Codename Winter (6 page)

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Authors: Aubrey Ross

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Codename Winter
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“Would you like something to drink?”
“A glass of wine would be lovely, if you have it.”
“White or red?”
Resentment sparked in her gaze, and she quickly looked out the window. “White.”
He knew what she was thinking. Only officers of the Protectorate enjoyed luxuries once available to the masses. Coffee, wine, even medications had been confiscated and were now carefully rationed. He crossed to the bar and poured two glasses of wine.
“Shall we sit?” He motioned her to the sofa and handed her one of the glasses as they sat. “I knew Autumn was the best person to take care of you, but how did she reinvent you in so short a time?”
Her lips quirked and she paused for a sip of wine. “Trade secrets.”
Trade secrets? Was she inferring she now shared Autumn’s vocation? He wasn’t at all sure how he felt about that.
Extending his arm along the back of the sofa, he turned toward her. “I don’t want to reopen old wounds, but I need to know more about the refinery.”
“I can talk about it without breaking down.” She lowered the glass to her lap and met his gaze. “What would you like to know?”
“Was what happened to you the exception or the rule?”
“Which part?”
“If I hadn’t interfered, what would have happened to you?” He had a pretty good idea of how it all worked, but he wanted to hear her perspective.
“The pod captains would have fought and whichever one overpowered the others would have claimed me. Most of the captains already have women, so I would have been used as a reward or a motivation for one of their men.”
It didn’t sound that different from Valtorian mating rituals. As long as the female was protected, he had no problem with the arrangement. “Once a woman is claimed, do other males have access to her?”
“It depends who claims her. There are several females who are shared by three or four men, but only those three or four are allowed to have her. I’ve seen women traded temporarily to another man when that man had something her owner wanted. It’s also common for a woman to be shunned by her owner as punishment for wrongdoing.”
The sudden despondency in her tone revealed how upsetting she found the topic. He needed to move on quickly, but he’d never heard of shunning before. “What happens to the woman when she is shunned?”
“She’s fair game for anyone who wants her, and the men take full advantage of the opportunity.” She ran her finger around the rim of the wineglass, her gaze following her finger. “A few days of such abuse are usually enough to curtail the woman’s misbehavior, but occasionally a man will release his claim and someone else will be allowed to claim her.”
“How were mates chosen before the Gathosians arrived?” What she described was unacceptable, even by Valtorian standards. Females must be protected, not abused.
“A couple would meet and gradually explore their attraction. But that was a different world. The ratio of men to women was far more balanced.” She set her glass aside and licked her lips. “What did the Gathosians expect when they slaughtered so many women?”
It was a valid point. “I can’t undo the devastation. However, I can fine-tune the current system. The claiming is unavoidable, but any man who doesn’t protect his woman doesn’t deserve her.”
“How romantic,” she muttered, absently fingering the pendant encircling her slender neck.
He set his glass aside as well and released a frustrated sigh. “Romance abandoned Earth the day we arrived.”
“That sounds almost like you miss it.” She shot him a sidelong glance filled with warmth and mischief. “Are you lonely, Mr. Brant?”
“Are you offering to keep me company, Mistress Winter?” Desire burst through his good intentions with shocking intensity. He’d asked her here to talk, nothing more. He wanted to make sure she had recovered and was adjusting to her new life. That wasn’t exactly true. He’d thought about her constantly, wondered what she was doing, and if she was happy. And it wasn’t like him at all.
Life as a Gathosian henchman made it almost impossible to develop relationships. He was despised and feared everywhere he went. So why was this woman comfortable with him?
He shifted position, embarrassed by his instantaneous erection. His body had never reacted this fast or this intensely to the casual flirting of a female.
“I’m still deciding.” A lazy smile curved her lips and she lowered her lashes. “Autumn wants to create an elite class of ambassadors, a second tier, who only accept one customer at a time. They will be reserved for those willing to pay extra for a long-term, exclusive association.”
“Like she has with General Noirte?”
“Exactly. It’s her relationship with General Noirte that made her wonder if other highly placed officers would be interested in a similar arrangement.”
He lightly cupped her chin, turning her face toward him. “And you thought of me?”
“Mistress Autumn suggested it, but I’m not opposed to the idea.”
Another surge of need threatened his composure. He wanted to push up her dress and fuck her right here, right now. “Why?”
“You cared enough about Cub to take on half of the refinery.”
“My position makes that easy. Don’t mistake me for a hero.” He explored the underside of her jaw. Her skin was incredibly soft. “I’m no one’s idea of a hero. I’m not even nice most of the time.”
“I can’t go back to the workforce. I know I wouldn’t survive.” Her eyes were wide and guileless. She was so open, so damn innocent. “An embassy is my only alternative, and I don’t want to be passed around from man to man. I’m not sure I’d survive that either.”
“So I’m the lesser of two evils?” She didn’t reply. He hadn’t really expected an answer. His thumb brushed over her lower lip, and he searched her expression for any hint of ulterior motives. He saw only anxiety and anticipation. “Are you a virgin?”
Rebellion flashed and he thought she’d refuse to answer. “I’ve had two lovers. The boy who took my virginity and my college sweetheart.”
“I admit having exclusive claim to a woman is very appealing. Valtorians are possessive by nature. We don’t like to share.” He slipped his hand around the back of her neck and drew her closer. Through her warm, clean scent he detected a tinge of fear. “You’re soft and sweet. I’m not sure you’re ready to meet my needs.”
She raised her hands to his chest and whispered, “I learn quickly, just give me a chance and I’ll surprise you.”
“Take off the dress. I want to see what you’re offering.”
Ulrick’s order sent a jolt of excitement through Winter. A warm, melting rush passed through her abdomen and pooled between her thighs. This was the crossroads, the launch point for her first mission. Could she submit to his desire, or should she use the succubus?
Her hand rose to the pendant Autumn had given her. With a firm squeeze it would emit a cloud of sedating mist. But did she need to use it? Ulrick was even more attractive than she remembered, his night-black eyes contrasting sharply with his golden hair. And the danger lurking beneath his polished façade drew her like a magnet to steel. Having sex with him held undeniable appeal. Even so, using the succubus offered more control over the situation.
“If you’re not sure about this, you should probably leave.” He removed his hand from the nape of her neck and returned it to the back of the sofa. “Obedience is crucial for my satisfaction. Do you understand what that means?”
She stood and faced him, kicking off her shoes as she reached under her arm to unzip her dress. “You only find pleasure with a submissive.”
“Dominant and submissive are human labels, but you’re on the right track.”
Pulling her arms from the sleeves, she slowly lowered the dress, revealing her body by teasing degrees. She’d hoped the interview would lead to this opportunity and she’d dressed accordingly. Her lingerie was white and lacy, displaying her figure to perfection.
The succubus was tucked away in the pocket of her dress, so she placed the garment on the floor within easy reach of the sofa. His gaze moved boldly over her body, lingering on the swell of her breasts and the scrap of lace covering her sex.
“Turn around.”
This was so awkward, so humiliating. At least she’d expected it to be. But his gaze continued to caress her, his appreciation obvious. She slowly turned, knowing the thong left her ass bare. What would she do if he found her body lacking? A knot of uncertainty formed in the pit of her stomach. She paused with her back toward him, waiting for another directive.
A fingertip touched her spine, and she gasped. She hadn’t heard him move.
“I still smell fear.” He moved closer, his body heat warming her skin. “Last chance for escape. I won’t ask again. Is this really what you want?”
Her nipples peaked and heat curled through her belly. “Yes.” Surprisingly, it was true. She wanted his hands on her naked flesh and his mouth plundering hers. Celinna had used his image during their training sessions, hoping to make Winter more comfortable with what she was about to attempt. And just as Autumn said, the succubus created situations every bit as real as this moment.
With a deft flick of his fingers, he released her bra. She let the straps slide down her arms and then tossed it aside. He cupped her breasts with firm, warm hands as he pressed against her back. His breath stirred the hair above her ear, and the thick ridge of his cock was unmistakable.
Rather than pull her panties down, he ripped the thin straps in half and pulled the material out from between her legs. Through it all the only sound he made was his ragged breathing. She turned her head, trying to look at him. He used both hands to turn her head back around.
“Don’t.” His voice sounded odd, harsh and gravelly.
Fear tingled down her spine.
She stood passively as he touched her, rolling her nipples and then squeezing her mound. His hands skated over her body, never lingering in one place long. This was so different from her fantasies. Her imagination had pictured them face-to-face, allowing her to assess his reactions and the pleasure they found in each other.
He slipped his hand between her thighs from behind and nudged her legs farther apart. She didn’t resist, even tried to respond, but the position—and his silence—kept them isolated, disconnected from each other. He traced her slit with his fingertips, softly stroking her clit in the process. She shivered and gasped each time he passed over the sensitive nub and soon his touch focused on the trigger.
She didn’t want to come like this. She wanted him over her, pressing her down and drilling into her. Her hips rocked as she rubbed against his fingers. Tension coiled tighter, pulling the pleasure down as it prepared to spring free. She rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes, waiting, ready.
And he moved his hand out from between her thighs.
Her frustrated cry broke the silence as he turned her to face the sofa then urged her to her knees. She rested her forearms on the seat cushions, one knee on the edge of her dress. If she was going to use the succubus, now was the perfect opportunity. She wasn’t avoiding sex. Her body ached for his fullness. She needed to question him, and the succubus would make him susceptible to suggestions.
He gripped the back of her neck, holding her still. Dark, primal longings expanded within her, making her restless and hot. She wanted to struggle, to buck and wiggle, not to escape but to test his strength, his ability to control her. Then his other hand eased between her thighs, lightly stroking her folds. She knew she was wet, had felt her body melt with his first command, but she had no idea how wet.
A guttural sound, part moan and part growl, rumbled in his throat. She stilled, waiting for the fast deep thrust of his cock, wanting it. Needing it. Her eyes flew open at the thought. He wasn’t even inside her yet, and she was thinking like a sex slave!
He pushed two long fingers into her pussy. She echoed his throaty moan and moved her legs farther apart. It was a teasing hint of what his cock would feel like, but her body was thrilled by the fullness. His fingers slid smoothly, driving in and out with steady strokes. God, it felt good.
She had to stop this, had to regain control of the situation.
Pushing back against him, she felt for the dress, but it remained just out of reach. He released her neck, moving his hand to the front of her body so he could accelerate her arousal. She wiggled and arched, hiding her true purpose with gasps and moans.
Her fingertips finally located her dress and she frantically felt for the telltale hardness. She quickly found the device, but it took a moment longer to free it from her pocket. Tucking the succubus under the sofa’s cushion, she fumbled for the release on her pendant. The dispenser was tiny. She’d only get one shot, so she’d better make it count.
Using the momentum created by his hand, she lunged forward then twisted sharply. She brought up her hand as she looked into his face. Her fingers squeezed the mister as she screamed in helpless fright. His features had transformed, his brow ridged, cheeks jutting. The mist hit his glowing amber eyes and he shook his head, his harsh growl revealing sharp white teeth.
She crawled away, terrified that the mist would have no effect. He clamped his hand around her ankle and shook his head again. She tugged against his hold, her pulse thudding in her ears. “Let go! Please, let go.”
He ignored her pleading, but his head drooped, and he blinked repeatedly.
His fingers loosened, and he slumped to the floor beside her.
“Thank God,” she whispered as she disentangled her foot from his lax grip. Wasting no time, she rolled him to his back and retrieved the two halves of the succubus. She pressed the smaller one to his temple and tucked her hair behind her ears. Picking up the transmitter, she felt on her own head for the best place to attach it.
Ulrick roused with a furious growl. He slapped the succubus off his skin and shoved her over onto her back. She cried out sharply as his big body came down on top of her. “Is this what you meant by surprising me?” He snatched the transmitter from her hand and tossed it out of reach. “Who sent you? And what the fuck is that thing?”

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