Cowboy Command (21 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jaymes

BOOK: Cowboy Command
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Ta da!  You look great.  The long hair was lovely but this really looks good on you,” the stylist enthused.

Seth reached out and pulled at a curl
, watching it spring back.  “Your hair’s curly.  Really curly.  I had no idea.”

The woman laughed. 
“The longer the hair, the more it pulls at the curl.  If she went shorter, the curls would be even tighter.”

Seth stared at Presley in the mirror. 
“You look so different.”

Presley smiled and paid the woman. 
“That was the point, wasn’t it?”

I guess it was.”

They walked outside, the sun starting to
sink in the sky.  They needed to get a move on if they were going to pick up some new clothes.  “Are you okay?  Do you hate it?  Is that it?”

No,” Seth denied.  “It’s just you don’t look like you.  I can’t imagine you blonde either, if that helps.”

She entwined her fingers in his, leading him down the sidewalk to a large tourist trap shop. 
“I’m still the same person.  Look at it this way.”  She waggled her eyebrows.  “You can pretend you’re with another woman tonight and you won’t even get in trouble for cheating.”

I like the woman I’m with just fine.  I don’t need anyone else.”

Presley felt a warmth in her heart and another place
further south.  “You are so getting lucky tonight.”

Seth pointed to a liquor store on the corner. 
“I’m not that easy.  I need to be romanced first.”

Come on.”  Presley giggled.  “Let’s get you some clothes and then a bottle of wine.  I think I know how to romance my man.”

Chapter Seventeen


Presley certainly knew how to get Seth
’s motor running.  They managed to compress an hour of clothes shopping into forty-five minutes of giggling as they modeled hideous T-shirts, bright shorts, and various cheap flip-flops.  After grabbing a decent bottle of Chardonnay, they’d headed back to the RV with much more on their mind than having a drink and discussing religion and politics.

Seth was in the mood to seduce his woman and she seemed to be of the same mind.  He dug into a drawer for a corkscrew while she closed the blinds.  The neighbors weren
’t going to get a show tonight, although they might hear her when she screamed his name during her orgasm.  Scratch that.  Orgasms, plural.  His beautiful Presley was going to come more than once.

He poured the wine and handed her a glass.  She twirled the liquid, her eyes already warm with emotion and passion, then lifted her glass in a toast. 
“To now.” 

His heart lurched in his chest.  He wouldn
’t think about what would happen after Monday.  “To now.”  They clinked glasses and sipped at the fruity elixir.  He was more of a beer kind of guy but he liked a good glass of wine every now and then.  It seemed to fit their mood tonight for some reason.  Seth switched on some music and one of the languorous melodies from Presley’s iPod filled the air.  He re-filled their wine glasses before taking a seat on the couch. 

Presley was still standing, swaying to the music, her eyes closed, the wine glass dangling from her fingers.  Her body moved sensuously, the burnished curls dancing around her head.  He couldn
’t take his eyes away from her mouthwatering curves.  Everything about her was beautiful, sexy.  Her jeans hugged the curve of her ass and the shirt pulled tight over her round breasts.  He knew what she looked like without her clothes.  He shouldn’t be this hot and hard from a tiny woman dancing fully-clothed in the living room, but he was. 

Why this woman
, at this time?  It was messy, dangerous, and damn inconvenient but he didn’t care.  At that moment, he would have crawled naked across burning hot coals to get to her. 

Her eyes opened and Presley smiled at him.  She must know what he was thinking.  Heat swept through his veins and his cock swelled in his jeans.  He shifted to relieve the pressure and continued watching his brown-eyed witch gyrating to the music.  She glided over to the iPod and rubbed her thumb over the wheel until a new song blared from the dock speakers.  By the time he realized the song was Joe Cocker
’s ‘You Can Leave Your Hat On,’ Presley was already pulling up her shirt in teasing manner, exposing the bare skin of her midriff.

His cock jerked in his pants and his breath became shallow.  Damn woman was doing a strip tease right in front of him.  She shimmied out of her shirt, tossing it in his face, before turning her back and swaying her heart-shaped ass not three feet from him.  He could have reached out and dragged her down on to his lap, caveman style, but he forcibly kept his hands on his thighs.  His palms were covered in sweat and he rubbed them on the denim as his heart accelerated to the beat of the music.

When Presley turned around, her pants were unzipped and she was pushing them down her legs.  She kicked them away with a flourish, her hands over her head, rocking to the beat.  She flashed him a smile and leaned forward so he had an eyeful of her generous cleavage.

Holy fuck, his dick was as hard as a fence post.  He could feel the blood rushing to it
, leaving his brain too little to function.  She was only in a bra and a ridiculous pair of panties, hardly more than a scrap of material.  She went to her knees and reached behind her back, shaking her breasts so the bra slid down her arms.

Where the fuck did she learn to do that?

She giggled, her face pink, but his gaze was riveted to her breasts bobbing as she smoothly stood but bent over him so her nipples hovered over his mouth.  He dipped his head and captured one between his lips but she danced away before he could suck on it.  Blood pounded in his head, and he felt a wave of lust he could barely control.  He dug in his pocket for a condom just as she turned her back again and tugged her panties down her thighs.  He stood up with a roar and grabbed her around the waist.  She yelped in surprise and then moaned in pleasure as he pushed two fingers inside her hot cunt.

wrapped his hand around her trapped panties and ripped them from her body, crotch first, the flimsy material giving way easily.  He turned her head so he could capture her lips even as he held her back to his front.  He bent her over the back of an easy chair, her spankable bottom raised up, her toes off the ground, and the wet pink of her pussy peeking out at him.  He smacked her bottom and she moaned in response.

Yes, Seth.  Yes.”  Her voice was a throaty whisper but the pleasure was in no doubt.  He smacked her bottom a few more times, leaving red handprints behind on the creamy white flesh.  He jerked at his zipper and pushed his jeans and boxers down far enough to roll on the condom.  His fingers were clumsy but the minute he was sheathed he thrust inside of her in one stroke.

Seth!”  Presley cried out at his possession.  He reached down and found her nipples, pinching and rolling them between his fingers.  He kissed her spine, then nibbled at it as he fucked her hard and fast from behind, their breathing labored.

Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”  Presley chanted.  Damn, he loved how she loved sex.  She didn’t act all coy and shy.  She liked it and she let him know he was all man.  She was certainly all woman.  He kept up the blistering pace, slamming into her over and over until the pressure in his lower back and balls was too much to bear.

He found her clit with his fingers and massaged circles over the swollen nub until her body stiffened and she lifted her head back, calling his name.  Her pussy clamped down on his cock, the muscles squeezing his own orgasm from him.  His balls erupted
, practically turning his body inside out. He shouted her name as his seed shot from his body, the pleasure radiating to every muscle and deep into his bones.  This is what he and Presley were made for.  This was what they were born to do, to love each other in this most basic way.

Seth slumped over her back until he had control of his arms and legs again.  He pulled from her body regretfully and she hissed, obviously sore from their rough and tumble ride.  He rubbed her back and leaned down to kiss her neck. 
“You okay, honey?  Was I too rough?”

She reached back and wrapped an arm around his waist. 
“At the time it was awesome, but I’m definitely going to be sore.”  She giggled, though, so it set his heart at rest.  He wouldn’t hurt her for the world.

I wish we had a bathtub in this thing so you could take a soak.”

With another kiss to her shoulder, he straightened up and headed for the bathroom to dispose of the condom.  He was turning around to return to her but she was right behind him. 

“I could use a shower.  I know we try to conserve water but I’m all sticky.”

He laughed and snagged two towels from the under sink cabinet. 
“We can save water by showering together.  I’m sticky too.”

Only a shower,” she warned, shaking her finger, but there was a big grin on her face.  “No funny business, buster.” 

I wouldn’t dream of any funny business.  We wouldn’t have been involved in that funny business if someone hadn’t performed a striptease in the living room,” he countered.

Her expression immediately turned serious. 
“Did you like it?  Was it trashy?  Oh God, even worse, stupid looking?  Tell me the truth.  I can take it.”

He shook his head. 
“Honey, I can honestly say it was hot.  Very hot.  Why do you think I rushed you like a bull at a red flag?  You definitely made me forget things like foreplay and finesse.”

Her smile came back. 
“Good.  That’s what I was going for.”

You wanted me to lose my cool?”  He turned on the water, adjusting the temperature.

I did,” she nodded.  “Wasn’t it fun?”

He didn
’t answer.  Instead he lifted her so she was under the warm spray.  It had been fun, and he would miss it when she was gone.  Their time together was ticking away.

* * * *

It was their last night in Orlando.  Tomorrow, Presley and Seth would drive to the outskirts of Tampa.  She needed to go clothes shopping so she would have something presentable to wear to court, although Seth was determined she wouldn
’t be doing the shopping herself.  He was bound and determined to do it for her while she stayed locked up in the motor home, twiddling her thumbs.

They decided to visit Disney
’s Hollywood Studios to see the dancing Christmas lights on the back lot.  She’d visited a few years ago, but the display had grown quite a bit and the New York-themed back lot was packed with people.  There were lights and hot chocolate and even snow.  Presley found herself getting in the holiday spirit despite what she was facing on Monday.  With any luck, she’d testify, they’d arrest Randall, and she would be free.

She looked up at the lights strung overhead as the snow drifted down around them. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?  Snow in Florida.  We didn’t even have to freeze to get it.”

The evening was cool and they were both wearing Mickey sweatshirts, but the weather was still mild.
  Seth rolled his eyes as he shuffled his feet to avoid the crush of people.  He looked distinctly uncomfortable.

There are too many damn people.  We can barely breathe.  And it’s fake snow.”

She was determined he wouldn
’t bring her down.  She was having fun.  “It’s as real as it gets here.  Besides, it’s pretty and festive.  Isn’t that enough?”

The multi-colored lights were perfectly synchronized with the music and it was an amazing spectacle to behold.  She
’d read it took months to put it all together, starting in August.  Seth’s mouth twisted. 

I guess.  It seems kind of artificial to me.”

She could barely hear him over the blaring music.  She leaned forward so she wouldn
’t have to yell.  “Artificial?  How so?”

Seth shrugged, obviously uncomfortable with the topic.  Too bad. 
“It’s commercial.  Christmas isn’t about flashing lights and characters dressed up in holiday wear.”

He just couldn
’t relax and enjoy it for what it was.  She tossed her paper cup in the trash bin, her hot chocolate suddenly losing its appeal.  “Thank you, Linus.  This Charlie Brown has just been schooled in the meaning of Christmas.  Geez, I was simply enjoying the lights and the happiness around me.  Way to bring it down.”

A muscle ticked in his jaw. 
“Presley,” he began, but she was in no mood to hear it.  She was trying to have a good time and he was being a prick.  She turned to move toward the exit.  He easily caught up with her, his long strides matching her much shorter ones. 

Presley,” he started again.  “I’m sorry, okay?”

She rounded on him, causing a group of people to bump into both of them.

“What are you sorry for?”

I’m sorry that you’re mad.”  He didn’t sound sorry.

But you’re not sorry about why I’m mad?”  She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot on the pavement.

He mirrored her body language. 
“Honestly, I’m not sure what your issue is.  You asked a question and I answered it.  If you don’t like my answer, I’m not sure what I can do about it.”

You were lecturing me,” she accused.  “You were looking down your nose at people, like me, enjoying this.  Like you were too good to have fun at Disney.  You’ve been doing it all weekend, if the truth be known.”  There, she’d said it.  He’d been uptight since they’d arrived in Florida, as if he didn’t dare allow himself to have fun and actually enjoy warm weather and relaxation.  “You’re pulling away from me, Seth.  I can feel the distance between us growing.  It’s getting even bigger as we speak.  Are you trying to piss me off so we won’t be sad if I have to go back into hiding?”

From the expression on his face, it was clear that was exactly what he
’d been trying to do.  Tears sprang to her eyes and she turned on her heel to move toward the exit again.  She wanted to get back to the RV and begin preparing to testify.  They were starting to unravel these last few days.  He was pulling away.  She could feel it and there was nothing she could do about it.  Perhaps it was the wise thing to do, put distance between them so the inevitable parting wouldn’t hurt so much.

But it was going to hurt like a bitch no matter what.

He caught her arm and led her to a quiet corner away from the stream of people.  His color was high and he looked like he would rather be any place but here having this conversation.

He opened and closed his mouth several times. 
“Maybe.  Shit, I don’t know.  Maybe I was trying to pull away a little.”  His expression was fierce, his eyes blazing.  “Am I supposed to be happy about this?  Well, I’m not.  Every moment brings us closer to the time we might have to leave each other.  I’m not happy about that.  I’m trying to have fun and enjoy myself, but it keeps hanging over me like a cloud.”  His face gentled.  “It’s easier for you, honey.  You know how to have fun.  It doesn’t come as naturally to me.”

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