Consumed: A MMA Sports Romance (35 page)

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In a matter of moments, I felt my pleasure
cresting, and barely held back long enough to feel the first spasm of Zack
coming inside of me. His cock twitched inside of me erratically and I felt a
flood of sticky-slick heat filling me up, followed by another. I was gushing
around him, my muscles all tensing and relaxing without any control. I moaned
out over and over again, riding him through my own climax, rubbing against the
persistent touch of his fingers against my clit, pushing myself down onto his
cock until the waves of pleasure stopped rushing through me. Every thought in
my head blotted out and I collapsed against him, burying my face against his shoulder
as I panted for breath.

Zack’s heart was pounding wildly, his
breathing fast, as I came back to myself slowly. His arms were around me, and
he was stroking my back slowly, soothingly, just as he had brought me back to
myself before.

“Fuck, Evie, you’re amazing,” Zack
murmured, pulling my face up and around to kiss me on the lips. I smiled into
the kiss, shifting on top of him. He was still inside of me, not fully hard
anymore, but I liked the sensation, the closeness of our bodies.

“Yes, I am,” I said with a grin, nuzzling
against his neck.

Zack laughed. “I mean it. You were so hot,
riding me like that. It was so great looking up at you and watching you get
more and more turned on and seeing you come like that.”

I blushed; I’d been on top before—not with
Zack, but with another guy I’d been with. But the other guy had never told me I
was hot like that. I felt a tingle of something deep inside of me at the

“That was definitely better than anything
in high school,” I admitted, pulling back to look down at him.

Zack was grinning. He reached up and
brushed a strand of hair out of my face before bringing me back down for
another long, probing kiss, his tongue batting against mine as he squeezed my
body against his. He shifted us on the couch and I found myself pressed against
him, lying on my side, and his arms around me tightly.

“I’ve picked up some skills since then,”
Zack said, brushing his lips against my forehead. “You’re kind of different
too… more into it. I like the new Evie.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m no different from
the old Evie,” I said, even though I knew it was a lie. I was different in a
lot of ways—but that didn’t mean that I had necessarily been the reason our sex
as teenagers hadn’t been hotter. “Okay, maybe I am, but I’m not that

Zack laughed, pulling me close to him and
kissing me on the lips once more. His hands began to wander over my body,
starting to turn me on all over again, and I leaned into Zack’s caresses,
thinking that maybe—just maybe—there would be time for us to have another quick
go at it before I needed to get back to my own dorm. This new Zack—this guy who
was actually pretty phenomenal in bed—was well worth exploring a bit more. I
could feel him pressed against me, starting to get hard again. It would feel so
good, and it had been such a long time.

I was almost completely distracted—almost
ready to get down to it once more—when I heard something outside. There were
voices; there was someone close by. The sound snapped me out of the hot haze of
lust that was starting up in my body and brain again. There was the sound of
glass hitting the wooden porch and I sat up.

“What’s that?” I said, even though I could
figure out very well for myself what it was—some people on the front porch of
the frat house. They might be just random students headed to another party
taking a break on the porch, or they might be members of the frat. Either way,
they were way too close.

“Ah, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it,”
Zack said, trying to pull me back down.

I shook my head. “There are people
outside,” I said, feeling my heart starting to pound. I wasn’t exactly ashamed
of having sex with Zack, but I definitely didn’t want to get caught on a frat
house couch, naked and right after sex. I slipped out of his arms and looked around
for my clothes.

“We can go to my room if you want,” Zack
suggested. “No one will bother us there. If the door’s closed it’s understood
that you want privacy—whether because you’re studying or whatever.”

I shook my head again. I had to get out of
there. This had all been a mistake. I shouldn’t have let Zack get me naked.
Even if it had been the hottest sex I’d ever had in my life, I was not the kind
of girl to be discovered having sex with a frat guy, much less in the middle of
a public area, even if it had been empty when we started. I found the pieces of
my outfit one by one and pulled them on as quickly as possible. I could feel
the slick, slithery feeling between my legs and my cheeks burned with
embarrassment. I thought to myself that everyone would know. I felt a lump
growing in my throat. I pulled on my panties and slipped on my skirt and tried
to smooth my hair.

“Hey, what’s bugging you?” Zack asked,
pulling his pants on and looking at me in bewilderment.

I shrugged. “I just need to get out of
here,” I said. “I have—I have things I need to do. I need to get back to the
dorm.” Zack’s eyebrows raised and I shrugged again. “Look, just…get me home,
please?” Zack hesitated for a moment and I rolled my eyes, groaning in
frustration. “You know what? It’s fine. I’ve walked home from here before.”

I stepped into my shoes and walked out of
the door as quickly as I could, barely looking at the two guys who were sitting
on the porch. I nearly ran away—not wanting to hear their reaction, whether it
was positive or negative. I didn’t want to even think about the fact that they
would probably put two and two together the moment they saw Zack and figure out
exactly what had happened; I didn’t want to think that they probably had
already figured it out. If they laughed at me, I didn’t want to hear it. I
didn’t want to hear anyone referring to me as a piece of ass.



Three days later I made my way into the
dining hall, not even bothering to drop my text books back at the room after my
class. I was starving—I had overslept and had only had time to grab a banana on
my way to class that morning.

When Jess had found me the morning after
the football game, she had looked me up and down sharply. “You’ve had sex,” she
said, crossing her arms and staring me up and down again.

“You can’t know that.” I sat down on the
couch, trying not to feel embarrassed.

Jess laughed. “Well, now I do for sure.
But no, you’re totally walking like a girl who’s just gotten laid for the first
time in a long time.”

I told her I didn’t want to talk about
it—I was still feeling a little weird about the whole thing—but she managed to
get me to admit that it was Zack I’d screwed.

“Hey, not a bad choice, the winning QB.
Certainly more prestige in that than my for last night.”

I finally turned the topic by getting her
to talk about the guy she had left the stadium with. Jess thought he might be
worth a date or two, though she didn’t want to commit herself to anyone just

Jess worried me a little bit—she seemed to
be getting wilder and wilder as the semester wore on, and I could only imagine
how she would be by the time finals came around. But I told myself she was an
adult, and that she seemed to at least mostly have a good self-preserving
streak in her. She never left her drink alone, she tried to make sure she had
at least one friend with her when she went to a party, and she almost always
ended the night in her own dorm room—or in the room of one of her friends, if
she got too drunk. True to her word, the next day she and I worked on my Stats
class together; it always amazed me that she seemed to instinctively get
concepts that I had to have explained over and over again before I could
finally understand them—at least when it came to math. I knew she dreaded
having to take English in the spring, and I’d promised that I would help her
when that time came.

I waited in line; my class wasn’t the only
one that had gotten out, and there were plenty of people in the dining hall
still in their pajamas whose classes didn’t start until the afternoon. I’d
never been a big morning person, but the classes I needed to take were offered
at set times, and it wasn’t worth the extra few hours of sleep to me to wait to
take them when they might be at a different hour. Since my social life was
mostly limited to Jess, I wasn’t up late most nights anyway. Eventually, the
kinds of classes I wanted to take and needed to have to finish my degree would
be afternoon classes, and I’d get to lounge around all morning too.

I scanned my card and ducked into the
serving area; the food wasn’t great, but it was all-you-can-eat, a privilege
that seemed mostly geared towards the football team. The soup was dependably
decent, and I helped myself to a bowl of that, grabbing a sandwich off of a
tray and moving over to the salad bar. I was not going to put on the freshman
fifteen, I told myself over and over again. It was too easy between the junk
food in the dorms and the unlimited desserts and ice cream that the dining hall
offered. I had seen a few girls who had already put on five pounds and the
first semester was only about halfway over; I had no desire to be like
them—crying over the scale, panicked that my clothes didn’t fit anymore, and
struggling to diet with temptation all around me.

I got my food and sat down at a table by
the windows; Jess would be in soon enough, and she’d probably make a beeline to
me. In spite of the fact that Jess had a plenty-active social life, she had
gotten attached to me in our first week and we tried to catch meals together as
much as we possibly could. Her classes were spread out over different hours on
different days—she only had the two required classes on Fridays, the freshman
introductory classes that we all had to take: Introduction to Academic Life and
Freshman Seminar, which took place in the biggest auditorium on campus and
featured a different guest speaker every week. Some of them were interesting
and some of them were so boring I had to wonder if it was some sort of hazing
procedure that wasn’t outlawed simply because they could argue it was academic.

I started in on my salad first, eating it
as fast as I could to stop the gnawing hunger in my stomach. I wasn’t
model-thin, but I was fit, and when I had asked my doctor how to keep from
gaining weight, she had offered me the practical advice that if I ate a fairly
lean salad before I started in on my entrée, I’d fill my stomach up faster and
take in fewer calories. It had worked so far, and at least I liked salads.
While I ate, I thought about the class I had just left, and the one I had later
in the day. Grant had signed me up for all of the access I needed as a new
member of the campus newspaper, and I had started poring through the message
board threads. I had needed something to throw myself into after the debacle
with Zack, while I was trying to figure out just how I felt about it.
Researching and getting to understand the way the newspaper worked was a good
distraction from the troubling feelings I was trying to avoid thinking about.

I was still doing well in all of my
classes, and I had managed to keep my head on straight for the American History
essay test that I had just taken, in spite of the fact that my stomach had
started to rumble about halfway through. I had Stats later in the day, and
despite Jess’s tutoring, I wasn’t sure I’d entirely be able to keep up with the
material. But I would have to do my best. We were starting to get into deeper
topics in Statistics, and I felt like I was swimming out of my depth until Jess
explained things to me in terms so simple anyone could understand them. I knew
that after midterms we would get into the part of things that I was actually
good at: interpreting information, instead of compiling it. Drawing conclusions
from data was something I was halfway capable of, even if I didn’t entirely
know how to explain how I’d come to the conclusion. If I could ace the midterm,
I would be set.

I finished my salad and set the plate
aside, moving to start in on the minestrone soup I’d gotten next. I realized
that I had forgotten to grab a spoon and groaned at my stupidity. Well, I’d had
a lot on my mind, I thought, trying not to be angry at myself. Ever since I’d
had sex with Zack, I’d been a jumble of different emotions, and every little
thing I did wrong seemed to be huge instead of tiny. I had gotten frustrated at
myself for marking something in my journalism text book with a green instead of
a pink highlighter—it didn’t even entirely matter, once I reviewed the material
later I would know that it was a quote instead of a citation—but in the moment
it had seemed so incredibly stupid and amateur.

I knew the reason I’d been so hard on
myself was that I hadn’t done anything about the situation with Zack. After I’d
run away from the frat house that night, I’d gone back to my dorm and tried to
bury myself in an episode of
I’d been thinking about him the whole time; I couldn’t even remember the story
to save my life. At least, I thought ruefully, that would make it more fun to
re-watch later. But I had wondered about the fact that he had sought me out,
the fact that we’d gone from zero to a hundred miles an hour in a matter of
maybe thirty minutes; he had offered me a ride home, and then I was at the frat
house, and then we were kissing, and then we were having sex, right there where
anyone could have walked in on us. I didn’t like the idea that Zack’s mere
presence could take me so far away from my usual habits. It made me

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