Crashed into Love: Boxed Set (13 page)

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as it possible for a
heart to launch itself out of a chest and splat against the floor? I swear mine
was no longer operational.

Trying to resemble cool and collected, rather than a
floundering moron, I said lazily, “Wow, Nina. You’re—” My voice sure didn’t
sound lazy. I sounded strung out and stressed. Ever since my encounter with
Nikolai, it felt as if a huge clock hung around my neck. Tick-tocking my time
to win Nina quickly before impending doom.

Every second counted, and I’d make sure to use every
one wisely while Nik was stuck at the hanger working. Sucker.

The moment I left the airport, I tried to find her.
And now I had.

She stepped back, eyes darting everywhere but at me.
I wanted to crush her in a hug. It wasn’t my intention to make her flustered. I
wished I had a projector screen and could entertain her with a private showing
of my feelings. Show her the true me. The Liam I’d hidden under swagger and
pomp for too long.

Was it wrong to want her to like me as much as I
liked her? When she was around I forgot my own occupation, and yet I knew if
she liked Coke over Pepsi—she didn’t like either. What she did on her days
off—went for a run around the Waimak River. I knew so many little things that
would come across as freaky if I ever made a mistake and slipped. I couldn’t
help it after being regaled by stories from Joslyn. She told me a lot about her
friend, shared things that made Nina seem so real.

“Um… Liam. Hi. You’re not meant to—ah.”

I fought the urge to rush and kiss her cheek. To
steal the heat in her face into my lips and transfer it to somewhere else in
her body. I wanted to hold her hand, to tell her how incredible she was. Not
just looks wise, but for being the woman who made me fall without even talking
to me.

The sales lady flashed us both a smile. I swear she
enjoyed my discomfort and false attempts at being cool. She cocked her head,
winking at me. “Doesn’t she look great? Such a delicious looking woman.”

Nina coughed under her breath, cheeks flaming even

She wouldn’t catch me arguing. However, delicious
didn’t do justice to Nina. Exquisite perhaps?

She laughed nervously, wrapping the end of her
ponytail around her finger. Raising her eyes, she floored me with the hot look
in their blue depths. My heart sat up in hope. She was interested. Every male
part of me agreed she finally acknowledged me as more than just an arrogant
pilot. Her façade cracked a little; I was determined to smash it to bits and

Nina stopped fidgeting, straightening to place hands
on her gorgeously feminine hips.

A tsunami of blood raced into my boxer shorts,
leaving my brain gasping. Her chest was full but small, a perfect handful. Her
petite frame was muscular with shadows of abs under her flawless skin.

She spun in place, asking, “What do you think?”

Oh God. I desperately wanted to close my eyes. If I
looked anymore, I’d sport a North Face-sized tent in my trousers. Did she not
know the affect she had on me? One look in the general direction of my shorts
and she’d know.

“I think you know what I think,” I answered thickly.
“You’re stunning and if you were mine, there’s no way I’d let you out of my
sight dressed in that.” No way in hell. Just the thought of Nikolai seeing her
in that bikini made my mouth water with the urge to knock his block off. When
did I become so mountain gruff?

She sucked in a breath, and the air that had
steadily turned from frigid air conditioning to sharp and poignant sexual
energy, crackled with undisguised lust.

My heart thudded faster, sending more blood where I
didn’t need it to go. How the hell was I supposed to walk out of here with this
raging hard-on?

She bit her lip, then blurted. “Oh, did you drop off
Anderson and Samantha?” She frowned. “How exactly did you know where I was?”

Shit. I didn’t come armed with an excuse of how I
found her. Of course she’d ask that. I took the easy option and answered the
first question only. “They’re on their way back home as we speak.”

I ran a hand through my hair, wincing as I brushed
the wicked bump in my hairline. What I didn’t add was I found Jos by the pool
and harassed her until she told me where Nina had gone, then I coerced the
receptionist to tell me which direction she’d left in. Minor details. Things
that made me sound like a lunatic and best left unsaid.

I stepped toward her; my mouth watered at her soft scent
of coconut and lilacs. I completely forgot about the shopkeeper as I stopped
within caressing distance.

Her chest rose and fell quickly.

Do not look at her boobs
I didn’t succeed, and my eyes dropped before I had the strength to pull them
back to her sapphire eyes.

I wanted to get her on her own. To a space where we
wouldn’t be interrupted; where I could fess up to my underhanded knowledge of
her, and see if there was hope for me. I needed to know if there was a small
chance I might interest her, before Nikolai swooped in with his twinkle feet
and cast a spell I couldn’t break.

Pulling a whopping lie out of my memory bank of
facts, I asked, “I wanted to find you. I’ve read there’s an amazing waterfall
inland, and I’m heading over. I wondered if you wanted to join me?”

Don’t come on too strong

I thought I handled that well. I could’ve just as
easily grabbed her around the waist and thrown her over my shoulder. Giving her
no choice but to come with me.

Shit, what was I, a caveman?

She paused, eyeing me with her lip bruised between
her teeth. “Okay.”

My body tried to imitate an earthquake—quivering
with a mess of excitement and nerves. 

Needing to show her I was chivalrous and
gentlemanly, I scooped her bags from the counter. I didn’t want to give her any
excuse not to go with me, and I figured if I held her shopping, she had to

I also wanted to do something nice for her. A small
island present that would set the stage for whatever sprung between us. “Will
you let me buy that bikini for you?” I pulled some local currency from my

Nina hurried forward, brushing my bare arm with her
scantily clad breast. I stifled my groan.

“No, I can’t let you do that.”

I liked the idea of buying her something. If I owned
it then technically something of mine was touching her in intimate places.
Admittedly it might be going a step too far, but I wanted to buy her a gift she
loved; something she’d look at and remember today and recall the waterfall that
I hoped wasn’t full of moss and algae, or running a-muck with Giardia. 

“Please,” I murmured, placing a hand on her warm
forearm. It was as if the sun radiated off her skin. “I want to.”

“Um, sure,” she squeaked. “Why not? Seeing as you
crash-landed, you owe me.”

I chuckled, loving the amusement etching her face.
She probably couldn’t figure me out. Not after all the innuendos and cockpit
jokes she’d been subjected to in the training course. Joslyn told me some of
them, and they were downright crude. And totally false. About me at least, I
couldn’t speak for other pilots. “Alright, if that’s the way you see it. I owe
time.” I accented the word big, I have no idea why. Maybe she’d
take the hint and ask what was big about it.

Her mouth opened a little, as I paid for her
swimsuit. “Come on. Let’s head back to the hotel and hire a scooter.” I held my
elbow out in invitation, and a thrill of satisfaction raced from her touch when
she looped her arm with mine.

The bell above the shop door jingled goodbye as we
exited. The sun scorched from above, and the longer we walked, the more the
idea of a crashing cool waterfall sounded like a stroke of genius.

Nina padded beside me in her sarong and bikini. If
she was self-conscious, she didn’t act it. Her skin was so pale it was almost

“Did you buy sunscreen?” I asked as we arrived back
at the hotel.

Her voice was a little breathless, which made me
want to punch the air. She was affected by me. Phase one complete. I just hoped
I interested her on a relationship level rather than a purely physical one. As
much as I found her stunning, I found the woman inside more so. I wanted more
than sex. I wanted her. Complete with banter, conversations, arguments—all of

“Yes. I’m too pasty not to. I’d burn in a nano-second.”
Her eyes were deep pools of blue with conflicting emotions.                    

Trying to keep it light, I grinned. “Good. I don’t
want you turning into a lobster on me.” I couldn’t stop the heat blazing in my
voice. “I won’t be able to touch you then.”

She stumbled just as we stepped down from the lobby
and entered the gardens. Fales danced with shadow-stencils from banana leaves
and palm trees. Guests lounged on their balconies, paying us no heed. What did
others see when they saw Nina and I together? Did they see a couple who’d been
together for years on a romantic getaway, or was the tension of newness
visible? Was it noticeable—the skirting around each other, learning, testing? I
doubted anyone would guess we were island-wrecked by mangled plane, and I had six
days to earn Nina’s affection.  If Nikolai didn’t get involved, of course. The
moment I thought about him, all the pain from the past reared, choking my

We stopped, and I had trouble chasing away the bad
memories. Needing a few minutes to regroup, I handed Nina her bags. “Meet you
here in ten minutes?”



afe behind my door, I
dumped the chocolate and snacks in the mini-bar, then  smothered myself in
coconut delight sunscreen.

Who was this man who paid for my shopping and
carried my bags home? Where was the ego? The underhanded pilot tactics to get
into my bikini briefs? Liam enthralled me, which both pleased and annoyed. I
didn’t want to be infatuated by a male. I wasn’t governed by lust or

Lying to yourself again, Nina?

I couldn’t deny he seemed different. Deeper. More
approachable out of his stark pilot uniform. It was as if his personality
underwent a persona switch the moment his blazer rested on his shoulders. As
much as I wanted to deny it, I liked the shorts and t-shirt wearing Liam.
Something resided in his gaze—a flicker of something that urged me to let
myself go and get carried away by the icy blueness.

I didn’t know how I kept walking beside him as my
legs turned to the consistency of melted chocolate when he said he wanted to
touch me. My arm looped through his was normal, sweet, and smashed all my
preconceptions to microscopic motes.

The thought of seeing him half-naked and wet in a
waterfall had moths budding in my stomach. Their delicate, powdery wings dusted
my insides with new sensations and urges

Get it together.

I straightened my shoulders and headed out into the
brightness. I put my sunglasses on. The lenses muted the island brightness, and
my eyeballs sighed in relief.

Liam was waiting. He should be illegal standing
there in red board shorts and a white t-shirt. The clingy material gave a
preview to the taut muscles hidden beneath, and his naked feet in flip-flops
looked sinfully masculine.

“You got everything?” he asked.

“I’m not sure. What should I be bringing?”

“Nothing really. Yourself and your glasses. You
won’t need money, and the water is supposedly pure enough to drink, so that
isn’t an issue.”

Tearing my eyes from his lips, I shrugged. “Well, I
guess I’m ready then.” All I could focus on was Liam. Wet Liam under a
waterfall. I’d peel those broad shorts off and…

Oh God. I was sunk already.

Should I mention I might need a leash for my
thoughts? They were quickly running out of control.

“Awesome.” His face broke into a smile, and he
reached for my hand. “Do you mind?”

His fingers eased through mine, and my skin broke
into a rain of awareness. I looked at our interlocked fingers.

Did I mind?

The previous Nina would’ve untangled herself with
the excuse of ‘no’ on her lips. He was a colleague. A pilot. A risk to my
career and professional dreams. But the post-crash Nina wanted to rub against
him like a possessive cat. To never let him have his hand back, and to demand
to know everything about him. 

“I don’t mind,” I murmured.

“I’m glad,” he whispered back. Both of us afraid to
speak louder for whatever reason. His eyes weighed full of things I couldn’t
decipher, as we ambled silently to the hotel car park.

Liam stopped in front of a row of brightly jewelled
scooters. Blues, greens, reds, and the occasional orange, all glinted like a
gemstone display in the sunlight.

“I came here after the airport to arrange the hire.
I hoped you’d say yes, so I got two helmets, but only one bike. I’ll drive.” He
unlocked a helmet dangling from the handle bars of a green Honda. Stepping
close, he gently lowered it onto my head.

His fingers swept my hair behind my ears, to cinch
the strap beneath my chin. My lungs stuck together with how close his mouth
was. His eyes were tight, focused on being gentle, jaw clenched as the snap of
the buckle locked into place against my throat.

I was mesmerized by the shape of his lips, the faint
five o’clock shadow. What would he do if I leaned in and kissed him? Licked his
neck and nuzzled?

Icy eyes blazed like blue firecrackers as he cleared
his throat, taking a step back. Why didn’t he take advantage of the situation?
He backed off, just like last night. Did he still think I had such lofty
aspirations to ignore him? Couldn’t he see the signals my body blared at him? I
was interested, dang namit. Against all my rational thinking, I wanted him to
kiss me. I was ready to break my rules and let this island lull me into a
different reality. 

He put his own helmet on and pulled the scooter from
the line-up. Swinging his leg over, he turned on the ignition and looked up.
“Get on. Let’s go see that waterfall.”

I didn’t need the invitation twice. I clambered on
board as gracefully as I could; making sure my sarong was placed beneath my
butt. I grabbed hold of the hand bar behind me, rather than wrap my arms around
Liam. If I touched him, my self-control would suffer a quick and sharp death. I
still held some resemblance of pre-crash Nina to care about my reputation.

Liam’s shoulders tensed when my arms didn’t go
around him. Revving the engine so the machine vibrated between my legs, he
engaged a gear, and we shot from the parking lot.

I squeaked, almost toppling off the back. My arms whipped
around his waist, cinching myself tight against his hard, warm body.

He chuckled.

I growled in his ear, “You did that on purpose.”

“Nina, the whole purpose of a scooter is you’re
forced to touch me. Where’s the fun if you don’t?”

Confusion fogged. What did he mean? He could’ve
kissed me in the parking lot and didn’t. What was he playing at?

My hair flew messily behind me, while my sarong
tassels whipped in the breeze. I shouted over the wind, “I don’t understand

He muttered something, shuddering beneath my touch.
A thrill ran through me at the small surge of power I held over him. He
want me. 

“I didn’t hear you,” I spoke directly into his ear,
hoping my voice was husky and alluring, but most likely wind-whipped and

“I said, when I kiss you, I want you to be
completely wrapped up in my touch.” He paused before adding, “The way you
touched Nikolai last night wasn’t something I wanted to see. It was hot and
sexy, and I don’t know where I stand.” Slowing down, he muttered, “When I kiss
you, I want to see desire blaze in your eyes. I want you to
me to
kiss you so much you have no choice but to yield.”

My voice deserted me to huddle in my stomach. Every
inch of me twisted inside out, and for one indescribable moment, I was weightless.
I wasn’t on the bike, hurtling down a potholed road. I wasn’t holding on for
dear life to a man who turned my rational-thinking soul into a snarl of
befuddlement. I was a speck of nothingness.

Not here. Not there.

Just one sensation: bursting happiness.


* * * * *


My legs and back ached by the time we turned down a
dirt road with a rudimentary carved picture of a waterfall on a wonky signpost.
It looked as if a caveman did it. And the road we bumped and skidded down was
not a good feeling for the crick in my neck.

I was slightly woozy as Liam coasted to a stop and
killed the engine. I didn’t move, gritting my teeth against sharp spasms
darting in my spine and head.

He clasped his hands on top of mine, which were
wrapped around his waist. “You can get off now.” His fingertips caressed my
skin, trailing fire across my skin. I leaned into him, riding the final small
waves of pain.

The last twinge passed, and I reclined regretfully,
unlocking my arms to slink off his waist. His body was so enjoyable to be
wrapped around. Warm but different to the island heat in a way that was
uniquely Liam.

He sucked in a breath as I rested my palms on his
hips, using him as an anchor to swing my leg over the motorbike.

Unfortunately, my legs succumbed to numbness, and I
tripped. I had a one way ticket to the ground when Liam caught me.

His steely blue eyes laughed. “I had no idea I
affected you so strongly. I’ll have to take you motorcycling more often.” His
head dipped so his lips were millimetres from mine. “I must admit, I hoped I
was getting to you. It’s hard not knowing if I’m cracking your cool shell.”

Oh, kiss me already.
I raised my head, angling my face.

Liam sucked in a deep breath and the atmosphere
instantly thickened. We both froze in that sliver of a moment of anticipation.
His cinnamon scent filled my nose; my eyelashes fluttered closed.

And he didn’t kiss me.

He stepped back; my eyes flew open. “I never thought
I’d say this to a guy, but you’re such a tease.”

He laughed, running hands through his unruly black
hair. “I already told you what I wanted from you, Nina. You aren’t quite there…
close, but not yet.”

I growled and stomped off into the undergrowth. I
had no clue where I was headed, but if it was far away from him, it was a good
direction. I’d never been so manipulated. So
with. What did a girl
have to do to get a little peck?

He snorted and locked the motorbike, not that anyone
was around to steal it. “Wait up. You don’t know where you’re going.”

I rolled my eyes. “And you do?”

He walked beside me, brushing aside low lying
branches and making sure I had a clear path. “I’m here to protect you from
man-eating creatures in the jungle.” His eyes dropped to my bikini-clad body.
“You aren’t exactly dressed to deal with sharp teeth.”

Suddenly the dense undergrowth with vines, bushes,
and green haze from the sun breaking the canopy was a cesspit full of hunters.

I gulped. “What do you think lives on this island?”

He pressed against me; his chest firm beneath his
white t-shirt. “I was kidding. I doubt they have anything deadly here. Maybe a
few snakes and spiders, but I wouldn’t count on seeing a lion anytime soon.” He
stopped, cocking his head. “Besides, we’re not far. If you strain, you can hear
the crash of the falls.”

I listened. Sure enough the white noise of gushing
water sounded not too far away.

I strode off in the direction, throwing Liam a look
over my shoulder. “You coming?”

He shot me a grin and overtook. Not that I minded, I
had the lucky view of staring at his well-defined butt. Holy hell, his red
board-shorts gripped low on his hips. One small tug and I doubt they’d still be

We hiked for ten minutes—well, not that I would call
it hiking. More like clambering over a few gnarly tree roots, and following
Neanderthal carved signs of a waterfall.

Bursting out of the forest, we were confronted with
dazzling water droplets, a symphony of splashes, and the most incredible
waterfall I’d ever seen. It wasn’t huge. It wasn’t fancy, but the rocks formed
a perfect cascade with rippling velvet water sprinkling into a naturally round
pool. Rainbows danced in the droplets and palm trees bowed to the water.

Liam stopped beside me. His eyes widened. “Wow.
That’s beautiful.”

I nodded, soaking up the soft mist, letting nature
whisk away my stress. This was what life was about. Moments like this when
inconsequential things faded in the sheer amazing perfection of nature. We
survived a crash. We lived to see more wondrous things. I beamed with

Liam turned to me, his eyes hooded.

My heart galloped under his gaze. If he wanted me to
beg him to kiss me, I’d do it. Just the thought of his lips on mine sent my
body into delirious cartwheels of promise.

He reached for me; I practically danced into his
embrace. This was it. He was going to kiss me. It couldn’t be a more romantic
time. Just as his arms closed around me, he winced, grabbing his temple. Pain
flickered in his eyes as he doubled over.

I stood panicked. “What is it? What’s wrong?” I
touched his forehead trying to gauge his temperature, which I couldn’t tell in
the island heat. “Liam—talk to me.”
What should I do?

He hissed between his teeth, eyes squeezed tightly.
“Give. Me. A. Moment.”

Wringing my hands, I did as he asked, but it was
agonising. I couldn’t help him fight the pain and his face grew clammy with
sweat. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he blinked and stood to his
full height. His eyes glittered with residual agony, and the jovial sensual look
I’d grown to love was replaced with hard-edged determination.

I grabbed his hand, looking for blood. Did his head
injury start bleeding again? I flipped his hand, searching for a droplet,
anything to show he needed a doctor. How would I get him back to the hotel? I
couldn’t drive a scooter, let alone with a passenger on the back. We’d end up
in a ditch.

But there was nothing. I reached up to see if the
bump was still there, however he ducked out of my reach.

He smiled; it didn’t erase the stain lines around
his eyes. “I’m fine. Better now.”

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