Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (10 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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Then the leather belt cracked across her ass, not stinging so much as it surprised her. A heartbeat later, the warmth of his hand slid over her butt, his caress so pleasurable her response was confused.

This was what he’d meant about blurring the line between pleasure and pain. He spanked her again, three blows this time, each harder than the last. Kendra kept silent with an effort. She felt her skin burning where the belt had struck, but tingling too. His caress, even though she’d expected it, melted her defiance before it fully developed.

She was being shaped by him, molded to be the toy that satisfied his desires.

The resistance slid out of her at the realization. She couldn’t change her situation. She couldn’t change his plans for her. For this moment, she was captive and his to use, however he decided.

All that was left to her was to enjoy. Kendra arched her back harder and widened her stance, wanting only more.

His chuckle made her smile.

The next suite of blows took her breath away. They came fast and furious, the leather snapping across her skin so quickly she lost count of the blows. He rained them down all over her butt and the back of her thighs, leaving her skin humming and her puss thumping with need.

She wouldn’t be able to sit down for a while.

The stroke of his hand over her skin was like velvet, so luxurious she moaned aloud.

“What do you think of this punishment, Miss Jones?” he murmured, his voice close to her ear.

“I’m quite sure I need more.”

“That’s up to me, Miss Jones.”

“Yes, sir, but I’ve been more bad than you know.”

He stood beside her, one hand on the back of her waist with the belt held against her skin. The other hand slid over her butt and between her legs. He slid his fingers under the rope, then tugged it so it rubbed against her aching clitoris. Kendra moaned and wriggled her butt again, hoping to tempt him. “What else have you done, Miss Jones?”

“I lied to you, sir.”


“I told you I wasn’t on the pill but I am.”

He froze for just a moment, long enough that she knew he was tempted. “Why?”

“Because I thought it would be too much too soon.”


“I can’t stand the idea of ending this without you inside me.”

His fingers gripped her butt. “Why?”

“Because I want to be stretched and filled. I want to be possessed by you, sir.”

“And why should I believe you now?”

Her eyes flew open. “Because it’s the truth!”

He’d stepped back and she saw that his expression had hardened. “I don’t like dishonesty, Miss Jones. Frankly, I expected better of you. Count aloud.”

His manner was so terse Kendra felt like a failure. She arched her back again and closed her eyes once more, determined to do better, wanting only to please him enough that he put them both out of their misery. The leather cracked harder across her ass this time, but she tried to hide her reaction. “One!”

He spanked her faster and harder then, the blows blurring together into a red haze of heat. She counted thirty before he stopped, and knew she was quivering. She didn’t move as he walked around her, didn’t dare to look at him. She felt surprisingly emotional, like a naughty child who had disappointed her hero and had no way to fix it. She felt a tear slide down her cheek.

Then his fingertip, easing the tear away with such gentleness she thought her heart would break.

His hands closed around her waist and he drew her to stand before him again. Kendra licked her lips, hoping he’d kiss her, but he picked her up and sat her so hard on the table she winced.

“Lie back,” he commanded and she did so with his help. She felt his hands lock around her ankles then and stole a glimpse as he straightened with one foot in each hand. She was splayed open to his view but his expression was inscrutable.

Her heart thundered.

He bent her knees, closing her hands around the heels of her own shoes. Kendra didn’t dare to move. She felt as if her puss was going to explode, as if she’d burst out of her own skin. He walked back to his desk and picked up the roll of tape, tossing it in his hand as he looked back at her.

He was going to tape her up. He was going to silence her and make her powerless, and take her over and over again, using her for his pleasure. Kendra could hardly wait.

“Your punishment isn’t done, Miss Jones,” he said, putting down the roll of tape. “But the human body has its limits.” He strode back to her, his gaze roving over her hungrily. He stood between her knees, his eyes glinting as he studied her, a small smile on his lips. “You will come on demand, Miss Jones.”

Kendra stared at him. She’d come as soon as he touched her, she knew it. She opened her mouth to protest but he shook his head. He slid his hands down the inside of her thighs, awakening every quiver within her. His fingers went under the rope on each side, and he alternated which one he tugged.

The pressure on her clitoris was exquisite and excruciating. Kendra’s legs fell open wide, but she hung on to the heels of her shoes. She closed her eyes as the pleasure rolled through her body, savoring the pain of her butt and the friction of the rope.

“You’re not going to get what you want tonight, Miss Jones,” he said. “That’s your lesson for lying to me.”

“Yes, master.”

“Will you ever lie again?”

“No, master!”

His thumb pressed on her clitoris, even as the rope continued its distracting moves. “Keep silent, Miss Jones,” he murmured “You must learn to be used for pleasure wherever I demand it.”

Kendra squirmed.

“Since you are excited by the fear of discovery, we may be quite bold.”

Kendra moaned as the heat rose.

“Name three locations, Miss Jones.”

“A stairwell,” she gasped. “The back of a taxi cab. An elevator.”

“Three more,” he commanded, his fingers driving her crazy.

“My bedroom,” she managed to say, then moaned again. “Please, sir!”

“Two more, Miss Jones.”

He was merciless. He was in command. Nothing was up to her, not even when she had an orgasm. “The copy room here. The back of a delivery van.”

“Interesting, Miss Jones.” He had her clitoris compressed, either between his finger and thumb or against the rope. Kendra couldn’t tell, only that she was going to lose it in a minute, be a failure and be punished again.

When she thought of it like that, it didn’t seem so bad to disobey him.

“You may climax, Miss Jones,” he said then, squeezing her clitoris so hard she had no choice. Kendra came with a roar, the orgasm ripping through her body like a tidal wave. She came and came and came, whatever he was doing to her making her release last for half of eternity.

When she opened her eyes, he’d moved away. She stared at the ceiling, listened to her heart racing and tried to catch her breath. She’d just climaxed on command.

She smiled and dared to look at him. He was leaning against his desk again, looking so confident and attractive that she blushed. He gestured and she released her shoes, sitting up on the table, then getting to her feet.

“Observations, Miss Jones?”

“Better than I ever imagined.” She smiled. “It makes me want more.”

She saw his pleasure at that, although he tried to hide it.

She dared to break the rules. She crossed the office and stood beside him, letting her leg press against hers. He looked at her, his eyes glittering. A kiss would be the perfect ending to this interval. “Thank you, master,” she whispered and his expression changed.

His thumb landed over her mouth firmly. “There will be no kisses,” he said with resolve. “Read the contract, Miss Jones.”

“But. . .” she protested before she could stop herself.

He abandoned her then, striding across the room to the bathroom. She heard the water running as he washed his hands. “I have a policy, Miss Jones, of not repeating my failures.”

What did that mean? Kendra couldn’t make sense of it, but then, her thoughts were hazy.

He stepped back into the office, even as he dried his hands. His features softened as he surveyed her, then he threw the towel toward the sink and walked back toward her. “You did very well,” he said, untying her quickly.

Kendra stared at him in amazement. She’d felt more pleasure in the past few minutes than ever in her life, yet there was something missing. She watched him, overwhelmed by a feeling of affection and tenderness she hadn’t expected.

The feeling couldn’t be mutual, because his body language was dismissive. She couldn’t understand it. How could he have not been aroused? Why didn’t he want satisfaction? She wasn’t ready for this to just be a transaction, and she couldn’t believe he did either—contract or not contract.

Why were they even playing this game, if it wasn’t mutual pleasure?

Or was it only about him having control?

He pulled the rope free, a glint of humor in his eyes. “And you are, uncharacteristically, at a loss for words. Is that a good thing, Miss Jones?” His question was idle, as if he didn’t really expect an answer.

Maybe as if he didn’t care what it was.

Kendra didn’t believe he was as indifferent as that. She felt shaken and overwhelmed, and desperately in need of more contact. An experience this powerful couldn’t just be brushed off, like lint on his cuff.

She wouldn’t be brushed off like lint on his cuff.

He threaded his belt through the loops on his trousers again, as if intent on doing just that. “Are you at least going to say thank you to your master?” That was when Kendra saw the erection straining the front of his trousers. He had to be huge and rock hard.

He was staying in control.

He was teaching her a lesson, even at the expense of his own pleasure.

But Kendra didn’t want their first interval to end like this.

She dropped to her knees in front of him. She put her hands over his just as he was in the act of fastening the buckle on his belt. She knew he was surprised by the way he froze, and she felt his arousal in the heat of his skin. His gaze brightened and she felt a slight tremble in his hands.

Temptation. Kendra knew enough about him to recognize her moment of opportunity wouldn’t last. She quickly opened for the front of his trousers, even as she smiled up at him.

“Thank you, master,” she said, as sweetly and submissively as she could. She pushed down his Jockeys, and enjoyed the view for a split second before she took his big hard cock into her mouth. She held his hips so he couldn’t move away and when her lips locked around him, she felt him shudder.

Then his fingers were in her hair, his grip so convulsive that she knew she’d read him correctly. When he moaned from the core of his being, she knew they were in agreement that there was more than one way for a good sex slave to thank her master.

* * *

He should forget Kendra Jones.

Reid knew it. Yet even his legendary discipline seemed to have disappeared, at least when it came to Kendra Jones. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, couldn’t stop reliving the feel of her mouth locked around him. He couldn’t forget the way she drew out his pleasure, teasing him with the promise of climax, then cheating him of release, starting the build all over again.

Maybe it was the novelty. Who could have expected a woman who appeared to be so innocent to give such a great blow job? She’d instinctively known how to best end the scene and even though she shouldn’t have acted without permission, Reid had no desire to discipline that kind of initiative out of her.

She had enthusiasm on her side.

And the perfect view he’d had of her sweet butt hadn’t hurt. She’d knelt in front of him, her ankles crossed, those shiny red heels visible below her ass. He’d jacked off twice in the shower after getting back to his hotel room, but it still wasn’t enough to satisfy him.

He wanted to fill her up and stretch her wide, as she’d so invitingly suggested.

He wanted to be inside her and couldn’t push the idea from his mind.

He paced the width of his hotel room again, amazed at his own fascination. He was hard again, just thinking about Kendra Jones, even though she’d sucked him dry not two hours before.

That just proved she was the wrong choice for a sex slave. She was too distracting. She was too impulsive and challenged the rules too much. It would impossible to train her to be completely submissive.

Reid also had a feeling it would be impossible to forget her. He threw back the rest of his drink, denying himself another. He stared out at the city lights and wondered if he could afford to have her affect his concentration.

Then he wondered what choice he had.

They had a contract. That excited him almost as much as the fact she hadn’t even bothered to read it. He knew he’d missed an opportunity, which wasn’t like him at all. He should have left more possibilities in the contract than he had, although he’d still included plenty. He closed his eyes, savoring the memory of the scene and the possibilities ahead.

He got her business plan out of his briefcase, which wasn’t an ideal way to forget Miss Jones but a good way to learn more about her. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected—he supposed that by now, he should have anticipated she’d challenge his expectations again.

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