Colter's Revenge (13 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Colter's Revenge
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, his brain tried to remind him.

Later. Much later.

He brought his cuffed hands up and over her head and down her back, bringing her against him. She splayed her hot hands against his chest, her fingers digging into his chest hairs. He shuddered with need. The remote control fell upon the bed. The feel of her sharp nails burrowing into his flesh made him groan. To his surprise, she didn’t fight to get away from him as he’d expected her to. This was too damn easy. Her body was on fire just like his. He wanted her so bad he could barely breathe. He wanted her…God, did he want her!

But not like this. Not with her in charge. It wasn’t part of the plan. He’d only end up getting hurt instead of her. From somewhere deep in his body he barely gathered up the resistance he needed against her.

“Isn’t this an interesting twist, Starry Eyes? Should have left when you had the chance,” he whispered as calmly and coolly as he could manage. Fear sparked her eyes at his words.

He didn’t care. Let her be scared. She should be.

Especially with the rock-hard erection he had for her.

“Why didn’t you leave, Starry Eyes?”

“Go to hell, Outlaw.”

The fear flashing in her eyes was still there but something else was there also. Lust. Hunger. A need to be fucked again.

Oh yeah, she definitely wanted to get fucked again. Her gyrating hips proved it. 72

Colter’s Revenge

“I assume you stayed so you could spend more quality time with me.”

She didn’t need to answer. The sweet way her pussy continued to grind against his restrained cock and the harsh way she breathed, all fast and hard, and her cheeks all flushed pink spoke the truth. She’d stayed because she wanted more. His job would be done here. Right now. He could deny her more pleasure. But he wanted more too. Wanted to take her ruthlessly. Take her gently. First though, he needed to kiss her again.

She knew his intention by the way her blue eyes suddenly flashed with fire. Her nails dug harder into his chest. Whether in refusal or anticipation he couldn’t be sure. But he needed to taste her again. Needed it like he needed to breathe. Needed to unleash his own savage desire into her.

“I want to make love to you, Ashley,” he whispered harshly against her trembling lips. “Fuck you for old times’ sake.”

She moaned, ripped free from his kiss. He figured she’d go for his cock and free him.

He figured wrong.

A blade of pain lashed through his cock, shocking him, allowing her to slip free. Her lips were swollen with passion and he thought he spied hurt flashing in her eyes. Then she quickly looked away and that’s when he saw she once again held the control box in her hand, the finger moving over the button and thankfully easing off on the pain, allowing him to feel red-hot anger roar through him. Bitch! She’d zapped him with that freaking machine.

“Sorry to disappoint, lover,” she panted. “I’ve got something I have to do. I’ll see you later.”

She grabbed a matching blue wrap and draped it over her shoulders. Just before she walked out the door, Colter grimaced as the cock cage began its slow dance of seduction around his cock once again.

* * * * *

At the front door of Colter’s cabin Ashley allowed the tears of hurt to finally burst free. Instead of escaping Colter, she’d decided to turn the tables on him. Give him a taste of his own medicine, so to speak. While he’d slept, she’d carefully outfitted him with the slave gear then she’d showered and prettied herself up for him. God! She couldn’t believe she’d actually done that. Couldn’t believe she’d curled her hair, put on the sexy makeup and the seductive blue dress she’d planned on wearing to the bidding for the cure. But the wonderful way he’d made love to her had made her want to do it again.

When she’d walked into the bedroom and found him awake and watching her, he’d looked so sexy with the heavy bad-boy stubble shadowing his face and that slave collar 73

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making him all hers, she’d just about come on the spot. When she’d heard his command to come to him, something inside her had just melted and she’d found herself going to him.

All her plans for sexual torture, for payback, vanished the instant their lips had touched. And his comment of fucking her simply because of old times had ripped a painful hole straight through her.

She’d been such a fool to let her guard down. To allow herself, even for a few minutes, to slip back to the old way she’d felt for him. She’d possessed so much passion for him and in the end so much trust. Trust he’d so easily thrown away. Then and now.

Frowning, she slid the electronic key into the slit. She’d found it in Colter’s jacket along with the collar key and had figured it would come in handy. She just hadn’t figured it would come in handy so soon.

The beep acknowledging acceptance of the key ripped through the air and Ashley looked around to make sure no one was there before quickly moving inside and locking the door behind her.

The place even smelled of him. A raw mix of his favorite aftershave and his own masculine scent she’d loved so much. His scent brought up a swell of emotions, the most prevalent being anger.

The son of a bitch! Why did he have to come back into her life now of all times?

Why had she allowed him to make love to her? Sure it had been part of the plan to have him fall asleep afterward, but why had she enjoyed it so much? Her attraction to him was so damn hard to ignore and really complicated an already very complicated situation.

Taking a deep breath, she scanned the room. It was decorated a little differently than hers. It had a masculine edge. The walls were beige. Dark brown wooden beams laced the ceiling and a large beige sofa sat against one wall. The traditional sex-toy cabinet was nearby, and a gorgeous stone fireplace made of gray boulders and a knotty pine hearth spruced up the cozy room. She noted the tastefully decorated pictures hanging on the walls. Pictures of several men doing naughty things to a woman. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think the woman looked like that sex slave Cheri had tried to pawn off on Colter when she’d first spotted him in the foyer. God! When she’d seen him standing there decked out in a form-fitting expensive suit, his hair shorter than she remembered, his face clean-shaven and eyeing that exquisite slave as though he wouldn’t mind having a piece of her, she’d felt a blade of red-hot anger shoot through her.

Her bodyguard had motioned for her to leave, to not allow herself to be seen by Colter, but she’d been transfixed by the man she’d fallen in love with. The man she’d never thought she’d actually see again despite her deep-seated hopes that one day he would come and rescue her from the general.

But he never had.


Colter’s Revenge

She’d gathered her courage, presented herself and the forged paper to both Cheri and Colter, hoping to high heaven that if Cheri didn’t buy her story of the general sending her to bid on the cure, then maybe, just maybe, Colter would rescue her this time.

It had been an irrational thought in a dangerous situation. She knew that now. Colter was only interested in her for sex. Nothing more. Nothing less. His comment about fucking her for old times’ sake had only verified it. Thankfully, Cheri had bought her fake story and the fear had subsided slightly, allowing those old feelings for Colter to swarm in all around her. Well okay, so maybe it hadn’t been because she’d been overdue for her medication that she’d responded to him so erotically in the foyer upon her arrival, but she certainly had responded, and she hadn’t missed the appreciation brewing in his eyes when he’d seen her either. She quickly found the bedroom and spied an open suitcase on the bed. Come to think of it, he’d barely used his cabin. He’d come so quickly to her room to capture her. To make her his sex slave.

Ashley blew out a tense breath as she began to search through the case. She’d come to his cabin looking for answers as to why he was there undercover. Of course, she could simply ask him, but she doubted he would tell her the truth. She needed to know who he was working for. Who was her competition? What enemy did she have to bid against for that cure of the X-virus C? If she could find something, anything, she could use the tidbit to disarm him. She searched quickly, efficiently, admiring the expensive suits he hadn’t even unpacked. Irritation grabbed her when she found nothing important…that is until she found the antique comb he’d given her when they’d been together in Iraq. Fresh bitter tears bubbled and a hysterical giggle burst past her lips as she remembered how wonderful she’d felt when he’d presented it to her in Iraq. It had belonged to his mother, he’d told her. After she’d died from the X-virus, it was all he’d kept for himself as a keepsake. He’d admitted he hadn’t been able to come to grips that he might never have a mate in his lifetime, but his mother’s delicate, antique brass comb with the faux cameo in the middle and the colorful floral motif surrounded by a spattering of white rhinestones gave him hope he would one day find his one true love.

It was the same hair comb she’d left behind at the general’s palace in Iraq when she’d found the note from Colter on her pillow. She hadn’t wanted it anymore. Hadn’t wanted the reminder of what would have been. Only moments after finding that note, she’d been evacuated from the general’s castle due to terrorist threats. Obviously, Colter had come back for it sometime, why else would he have it?

The sound of the front door opening made Ashley freeze.

Shit! Had Colter escaped? Had he come back here?


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Her heart hammered against her chest as she expected him to enter the bedroom and catch her. He didn’t.

Whoever was out there wasn’t coming into the room. Was it a Pleasure Palace employee coming to clean up?

Ashley eyed the nearby window. She could go out that way. Whoever was inside would never even know she’d been there.

She tensed when she heard a familiar male voice.

It couldn’t be!

Tiptoeing closer to the door, she peeked out the open doorway. He was sitting in a corner chair peering out a front window. Although most of his features were hidden in shadows, Ashley instantly knew the identity of the man.


He was the man who’d pleasured her during the ménage à trois with Colter. But why was he here? Had Colter done what he’d threatened to do? Had he called Blade to come and get her?

She wouldn’t go with him. He couldn’t make her. Damned if she’d let Colter get away with controlling her. She’d set that son of a bitch straight. The arrogant bastard. How dare he seduce her anyway? How dare he make her fall in love with him again. No! No! No! She wasn’t in love with Colter! She was in lust. That’s all. Now was not the time to be freaking-out about it either.

“No, he hasn’t shown yet,” Blade was saying. She detected worry in his voice, a frown to his full lips. Gorgeous lips that had teased her body with sensual kisses while he and Colter had made love to her.

She blew out a slow breath as the memories tried to splash around her. Two sets of hot lips sucking on her nipples. Four male hands roving her body, touching her, scratching her.

The fullness of their cocks deep inside her. The burn of pleasure-pain. The scent of sex. Skin slapping against skin.

Oh, God! Stop thinking this way!

Focus. She needed to focus.

“I’ll give him another hour. He’s probably got some sex slave trussed up and enjoying himself way too much to pay attention to his work. If I don’t hear from him by then, I’ll give you the call for backup. Pleasure Palace won’t know what hit them.”

No! He couldn’t call for backup! He couldn’t screw the conference!

“I know that would scrap the plan and Cheri will go back into hiding, but I won’t screw him over again.”


“No, I haven’t told him about the other matter yet. The time isn’t right.”

What other matter?


Colter’s Revenge

Blade emitted a heavy sigh, the frustrated sound splashing through the silence of the room and wrapping around her own neck, making it hard for her to breathe. From this conversation and the worried frown on his face, Blade truly cared about his friend. It made Ashley feel just a bit better knowing this man had Colter’s back in times of crisis.

“If that happens, we’ll just have to find the cure another way. Like I said…Bev? You there? Shit! The bitch hung up on me. Too fucking bad. If she doesn’t like what’s going down, that’s her fucking problem,” he mumbled angrily.

Ashley heard the beep of the cell phone being disconnected and the sound of the chair creaking as he shifted his weight and pocketed the cell. Now what? She was stuck. If she so much as moved, he’d see or hear her. Should she chance it? Or wait?

One hour
. Blade’s words rang through her mind. She had an hour to release Colter Outlaw or all her plans were shot. That is, if she were able to get out of there without Blade hearing her. But she had to chance it. Had to get back to the cabin and free her delicious sex slave before Blade called in the troops.

She was about to back away and head toward the window when the shrill sound of Blade’s cell phone split the air, making her literally jump. Her frazzled nerves had her on the edge of screaming but she stopped herself cold.

No time to be skittish. Blade being busy with the caller was the chance she needed to get out of there.

Slowly she turned and hesitated by the open suitcase. The pretty comb gleamed up at her. Should she take it?

No! She shouldn’t take it. It wasn’t hers anymore. Despite her resistance, she found herself scooping up the comb and pocketing it.

She would keep it. As a reminder of what they should have had. Heading for the window, she allowed her anger to spill free. Damn Colter Outlaw!

When she got back to the cabin she needed to do some mighty fast thinking on whether she had to release him, and maybe some mighty fast talking too if she were to get him onto her side…even if it meant revealing the truth to him of why she was really there.

* * * * *

The instant Ashley entered the bedroom she spied Colter lying gloriously naked on the bed, his big cock half erect and apparently fast asleep. Shit! She’d have to wake him. Tell him everything.

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