Bound Together (57 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Lifting his head with my
hands I gazed at him, tears rolling down my cheeks. “I’m sorry. I
just can’t go through losing you all over again. It hurts too
Tears in my eyes I got to
my feet and walked to the door, glancing back at him as he sat,
gazing at me; clearly devastated and broken, just as I was. “Daniel
will take the two of you home. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done
to you Layla. But you should know there will never be anyone else
for me. As long as you’re walking this earth, the shattered pieces
of my wasted heart will love you forever. You’re my girl Layla.”
Pulling a chain from beneath his collar he held his pendant in his
He still wore it
. Holding it tightly he stared at me. “You will always be my
only love.” I nodded weakly, understanding exactly how he felt
because my broken heart felt just the same. “Goodbye Jared.” A sob
escaped my lips as I turned and walked out of the door and out of
his life forever.




Amy had been devastated
when I told her about Felix, although leaving out the critical
detail that Lucy was Jared’s sister. Crying for days and becoming
withdrawn, there was little Mel and I could do to console her. My
own pain was still fresh but seeing my friend so shattered and hurt
because I had chosen to ignore Jared’s warning, was devastating.
Packing for the holidays, she stared at me. “I don’t blame you, you
know that right? He’s a slime ball. I can’t believe what he did to
you at that table, right next to me. Jared should have strangled
him. I wanted to. Disgusting, vile, pig!” She was slipping
healthily from depression to violent anger. “Urgh, I swear if I
ever see him again I’m going to cut off his balls with a blunt
knife; slowly, sawing back and forth, painfully!” I winced and
looked at Mel who was laughing hysterically in the

Ouch Amy.”
Shoving a large pile of
dresses in her suitcase she slammed it shut, climbed on top and
began jumping up and down on it, forcing it closed. “Sick, twisted,
son of a bitch!” I smiled as I watched her shout obscenities at her
poor, crammed, full to the brim case. At least she had a productive
outlet for her anger.
The door swung open and
in stepped a rather smartly dressed Ollie. “Woo get a load of you
spunk boy.” Mel got to her feet and walked in a circle around him.
“Got a court hearing or something?”
Wearing black pants and a
deep purple shirt, he looked totally out of place. Grinning at her,
he did a little twirl. “Actually I thought if I’m meeting Layla’s
pops, I should at least look half decent.”
Mel smiled at me. “If I
know Layla, she’d take indecent over half decent any

Melanie!” I gawked at

I’m kidding, I’m
I didn’t want Ollie to
get the wrong impression about us. He’d made his feelings for me
perfectly clear and though I was now, technically free and single,
I wasn’t ready to move on just yet. “Don’t worry Layla. I’ll be the
perfect gentleman.” He smiled at me and then turned his attention
to Amy who was now stomping so hard on her case it could easily
have sued her for assault and battery. Giving her a wave, he turned
to the door. “That’s it Amy. You tell that son of a bitch suitcase
who’s boss. Layla, I’ll get our bags and meet you outside?”
Nodding, I smiled back at him as he hauled my bag from the floor
and heaved it out the door.
Mel regarded me
suspiciously with her hand fisted on her hip. “You like him. Oh my
god, it’s so obvious.” I gave her a confused look. “Oh come on
Layla. You’re blushing!”
Pressing my fingertips to
my cheeks I felt the heat radiating from them. I
blushing but she was
crazy. I wasn’t into Ollie, we were friends and I was still nursing
a broken heart. It was way too soon for crushes. “You’re nuts.
We’re just friends.” Landing her ass onto her suitcase, Amy
snorted. “Ha! Friends that are totally and completely hot for each
other and have been since they met.”

not true. I have not
been hot for Ollie.”
Mel interrupted me. “Ah
so you admit that you are hot for him then.” I exhaled

No, I’m saying… I just…
oh shut up!”
Bursting into laughter
the two spoke rapidly at me. “Ok, ok. So he’s hot, and sweet and
kinda great but I’m not ready to get into anything right now. I
still love Jared and that’s not going to change by me getting
involved with Ollie.”
Walking over to Amy, Mel
helped zip up the case before turning to face me, the two of them
staring me down. “Look, we’re not saying go fall in love all over
again. We’re not even saying have a relationship but a little fun
wouldn’t kill you Layla. Ollie is a great guy and he likes you.
There’s nothing standing in your way anymore and I think you’d be
crazy not to at least see where it goes. At least don’t completely
rule out the possibility ok?”
Rolling my eyes I
conceded, hoping it would end this tiresome and tedious
conversation. “Ok. Never say never.” Making our way outside, we met
Ollie and the four of us said our goodbyes as Amy headed back home
and the three of us headed to Pasadena. Lugging our bags into the
trunk of my car, Ollie grinned. “This is awesome. I’ve never had a
real Christmas before.” Mel gave him a hug and playfully tousled
his hair. “Aww, well don’t worry little man, if you’ve been a good
boy I’m sure Santa will bring you something special this year.”
Giving me a bashful glance he smiled. “I hope so.”

* * *

The drive to Pasadena was
an experience in itself. Mel had elected to sit in the back seat,
leaving Ollie up front with me. Turning up the stereo he beamed.
“Oh Layla if I didn’t love you before I do now! I love All Time
I grinned, blushing as he
sat beside me playing air guitar. Mel leaned between the front
seats. “Oh that Alex is so fucking hot! I definitely would!” I
laughed as I watched her make lewd gestures with her hands in my
rear view mirror. “Hey, behave back there. Don’t make me turn this
car around.” Falling into her seat she cackled
The second we pulled into
the driveway, Mel was out of the car and taking our bags from the
trunk. Ollie climbed out and stared up at the house. “Wow, this is
where you grew up?” I nodded as I helped Mel with her enormous
case. “Looks nice.” I smiled at him and handed him the handle of
his case. “It is. Come on, let’s go say hi. We’ll catch you later
Mel?” Heading across her lawn she yelled over her shoulder. “You
can bet your ass you will.” Taking Ollie by the hand, I led him to
the door and opened it, pulling him in with me. Dropping his case
in the hallway he gazed around in total wonderment. “Wow, it’s a
proper house. Like a homey house you know?”
I grinned. “I
Bounding down the stairs
my father yelled, “Baby girl!” Scooping me into his arms, he gave
me a tight hug and kissed my cheek. “Oh I missed you.”
Hardly able to breathe, I
laughed. “Daddy, this is Ollie.” Dropping me, he extended his hand
and shook Ollie’s. “Of course, I remember, the guitar player at the
party right?”

Yes sir.”

Let’s not bother with
the sir. Andrew is fine.” Nodding, Ollie smiled.

Andrew. Thanks for
letting me stay here over the holidays. I really appreciate it.”
Wrapping his arm round my waist dad pulled me to his side and
kissed the top of my head. “Well my baby said she wasn’t leaving
you there and that meant either she stayed or you came here. But
it’s great to have another person to share the cleaning up after
she cooks Christmas lunch. I swear, every single pot and pan, none
are neglected.” I nudged him playfully. “Why don’t you kids unpack
and we’ll get Mel and order a pizza?” I glanced at Ollie who gave
me a warm smile.

Showing Ollie to the
guest room I smiled at him. “I’m glad you’re here. Less time for me
to be alone thinking about things when I have all of Pasadena to
show you.” He nudged me gently as he placed his case on the bed.
“I’m glad I’m here too. Thanks for this Layla. I mean that.”
Leaning in he kissed my cheek. My heart pounded and my cheek heated
instantly at the touch of his lips. Oh good god girl, get a

* * *

For the first three days,
Ollie and I spent most of our time hanging with Mel either at my
house or hers. Her parents worked all the time so we were pretty
much left to our own devices. We watched dozens of movies and
easily ate the local store out of all their junk food. With pizza,
Thai and Indian food just a phone call away, we were officially
hermitting. Ollie hadn’t stopped smiling since we’d arrived and I
was pleased to see him having fun and laughing so much. Sitting on
the sofa, he sat on the floor in front of me and I smiled as I saw
his eyes dance as we watched one of the comedies Mel had got from
the video store. I was dazzled by his smile. He had one of those
smiles you see on famous movie stars and models on billboards.
Dimples appeared on either side of his mouth and his teeth were
perfectly white and straight. His lip ring bounced up and down as
he laughed and I found myself suddenly biting hard on my own bottom
lip as I gazed at it. Mel nudged me gently with her foot which was
currently on my lap as she sprawled the length of my couch.
Mouthing to me silently, she grinned. “You are so bad.” I furrowed
my brow and shook my head at her as if I had no idea what she was
talking about and darted my eyes back to the TV, grateful that
Ollie had remained completely oblivious during our
Friday night I decided to
take Ollie to the local park. Every year some of the people living
in the area got together and there was a huge firework display and
loads of food, hot cider and live music. Mel was spending the
evening at her grandma’s as she did every Friday. Dressed in his
dark jeans and an “I will rock your world” t-shirt, he looked like
the rock star I knew and loved. Pulling on my coat, I grabbed his
hand. “Come on rock star. We’d better get going.” He pointed at my
keys on the table as I pulled him out the door. “We’re not driving

Nope, it’s not far,
besides, I like the walk.” He groaned and stared down at his feet.
I couldn’t control myself, a fit of giggles started as I looked at
his pained expression while staring at his converse trainers.
“These are not walking shoes Layla. And it’s not funny. I’m very
fond of these shoes.” I gave him a playful shove. “Well you can
always borrow a pair of my shoes if you like.” Laughing with me he
shook his head. “I’ll suffer it.”
My giggles continued all
the way to the park as Ollie groaned and moaned as we stepped over
grass, mud and dirt. Holding his hand, I leaned my head on his
shoulder as we walked. “What was it like where you grew up? I mean
I know about home but didn’t you have friends? Go out? Have fun at
all?” Resting his cheek against my hair, he shrugged. “I grew up in
a trailer park in Michigan. I didn’t have friends, it was better
that way. Friends would ask questions or see things. We lived in a
bad area and the nearest park was always full of addicts and needle
dick, high school drop outs. It was kinda hard to have fun when you
grow up constantly waiting for your next beat down.” I frowned as I
thought about the poor dark haired little boy abandoned and beaten.
Instinctively my hand reached for his arm where his tattoo covered
a painful scar. His hoodie was covering it but I knew he understood
the gesture. Pressing his lips to my head he sighed. “It’s ok. I’m
still here aren’t I? And now I have you guys. I’m having more fun
than I’ve had in all my life.” Gazing down at me with his soft
brown eyes, he smiled as we walked side by side to the
Lanterns hung along wires
from the trees and the smell of cinnamon, apple cider and hot cocoa
was intoxicating. It felt like Christmas at last. We walked hand in
hand around the different stalls and every now and then I would see
people I knew and make polite conversation. Everyone felt like
strangers now and I found myself feeling more and more irritated by
their questions. How is college? What are you studying? Is that
your boyfriend? After being asked for the third time and having to
explain our relationship, Ollie had taken it upon himself to simply
answer yes whenever anyone asked and surprisingly it didn’t bother
me at all.
The band was rocking and
as we approached the stage I squeaked with delight. Singing into
the mic was a tall, brown haired, gorgeous face I recognized
instantly. Letting go of Ollie’s hand, I ran up and waved at the
lead singer who grinned down at me, signaling with his finger to
give him a minute. “Who’s that?” Grinning like a lunatic, I turned
to Ollie. “That, Oliver Green, is Brad Daily. We were in a band
together in high school. It’s where I started singing.” Finishing
his set, Brad climbed down from the stage and gave me a warm hug.
“Layla! You look great! How the hell are you? You here for the
holidays?” I smiled back at him. “I’m good. Yeah I’m here for a
couple of weeks then heading to San Francisco to see mom. Oh, hey
this is Ollie. He’s Cali State’s resident rock star.”
Shaking hands, the two
smiled at each other. “Ah so you play. Sing too?” Stuffing one hand
in his pocket and the other around my waist Ollie nodded. “Yea, but
Layla here is way better than I am. She sings with my band at our
local bar some nights.” Brad grinned. “Hey, you guys should totally
play! You can use my guitar. And the guys will back you up.”
Lifting the shiny black electric guitar over his head he handed it
to Ollie who gave me a hopeful look. “I’m game if you are.” Biting
my bottom lip I thought for a moment. To hell with it, I needed a
little fun. “Bring it on rock star.” Climbing up onto the stage,
Ollie held his hand out to me and hauled me up. Turning to the
band, he told them what to play and they all seemed delighted with
his choice. I gave him a quizzical look but grinning, he shook his
head. Loud and electrifying, the intro to Meatloaf ‘Dead Ringer For
Love’ started playing through the speakers. Grinning back at him, I
watched as he belted out the words strong, powerful and in that
husky way he always sang. My breathing quickened as he stood inches
from my face, singing into the mic we were forced to share. I could
smell the spearmint gum on his breath and the sweet fragrance of
his hair gel. When the song reached the time for me to sing, I
looked straight at him and sang every word with all I had. We were
a duet after all and I wanted us to be convincing. He watched me
intensely with his gorgeous chestnut eyes, while biting and running
his tongue over his lip ring. My insides clenched.
Oh my
. He was so
blisteringly hot.

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