Charming The Alpha (5 page)

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Authors: Liliana Rhodes

BOOK: Charming The Alpha
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"Then I don't need to worry. If anything, you're trespassing, right?"

He refused to answer. This territory hadn't been touched by a pack for as long as he could remember. There were tales the clearing was haunted, but Caleb didn't believe in such nonsense.

"The danger isn't just for my pack. Your small human mind cannot comprehend the enormity of these acts."

"Stop talking to me like that! Do you realize how much of an asshole you are?"

"How dare you talk to me that way, witch!"

"It's Hannah."

"Hannah," he said huskily and caught her smiling. "I'm sorry I've been rude. I'm Caleb Overstreet."

"So, Caleb...don't you get cold?"

He laughed realizing she was referring to his nudity. Slowly he admitted to himself that what angered him, interested him as well. Not only did this woman have the scent of his mate, but she wasn't afraid to speak back to him. He enjoyed the challenge.

"Yes, I do feel the cold but not the way you do."

Stepping closer to her, he felt the warmth her body gave off. As he looked into her bright green eyes he felt like he had been struck by lightning, and the world around them disappeared. The wind whipped her hair into her face and he gently pushed it back behind her ear.
With his fingers now at the back of her head, he pulled her close to him, slowly tilted his head to the side as he breathed her in, and lightly touched his lips to hers.

Her heat filled him as it had during their first kiss. Softly his tongue traced her bottom lip before he pulled it into his mouth. He wanted to consume her. Pushing his tongue into her mouth, her tongue slid against his and he wondered why a human would smell and taste so sweet to him.

But was she human? As her arms slipped around his shoulders, he noticed she felt stronger than she had when she rode him. It didn't make sense, but she definitely had a stronger scent too. He stepped back, confused and unsure if he would be able to control himself if he did more than kiss her.

Slipping his hand out of her silky hair, he rubbed his cheek against his palm letting her hair slide between. He couldn't get enough of her, but he needed to go. A run in the cold air would do him good.

"I must leave you. It's dangerous and I beg you to go," he said, unsure if he was the danger he warned her about.

"No. I just need a few minutes. I need to talk to Pea. I'm so confused. My mother...and Night Shift..."

"The bar? What were you doing there? That's not a place for someone like you. The shifters there..." he stopped speaking as he realized he was becoming possessive for no reason.

"I was looking for you," she said.

Grabbing her cloak, he yanked it open as he pulled her close once more. He ran his face along her neck, breathing her in. His hands firmly moved over her soft breasts and he felt her nipples harden through her sweater. Growling, he restrained himself, fighting his desire and his hardening cock, before kissing her roughly, claiming her mouth as his.

Quickly shifting into his wolf form, he forced himself away. At full speed he plunged into the woods, his long claws ripping through the earth. He needed this run to clear his head, but he would keep an ear out in case Hannah needed him.


Chapter Seven


Breathless from his touch, Hannah stood there, her panties wet and her body needy and alive for him. Words couldn't describe the effect Caleb had on her. And with how quickly he shifted and ran, Hannah needed to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.
Ouch! Ok, definitely not dreaming.

Looking up at the sky, she had no idea if Pea would appear on a night like tonight. Hannah usually visited Pea during full moons because that was when she was at her most powerful, not because she couldn't summon her other times throughout the month.

Still holding the rock Caleb handed her as if it was her prized possession, she finished constructing her small circle. She didn't have much time left. The edges of the sky were already lightening into a pale blue.

As she stood in her circle, she closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind of everything except Pea. It was harder than she thought. Caleb kept creeping into her mind, making her smile and her core throb as she wondered where he was and when she'd see him again.

"It's been a long time since I've been in this clearing."

Hannah's eyes flew open when she heard the unfamiliar woman's voice. Standing in front of her, fading in and out as if there was a bad connection, stood a woman, not much older than her, but dressed in the plain clothing Hannah recognized as what they wore in in colonial times.

She wore a long pale green cotton dress with an apron over it. Even with her hair tucked into her white bonnet, Hannah could see auburn wisps brushing against her cheek and spilling onto her neck. Hannah knew her hair would do the same thing if she tried to contain it and because of that, she knew the woman was an ancestor.

"Who are you?" Hannah asked.

The woman blinked at her for a moment, a look of surprise on her face then rushed closer to her circle. Stunned, Hannah resisted the urge to step back, reminding herself she was safe.

"It's really happening! You're really doing it!" The woman exclaimed. "The curse is being lifted. You must be the thirteenth. Oh goodness, where are my manners? I'm Rebekah Crane, but most people know me as Mother Leeds."

"Mother Leeds? As in Leeds Point? The Jersey Devil?" Hannah asked in awe.

She disappeared briefly then looked more vibrant. "I lost faith for so long. The thirteenth daughter. Oh and look, you have my hair and his–"

Mother Leeds suddenly faded and was replaced by Pea.

"Go home, Hannah! It's too dangerous here. And cut your damned hair!" Pea yelled.

"But Pea–" Hannah said, surprised at her grandmother's anger.

"I thought it was Eliza, but its you. I did what was needed to protect you both. Now please cut your hair. Your scent stems from there. It's how he found you."

Pea disappeared. Alone again Hannah tried calling either woman back, but it was useless. There was too much light in the sky. Picking up the stone Caleb gave her, she broke the circle, put the stone in her pocket, and started the walk home.

The sky was an odd combination of blue and pale yellow layers. The sun still hadn't broken the horizon. Noticing the forest was oddly quiet, she picked up her pace. By this time the birds usually began their morning chorus, but there was nothing.
As Hannah stroked the stone in her pocket, she exited the woods with the feeling she was being watched.

Feeling anxious, she ran down the road towards her home. She tried convincing herself she was just spooked, but it was no use. She couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't alone.

As she stepped onto the sidewalk leading up to her door, a thin animal, no larger than a medium size dog stepped out of the trees. Surprised, she stopped and watched it approach as she tried to figure out what it was. One thing was certain, it was a shifter.

The animal had a reddish coat and long pointy ears. It was too big to be a fox. A coyote? No, coyote weren't brave enough to approach alone like this. Slowly it dawned on her. Wolf. Red Wolf.

"Renfield?" she asked, remembering their conversation from earlier.

The wolf walked behind a bush and when he was done changing to human, Renfield stood up using the foliage to cover his private area.
Why did he follow her?
Something deep inside her told her to run inside the house, but she ignored that and waited to find out what he wanted.

"They look down on me," Renfield said. "They call me Omega. They're Beta. They follow their Alpha mindlessly like sheep. How does that make them better than me?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I caught your scent earlier in the woods, it's too good to pass by and its getting stronger," he said as he stepped forward, forgetting his modesty. "You haven't been claimed yet. I have no desire for a mate, but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun."

Hannah watched in horror as Renfield quickly shifted back into the red wolf and charged towards her. Frozen to the ground in shock, she willed herself to move, to run into the house, but she couldn't. With her breath caught in her throat as Renfield came just several feet away from her, she managed a whisper, "Caleb."

A strong gust of wind and the coarse hair of a grey wolf brush against her as it collided mid-air with Renfield. The wolves' upper bodies rose into the air as they stood on their hind legs. Caleb easily flipped the smaller wolf, pinning him down on his back, and stood over him, teeth bared and snarling.

The rush of relief that ran through her body enabled her to move once more. Taking a step towards them, she was startled when the grey wolf turned to growl at her. Understanding he wanted her away, she ran up the steps of the cottage and waited.

Caleb focused on the smaller wolf, his teeth still bared, a low growl coming from deep in his throat. In an effort to shake the larger wolf, Renfield bucked and twisted. Caleb's jaws snapped onto his neck.

"No! Don't!" Hannah called out as she left her porch.

Caleb stopped. His teeth having punctured the skin. Slowly transforming back to human, Renfield whimpered, his neck bleeding as he turned to Hannah.

"You didn't have to do that," he said. "I was wrong. I even smelled the Alpha on you, but that didn't stop me." Caleb released Renfield who reached up to check his neck. "I've lived through worse." Taking a step towards Hannah, the grey wolf snapped ferociously, stopping Renfield in his tracks. "Hannah, you're in danger," Renfield said. "My master knows of the Crane curse. His pack has waited centuries for you. Please, go back to your old life."

"What are you talking about?" Hannah asked.

"Your scent. He's going to follow your scent. Even if I tell him nothing, he will find you," Renfield's voice heightened with fear as he turned to the grey wolf. "He will use her to destroy our kind!"

Caleb shifted back and grabbed Renfield's arm. His eyes were intense as he loomed above the smaller man. "Speak! What do you know?"

"Nothing, I swear I know nothing. Just that he's been looking for the emerald eyed witch who can charm wolves. The thirteenth daughter. He hates your kind." Renfield turned back to Hannah. "Your scent grows stronger the more you're with him. Please, save yourself!"

"Is your master behind the slaughter of my pack?" Caleb demanded.

Renfield yanked his arm away from Caleb. "I don't know for sure, but its why I'm here. I needed to find out more when I heard of the deaths. He is not my master by choice. He saved me and for that I owe him my life. You think of me as Omega, but I know honor and respect like my wolf brethren. Something other shifters do not."

"Who is your master?"

"Hawthorn. Coyote."

Renfield turned around, revealing four large misshapen scars that resembled a bear's claw. He shifted back into wolf form, and trotted down the street before disappearing into the woods.

Caleb turned to Hannah and as he stepped towards her, she jumped into his arms. Relieved to be safe and in his embrace, she melted into his strong embrace and let him support her body as she clung to him.

"Thank you for saving me," she whispered as she pressed her cheek against his scratchy beard.

"Hannah, you are in danger. He's right. Your scent grows stronger each time I see you. You're changing."

"I'm not changing. I'm the same as I've always been."

"No, Hannah. I don't understand how but you're changing. You're becoming one of us."

"No! How can that be? You're wrong," she said as she stepped back confused.

"You are. Look at your eyes," Caleb said.

Hannah didn't have to. Deep down, something within her said he was telling the truth. She felt the difference within her as the wolves fought, but didn't understand it. Without needing a mirror, Hannah knew her eyes glowed amber.


Chapter Eight


"How is this happening?" Hannah asked. "A person doesn't just change into a werewolf."

Caleb saw confusion spread across her pretty face. He knew he had to help her control it or as the wolf spirit grew, it would consume her.

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