Celestial Love (23 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“Yes, the Holy One knew what we would need so long ago when He established the memorial of creation and
set aside the 7
day to rest and fellowship with Him.” Kalea agreed.

“Did you get any time to prepare today?  I remember you saying that this was preparation day,” Bryan asked.

“Not nearly enough but the Holy One understands and at least my heart is prepared.” Kalea said with a smile.

Bryan couldn’t help but smile back.  He wasn’t sure exactly what she meant but he was looking forward to spending this Sabbath day learning more about how Kalea and how her people kept it.  He had a feeling it was vastly different than how he usually spent a Sunday.



The Sanctuary had looked different today but Bryan barely noticed.  After meeting Kalea in their sitting room and seeing her lovely dress with the fitted top and flowing skirt, the shimmering pastel blue color bringing out the sparkle in her eyes and he had a hard thinking about anything else.

Now sitting side by side in the sanctuary, he finally got his thoughts on track.  It took all his self-control but as he listened to the beautiful uplifting music he was able to shift his focus to the One whom he was here to worship. 

The program was very formal and he missed being able to participate more fully but he found the message challenging. Thankfully, Kalea translated via the link.  He wasn’t sure how the AVID would have done but he found it easier to follow with her voice filling his mind.

Afterward, lunch was served out on the lawn.  It wasn’t a true picnic as they sat at tables and were waited on by staff providing a wide variety of amazing dishes.

“So, Bryan, did you enjoy worshiping with us today?” Queen Nadia asked from across the table.

“Yes, I did.” Bryan answered simply but hesitated to take another bite because he knew she would want more of an answer.

“Are our services similar to yours?” Queen Nadia asked as she took another bite.

“In some aspects, but we tend to have more music and more member participation.  However, I found your service very inspiring and the message challenging.  I felt very blessed to worship with you today.” Bryan answered and this
time he did take a bite.

Kalea didn’t smile but Bryan could feel her fighting the urge.  ‘She will just wait until you swallow.’  Kalea shared over the link without even looking in his direction.

Knowing she was right he settled in for more questions.  Only to be surprised when the conversation shifted and everyone began discussing the morning’s message and their plans for the rest of the day.

It wasn’t long before he finished his meal and realized that no one was making plans that included him or Kalea.  At this he smiled and said softly, “Looks like we have the afternoon to ourselves.  I’m looking forward to it.”

“Yes, I’m wondering if Mother said something or if they all just reached the same conclusion.” Kalea replied.

“Either way, I’m more than happy to spend today with you.  I actually had an idea of something we could do,” Bryan said.

“Oh, and what is that?” Kalea asked.

“I thought we could find a comfortable place in the garden and compare your Ancient Writings with my Bible.  I’m interested to see if there are any significant differences in the translations.” Bryan explained.

Smiling Kalea turned to him and said, “What a wonderful idea.  I’d love to.”

“After dessert, of course.” Bryan pointed out as he saw the server coming with an assortment of delicious looking slices of pie, small fruit tarts and cookies.

Laughing Kalea said, “Yes, of course, we have to wait until after dessert.”


Later, they reclined on cushions on a blanket in the shade of a small grove of trees at the edge of the garden. 

“What is your favorite verse?” Kalea asked as she opened her Ancient Writings.

“I have several,” Bryan admitted and then turned to Jeremiah.  “I’m not sure if the references are the same but in my Bible the book of Jeremiah has a verse that I have been claiming lately.  It’s in the 29
chapter, verse 11.”

“Oh, I love that one,” Kalea said as she quickly found it and read it aloud. 

“Amazing.  It’s the same.” Bryan smiled and then he said, “I have an idea.  Let’s just randomly select verses and see if they are the same.”

Kalea closed her copy of the Ancient Writings and ran her thumb over the pages then set it on her lap and let the book fall open.

“How about this one, Esaias chapter 53?” Kalea said.

“Umm…” Bryan wasn’t sure which book she meant.

“Oh, sorry it’s Isaiah in your language.  Isaiah 53.” Kalea clarified having forgotten to translate.

“Which verse?” Bryan asked as he found Isaiah.

“I don’t know, how about 13?” Kalea suggested seeing it at the top of the page.

“All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.” Bryan read aloud.

“Exactly the same meaning.”  Kalea said with a smile. “I guess I should have known it would be.  After all, the Holy One has preserved His word in so many ways and languages, it makes sense that the vast distances of space wouldn’t be too great an obstacle for Him.”

Taking a moment to reflect on that truth, Bryan realized that this was just one more way he could get to know his wife better.  “You didn’t tell me your favorite verse.”

Laughing again Kalea settled back on her cushions and they swapped verses and talked about why they were on the favorites list for quite some time.

That night as he prepared for bed Bryan admitted that this was one of the best Sabbaths he’d ever had and he hoped every one of them was just as wonderful.



“Good Morning!  You’re up early.” Kalea said as Bryan entered their sitting room.  She was having her devotions inside this morning because of the rain.

“Yes, I was a bit surprised myself,” Bryan admitted as he took the seat nearest her.  “I just woke up refreshed and ready to start the day.  Then I realized how early it was and thought I’d head out this way so as not to wake Leo.”

“Did you have any specific plans?” Kalea asked.

“No.  Well, I guess.  I was going to walk in the garden and then see if you would be willing to join me for breakfast.” Bryan said with a smile.

“Well, it’s a bit wet out in the garden because it’s raining.  Breakfast sounds good though.  Would you be willing to eat it here?” Kalea asked and then contacted the kitchen staff to have it brought up when he said it was fine.

“You know, while we wait I wondered if you could help me figure something out?” Bryan began and at her smile he continued. “Ever since you asked me about children, I’ve been wondering why Dr. Wingate wanted to know about our

Kalea tried to come up with a nice, diplomatic answer.  None presented itself
, so she proceeded gently.  “It seems that the first group of delegates to your world returned with some minor health problems.  Nothing serious, just things like dehydration and a little low on some of their nutrients and vitamins.”  Bryan wasn’t upset so she continued.

“With that in mind and all the unknown variables as
to how an extended stay may or may not affect the Environmental Restoration teams, Randy and Alexis had some specimens put in stasis so if they were to somehow suffer negative long term effects it wouldn’t necessarily affect their future children.”  She could feel Bryan’s concern rising and responded as calmly as possible.

“Dr. Win
gate wanted to know if we wished to do the same,” Kalea finished quickly.

Bryan didn’t say anything for a moment and then he clamped down on his emotions and thought about some of the reports he had read back home.  There were increasing numbers of birth defects
and odd illnesses among various groups throughout the systems.

“Have you decided?” Bryan asked as calmly as he could.

“No.  I thought we should talk about it and decide together,” Kalea answered softly.  “I realize we haven’t had a lot of time to work on our relationship but it is my hope that one day, hopefully in the near future, our marriage will be as real as it was intended by the Holy One to be.”

Again Bryan was silent as he considered this.  He too wanted their marriage to be more than just a union
for political benefit.  It was the ‘how to make it happen’ that he wished he knew.

“If we did put specimens in stasis it wouldn’t mean that we would have to use
them,” Kalea said concerned over his reaction.  “It would simply be a precautionary measure, nothing more.”

“We?” Bryan asked skeptically.

“Yes,” Kalea replied.  “Dr. Wingate said that for the most part you were far healthier than he expected given the results of the delegation's exams.  With even your short time here you have probably overcome any nutritional issue and dehydration.  We could ask Dr. Wingate to check if you like but I’m fairly positive you're fine,” Kalea said while giving him her first truly flirtatious look.

Sighing she added, “It’s really the unknowns that
they’re all worried about.  I wish I could assure them that everything will be well but I can’t, and in all honesty I don’t think you can either.”

Realizing what he had to do Bryan decided to skip the implications and focus on the end result instead.  “Fine.
How many children do you think you would like to have?” he asked.

Smiling Kalea started to reach out and touch him but then lowered her hand.  “I don’t know.  I had always planned on letting the Holy One decide.  Maybe I should just stick with that plan and not worry about this stasis option at all.”

“No, we’ll take advantage of the stasis option as good stewards of what the Lord has given us.  Like you said we might not even use them.  Go ahead and let Dr. Wingate know and make the arrangements.  As long as the specimens won’t be used in any experiments I’m fine with it.” Bryan said, focusing on the issue instead of her interrupted gesture.

“If you’re sure?” Kalea said, offering him another opportunity to change his mind.

“I’m sure,” Bryan said as he gently reached out and took her hand where it lay on the arm of her chair.  “What else would you like to discuss?”

“I was thinking
that I should bring some type of gifts to your family.  I’m just not sure what would be most appropriate given the situation,” Kalea admitted as she decided a somewhat neutral topic was in order.

“That would
be nice.  I’ve noticed that our clothing styles seem to differ, more so among the women.  Perhaps you could bring a gown or something for my mother.  For my Father the gift would need to be from your Father and more formal,” Bryan suggested.

“What about jewels?” Kalea asked.

“I haven’t seen you wear any,” Bryan replied.

“I don’t particularly care for them but that doesn’t mean I don’t have access to them,” Kalea answered.

“Oh, well I do know that my Mother is quite fond of anything original, you know authentic.  So much is faux that finding good, authentic jewels and styles is difficult.”  Bryan answered, not sure what else to say.

, does she have a preferred color or cut?”  Bryan shook his head no. “Hmmm.”  Kalea thought for a moment and then a small smile touched her lips as an idea of what to get for a gift crystalized.  “I think I have the perfect gift.”  With a flick of her wrist she activated her AVID and made some notes.  “So, what are the primary differences that you’ve noticed between our clothing styles and those of your world?”

“Well, most of the women here seem to wear clothing that seems to be of softer, more flowing fabrics.  You always look quite lovely, but also ummm, I guess
, comfortable would be the best word.  My mother and sister usually wear clothing that is a bit more fitted and a variety of fabrics that seem more…I don’t know exactly.  I guess less soft is the only way I can describe it,” Bryan shrugged as he gave up.

“Do you think
my clothing will be deemed inappropriate?” Kalea asked a bit concerned.  None of the reports that she had seen on Saxionias had specifically dealt with clothing.

“Oh, no.”  Bryan hastened to reassure her.  “Your
clothing is wonderful.  I mean fine, its fine just different in style but not in a negative way.  I actually find it lovely.”  Bryan said as he reached out and stroked her sleeve.

“Are you sure?” Kalea felt the need to double check.  “I wouldn’t want to offend anyone or stand out unnecessarily.”

“I’m sure.” Bryan answered and decided to keep the rest of his thoughts to himself, knowing that her beauty would stand out no matter what she wore.

“I haven’t noticed much difference in men’s fashions.  Did you have a special wardrobe made or are the styles similar?” Kalea asked still trying to learn more about
Saxionias even if it was basically irrelevant information.

“Actually the styles are very similar.  I have visited some worlds where the styles differ greatly.  I will admit to
being pleased that the basic slacks and a shirt is common here as well.  I’m not sure I would have adjusted well to some of the other styles I’ve seen.” Bryan admitted, recalling certain cultures where the men wore little more than a loin cloth to others who wore outfits that more closely resembled a lady’s ball gown.

A knock on the door announced the arrival of breakfast and Kalea bid them enter.  They waited until the food was arranged and then Kalea dismissed the wait staff.

After they left Bryan said, “I’ve been thinking about one of your other concerns,”

“Oh, which one
?” Kalea replied.

“Food,” Bryan said
indicating the bounty set before them.  “When I received word from my father saying that Jasmine would be arriving as soon as possible, he alluded to additional problems but wasn’t specific as to the nature of them.  I asked for more details but I don’t know if he will comply.  Anyway, I was thinking that if you were to somehow schedule regular shipments of food and water for you and your team it might ease some of your worries.  It would also ease the strain on the resources of Saxionias.  Not knowing the issues, I’m not certain this would help, but it might.”  Bryan’s frustration at not knowing what was going on was evident as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“That’s a great idea,” Kalea said realizing that it would ease more than just her concerns but also Dr. Wingate’s and her father’s.  “Oh, but
do you think they would be offended if I don’t provide enough food for everyone on the Nobel Assembly?”

“Well, I think it might be best to simply present it as a way of saving
Saxionias from providing for your delegation.  Although I do hope you plan to share with me,” Bryan said with a smile.

Again Kalea
used her AVID to made notes as she replied.  “Oh, I think we can arrange that.”

“If you want to use your
contact someone and get things rolling, I don’t mind,” Bryan said as she finished.

“No, I’d rather
spend more time with you,” Kalea said as she reached out to take his hand.  “Would you like to say the blessing?”

More than happy to
, Bryan squeezed her hand in his and prayed a blessing over the food and their day.

Neither spoke for a few minutes
as they ate.  Kalea took the time to praise the Holy One for again providing for her needs.  She knew this was a relatively insignificant thing to most but it offered more comfort, the more she thought about it.

“What do you see yourself doing when you return to
Saxionias?” Kalea asked as she reached for her drink. 

“I’m not sure,” Bryan answered, surprised by the question.  “I can’t say as I’ve given it much thought.  I’ve been so focused on getting
everything organized here; I haven’t even considered it.”

Kalea didn’t respond but Bryan became aware of her slightly increased tension.  Suddenly he realized the true import
ance of the question and decided to give it some serious thought.

Not sure what else to say, Kalea changed the subject yet again.  “I talked with Edward
for a moment last night and he still wants to have us attend at least one banquet together before we leave.  He knows I don’t think there’s time but he is almost insisting.  I’m just waiting for Mother to join her voice to his.  Do you think we should make time or just work it in on one of our return trips for the quarterly Royal Council meetings?”

“As for my preparations, I think thi
ngs will be ready, so I would have time to attend a banquet as long as it didn’t involve too much travel time.”  Bryan answered somewhat intrigued by her efforts to include him in her decision-making process when she could.  He wondered if this was her way of working on their relationship or simply a courtesy.

“Very well, I will let them plan a banquet but we’ll have it here at the palace.  I think perhaps just before we leave so that it can also be a bit
of a farewell party.”  Kalea smiled at the idea of spoiling the surprise she was sure Alexis and her mother were planning.  She was getting a little tired of people trying to fool her, even in fun.

“Will it be a form
al occasion?” Bryan asked.

“Oh, I’m sure it will be
.  With all the social gatherings and dinner parties we’ve had to cancel it will be the only way to smooth the ruffled feathers of many.  Not all…but many.” Kalea added with a smile.

Again there was a knock on the door.  Kalea bid them enter and Edward stepped in.  “Oh, Your Highness,
Queen Nadia is wondering if you two will be joining her and King Douglas for breakfast this morning, but I see you are already eating.”

“Yes, Edward, so perhaps lunch or dinner would be a better choice.  If you wish I could contact Mother and see what she would prefer?” Kalea offered.

“No, Your Highness, that isn’t necessary.  I need to speak with her about a few other things.  I will contact you when she lets me know her preference.”

“Very well.” Kalea answered and Edward bowed and left.  Looking at her empty plate Kalea smiled as she stood.  “I guess I should get ready for the day.

Bryan hadn’t really noticed that she was very casually dressed.

“Kalea?” Bryan called softly just before she reached her door.

Turning back to him she said, “Yes?”

“Do you anticipate our having separate bedrooms indefinitely?” Bryan asked.

Walking around the table Kalea stopped beside his chair and leaned in just a little. Looking directly in his eyes she said softly but firmly.  “Absolutely not.”  Without another word she turned and entered her room.  With a smile Bryan finished his breakfast.  Then he needed to get to his shuttle and send the suggestion about the supply transports and see if there were any new developments regarding the fuel.


The luncheon was going well, but Kalea was distracted.  Prior to joining everyone, Kalea had done some more research on Saxionias and concerns over the cultural barriers were filling her mind.  With a quick prayer for wisdom she tried to set her concerns aside again and join the conversation. 

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