Cat Snips - a Short Story Collection by Cat Johnson (8 page)

BOOK: Cat Snips - a Short Story Collection by Cat Johnson
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At least, she didn’t used
to. Apparently, it was just this one particular nurse…and the
fact she’d fucked Jeff in particular.

Jeff continued to run his hand up
and down her bare leg while they spoke, causing her skin to prickle
with goose bumps. Finally Meg’s need and curiosity won out over
her displeasure. “Why did you want Bunny out?”

Bunny? You named it?”
He laughed again.

She looked away, embarrassed.
“Yes. And stop laughing at me.”

I think it’s cute.”
Jeff squeezed her leg and she looked up in time to see his warm

Why did you want him?”
she repeated.

He grinned wider. “You’ll
see. Trust me.”

Meg frowned again. Good old
predictable Jeff was proving himself to be not so predictable any
longer. She wasn’t sure she liked this new turn of events at

He didn’t give her time to
consider it further as he leaned in closer. “Now come here and
be quiet so I can kiss you.”

She scowled until the pressure of
his mouth forced hers into a different position entirely. As he
kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding between her lips and stroking
in and out slowly against hers, simulating what he would soon do to
her body, she let her anger go. It was hard to stay mad at Jeff when
he kissed her like that.

Remembering their first kiss
ever, that night months ago, she realized Jeff’s kisses had
been her downfall to begin with.

The strong, slightly rough touch
of his hands roamed, pushing her top up. He had to break the kiss to
pull the shirt off over her head. He gazed at her nakedness. Her
nipples were puckering in the chill air, but he soon bent to warm her
with his mouth.

He took his time, nibbling on
each breast, one by one, until her eyes closed with satisfaction. His
fingers replaced his mouth, tugging gently on each nipple as he
kissed a trail up her neck and ran his tongue along the whorls of her
ear, sending a shiver through her.

His hands were big, but good at
finding the spots that drove her crazy. He so now, sliding down her
body to slip two long fingers deep inside her, stroking her G-spot
just right. She angled her pelvis up off the bed as the familiar
pressure began to build within her.

The only thought in Meg’s
head was how badly she wanted to come, until he whispered, “I
want to fuck you in the ass while Bunny is in your pussy.”

That proposition shot her
concentration all to hell.

Eyes opened wide, she shoved him
far enough away that she could look him in the face and evaluate if
he was joking or just crazy. “What?”

I want—”

I heard you the first
time.” She interrupted him. “Are you talking…anal
sex?” She whispered the last two words.

He nodded, looking hopeful.
They’d never discussed that before. Meg didn’t know where
the hell this suggestion had come from, but she had an idea and she
didn’t like it at all. “Did you do that with

His expression changed and he
pulled back. “No.”

Then where did you
suddenly come up with this idea after all the times we’ve been
together and good old fashioned sex has been good enough?”

Okay, she could admit to herself
the idea of a little anal play had crossed her mind a few times over
her sexual lifetime. Jeff had even probed a fingertip there once or
twice while performing oral sex on her. She hadn’t objected. In
fact, it felt kind of interesting, but that was it. When it came down
to actually suggesting more, she’d always chickened out.

One of the guys from work
was talking about it at the bar. He says his girlfriend loves it. She
told him the double penetration of the vibrator and his cock is

One of the guys at the bar. Where
Jeff picked up the tramp. Before he fucked her. “So then why
didn’t you do this double penetration thing with your nurse
that night? Why waste all this time waiting around for me to come
home from my trip?” Maybe the barfly didn’t own any toys,
Meg thought nastily.

He got a hurt expression in his
eyes. “Because this is something you do with a person you know,
Meg. I wanted my first time to be with someone I was comfortable with
and cared about. Not a stranger. I wanted it to be with you. Okay?”

In spite of herself, she melted
at his sincerity.

Maybe she was still special in
his life, even after his romp with the tramp. “Okay.”

Jeff’s eyes opened wide. He
looked like a kid who’d just seen the ice cream truck pull onto
his block. “Really?
We can try it?”

She couldn’t help but smile
at his enthusiasm.
He leaned forward to give
her a kiss until she stopped him. “Wait, you never had regular
anal sex with anybody before?”

No. Well, not really, but
kind of. And before you ask, no, not with her. With my college

Scary Mary?”

Jeff’s lips twitched as he
tried not to smile at Meg’s longstanding nickname for his ex.


He shrugged. “She got
scared and made me stop before I even got the head in.”

Oh.” Meg lowered her
gaze. Not that she would ever wish to have anything in common with
Scary Mary but that was her exact fear too. That she would freak out
and make him stop. “How do you know it’s going to work
with me this time?”

He grinned. “Because my
coworker gave me some pointers.”

Pointers? She raised a brow,
nervous but sparing a moment to wish she could have been a fly on the
wall for that conversation. “Such as?”

Jeff looked mischievous. “It’ll
be more fun if I show you. Trust me.”

Meg hesitated before finally
agreeing. She trusted him. “Okay.”

His grin widened. “Good.
Now, roll over.”

Uh, oh.

Naked, ass in the air, Meg had to
wonder what the hell she had agreed to. She didn’t have time to
argue though as she felt Jeff’s hands run over her tenderly
before spreading her cheeks wide. When she became aware of the warm,
wet feel of his tongue teasing her hole, she released a low moan,
echoed by Jeff behind her.

The unexpected sensation felt
good. Weird, but really, really good.

His tantalizing probing continued
until his tongue was replaced by the pressure of one finger pushing
gradually into her. She tensed, muscles clenching in fear with this
new invasion.

Relax. We’ll go very
slowly. I promise.” Jeff’s voice soothed her nerves, but
not as much as his other hand snaking around in front of her to
circle her clit did. She closed her eyes and released another moan as
he pressed the finger in her ass deeper while increasing the pressure
on the sensitive bud of nerves between her thighs. Every feeling
seemed intensified threefold by the combination of both sensations.

Ready for more?” he
asked huskily. She nodded and he slid a second finger, slick with his
saliva, inside her ass.

She shuddered out a breath.

How’s it feel, Meg?
Tell me.” By his voice, she could tell he was breathing nearly
as fast as she was at the moment.

Fine. Good,” she
managed to choke out between pants.

He moved behind her until his
mouth was against her hair, his breath tickling her ear and sending a
shiver through her. “I’m gonna fuck you the normal way
for a bit while my fingers are in your ass so you get used to it.
Okay?” His voice sounded gruff as he told her what he planned
to do.

Meg nodded and swallowed hard in
anticipation as a tingle ran up her spine. Both of his hands left her
briefly as he put on the condom and then moved back into position
behind her.

She released a low moan as his
cock slid deep inside her. Jeff set a steady rhythm while his fingers
pressed inside the entrance of her ass. All the while, he tantalized
her clit with the other hand, pushing her closer to orgasm.

His cock slid easily in and out
of her. “God, Meg. You’re so wet.”

She couldn’t comment on
that. Being totally filled was sending her over the edge fast. “Jeff,
I’m gonna come,” she breathed, face down in the pillow,
arms quivering so badly she was unable to support herself any longer.

Hold on, Meg. I want to be
in your ass when you come.”

She nodded, hoping he’d be
quick before she remembered to be afraid.

He was faster than she could have
imagined. Too soon, the pressure of the head of his cock, wet with
her own juices, replaced his fingers. In mere seconds he was pressing
slowly inside, firm but gentle, stretching her. It caused what felt
almost like a burning sensation, until he pushed past the tight
muscles at her entrance. Then he slid in farther.

Meg heard his groan as he slipped
inside her and held there, perfectly still. He gasped. “Oh my
God. You feel amazing. Where’s the vibe?”

Feeling blindly around the bed,
she located and grasped Bunny, holding him up in one hand for Jeff to

Put it in your pussy and
turn it on.”

Meg took a deep breath and did
what he asked, sliding Bunny in to the hilt, while Jeff held himself
deep in her ass. She felt for and hit the “on” button and
had to brace her head against the pillow as she was thrown into one
of the most intense orgasms of her life.

She couldn’t hear much past
her own cries, which soon turned to screams of what could only be
referred to as ecstasy, but on the edge of her consciousness she was
aware of Jeff behind her. He gripped her hips and was making some
pretty uncharacteristically loud noises of his own as he thrust into
her. Finally, plunging deeply inside of her one final time, he
shuddered, groaned and then let his head fall limply against her

On the edge of her consciousness,
Meg guessed she could have kept going…or actually coming…until
Bunny’s batteries ran out but since Jeff was done and judging
from the weight of him crushing her and his heavy breathing,
exhausted and spent for now, she turned her little electronic friend
off and slid him out.

Breathless, weak and still shaky
from the orgasm, she still practically bubbled with excitement. “Oh
my God. That was the most intense thing I’ve ever felt in my
life. Could you feel it? Did you feel Bunny? Could you feel me
coming?” She twisted and tried to see Jeff’s face over
her shoulder but couldn’t.

She felt him laugh against her
back. “Oh, yeah. I felt it all. Bunny, you, everything. Bunny
was vibrating against me was you were throbbing and squeezing me so
tight I could barely move. Wow.”

He slid his now softened cock
slowly from her and rolled over, still breathing heavily. Finally, he
hoisted himself off the bed and padded barefoot to the bathroom, she
assumed to dispose of the condom—see, another reason those
things were annoying. She was alone in her afterglow, but she still
wanted to discuss the amazing sex they’d just had.

Finally, after a quick flush of
the toilet and the sound of the water running in the sink, he
returned. He laughed. “That’s something I would
definitely like to repeat soon and often.”

She scowled. Yeah, now that she
had broken his anal sex cherry, he would probably be doing it all
over the place with everyone.

He crawled across the bed and
kissed her on the tip of her nose. “If you’re willing,
that is. Can we do it again sometime?”

Unwillingly, she felt herself
smile. He wanted to do it again with her, not sleazy nurse chick. But
still, he’d been with that other woman… Meg couldn’t
seem to get over that. She shrugged. “I guess.”

Jeff raised a brow. “You
guess? Sweetie, I haven’t heard sounds like that come out of
you ever. Don’t even try to pretend you didn’t like it.”

She pouted, but couldn’t
maintain the pout when she realized this was the first time he’d
ever called her “sweetie”. Her heart beat a little
faster. “I liked it.”

He smirked with satisfaction and
plopped back against the headboard next to her. “Damn, just
thinking about it has me hard again.” He turned his head toward
her and waggled his eyebrows. “You up for another go? Your
choice of positions this time.”

I don’t know. Do you
have another
She imbued the last word with as much venom as she could muster.

Jeff rolled his eyes, clearly
accepting her nastiness if it meant he could get laid again tonight.

All right.” She let
go of a bit of the anger, tucking it away to chew on later. Instead
she began to consider which position she wanted to partake in since
this time it was her choice. “Up against the wall. You holding
me up. I want you to have to work for it.”

He smiled, shaking his head.
“Fine. Get up. And might I add, you can be an evil witch?”

She smiled. Yes, she could be.
One of her more lovable traits.

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