Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark) (7 page)

BOOK: Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark)
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Chapter Seven


“Where do you think you’re going?” I
asked as I saw Norah making her way down the stairs.

“I’m going to work this morning,” she coughed and continued
to come down stairs. When she got to the bottom she stopped in front of me.

“Oh no you are not, little one. You’re still sick. You need
to stay in bed.” She glared at me.

“That’s just what you want isn’t it? Me lying in bed all day
and night, just waiting for you to wait on me?” She put her hand on her hip.

“Well I thought I had made that part of myself pretty clear.
There is nothing I want more in life than to have you in my bed all the time.
But right now, this isn’t about me; it’s about you. You need your rest, Norah.
Going back to work when you’re not 100% is only going to hurt you and your
co-workers in the long run.”

“But I have been in bed for three days!” she was whining. “I
need to get up and be around people. That will make me better! Not staying in
bed,” she poked her bottom lip out. I stepped closer to her.

“Be careful, little one. You are well enough for me to bite
that lip you’re poking out. And if you think I won’t do it, keep sticking it
out like that and see what happens.”

“Maybe I want you to bite it,” she stepped closer to me and
tried to sound sexy, but sounded raspy. I leaned forward and touched her face.
Then I ran my thumb over her lip. Just as I leaned down to suck on it, she
started coughing.

“Well that is sexy!” I said as I took a step back. “Go back
to bed Norah. The library can live without you for a couple more days.” She
turned around and I swatted her butt as she started back up the stairs.

“You are no fun!” she snapped.

“I promise I will show you just how much fun I can be as
soon as you are better. But you have to get better first, Norah!”

By the time I got home from work, I was tired myself. I had
talked to Norah twice while at work and knew she was feeling better.

She had managed to go the whole day without a fever and kept
everything she ate down. I brought home the Chinese food she said she was
craving and headed upstairs for an evening in bed. I walked in the bedroom just
in time to see her stepping out of the shower. I leaned up against the counter
and crossed my arms against my chest.

“This just goes to show how good you are for me.” She turned
to face me, her naked body still glistening from the water, towel drying her
hair. “I’ve had a very long, bad day. But here you are in all your glory. Just
seeing you like this, knowing you are all mine, makes me so happy.” She dropped
the towel and stood in front of me.

“Well seeing you happy makes me happy too,” she smiled. I
couldn’t help myself, I had to touch her. I touched her shoulders and ran my
hands down the front of her body to her waist and pulled her to me. “I’m all
wet, Liam. Your suit is going to get wet too,” she said quietly.

“I don’t care.” I kissed her passionately holding her body
close to mine. “I’ve missed you. I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.” She
wrapped her arms around my neck.

 “What would you say if I told you, I have Chinese food in
the bedroom, and I just want us to spend the evening and all night in bed

“That sounds perfect,” she whispered.

She put on an old t-shirt of mine and panties even though I
objected to the panties, while I showered and put on my pajama bottoms. We got
comfortable and fed each other, while watching some sort of dance competition

“Can’t we watch the news or a good movie?” I asked. She
moved closer and wrapped her legs over mine. I held out an eggroll and she took
a big bite.

“No we can’t. I want to watch something that we absolutely
don’t care about. I want to lay in this bed and talk, look and touch you. I
don’t want you to be distracted or feel like you’re missing something if I happen
to take your attention away.” I set the food on the side table. “I just want to
be with you.”

“That sounds perfect,” I took her face in my hands and
kissed her mouth while pulling her to straddle my lap. I ran my hands under her
shirt and over her body. “Tell me if you aren’t up for this, Norah,” I panted
in between kisses. She pulled the shirt over her head and through it on the
floor. It took me about 10.5 seconds to push her back on the bed and cover her
body with mine. I started at her stomach and kissed and licked up her body. She
ran her hands through my hair as I took in one of her nipples. She arched her
back and turned her head exposing my favorite part of her body; the little
butterfly tattoo behind her ear. Like a moth to a flame, so was my mouth to her
neck. I could hear her breathing heavy and wiggling under me trying to remove
her panties.

“I told you not to bother putting these on, but don’t worry
about it we can make it work.” I placed my hand over hers and pulled the fabric
the side exposing her flesh to mine. I had managed to pull my pants just far
enough to feel her. “Oh god, I’ve missed this,” I groaned as we became one. She
wrapped her legs around my waist and we moved our bodies together. Her grip
tightened on my arms and she clenched her eyes shut. “Are you alright?” I asked
as I rocked into her over and over at a seductively slow pace.

She moved her hands from my arms to the sheets and fisted
them in her hands. “Norah, are you okay? Do you want me to stop?” I leaned back
and waited for her to open her eyes.

“Don’t stop!” she panted. I moved my arms to the sides of
her head and put all my weight on my elbows and kept moving my hips in and out.
We looked in each other’s eyes, while tangling our tongues together. I could
feel her hands move to my sides pulling me closer, then back to the bed
clenching the sheets. She kept biting her bottom lip and breathing heavy when I
kissed her neck. Her neck had always been sensitive, but tonight my lips or
tongue grazing her skin seemed to make her crazy. I moved my hand down her body
under her behind to pull her closer to me, and she raised her leg to my
shoulder. “Liam…..oh my God…..Liam…..Don’t stop…..oh my God…..ah, ah,ah….yes,
yes, yes….” She was pulling on the sheet and rocking her body against mine. She
opened her eyes and kissed me hard and forceful as she reached her climax.

“Fuck, Norah!” I panted. “Either you are exaggerating a
little tonight, or I’ve been doing something wrong this whole time,” I leaned
up, kneeling between her legs. I grasped both her hands in mine and kept
pulling her to me. “You feel amazing, baby.” I looked down and watched myself
moving in and out of her. That was all I need to send me over the edge. I
pumped myself in her a few more times, then hovered over her kissing her neck
and sucking on her lips. “That was so sexy, Norah. Watching you completely lose
yourself, knowing I was making you feel like that, I’ve never heard you come
like that….it was so hot,” I moved my body to her side and traced a circle on
her stomach with my fingers. “I don’t think I even did anything out of the
ordinary. I was trying to take it slow and keep it low key since you are just
starting to feel better.” She had moved to her side and was facing me, looking
me in my eyes but still hadn’t said anything. “Have I been way off the mark
before tonight?” I really did want an answer.

“Why would you say that?” She touched my face and ran her
fingers over my lips.

“Because I don’t think I have ever seen you come apart like

“Like I said, I wasn’t even doing anything overly exciting,
but you seemed to enjoy yourself more than you ever have before.” She smiled
and shrugged her shoulders. “I really want to know.” I leaned up on my elbow
and looked down at her. “Have I been boring you with different positions, our
public escapades and the sex toys in the basement?” I chuckled but I was very

“Not at all. I like the things we do. I guess I was just over
due, and everything built up inside me. When you started touching me, it all
came to the surface.” She sat up and moved under the covers. I followed close
behind her and spooned her in my arms.

“Well that seemed like the most intense orgasm you have ever

“It was,” she whispered.

“You would tell me if I was doing something wrong all the
time, and had finally gotten it right, wouldn’t you?”

“Liam, I can’t imagine you ever doing anything wrong in the
bedroom…or the basement, or the limo, the study, by the trees…” She snuggled
against me.

“Okay, thank you for that,” I kissed her hair.

“You’re very good at weddings, at picnics, in bathtubs, in
the shower…” she went on and rubbed her butt against me.

“I think you’ve made your point,” I said.

“Oh, and the gym,” she rubbed my leg and wrapped her legs in

“Thank you for stroking my ego, Norah. I get the point.” I
kissed her neck and behind her ear.

“Well since you are such a good boy, as soon as I get
strength back, I will stroke something else,” she hummed.

“You have such a dirty mouth sometimes, young lady.”

We fell asleep in each other’s arms. But Norah was true to
her word. A few hours later, I woke up to the most erotic hand job of my life.





The next two weeks at work were very
exciting. The event planners were preparing for a big wedding and I was asked
to help out. I spent the mornings putting all the books away from the night
before, but when I was done I was given a long list of things to do for the
event. It reminded me of what Tiffany must have felt like planning her wedding.
I ordered furniture, cleaned linens, and checked on center pieces. When the
caterer and Mary had a big disagreement and they ended up quitting, I saved the
day by recommending Rosa’s nephew who was just starting out in London and
needed the business.

In the evenings while Liam sat in the study talking on his
phone making his big business deals, I sat at the round table in the corner
talking to florists and printers.

“My, my, little one, it seems something to do with your
time, has turned into quite a bit more.” Liam stood with his arms crossed
against his chest, leaning against the doorframe, watching me.

“This is only temporary. Mary had 3 of her people leave all
at once and she really needs the help right now. Believe me, I got the easy
job. Tim was put in charge of the seating arrangements and picking a new band.”
I closed the notebook in front of me and put my phone down. “Are you ready for
bed?” I asked. He started walking towards me.

“You’re not thinking this could lead to something else?” his
voice was even toned, but I could tell he was concerned.

“Well Tim mentioned that with the three positions open in
library events, and the summer approaching, Mary might ask our supervisor if we
could fill them. I think it is going to depend on how this wedding turns out,”
I paused, “but I wouldn’t take another job before talking to you first.” He

“Norah, I wouldn’t hold you back if this is something you really
wanted,” he still had a smug grin on his face.

“You wouldn’t?” I asked with my hand on my hip. “What if I
told you with this new job, I had to start working in my bathing suit?” I
grinned back at him, thinking of the big photo shoot debacle.

He said he wanted me to do it, if it was what I wanted. But
quickly flexed his Dominance when I went from modeling shorts to underwear.

“Well I would think it was really weird that the library
would want you to work in your bathing suit,” he laughed. “Don’t get cute,
little one, you know what I meant. If you would like to further your career of putting
books away, to event planning, I wouldn’t stand in your way.” He paused and
cleared his throat. I started to clean up my papers and shove them in my
folder. Then he grabbed my hand, a little too tight. I looked up at him. “I
still don’t want you working long hours away from me though. So if this new
opportunity starts to interfere with us, I would have no problem ending it.” He
dropped my hand and started out of the room. “Let’s go to bed, I’m tired.” I
kept my eyes on him walking calmly out of the room, then he turned to look at
me. “Maybe we should get you a briefcase and your own laptop so you can keep
your work organized.” I nodded and shoved all my things in a canvas bag I
bought at the library. I had been making notes of contacts, event ideas, and
party packages on any paper I could find.

 I had filled up 2 legal note pads with information on
renting furniture, dry cleaners, florists and cake decorators. I even had
several pages of room layouts I had drawn up myself to show Mary how we could
set the room up differently. It had become a big mess. I didn’t realize until
that moment that this was something I might really want to do. I felt important
and creative. It made me truly happy in a way that had absolutely nothing to do
with Liam. I tried not to get too excited that if this new job took up one
second more of my time than he deemed acceptable, it would be over. I smiled
and followed him up the stairs.

He seemed really tense and I wasn’t sure if it was the
thought of me having more of a life without him, or something at work. When I
came out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth and putting on my black lacy
nightgown, he was sitting up on the bed with his head back and his eyes closed.
I crawled on the bed and straddled his legs, and he leaned up to look at me.

“I don’t know how much fun I am going to be tonight, little
one, I am exhausted.” He let out a deep breath. I ran my hand down his chest
and began to rub him.

“Don’t worry about it. Let me help you relax.” Liam liked
control in all things, but I knew when I took him in my mouth he was mine. He
made his sweet humming noise, lightly touched the back of my head, and his body
completely relaxed.


Chapter Eight


I stood at the top of the stairs
looking out into the hall going over my checklist. Everything was finally in
place and the hall looked absolutely amazing. I put my pen in my mouth and for
the fourth time mentally counted the number of wait staff Tim and I had hired,
when I heard his voice. It sent chills up my spine.

“Well if it isn’t Norah Chandler. Wow, gray is an
excellent color on you!” I turned to see Nick Meyers slowly walking up the
stairs. I took my clipboard and covered my chest suddenly feeling under dressed
in my strapless gray knee length dress. I looked over my shoulder to see if I
could make it to the elevator before he got to the top. I didn’t think I could.
I stepped back. “Don’t be scared, Norah. I’m not going to hurt you,” he said.
The thought hadn’t crossed my mind until he mentioned it, so I turned to walk
away. “Please don’t leave, I just wanted to talk to you,” he kept talking even
though I was now making my way across the room to the small elevator in the
corner. “Please, Norah, I am so sorry for what I said to you before, I really
am. Don’t run, I just want to talk.” I pushed the button and stood there
waiting for the elevator when he cornered me. I took a deep breath and closed
my eyes. “Norah, please, I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to talk to
you.” I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. Nick was very tall, probably
6’5 with blonde hair and very handsome. He was wearing a dark gray suit with a
black shirt underneath without a tie. His eyes were pleading with me, and he
genuinely looked sorry.

“Fine, talk,” I said in a very determined voice. I figured
we were in public so there was really nothing he could do to me. He gestured
for me to sit down at one of the tables in the room so I slowly walked toward
the chair and took a seat. He sat beside me.

“I know I scared you at the dinner that night, and I’m
very sorry. I had heard Liam was in love and settling down but I couldn’t
believe it.” He cleared his throat. “I don’t know what he has told you about
our relationship, but we ran kinda wild before, and…” he tugged at his collar,
“shared a lot of things.”

“Liam told me.” I was glaring at him. He nodded.

“Well good, although it probably gives you an even lower
opinion of me,” he chuckled a little.

“I have no opinion of you at all, Nick.” I crossed my arms
against my chest. He looked upset at my comment, then his eyes softened.

“Fine. I don’t expect you to like me, Norah….at least not
right now. I just want the chance to be your friend.” He reached his hand out
like he wanted to touch mine, but mine was no longer on the table. He recoiled
almost immediately.

“I don’t want to be your friend, Nick. And I really don’t
think Liam would like you trying to be my friend either. Matter of fact, I
think Liam would be very upset just knowing you were here talking to me,” I
paused and thought for a second, “How did you know I was here, anyway?” I
asked. He looked down at his hands and then back up to me.

“My niece is getting married here tomorrow. I saw a list
on her desk that listed you as one of her event planners. I wasn’t sure it was
the same Norah Chandler….actually I’m very surprised.” Again he smiled almost the
same smug grin that Liam smiled when he knew something I didn’t.

“Why are you so surprised? Didn’t think I was capable of
doing anything else besides being a sex slave?” I snapped back. His grin didn’t

“No, not at all. I am sure you have many talents, Miss
Chandler. I am surprised that Liam is letting you use any of those talents,
besides being his sex slave….is all.” I stood up and walked back to the
elevator. “Liam can be demanding, which I am sure you know.”

“Yes, I know exactly how demanding Liam can be, thank
you!” He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him.

“Norah, I don’t want to fight with you, I don’t want to
upset you. I just want to talk to you, be your friend, like I said. Liam
doesn’t have to know, actually it’s probably best if Liam doesn’t know,” he
smiled his cocky grin.

“I don’t keep things from Liam.” He stepped closer to me,
completely closing the distance and touched my chin to make me look at him.

“Well I am sure if you tell him you saw me here, he is
going to be more than upset. He might even re-think this whole job thing.”

“So I suggest, if you want to keep this job, then you
don’t mention me at all.” He stepped away and took my hand in his. He leaned
down looking me in the eyes and lightly kissed my hand. “Have a good day,
Norah,” he whispered as he turned and walked away.

I took a few deep breathes to regain myself and then sat
back down at the table.

“Norah, are you okay?” Tim asked. I waved in his
direction. I knew Nick was right. If I told Liam that Nick had come to see me
today, he would make me quit. Actually, he would probably come to work with me
so he could kick Nick’s ass first, then make me quit. If I told him how forward
or suggestive he was with me, Liam would never let me have another job again.
And if I told him Nick wanted to be my friend, I could end up back in my room
alone. I decided, even though I didn’t want to keep things from him that I
needed to keep this from him.





“How was work today?” I asked.
Norah had been very quiet since she got home. For the first time since she took
the job, I made it home before her.

“It was fine.” She had used the word ‘fine’ five times
since she walked through the door. I was beginning to realize that ‘fine’
didn’t really mean ‘fine’. “I’m really sorry I wasn’t home when you got here. I
was just trying to make sure everything was right before I left and I…” “…lost
track of time...” we said at the same time. She looked up at me when I spoke
with her. “Yes, you said that already, little one. I’m not angry.” I touched
her hand to try to reassure her but she didn’t relax.

I knew something had happened, but I didn’t want to press
it. I figured she would tell me when she was ready. I assumed she had gotten
her promotion and was now an Assistant Event Planner, and was probably scared
to tell me for fear I would not be happy about it.

We ate in the quiet and she went to bed shortly after
dinner. She claimed to have a headache and again I let it go.

The next day she had to attend the wedding to make sure it
ran smoothly so I dropped her off.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come in? There will be
dancing, drinks and bridesmaids.” She was taunting me. I just smiled. “Oh come
on, we always have fun at weddings!” Now she was pouting. “Don’t you want to
see what I have been up to?” she asked.

“I have a few things to take care of at the office, but I
will stop by in an hour or so,” I leaned in and gave her a big kiss. She seemed
to be in a better mood this morning. She nodded and only looked slightly
disappointed when I drove away.

About 2 hours later, I walked in the library and could
hear the reception noise from aisles of books I stood in between. I ran my hand
over the book shelves and dark wooden tables as I walked to the staircase. I
could hear the band playing music, the glasses clinking together, and people
laughing. Part of me wanted to go up there and ask Norah to dance, have some
champagne and enjoy myself. The other part of me, the selfish part, the part I
was used to listening to before Norah became part of my life, told me I didn’t
want to see her laughing and chatting with other people. That part of me told
me I didn’t want to see her in her new element…an element of her life that
didn’t include me. As I stood at the bottom of the stairs struggling with
myself, I looked up to see Norah, along with 3 other people coming down the
stairs quickly.

She instructed 2 of them to make sure the limos were
outside and ready to go, the other she told to make sure the path from here to
the door was completely clear, then she turned to me.

 “Hey. How long have you been down here all by yourself?”
she asked. She was standing on the last step, looking down at me. Her hair was
resting on her shoulders and she was wearing a head set. Her dress black and
simple, but still very sexy. Everything Norah wore made her sexy, or she made
it sexy. “Norah, you’re beautiful.” She smiled. “You always say that.” And she
always said that when I spoke of her beauty. I moved some hair off her shoulder
and ran my hand down her arm. “You might want to move, the bride and groom are
about to make their big exit.” She leaned down for what I thought was a kiss,
but before our lips touched someone spoke to her on the head set. She
straightened up and told the person everything was ready to go. There was an
announcement made to the party, people started lining the stairs waiting for
the bride and groom. I stepped back and let things transpire. I just watched
her in action. The bride and groom descended the stairs to cheers from the
crowd, a lot of the people went outside, event staff immediately started to
clean up the confetti thrown at the couple, and Norah went back upstairs. I
followed her up the stairs and just sat back and continued to watch her. This
was a side of her I had never seen before.

It was more than an hour later before she approached me
again. “I’m sorry this took so long. You didn’t have to wait. I’m ready to go
now.” I nodded my head, took her hand and we walked to the car. I had this tiny
black hole in my heart. I kept looking over at her in the car. She looked relaxed,
but tired. The black hole was nagging me to regain my control. My love for
Norah told me to give her nothing but support and freedom to grow.

As we walked in the bedroom, I went straight to her
closet. I looked through her lingerie and picked out something simple, easy to
remove, and virginal…just the way I liked Norah to look. I walked back to find
her laying across the bed with her eyes closed. I dropped the white lace up
corset and white lace thong on the bed beside her. “Put this on, cover yourself
with your robe, and meet me in the basement in 10 minutes.” I didn’t wait for
an answer from her. I loosened my tie, took off my jacket and walked out the





I didn’t have much time, but I
jumped in the shower anyway. I wanted to rinse all the stress from the day off
of me. I rinsed everything quickly, jumped out dried off, and put on what he
requested. I ran a brush through my hair and grabbed my robe as I walked out of
the bedroom.

“Right on time,” he said as I walked in the basement. His
skin looked damp and he was wearing his white silk pajama pants and I could
tell he wasn’t wearing any under garments. He took my hand and led me to the
wooden frame. It use to have chains hanging from the top and at the bottom, but
Liam had replaced them with something that looked like velvet. I was sure he
had done that for my comfort. I had voiced my concerns and dislike for the
chains. From my past, I wasn’t completely comfortable with being restrained
anyway. He had slowly convinced me to trust him, but replaced his usual
restraints with things that wouldn’t hurt me.

He could see my hesitation and nudged me forward. “Trust
me, little one.” I turned around to face him while he cuffed my hands over my
head. I wiped my nose against my forearm as he knelt in front of me. He spread
my legs open and cuffed each ankle. As he stood back to his full height he ran
his hands over my legs, my hips, and up to my breasts.

“You look irresistible like this, little one.” He gave me a
light kiss on the lips and then walked to the cabinet in the corner.

 I couldn’t see him but I could hear him humming. He
sounded positively giddy. Soft jazz music started playing. He moved back in
front of me and I could tell he had something in his hands. “Do you trust me,
Norah?” He asked. I nodded. “I’m going to blindfold you.” It wasn’t a question.
I nodded again and he placed the blindfold over my eyes. Everything went black.
I could feel my heart starting to beat faster. We had been down here before,
but I wasn’t usually as nervous. I wasn’t sure this time was so different, but
I knew his mood was different.

I felt his hands over my body. He touched my breasts and
then ran down his hands between my legs. He touched me through my underwear.
“Relax, little one. You’re in good hands,” I could feel his breath on my face.
I smiled because at that moment, his hand was doing very good things to me.
Something light and soft touched my neck and ran down my right arm, then I felt
the same on my left. The same softness ran over the exposed part of my stomach
and down each thigh.

I lowered my head trying to see what it was through the
small space in my blindfold. All I could see was something long and black, but
what was on the end, the part touching my skin I couldn’t see. But it felt
incredible. It gave me goose bumps all over my body. I felt him move behind me
and run the softness over my back and behind. As he ran it down the back of my
thighs his hand smoothed the exposed part of my butt. Then without any notice
or warning, I felt a sting on my butt cheek. I inhaled quickly and started to
ask what he had done, when I felt it again on the other cheek. I jerked my head
to the right and the same sting hit my left thigh, then my right. I exhaled and
lowered my head. I knew my chest was heaving up and down, because I was
panting. At this point I had determined he was slapping me with one of his
floggers or whips, I wasn’t sure which. I didn’t know what I had done to
deserve this punishment, but I knew my safe words, and Liam would honor them if
I used them. I felt four more stings on my butt cheeks, two on each cheek, very
fast, and then his hand was on my throat.

 He was behind me, pressing himself against me. His hand
on my throat made me raise my head, and I could feel his breath on my neck.
“Keep your head up, little one. I want to see that pretty face.” With his other
hand I felt something rub against my chest and stomach. “This just happens to
be my favorite whip. It always leaves the perfect pink marks.” The hand around
my neck moved to the back of my corset and within seconds the corset was gone.
I was fully exposed with only a small thong covering very little of me. Again
he moved fast and was in front of me. One hand ran down the front of my body
and in my underwear. His fingers thrust inside me and I let out a small moan.
“Very wet, I like that, baby.” Then I felt the stinging against my chest. It
hurt just slightly more than the stinging on my butt, but I wasn’t sure if that
was because of the new torture toy or the area he was choosing to assault. I
heard him grunt as he hit me again and again. “Oh I love the way your little
titties look as they turn pink.” His mouth was on my neck and slowly moved down
to my nipples. His hands caressed me and the stinging turned into a burning
sensation. One hand covered my sex, he fisted my panties and ripped them right
off of me. “Please,” I whispered. His fingers rubbed my clit and thrust inside
me again. “Please what?” I could tell his mouth was near mine. “Please don’t
hit me down there,” I was begging. “Down here?” he asked and he thrust his
fingers in me again. “Yes sir,” I breathed out. No matter how aggressive this
assault was, he still knew how to touch me in the right places. “Then ask me
nicely, please little one.” I could feel the whip rubbing against my butt, as
he continued to rub my clit. “Please, sir. Please don’t hit me down there.” He laughed
a little. “Down where?” he kissed my neck and began to suck. I knew what he
wanted. He loved to hear me talk dirty, although I didn’t feel comfortable
doing it. But I knew he wouldn’t ask many more times if I didn’t answer him the
way he wanted. Liam was impatient. If he didn’t like my answer, he would just
hit where I didn’t want to be hit. “Please sir, don’t hit my pussy, please.” I
swallowed after I said it, because I didn’t like referring to my lady parts
with that word.

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Unfaded Glory by Sara Arden
Corsair by Dudley Pope
Juicy by Pepper Pace
Aligned by Jaci Wheeler