Cat Snips - a Short Story Collection by Cat Johnson (14 page)

BOOK: Cat Snips - a Short Story Collection by Cat Johnson
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Wait until the boys back at the
arena heard about this. He bent and retrieved his wallet from his
jeans, sliding two condoms out of a hidden pocket. He thanked God his
friend Mustang had taught him to always carry more than one, just in
case. The older riders could teach you far more than just how to stay
on a bull. Chase intended to learn all he could.

Sliding the spare and his wallet
back into his pants, he made short work of his boxers, kicking them
down his legs and onto the floor. He was rock hard, so that wasn’t
an issue, but slipping on the condom took a few tries. It was inside
out at first, but he figured that out pretty quick and then he was
finally prepared. So was she apparently. She’d pushed those red
panties off and was twirling them temptingly on one finger.

Chase stepped in between her
thighs. She was waxed to within an inch of her life and he sure liked
the view. He ran his hand over the smooth, hairless skin before
getting brave and sliding a finger down her slit, and then inside
her. The feel of her, hot and already wet, had his heart racing

Let’s get to the
good stuff. There’s no time for messing around with foreplay.”
She wiggled her hips closer to the edge of the table.

Sure thing.” He
usually enjoyed the foreplay, but hell, a woman in a hurry to get to
the good stuff wasn’t a bad thing. She was so ready for him, he
plunged inside easily. Urged by her hands on his hips, he withdrew
and then went in for another go round.

Yes. Harder.”
Throwing her head back, she let go with her hands and clamped her
legs around his waist tighter than he did during a bull ride.

Yes, ma’am.”
He grinned, always happy to please a lady.

The adrenaline from the
competition had subsided, but the euphoria remained. Damn, the way he
felt, he could go all night and he intended to. When they ran out of
condoms, he’d just have to get creative. He’d learned a
few ways to get creative with women from Mustang too.

Glancing down at the greedy
expression on her face as he pounded into her, Chase had no doubt
she’d be up for anything.

He was just really getting into
the rhythm when a sound from the front of the house broke into his
consciousness. Chase halted mid-motion. “What was that?”

Nothing. Keep going.”
Panting, she grabbed at his hips.

Thrusting forward again, Chase
was ready to write off what he’d thought he heard to his
imagination, when he definitely heard the front door slam shut.

Darlin’, I’m

And that was definitely a man’s
voice calling out from the foyer.

Chase’s eyes flew open wide
as he stared down at her. “Who is that?”

She smiled, looking like the
devil himself truly had possessed her. “My husband.”

Your husband. What the
hell? Are you trying to get me killed?” Still buried deep
inside her, he struggled to get free, but her hold on him was too
tight. The damn woman had leg muscles like a pro bull rider.

No. I’m trying to
teach him he can’t go running around the country on so-called
business trips with his slutty little secretary.” She struggled
against his efforts to get loose, then, worse, she called out, “Hey,
baby. I’m in the game room.”

Holy crap. Are you crazy?”

Chase finally freed himself from
her clench, bent down and scooped up his belongings. Looking
frantically for any way out beside the doorway through which her
husband was about to walk, he spotted glass doors that opened onto a
terrace. He sprinted bare-assed outside, his rapidly deflating,
condom-covered erection leading the way.

What the fuck!”

With one hand braced on the
railing, Chase barely considered the eight foot drop to the ground as
her husband’s booming voice behind him announced he hadn’t
gotten away unseen.

Chase landed on the ground,
falling hard on one knee before scrambling up and running for the
back of the property. Daring to glance back, he saw one very angry
and extremely large husband swearing at him over the railing, before
the man turned around and ran back inside. Then there was the sound
of a car engine firing up in the driveway.

Shit.” Chase
tripped. He crashed into the trunk of a tree, the bark scraping the
skin of his hip. Clothes and boots clutched to his chest and dick
still hanging out, he kept running. If he could get into a neighbor’s
yard and hide, he could at least get dressed and maybe wait it out
until the coast was clear.

The backyard was the size of
baseball field. It left him out in the open, naked and probably about
to be shot. That thought motivated him to run a little faster.

By the time he got to the
neighbor’s property, he heard the squeal of tires as a red
convertible fishtailed around the corner of the next block. He
considered running back, but these damn rich people had such huge
yards, by the time he got to the other street, the angry husband
would be there waiting for him. It was kind of like being a runner
stuck between the bases as the first and second basemen tossed the
ball back and forth.

Chase ran through the neighbor’s
yard, leaping over flowers and in one case, an unhappy cat, as the
car got closer. He figured this was it. His life was over, and all
for a few seconds inside a woman. Then a suped-up, black pickup truck
coming from the other direction swerved onto the lawn of the house
nearest him.

The door flung open. “Get

Not one to question the
generosity of strangers with his life on the line, Chase jumped in.
The truck took off before he’d even swung the door shut,
speeding past the angry husband who threw the car into a spin and
began following them.

The dark-haired guy driving let
out an excited whoop, grinning at Chase. “Sweet. Did you see
how that car handles?”

He sure had, in between pulling
his underwear up his legs and trying to catch his breath. Chase had
noticed the condom still hanging off his now limp dick. With a quick
look at the stranger who’d saved him to make sure he was
looking at the road, Chase pulled the rubber off. He flung it out the
open window. One backward glance told him that had been a really bad
idea. It hit the windshield of the sports car behind them and stuck
there. Nothing like literally throwing it in the guy’s face
he’d just been fucking his wife.

Chase spun back in his seat.
“He’s gaining on us.” And now he was really pissed,
as if he hadn’t been before.

Well, yeah. Of course he
is. That thing’s got way more horsepower than I do, but we have
something he doesn’t.”

He didn’t know what that
was, but he did know if he was going to die, he’d do it with
his boots on. Chase struggled into his jeans and had one boot in his
hand before he asked, “What do we have he doesn’t?”

Whatever it was, they were sure
going to need it. Boots finally on, he got up the nerve to look
backward once more. Holding on with one hand to stay in his seat as
his new friend took a turn too fast, Chase watched the car pursuing
them swerve from one side of the road to the other, trying to get
alongside them.

We’ve got four-wheel
drive.” Looking like he was enjoying this a bit too much, the
driver swerved off the road and headed directly for the creek running
alongside it. The truck crashed down the bank and through the water
as the car skidded to a stop behind them.

On the other side of the water,
the crazy man at the wheel let out another giant whoop as the truck
pulled up the creek bed and bounced onto another road. “That
was great. I love it.”

Finally letting himself breath
freely again, Chase wished he could say the same.

Once it was pretty obvious the
sports car couldn’t follow, and they were well out of sight,
Chase let himself start to think he might live to see another day.

The driver finally slowed the
truck to something nearer the speed limit and glanced over. “Where
can I drop you?”

Shit, my truck’s
back at the sports arena.” That would be the last time Chase
would agree when a woman said she’d drive. From now on, he’d
follow in his own truck. He’d also think to ask if she was
married or not.

No problem. We’re
not too far from the arena. I’m John Dollar by the way. Folks
usually just call me Dollar.”

Chase Reese. Oh, man. I
don’t know how to thank you.”

John shot him a crooked smile.
“Don’t worry about it. I haven’t had that much fun
in a long time.”

No, really. I know I must
have looked like a crazy man, running down the road, you know, naked
like that, and you stopped anyway.” That made Chase wonder if
he would have done the same. “Why did you pick me up?”

Just paying it forward,
dude. I’ve been in a similar position thanks to Ms. Jenny.”

Chase’s eyes opened wide as
the realization hit him. “Do you mean… You? And her?”

He hadn’t been this woman’s
first romp on the cheating side. Chase supposed he shouldn’t be
surprised by that.

Yup.” Dollar
grinned wide. “She’s been trying to teach that husband of
hers a lesson for years now. You’d think he’d have
learned it by now. Or at least gotten tired and divorced her. Hey,
you wanna grab a beer? There’s a bar on the way.”

Oh, yeah. I sure could use
one.” Shaking his head, Chase still couldn’t believe it
all. He hadn’t gotten to finish what he’d started, but it
sure had been one hell of an eight-second ride. One he wouldn’t
forget any time soon.

The End


Johnson is the author of contemporary erotic romance in genres
including western, military, romantic comedy, multiple partner and
paranormal. She is known for her creative research and marketing
techniques. Consequently some of her closest friends/book consultants
wear combat or cowboy boots for a living, she owns an entire
collection of camouflage and western footwear for book signings and
she’s sponsored pro bull riders.

is the author of over a dozen full-length romance novels and numerous
shorter works. For more information about the author, her blogs and
all of her available works visit

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