belly. Pushing her lightly to hold her in place, he rolled his hips into her shapely ass. 

     Emma pushed her hips back into him, rubbing her ass along his thick length. Her breath came in short pants. Her moan at the feel of him causing him to tighten his hands on her.

     “Do NOT move,” he hissed. “You do that again and I’ll have you down on the floor with my cock inside of you before realize what’s happening.”

Emma whimpered at his words. Hearing her and misunderstanding the sound, Nik became still, “Shit. I’m sorry.

He took a deep breath.  “I can stop.”
I think.

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