Condemned (11 page)

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Authors: Barbara Huffert

BOOK: Condemned
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Brett decided her passion was the most beautiful thing he
had ever witnessed. He would never be able to get enough of her, even if he had
a lifetime. Before he could follow that train of thought, he joined her. With
one last thrust, Brett emptied himself, hanging on tightly as he slowed. When
he finished, he slumped on top of her and felt her cradling him. Why? What did
she really want from him? He knew it was much easier not to let himself think
than it was to attempt to answer such difficult questions. Not wanting to crush
her, he rolled to his back and disposed of the condom. He grabbed her hand and
forced her fingers around his cock. “I’ll recover faster this way.”

“Okay,” she said simply, content to stay exactly as she was.

His life was over. Brett knew he had been making a mistake when
he cornered her in the kitchen. He never should have touched her, never should
have kissed her, never ever should have done more. He thought he was going to
be tortured with Tish as his wife before. He hadn’t known the meaning of the
word before Andie appeared on his doorstep. Too late to stop now. There he was,
trying to get Andie to back down and he was the one with the urge to run. Too
bad he couldn’t take her with him when he fled. For the umpteenth time he
cursed himself but he still couldn’t imagine himself breaking his commitment to

Chapter Fourteen


“I can’t stand another minute of this!” Jesse exclaimed as
he went back to pacing. “I’m going over there.”

“Not if you value your life,” Holly snarled from her perch
on his sofa where she was lounging against her husband’s side. “Tell him,

“Listen to her, Jesse, please. I’m comfortable and if you
head for the door she’s going to make me move,” Dwayne pleaded as he heard
Wyatt chuckle behind the computer. “You said Brett had been drinking. Maybe he
passed out on top of her and she can’t get to the phone. Do you really want to
intrude? Do you really think so little of me that you want to force me in the
middle of this when my lovely wife tries to kill you? Sit down and relax. Or
make some sandwiches if you have so much energy. I suspect we’re in for a long
night and Holly didn’t have dinner. You know how cranky she can be when she
gets hungry.”

“Should’ve quit sooner,” Wyatt commented when Holly punched
his side. “He does have a point though. It’s rude not to feed the coerced

“Okay, okay, I’ll wait until Frank gets back. But then, I’m
going over there.” Jesse stomped to the kitchen. Brett better not be doing
something stupid. If Andie got hurt, he’d never forgive him. Himself either, for
that matter. No, if Brett did anything that hurt her in any way, he’d never
forgive any one of them.

* * * * *

Brett was filled with uncertainty. It had seemed so right to
challenge Andie when she’d first walked in. Holding her to his chest, her hand
fisted around his cock, the sensations he found in her body ebbing, he doubted
his sanity. “I think it’s time for you to go,” he said, not wanting her to fall


“Yeah, you can’t stay here.” Though he said the words,
internally he was screaming for her to stay forever.

“I must say you surprise me.”


“Really, Brett, when you were so demanding earlier, I didn’t
know what to expect. I imagined all sorts of things with the way you kept going
on like that. You almost had me convinced that it was dangerous to stay with
you. Now you tell me we’re done after a little bout of steamy sex. With all
that build up, I expected to be stiff in the morning at least.” She slid away
and sat on the edge of the bed. “Oh well, if that’s all you’re up for I guess
it’s time for you to listen. Want to talk here or should we get cleaned up and
go sit downstairs? I’m going to need to borrow some of your clothes.”

“I told you we have nothing to discuss.”

“You wait just one second here. We had a deal if you recall.
I submit to you in all ways and you give me five uninterrupted minutes to tell
you something I know you want to hear. Do you think I would have shown up here
in the first place if this weren’t important? You just said you’d had enough
and didn’t want the rest of the time I agreed to. Seems a waste, but fine, that
makes it my turn now. I heard something earlier about—” Brett startled her when
he sprang from the bed and stalked away. “Hey, where do you think you’re
going?” Andie demanded, following him.

“Forget it. I said it was time for you to go so just go. I’m
trying to do the right thing and send you away from me for your own good. You
have to get the hell out of here while I’m calm enough to let you leave. If you
think what we just did was more than a warm up, you really are too innocent to
be here. Go away, Andie.” He dismissed her by walking into the bathroom.

“You said you would listen and damn it, I’m not going
anywhere until you do!” she insisted, trapping him in the small room.

“I’m warning you—”

“Yeah, yeah, big bad Brett Hudson, the sexual beast. Makes
grown women run screaming when he unleashes his massive cock and waves it in
their faces. In case you’ve forgotten, I thoroughly enjoyed having it in my
face. Want to try again and see if it’s scarier the second time around?
Truthfully, I think I can do better, now that I know I won’t suffocate. Say the
word and I’ll be happy to give it another whirl.”

“Do. Not. Push. Me,” Brett snarled.

“Ooh, much better. You really have to practice that scowl
though. It’s not nearly evil enough to be seriously frightening.”

“Andie,” he growled.

“Oh my.” She covered her mouth in mock horror. “Look. It’s
growing. I think you may not be quite finished after all. Want me to take care
of that for you before we talk? I don’t want you to be distracted.”

“Damn you,” Brett swore as he spun her around and leaned her
over the vanity, grabbing a condom from the drawer. “You asked for this.” He
moistened the tip of his shaft by rubbing it along her slit. “Playing with fire
turns you on.”

“Fire? I’d better fan it before it goes out,” she taunted,
squirming against him.

With a primitive shout, he stopped teasing and entered her.
“Watch us, wench.” He snagged her gaze in the mirror. “Look what happens when
you push me. I’m taking you like this because I can. The night is far from over
and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me.” He shifted slightly so he
could thrust deeper. “You’re at my disposal and I don’t give a fuck if you’re
satisfied or not. For once, I’m taking and I just plain don’t care.”

“Brett,” she pushed back to meet him, “for someone who says
he doesn’t care, I’ve already come more times with you than I did any one day
in my entire life. You’ve made each time better too. And you’ve done it all
without trying.” She continued to hold his eyes. “Maybe I want a man who can be
a little primitive. Ever think of that?”

She gasped when his movement became even more forceful.
“Maybe you’re exactly what I’ve been looking for. A guy who’s man enough to be
masterful and out of control at the same time isn’t easy to find. A man who can
live up to his boasts is even rarer. Jesse told me your reputation was
exaggerated. I thought he was referring to the quantity of your encounters. If
he meant the quality of your performance though, nothing I heard before
prepared me for how you really are. No, there’s no way I’ll even consider that
your reputation is less than what they claim. In fact, any other guy who tries
to say that is just jealous that you are so much more talented than he could
ever hope to be. Poor Jesse—”

“Enough,” Brett declared. “A rule when you’re naked with me.
Not one word about another man or I’ll get ugly.”

“Jealous? We’re just friends.” Andie kept pushing.

Brett pulled out of her and spun her to face him. He hoisted
her to the counter and resumed his thrusts. “You need something to occupy that
mouth of yours again,” he declared just before he mimicked his actions with his

Andie moaned, parrying with her own tongue, giving as good
as she was getting. She wrapped her legs around his waist, trapping him within

Brett’s mind ceased to function. She was making him wild.
She was meeting him equally, no matter how harshly he used her. The more he
allowed his body to punish her, the more she seemed to want. When Andie cried
out her climax, Brett raised his head to watch. God, she was unbelievable. He
never would have guessed that she hid such unrestrained passion beneath her
dull exterior. Surging again, Brett felt his own orgasm nearing. Continuing to
hold her eyes, he pulled out and ripped off the condom just as he came, coating
her chest.

When he finished he waited for her reaction. The one he got
was one he never expected. Andie used her finger to scoop up some of his fluid.
She sucked in into her mouth. Repeatedly, she cleaned her breasts until there
were few traces left. Innocently, she asked, “Got any more?”

Brett threw back his head and honestly laughed for the first
time in weeks. “Patience, you greedy wench. We need a break. Shower with me?”

“Sure.” Andie smiled pleasantly. “Whatever you want.”

“You need to stop saying that. Seriously. Not all men know
where to draw the line. You could get yourself hurt if you aren’t careful.”

“Hmm, that comment makes me think you believe I do this sort
of thing all the time.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Perhaps it’s your turn to shut up for a change. I don’t
appreciate that attitude one bit. I liked you much better when you were
pretending to be a beast.”

“I wasn’t pretending. I am a beast.”

“Then what am I?” She ducked under the water. “I came here,
alone, to an engaged man’s home, invited myself in, and bargained with my body
for five minutes time. When you tried to chase me away, I pushed you for more.
Now I’m in the shower with you, soaping your body, my hand around your cock
even though you basically just called me a slut. And you know what? I’m not
going anywhere until you keep your end of our bargain. Whatever you come up
with will be worth it. I bet you’ll even agree with me later.”

“Dream on. And leave me alone. I’m going to need that when
we’re out of here.”


Andie shrugged. “Fine. I’m looking forward to it. Let me get
your back.” She slid her soapy hands over him, kneading his tense muscles. How
could a man who’d just had several rounds of mind-blowing sex still be so full
of tension? Refusing to admit she was much less experienced than he now
believed, she lowered her hands, giving his butt the same treatment. When she
slid her fingers between his cheeks, Brett gasped. Andie wondered if it was a
good gasp or a bad gasp. Feeling daring, she rubbed her fingertip against his
tight pucker.

Brett held his breath as she timidly explored his body.
“Don’t do it unless you’re ready to accept the same,” he said as he leaned his
head on his arms, presenting himself fully to her.

Andie stilled momentarily. Was he giving her an invitation
or a warning or both? She’d never permitted anyone the kind of access he was
giving her. Did she want him to touch her like this? Taking a deep breath, she
continued, slipping her finger in a little farther. “Perhaps you could share
your definition of anything with me, Brett?” She felt him clench when she
twisted her hand slightly.

“My mistake.” He shifted against her. “I didn’t realize you
had a taste for this too.”

“Well, um, ah,” she sputtered as he impaled himself. “I
never did this before.”

He snorted at the obvious. “In case you haven’t figured it
out, now is the time when you move your finger, you know, that in and out
motion we used earlier generally works there too.”

Andie felt his muscles tighten. “Am I hurting you?”

“Hardly.” Brett didn’t bother to hide his amusement. “Tiny
fingers like yours add a little extra stimulation. If you had a twelve inch
dildo I might have to object but your hands are the perfect size.”

“Oh.” Andie felt a shiver along his back as she stroked. She
reached around his body and found his nipple, continuing her play.


Brett indulged her as long as possible. He intended to make
love to her properly once they were dried off so he couldn’t let her go on
forever. Damn, why did she have to turn out to be like this? “That’s enough,”
he said as he stepped away from her. “You have to stop or you’ll distract me.”

“Oh,” she repeated, meeting his eyes.

Brett saw the wonder in her expression along with the
excitement and desire she was feeling. She honestly didn’t know her own
sexuality. Well, he’d do what he could to open her eyes for her over the next
few hours and then he’d turn her loose on the world. Maybe she and Jesse would
reconsider each other. Brett felt possessiveness surge through him. Andie was
his, damn it! No one else was going to teach her anything!

Yeah, right. He was sure Tish would object to him keeping
Andie, naked and tied to the bed, in the guestroom. These few hours were all he
would ever have before he had to let go in the morning. No looking back either.
When he said goodbye to her it would have to be goodbye forever. No way could
he see her with someone else and not go insane. Why couldn’t she have stayed
away from him? What point was there in discovering how perfect she was and not
getting to hold her for the rest of his life? If the great cosmic forces were
determined to punish him, they had certainly found a very effective way to do
it. He’d already realized life with Tish was going to be bad enough. Now he
wondered if they’d ever find a balance he could tolerate.

Brett reminded himself that no thinking was permitted.
Andie’s actions showed her curiosity. He’d let her satisfy some of it a moment
earlier. Time to see how she reacted to the same treatment.

He grinned wickedly and made a spinning motion with his
finger. “Ready to find out how it feels?” She nodded as she turned her back and
faced the wall. “Lean on your arms like I did.” Brett didn’t touch her, letting
her anticipation build. When he did make contact, he surprised her by sliding
his hands around her waist and kissing her neck. He teased her by moving one
hand up to toy with her breasts, the other down to palm her mound. When he was
sure she was distracted, he let both hands roam, drawing his fingers through
her crease before moving on. She may be willing but he could feel her

Brett let each touch linger more than the last. When he
finally pressed his fingertip inside, she flinched and resisted. “Gotta relax
more or this will hurt.” She nodded and took a deep breath, obviously fighting
with herself. “You guaranteed this when you stuck your pretty little finger in
my ass, wench. You will take mine now.” She nodded again and pushed against

“Good girl,” Brett whispered against her neck as he probed
deeper. His other hand found her nipples. “So hard.” He pinched one. “You like
this.” He continued to stroke, withdrawing slightly only to push again. When
his finger was fully inserted, he wiggled it, making her gasp. “You’re tighter
than anyone I ever felt.” Gently, he thrust, using his entire length.

Brett felt her body accept his intrusion and chuckled.
“Think how my cock would feel, ramming you with my balls slapping your ass.”
Andie moaned and pressed her neck against his mouth. He covered it with kisses,
tonguing her ear as he stimulated her.

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