City of Dragons: Of Flesh and Blood (24 page)

Read City of Dragons: Of Flesh and Blood Online

Authors: Adrienne Wilder

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: City of Dragons: Of Flesh and Blood
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“She’s…never…” Farley tried his best to squeeze out an explanation, but it just wasn’t going to happen. Adam’s keen gaze raked him over, then went back to Claire. He stepped up to her and put his mouth to her ear.

If Farley’s teeth hadn’t been smashing together he could have heard what they were saying. Adam came back over and his incredible gaze leveled with Farley’s. “Claire’s going to step outside while I get you warm. As soon as we’re finished she’ll take over.” Adam stood up but didn’t take off his pants.

The narrow bed squeaked out a protest as Adam slid in next to Farley and rolled him on his side. Suddenly they were face to face. Heat, thick and corporeal, rolled out of the Lesser-Bred. Farley’s body responded, sucking up all the metaphysical glow the man had to offer. Adam wrapped an arm around him and pushed Farley’s face against his shoulder.

“Go ahead. I’m ready when you are.”

This close to warm flesh, Farley was helpless to the hunger. His teeth extended, his jaw cracked wide and he bit. Flesh parted with a wet sticky sound. Like liquid fire, blood flooded Farley’s mouth, slid down his throat and became a furnace in his gut. As the heat spread, the tremors eased up.

Farley worried the bite, tearing deeper, swallowing flesh. Adam moaned.

Was he taking too much? Farley worked his jaws, trying to loosen his grip. Adam’s hand went to the back of his head and pushed against his skull. His horse whisper barely penetrated the thick sounds of
. “Don’t stop. I’m okay.”

Adam was more than okay. His legs scissored, his body arched, and Farley could feel the man’s erection pushing against his stomach through his clothes. As hard as he was, it could only be painful.

Farley let himself gorge, alternating between sucking blood and tearing flesh. The ache between his legs became volatile. Farley wrapped his arms around Adam, digging his hands into the man’s ass, yanking him tighter against him so he could grind their bodies together. As soon as he was sated he had other business to take care of.

Adam’s breath hitched and his grip loosened on the back of Farley’s head. His fingers traced Farley’s jaw, then his thumb slid under his neck. “Your girlfriend’s going to come in here and finish this for you, so I’m going to end this now…”

Farley’s grip tightened. Like hell he was. Farley was just getting started. He yanked at Adam’s pants, trying to get underneath.

“You’re warm now, Farley. The rest is just biology.”

Fuck that, the rest was the best part.

Pressure against Farley’s windpipe and his Ulysiss gland forced his mouth open. Adam rolled right off the bed and into the floor, yelling for Claire.

Farley grabbed his cock and arched into his grip. It was a poor substitute but he didn’t care.

Claire said, “I’m here.” She must have stripped out in the hall because all she had on were her bra and panties. Farley’s senses shot into high gear when she reached the bed. He hissed. Claire’s eyes peeled wide and her hands shook.

From over by the door Adam said, “Claire, now’s not the time to be scared of him. It makes you smell like
. Sex and
are interchangeable. Don’t be stupid.”

Claire stalled for another second before climbing on the bed and grabbing Farley by the shoulders.

Farley forced his teeth back up and turned his face from her when she tried to kiss him. “Can’t….Claire….”

“I want to help you, Farley.”

Farley tightened his grip on his cock when she put her hands over his.

“Move your hands!” The tone of her voice said she was getting angry. Not the panicked kind of angry but the knock-that-shit-off pissed.


“Let me do this.”

“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into!” And she didn’t. This wasn’t going to be the kind of sex she was used to.

“Damn it, Farley!”

Claire shoved him over and her butt came down on his chest. Farley groaned. He could feel dampness through her little flowered panties and smell the wonderful scent of her sex.

The wet heat of her mouth engulfed the tip of his cock and slid down, taking him as deep as humanly possible. Farley fisted the sheets and threw his head back. It didn’t take Claire long to set the pace, alternating between sucking him hard and swallowing him down.

Farley made a pleased sound when her hand closed around the base of his cock and followed her mouth and tongue with the tunnel of her fist. Her other hand slipped between his legs and stroked the soft sacks underneath.

Farley didn’t stand a chance. The orgasm hit him head on, jacking up his body temp until sweat beaded across his skin. Now he was really stoked.

With a deep growl he yanked Claire over him and buried his face between her legs.

Goddamn panties were in the way. The fabric didn’t stand a chance against his teeth. Farley slipped his tongue into her folds. Claire jumped and made a high pitched cry which set every predatory instinct in him alive. He clamped his hands down on her thighs, holding her in place. Snarling, he licked and sucked with desperation. He had to be careful with his teeth. Claire didn’t heal like Haley and he could hurt her.

The remains of what Farley spilled made Claire’s touch slick. Her grip became a vice right before she came. Scent and taste flooded Farley’s mouth and he still couldn’t get enough. He brought her over and over until she collapsed against him, her leg muscles twitching.

Burning up and still primed, Farley rolled Claire over. She opened her eyes and gave him a lopsided smile.

“I need more of you, Claire.” Farley pushed her legs apart and stroked her core with the tip of his cock. She was so warm, almost Kin warm. The friction made her roll her head back and moan.

God of Man, he loved that sound. He did it again and she responded.

“Farley…” She touched his face then his shoulder. “I’m not afraid. Take what you want. I’m here…for you.”

She was, wasn’t she? A growl lit up in Farley’s chest. He kissed her, tasting himself on her palate, and with a quick push he buried himself inside.

With every pump of his hips Claire made a high pitched gasp. The heat building in Farley’s chest became a pain and then the pain grew into a pleasure. He could feel his metaphysical side flaring, searching, but it found nothing from the Human under him. When Claire came, her hands dug hard into his back, hitting his Ulysiss gland. Farley barked a curse and followed her over the edge.

Sated, his body gave out and Farley collapsed against her.

“Claire?” Silence.
God of Man, please let her be okay
. Farley looked up. No bite marks, no torn flesh. Claire just looked thoroughly fucked.

Which she was.

Her bra was crooked, one breast out, the other in. And her hair was a mess. Speaking of mess. Both of them were so soaked in ejaculate that Farley was almost embarrassed.


Claire said, “I told you I’d be okay.”

Yeah, she did. And lucky for Claire, Farley had been wrong.

Chapter 25

The doors to the elevator slid open and an average looking man dressed in a thousand dollar suit stepped out. The wire-framed glasses perched on his nose made his piercing stare twice as sharp.

The word
came to mind when Haley looked at him.

He came across the room, his hand extended in greeting. Haley took it first, then Deshi. “My name is Christopher Maze and I understand you’re in need of an attorney.”

was the understatement of the year. Haley nodded.

Maze held his briefcase up. “Is there somewhere we can sit?”

Deshi waved his hand at the table. Christopher wasted no time. He walked over and put the leather case on the table. Two clicks and the top popped open. Papers rustled and he pulled out a folder and pen.

Maze looked up. “Tell me everything. And I mean everything. I’m not Kin, I can’t smell a lie, but it’s imperative that I know every detail no matter how incriminating you think it is.” His dark eyes flicked back and forth between them. “You have to trust in me. I am very good at what I do.”

Hell, what did they have to lose?

Haley pulled out a chair and sat down. Deshi took the one on her left, sitting close enough the line of his leg was pressed against her thigh.

Deshi said, “Show him the video.”

Haley fished the phone out of her skirt pocket and opened it up. She set the video to play and slid it over to Maze. In the glow of the small screen, Christophe Maze’s face remained stoic. While he watched, Haley told him everything from Orin’s first phone call until they arrived at the hotel. She even let him know she was on suspension and technically not supposed to be involved. Maze played the video several times, then closed the phone and handed it back.

“I need you to send that to this number.” He slid a card across the table.

“Wait.” Haley held up her hands. “Before you get started, I need to know what your retainer is.” She hoped that didn’t sound as desperate as it felt.

“My standard retainer is five hundred.”

And Haley was betting that wasn’t five with two zeros.

“But considering the magnitude of this situation it will be one million.”

Damn, she hated when she was right.

Haley swallowed. She had fifty grand tops in savings. Maybe she could ask Medan? God of Man, she did not want to go to her, but as her Enforcer there had to be some perks. Right? Yeah, knowing her luck the Queen Bitch would just eat her.

Beside her Deshi asked, “Do you take a check?”

Christopher nodded. “But a bank transfer is preferred.”

“Give me your account number and I’ll have it wired immediately.” Deshi pulled out his phone and punched in the number Mr. Maze recited. “You should get a confirmation within the hour.” He shut the phone and slid it into his pocket.

Haley knew Deshi was wealthy, but apparently she’d underestimated how wealthy.

A million dollars and he didn’t even blink.

She gave her attention back to Maze. “Now what?”

“The first thing we need to do is get Orin out of the local jail.”

“Do you think that’s possible?”

“Madam, with enough money, just about anything is possible.” Maze handed each of them a piece of paper. “These are my office numbers, fax, the names of my secretaries, as well as all the paralegals that work for me.”

Only his name was at the top. No Maze and Martian, or Maze and Maze, nope just Christopher Maze.

“Are you with a firm?” Haley asked.

He shook his head. “I specialize in cases involving Kin. I’ve worked for half the Queen dragons across the country, even some internationally.”

Haley raised an eyebrow. “I guess I never thought…I mean, since we really don’t have rights…” Not of the Human kind anyhow.

Maze nodded. “While Kin don’t have rights specifically, interpretation is left up to the individual courts. While some things do not apply because of what you are, property rights and fiscal liability do. Trust me, many of us who do this have gotten very creative in court to protect Kin lives. And since no one wants to be sued for damages, everyone involved tries to follow protocol. The cops and courts will go through the whole song and dance to cover themselves.” He pulled out his phone. “Now, excuse me for a moment while I locate my client.” He punched in a number.

Haley looked at Deshi. “Thank you.” He smiled at her, his blue eyes as dark as the ocean.

While they waited, Haley sent the video to the number on the card. At the end of the table Maze paced and did a lot of fast talking. It sounded like he had more than one person on the line. When he hung up, he put the phone away and closed his briefcase.

“I think we need to get to the police station. Alice had them on the other line while I was speaking to Jacob.” Maze headed toward the elevator, Haley and Deshi followed. “Apparently our local PD had their nurse look at Orin to assess his injuries.” Once inside the lift, Deshi hit the button for the ground floor. Maze put his briefcase down long enough to clean his glasses with a cloth from his inside pocket. “The nurse made the stupid mistake of putting an IV in him.”

Haley said, “Anyone with basic medical knowledge of Kin should know better than that.”

Maze tipped his chin. “Exactly.”

Deshi said, “You think they did it on purpose?”

The man didn’t have to answer--what he thought was written all over his middle-aged face.

When the doors opened Christopher Maze said, “We’ll take my car.”

And what a car it was. The Lincoln Navigator sitting right outside the front doors looked showroom-new with bumper-to-bumper chrome. It even came complete with a driver. Christopher Maze opened the door for them. Haley couldn’t stop her eyes from going all over the inside. The interior was dark gray leather with real wood paneling. Holy crap! There was even a little refrigerator in the floor board between the seats. The land-yacht looked like something movie stars rode around in. No wonder he had a million dollar retainer.

Another door opened and Maze climbed in to sit shotgun. He propped an arm on the seat and looked at them. His eyes went back and forth, all serious. “You two do whatever you need to take care of Orin, and let me handle the backlash.” When his gaze landed on Haley, a cold lump hardened in her gut. “My next phone call will be to your place of employment.”

Just great. If she wasn’t already on the verge of losing her job, she’d definitely have a pink slip now. She sighed, opened her mouth to tell him no, then thought of Orin and decided there just wasn’t a job on the planet worth losing him for.

Maze said, “You haven’t done anything wrong. In fact, you were following orders. You were on vacation.” Maze’s glanced at Deshi. “With a friend. And while alone, enjoying each other’s company, you just happened to witness a brutal cop beating. The victim being one of your own, you did what was natural, you tended to his
Nothing more, nothing less.”

Maze turned around and said something to the driver. The Navigator barreled forward into the busy street, somehow finding nonexistent space between the cars.

A combination of traffic and red lights turned three miles into a fifteen minute trek. As they were getting ready to turn into the Sheriff Department parking lot, Maze turned around in his seat again. “I need you to do everything I tell you. First, do not talk to anyone here unless I give you the okay, and never without me standing next to you. Second, there is going to be a small press crew here. They belong to me. They will not ask you questions. They will, however, be on the PD and hard. Stay out of their way. Third, you will probably scent a few Lesser-Breds. They will be in the shadows in case we need them. I employ several to help protect my clients. Are we clear?”

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