Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (21 page)

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Chapter Fourteen

A kiss on the back of her neck woke Branda. She groaned, keeping her eyes closed. “Not right now. I’ll be your submissive later. I’m tired. You kept me up too much last night, go away.”

The lips came back. “I’m sorry,
mia piccola sottomessa
. I’ll try not to drive you so hard tonight. I hate to tell you this, but I can’t go away.
wants you to go over to our house. She is going to teach you to make our favorite meal. Chicken saltimbocca, spaghetti with pinot grigio and seafood. Plus, chocolate hazelnut ravioli for dessert.”

Branda made a “humphing” sound then covered her head with a pillow.

Troy pulled it off and licked the shell of her ear. “I have coffee ready for you.”

“When is this miracle cooking supposed to happen?”

Troy’s hand caressed her shoulder. “The lesson is in about an hour.
is a good teacher. She’ll make it fun.”

A frown crossed her brow. “Sheesh, what time is it? And why can’t your favorite be ravioli from a can?”

He swatted her bare ass. “It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. By the way, don’t let
hear you say that about ravioli. She’d probably have heart failure. Be a good little wife and learn to cook for us.
will love you forever if you pay attention and learn to cook for her favorite grandsons.”

Rolling over, Branda looked at him quizzically. “Troy, how did you two decide which one of you I would marry?” She hoped she hadn’t shown favoritism toward Troy. It would break her heart to hurt Trey.

“Quit looking so sick. You didn’t do anything.” At her questioning look, Troy said, “Remember, we can feel your emotions and your pretty face is an open book, easy to read. Back to your question. It was a simple matter. I’m the oldest. That alone meant I get the privilege of marrying you.”

“Trey’s all right with it? You don’t think us getting married will change things, do you? Will we all still be happy together? Maybe we shouldn’t get married. Why mess up a good thing?” The twins were the best thing that had ever happened to her. She couldn’t let them go.

“No cold feet, my little angel. There is no way you are getting out of this marriage. You are my family, and I need you to have my family name. When we have babies, we all need to have the same name. It’s tradition. What can I say?”

She grimaced. “About babies, I’m not on birth control.” Her eyes shot to his. “You’re not mad, are you? What will Trey think? Oh god, I should have said something sooner. It’s just that I wasn’t really thinking about the future. This sex-is-a-great-thing is new to me. I got caught up in the pleasure of it.”

His green eyes turned tender. “You worry too much. We knew with your lack of partners that there was a chance you weren’t protected, and we didn’t care because we knew you belonged to us. With the women in our past, we always wore condoms. But, with you it is different. If one of us gets you pregnant, we will celebrate. A baby is always a miracle, a blessing. Mom will most likely try to move in with us the minute she finds out you are pregnant. So when the time comes, we may want to hold off telling her.” His playful smile eased her nerves and calmed her soul.

Touching her belly, Branda murmured, “I might be pregnant right now. I wouldn’t mind, you know. Not with a family like yours to help me raise the little one.”

Covering her hand with his, Troy stated huskily, “
Ti amo
, I can’t wait to see you grow round with our baby.” Glancing at his watch, Troy sighed heavily. “Let’s get you up and some coffee down you before
sees you and guesses we kept you up all night.” Pulling her up, he kissed her then gently pushed her in the direction of the bathroom. “I’ll have your coffee ready for you when you come out.”

* * * *

After putting eye drops in her eyes—twice—Branda almost looked normal. She’d found out over coffee and pastries that Trey had gone to work and that Troy was going to go once he left Branda in
’s care.

Troy had just walked her over, dressed in her old clothes, then kissed her goodbye before telling her he knew she’d do a fine job in the kitchen.
was a good teacher and the best cook.

Looking at all the ingredients on the counter, Branda wasn’t so sure, but she knew she had to try. If
wanted to teach her, she would listen and learn.

The first thing
did was hand her a glass of wine. “Drink. It is good to be relaxed while cooking a great meal.”

took a drink from her glass and winked at Branda.

Branda couldn’t help the grin that curled her lips. This was going to be an interesting lesson.

Putting on the apron
handed her, Branda listened, laughed, and learned.

* * * *

Trey leaned back in his chair and crossed his ankles. Sitting in the office of the bookstore with the door closed and the monitors on, the twins talked as they watched what was going on in the store. Matt was out front taking care of the customers.

Trey took his eyes off the monitors and smiled at Troy. “My eyes almost popped out of my head when Branda walked in the door yesterday. Mom and Bellina really dressed her up sharp. Sexy yet covered. Except for some creamy cleavage, of course. Bellina obviously taught her how to tempt us. Damn, she even smelled good. I couldn’t believe it when you went all caveman on her. I understood it though. A part of me wanted to do the same damned thing. I hope that doesn’t happen to me. You know I have a history of delayed reaction. As long as she doesn’t dress any sexier, I’ll be all right.”

Troy rubbed his brow. “I don’t know what happened. When I saw her all hot-looking I just went crazy. I just wanted to take her somewhere and hide her away from the rest of the world.”

“I know what you mean, man,” Trey said. “Branda made me so hot last night. I can’t believe our luck. She is a submissive through and through. Did you feel her excitement and arousal every time we commanded her to do something?”

Troy’s eyes rounded excitedly. “Hell yeah! She was so wet her honey was dripping down her thighs long before I entered her. We are so fucking lucky. Oh, and heads-up, she’s not on birth control. And she was getting cold feet about the wedding.” At Trey’s scowl Troy hurriedly continued, “We are still getting married. She was afraid things would change between all of us if she and I got married. She was also worried about hurting your feelings. You know, with you not being the one getting married and all.”

Relief washed through Trey. “She didn’t need to be worried about that. Hell, I can pretend to be you any day of the week. I just want her happy. A baby would be fine with me, too. She’ll make a great mom. I can see her baking cookies all the time.” He paused for a moment. “I love watching her grow emotionally and sexually. She is blossoming right before our eyes. With her loving being our submissive, I think we need to start looking for a place of our own. Trent can stay in our current home.”

A feral smile turned up the corners of Troy’s lips. “That’s an excellent idea. We can’t parade her naked through the house, bend her over the couch, and have our way with her with Trent in the house.”

“Quit talking about taking her bent over a couch. I already have a hard-on from hell. Let’s look at houses for sale online. Maybe that will help my boner go down. Just don’t say out loud all the ways we can take her in each house we look at.” Trey shifted in his chair and started the search.

* * * *

Tugging up her skirt, Branda moved as fast as she could. Trina and Bellina insisted she go home and change after her cooking lesson was done. They wanted Trey and Troy drooling over her at dinner, which, she must confess, turned out wonderful. She had tasted the food and couldn’t wait to eat with everyone else. It was being kept warm in the oven while she had gone home to shower and dress.

Troy had called a few minutes before to let her know he and Trey were on their way. She wanted to look her best.

Fastening the clasp on her necklace, Branda stepped in front of the bedroom’s full-length mirror and let her gaze sweep over her body.

After browsing the contents of her closet, she had decided on a silk blouse and skirt Trina had bought her. The skirt was a shadow floral design, black with medium-sized flowers in different shades of blue. The black silk blouse had a deep
ruffled neckline, bust darts that showed off her breasts, and long sleeves with elastic cuffs that added a sweet little puff at her wrists.

A grin turned up her lips as she looked at the necklace that lay so temptingly on the silky mounds rising above the neckline of the blouse. The necklace was extremely pretty. The white gold chain traveled down into a cascade of blue flowers and tendrils ending with blue buds in a delicate array that rested all across her breasts. The last blue bud on the center tendril slipped into her cleavage. She knew that one would drive the twins crazy.

Branda slipped into her four-inch black strappy heels, then headed for the door.

Within minutes she was standing at the Cortinos’ front door ringing the doorbell. She knew she could just walk in, but she felt funny doing that. She wouldn’t feel comfortable enough to just walk in until after the wedding. Wedding. She still couldn’t believe her luck. Two fine men from a wonderful family. There was no way she could ask for more.

The door opened. A long whistle came from between Trent’s handsomely curved lips. “You look delicious.” Green eyes raked down her body then rose to her breasts. “That is a lovely piece of jewelry you have on.” Putting his arm out to her, he said, “Let me escort you in, my dear.”

Branda ignored the heat in her cheeks. Maybe this outfit was not her brightest idea. At the house she had thought it looked really nice. Now she didn’t know if she was bold enough to go through the evening wearing it. Her mind darting to find a solution, she looped her arm through Trent’s. Three steps into the house, an idea came to her. If she felt too uncomfortable, she’d just spill something on herself then excuse herself and go back home to change into something more modest. Yeah, that would do.

Sneaking a peek at Trent, she noted that he was looking straight ahead. Whew, what a relief. If he had been staring at her boobs, she would have gone straight to the kitchen and spilled something on herself, but since he seemed not to be interested in her assets, she felt a lot more relaxed.

When they entered the living room, Trina jumped up and rushed over to her. “Oh my, you look ravishing. Truly ravishing.” Turning to her husband, she said, “Doesn’t she look ravishing, honey?”

Coming to his feet, Emilio strode over to them and took her hand in his. Raising her hand to his lips, he set a light kiss on the back of her hand. “You are quite correct, my dear. She looks exquisite.” His warm green eyes made her feel at home. Turning to Trent, he said, “Go tell the twins we are ready to eat. They can meet us in the dining room.”

On the way to the dining room, Branda was hugged and told how lovely she looked by the rest of the family members. Their comments released the knot in her stomach that had been getting more tangled as she waited to see what the twins thought about the way she looked.

had just been about to seat Branda when the twins rushed into the dining room.

One look at her and Trey strode over, possessively grasped her wrist then led her out of the room.

As she was led out, she heard Troy explain, “Go ahead and begin. We will only be a moment.”

The heavy tread of his footsteps came up quickly behind them. “Trey, what the hell are you doing?”

Pushing her into his bedroom then following her in, he spun around to face Troy, then barked, “Did you get a good look at her? She needs to change. Now! I can’t handle this two days in a row. I think some of her old clothes are in here.”

The knot in her stomach returned.

Troy snarled, “You’re upsetting her. You need to cool down. Now.”

Swinging his gaze around to hers, Trey looked a bit regretful, but still determined to get his way. “I’m sorry to upset her, but the way she’s dressed is upsetting me. How am I supposed to eat dinner in a room full of family while her jewelry-dripped breasts are on display for the whole damned world to see?” Red stained Trey’s cheeks, showing just how furious he was.

“Get a grip, man. I know how you feel. I just went through this, remember? I agree she is a very tempting morsel. But, keep in mind, we get to eat that morsel tonight. There are no strange men eating at our table. No threats. Let’s go eat. The faster we get this over with the faster we can strip her out of those clothes.” Troy closed in on Branda and cradled her breasts in his broad hands. “I, for one, cannot wait to fish out the missing flower with my tongue.” His green eyes were on fire as they stared at the spot where the flower bud had slipped between her breasts. “See how the chain goes down between her luscious mounds, hiding the last flower? That is one treasure I plan on digging up tonight.”

Closing his eyes, Trey took a few deep breaths. “I’ll go along with it tonight, but from now on, I need to know in advance if she is going to wear clothes and jewelry like that.”

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