Confessions After Dark (29 page)

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Authors: Kahlen Aymes

BOOK: Confessions After Dark
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Alex started to get up but she caught his hand. “Will you stay with me? Don’t leave.”

“Okay. You’ve convinced me.”


Angel and Alex spent a week holed up in his apartment, taking time to heal physically and recover mentally from all that had happened with Mark Swanson. Alex insisted Angel take time off from work and the radio show to recover and offered to take her away for a while, to Joplin to see her dad or Hawaii like they’d planned, anywhere she wanted to go. But Angel just wanted to be with Alex, alone, without obligations to anyone else except Max.

When Angel told him what she wanted, Alex was more elated than he’d wanted to admit. Mrs. Dane shopped for everything they needed, and Alex whisked Angel away to his estate without argument, both of them returning to his downtown apartment only last night. It was time to get back to reality and work.

Alex had the door to Angel’s condo repaired, and the only evidence that it had ever been damaged was the large yellowish bruise on his right shoulder. The bloodstained carpet had been replaced as well. That, and the skin they had recovered from beneath Angel’s fingernails, would be enough DNA evidence to put Swanson away. The only thing hanging in the balance was how long he’d be locked up. He was released from the hospital three days after Alex’s beating and arrested, albeit with a broken jaw and nose. The D.A’s office threw a slew of charges at him, the worst of which included two accounts of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted rape. But still, the asshole was out on bail. Alex was doubly frustrated because he’d hoped he wouldn’t have the money after his company was flushed. Some family member must have stepped up; he just hoped it wasn’t or the organized crime variety. Surely, after raping the niece of one of the family members, it was highly unlikely. Still, it was a constant concern.

Since the incident, Alex spent more time speaking with Kenneth and, though a part of him was loathe to admit it, discovered he was a good guy and genuinely concerned about Angel’s well-being.

Angel glanced at Alex as he read the morning edition of The Wall Street Journal, a cup of steaming black coffee and the waffle she’d made for him sitting on the marble surface of the table. His brow was knitted in concentration, and she smiled to herself. She kept waiting to wake up and have it all blow up in her face but had finally accepted their relationship and their time together. While expected now, it was still very fragile in her eyes and part of her was still worried she’d lose him eventually. Logic told her she couldn’t worry about the future and just enjoy each moment they had together. Still, it nagged at the back of her mind.

Alex was still the strong, sexy, and super-confident man she’d met in the bar a few months back, but when she looked at him now, she also saw his soul and something deeper in his dark green eyes that made her pulse pound and body quicken. He was passion personified; the epitome of sex for sure, but he possessed an unexpected tenderness that made her heart swell, even as the urgency in his touch reduced her to shuddering ecstasy in his hands.

He glanced up as she pushed the syrup she’d warmed in the microwave toward him, the look in her eyes giving a hint of her thoughts.

“What?” he asked, the left side of his mouth curving into the start of a grin.

“Nothing. What are you reading?” She smiled softly back at him.

Alex threw the paper aside and shook his head. “I can’t focus on anything.”

“Then what are you thinking about?” She leaned her forearms on the back of the chair next to his and dug one foot into the floor.

“Ken called. Swanson is out on bail.”

“I figured.”

Alex glanced up and his eyes locked with hers. She knew what he was thinking but she wanted to distract him, not wanting to think about it herself.

“You haven’t touched the waffle. Aren’t you hungry?” Her eyes roamed over his shower-dampened hair that, while combed, was still falling in perfect disarray over his forehead. She bit her lip as he reached up to thread his fingers through it in a failed attempt to push it back. Alex looked handsome in his crisp cream-colored shirt and a patterned olive green and black tie. The jacket to his deep black Hugo Boss suit hung over the back of the chair opposite him, the olive silk pocket square already nestled in the breast pocket. She rolled her eyes at the easy elegance he exuded and huffed out loud.

His eyes narrowed in amusement and he shoved some of his waffle into his mouth after cutting a piece with his fork. “Yum!” He flashed a smile as he chewed and readied another bite.

“Don’t rub it in. You know I don’t like to cook.”

“You made this…” he mumbled with his mouth full and wide eyes that mocked her.

“All I did was ‘leggo your Eggo’. That doesn’t count.” She grinned.

Alex burst out laughing and leaned forward to take her hand in his. “I’ll miss you today.”

Her smile softened as his thumb traced over the top of her knuckles. “Me, too. This week was nice.”

Angel got up and squeezed in between the table and Alex, settling onto his lap, facing him. Alex leaned back in surprise, his hands finding purchase on her bare thighs as she settled in. She was wearing a pair of cotton pajama shorts and a somewhat-fitted white, V-neck T-shirt. Her hands flattened on his chest. He’d been trying to ignore the way she was flirting with him. The sexy way the shirt hugged the rounded swell of her breasts and outline of her nipples, and the bare expanse of her long legs weren’t helping, and his dick twitched in response to her touch.

“Don’t go to work,” she whispered, leaning in and brushing her nose against his neck behind the strong line of his jaw. “Just one more day?”

She closed her eyes and inhaled his masculine scent then opened her mouth hotly over his skin. She sucked slightly and licked at his neck, her fingers sliding up to curl in the hair at his nape. “Mmmm… you smell so great.”

Alex tensed and his fingers closed around her flesh tighter, hips moving of their own volition against her. “Angel, I have a meeting with the board at nine. Don’t torture us both by starting something we can’t finish.”

“Boo,” she said softly, even though she’d already known that he wouldn’t blow off a board meeting. Oh, well. It didn’t hurt to try. Her face took on a pretty pout, and Alex couldn’t resist kissing her tenderly on the mouth. She tasted sweet, so soft, and he sighed at the perfect way their mouths played with each other’s.

“I’ll make it up to you tonight. It will be better when you get your stitches out, anyway.” His thumb traced lightly over the rough 6-inch line down the inside of her left thigh. Something between rage and regret flashed over his features before he was able to mask it. Alex hated that her perfect skin had been forever marked by that heinous bastard, and the fire in his gut still burned as hot as it did the day he’d almost beat him to death. Part of him wished he could have. No one deserved death more.

Angel’s own eyes softened as she took in his expression. She sat back and looked into his eyes, her arms still around his shoulders, and her fingers playing lazily in his hair. After a moment, she leaned down and kissed the corner of his mouth lightly. “I forgot about that.”

Alex’s hands slid up her back and over her shoulders, gently kneading as he went. Angel’s head fell back, exposing the column of her neck for his lips to explore, and he couldn’t resist the obvious temptation. “How could you forget? It looks so sore,” he murmured against her skin.

Angel shivered in his arms. “Just a little. It’s a badge of a battle well fought.”

“I hate seeing your skin marked in any way.

“It’ll fade.” She nuzzled into him, and he continued to rub her back, his fingers drawing little circle patterns. “I could always get a tattoo to cover it up. Property of Alex Avery.” Angel pulled away just enough to see his face.

Alex smiled and ran his index finger down the side of her cheek but shook his head. “No tattoos to interrupt the perfection of your skin.” He went back to nuzzling the side of her neck. “Why don’t you take it easy today? Shop. Buy something new to wear this evening, and I’ll meet you at Tru at seven. We’ll have an early dinner then I’ll make slow love to you for hours and hours. How does that sound?” Hot breath washed her skin as he spoke.

She nodded and turned her head to kiss his cheekbone. “Nice.”

He huffed softly with a smile. “Just nice?” The warmth in his languid eyes made her pause.

“Okay, orgasmic!” Angel said with a smirk. “Like heaven.”

“That’s better.”

Her eyes turned serious as they searched his expression, seeking something, but she was unsure what she would find. Her brow furrowed, uncertainty flashing across her face. “You know, you don’t have to change for me. I mean, this whole cohabitation-relationship thing is new for you.”

Alex held her gaze, unflinching, but he paused a few seconds before answering.

“I didn’t change
you, baby. I changed
of you.”

“Is there a difference?”

“You know there is, Angel. Stop over-thinking. This is good. It’s how I want it.” His index finger ran down the outline of her face again then his hand wrapped around the back of her head so he could kiss her more deeply this time. Angel’s mouth opened underneath his and she kissed him back with fervor, her heart hoping she could still convince him to stay, even though her mind protested. Her pulse raced at the point under his thumb, and his body swelled painfully in the confines of his slacks. His mouth dragged from hers reluctantly, yet still their lips clung together. “Ung… I gotta go. I don’t want to, but I must.”

Abruptly, Alex stood with Angel still folded in his arms, her legs wrapped around his waist. They hugged tightly, both of them reluctant to let the other go, before he finally set her down and reached for his jacket. She watched him shrug into it and shook her head.

Alex’s eyebrow shot up. “What is that look for?”

“You. Are. One. Sexy. Bastard.” Angel punctuated each word with a pause.

A brilliant smile split across his face as he came back and placed a hard, but brief, kiss on her willing mouth. “I thought I’d convinced you,” he whispered. “I’m not really a bastard.”

She smiled against his mouth, her eyes still closed as he kissed her again, more leisurely this time. “I know you’re not,” Angel agreed as he pulled away from her. “I hate being wrong, but in this case, I’ll acquiesce.”

Alex laughed softly. “See you tonight at the restaurant. Call me after your doctor’s appointment, please,” he said over his shoulder on the way out of the kitchen.

Angel followed him into the foyer, her bare feet registering the cooler temperature of the marble tiles. “Stop worrying.”

“Not gonna happen,” Alex retorted as he left.

After the door closed, Angel turned back to the empty apartment and sighed heavily at the sudden starkness. It was still the same elegant place it had been, full of luxurious furnishings and expensive art, but now it was without Alex. She sighed at how huge his presence really was. He was definitely a force to be reckoned with, admired, and completely enveloped by. She adored him.

Her fingers ran across the back of the soft, leather couch as she made her way back to his bedroom, acknowledging that she really didn’t mind being consumed by him and, for the first time in her life, welcomed it, maybe even reveled in it. She was giddy with emotion. Alex never left her thoughts, and she wanted to be with him every second they were apart. This was the part of love that no one called into her radio show about, the part of love that lifted people to the highest highs and made the possible crash even more agonizing. Angel mentally chastised herself for the weakness that had her slipping into doubt.

Their time together this week proved they did a great job of taking care of each other, neither in the other’s shadow. He hadn’t said he loved her, but then, neither had she. It was in the little things; the way his green eyes burned into her, the reverence of his touch, the passion-filled nights, and his fierce protectiveness. It felt right. Angel was at ease and finally willing to risk combining her life with his, he’d invaded her heart completely and, really, what was the point in fighting the rest of it? It was nothing more than logistics. Alex had initiated a conversation a few weeks back about living together, and Angel knew he’d be revisiting the subject that night at dinner.

She dialed Becca’s number and waited for her best friend to pick up. Who better to confide in? A silly smile settled on Angel’s beautiful features, and she tugged on a lock of her long hair. She couldn’t wait to tell Becca about her plans.

“Hey!” Becca answered.

“Hi! I’ve missed you and my little Jillybean.”

“Me, too. I have so much to tell you! Can you meet for lunch?” Unmistakable excitement laced Becca’s voice.


By the end of the afternoon, Angel was a little tired and hoped a long dip in Alex’s over-sized Jacuzzi bathtub would help to revitalize her. The doctor’s appointment, the shopping, and afterward, going to her own apartment to get a few things, had taken longer than she wanted, and she was anxious for her evening alone with Alex.

Cole brought her packages in, carried them upstairs, and left them on Alex’s bed. She blushed when he’d followed her and Becca into Enchanté despite Angel’s urging that he could wait in the car. It was by far the best lingerie retailer in Chicago, and she was looking for something special to knock Alex’s socks off. She wanted this evening to be unforgettable for both of them.

Unpacking the sheer, black silk bra and matching Brazilian bikini panties, Angel laid them out on the bed. She smoothed the hand-crocheted lace that adorned the inside edge of the halter cups and made up the delicate fringe around the bottom of the bra. Both pieces sparkled just slightly with well-placed Swarovski crystals, which would be perfect in candlelight. The humanitarian side of her cringed at the $350 she’d dropped on the two scant pieces, but the hungry look in Alex’s eyes when he peeled off her new dress would be worth every cent. The thought alone had sensuality oozing out of every pore.

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