Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (25 page)

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I’m with you. They have to be planning something. Something they don’t want Branda to know about,” Troy agreed with narrowed green eyes.

“You two are always so suspicious. What makes you think those two sweet, innocent, elderly people are up to something?” Trent prodded, unable to hold the laughter from his voice.

“Please. I know they are up to something. Those two never separate, and they don’t encourage other couples to spend too much time apart. Yet they want me and Troy to go to Italy with them for a month and leave Branda behind. It stinks I tell you. Oh, they are giving some sad story about not wanting to bore Branda by making her visit their elderly friends in Italy. Saying she should stay and build up her business, which all of the sudden has skyrocketed overnight. I tell you, something is up. I think they had their friends call Branda and keep her busy so she couldn’t go,” Trey retorted.

“Okay, okay. I believe you, but you might as well not stew over it. You know when
go to plotting and planning they never show their cards until they are ready to. You might as well enjoy the ride, seeing as you don’t have a choice,” Trent said sympathetically.

“While we are gone, we need you to look out for her. She is
important to us.
?” Troy asked Trent in a firm tone.

“I understand. I won’t let anything happen to her. She’s family. I’ll watch over her. Just try to hurry
along so you two can get back as soon as possible,” Trent answered in a grave voice.

“Let’s just chill out for now. I vote we play darts while Gaven is out of town.” Trey tossed out the words in a playful way.

“Where’s he at? What’s he doing?” Troy asked with an air of concern.

“Pull your head out of the ground, my ostrich brother. Six months have passed. Every six months he mysteriously goes somewhere for the weekend. It’s that weekend. He probably has some chick stashed somewhere and doesn’t want us to know he’s fallen,” Trey answered as he got up and headed for the dart board.

“Oh, yeah. I didn’t realize it was that time already. He’s so quiet about it all. Plus, sometimes we’re not in town when he goes away. That makes it hard for me to keep up with him and what he’s doing. I wonder what he does. He told me once that he has to get away every six months in order to stay sane. Most of the time he comes home with a black eye or two. If he’s got a woman stashed, she must be a mean one. Has he recently let it slip to either of you where he goes?” Troy questioned as he picked up a few darts.

Both men shook their heads no.

“I guess when he comes back we can get him drunk and see if he’ll spill under the influence of alcohol. Branda could make him some of her special drinks,” Trent teased.

“Not funny about Branda. We all know that was Cason’s and Carlo’s fault. And good luck getting Gaven drunk. I think he’s immune to alcohol. I tried it once and woke up on his couch the next morning to the sound of him singing off key while he cooked breakfast. My head hurt like a son of a bitch all damn day. Trust me, don’t try it,” Troy cautioned.

“I’m sure we’ll get it out of him someday. For now, let’s take advantage of the dart board in his absence,” Trey encouraged as he threw a dart.

Chapter Seventeen


Branda was close to tears.

She couldn’t stand the idea of being away from the twins. A tear slid down her cheek as she helped Trey pack. “I’m going to miss you two so much. Why can’t one of you stay?”

“Ah, baby, don’t cry. We are going to miss you, too. The time will go by quickly. We’ll be back before you know it. Trent will be here. If you need anything, let him know. He’s here for you.”

“Tell me about him. Why does he hurt so badly?” Pain radiated from her voice.

Skirting the question, Trey mumbled, “He’s all right, really. Once you get to know him, he’s a great guy. He’d do anything for family and friends.”

She needed to know what had happened to Trent, he was her family, too. “I know he loves his family and friends, but don’t lie to me. The look in his eyes when he had to kiss my wrist was pure pain. He’s hurting, hurting bad. As part of the family, shouldn’t I know why? What if there was something I could do to help him?”

Sitting on the bed, he patted the spot next to him. She took the seat and shifted to look at him. Resting his hand on her thigh, he turned sorrow-filled eyes on her. Pain pierced her heart, and she hoped she could handle this. Deep down she had a feeling she’d just jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

A brief, tight smile crossed his lips. “Three years ago Trent was in a wreck. Troy and I saw it happen. We were all going to a club. Trent was in his car with his girlfriend. Troy and I were following, a couple of cars back, in Troy’s truck. A delivery truck didn’t stop for his red light. He plowed right into Trent’s car. They didn’t stand a chance. Troy swerved, and we bounced off a few parked cars. By the time we got to Trent’s car, his girlfriend was dead and Trent was unconscious. The smell of fuel was strong so we pulled him from the car. Before we could go back for her body, the car exploded. Trent came to and started fighting to get to her. It took both of us to hold him down. His face was bleeding and his cheekbone was visible. He didn’t care. He couldn’t feel anything but his broken heart. He kept screaming at us to let him up, that we were killing his woman. We repeatedly tried to make him understand that she died on impact, but he just kept screaming.”

Trey stopped talking. His face was tight, and his eyes distant. Branda could tell he was reliving the accident. Her heart ached for him.

He swallowed hard a few times. Branda reached out and squeezed his hand. Regaining control, he continued, “He couldn’t be calmed. When the EMS showed up, we gave them permission to give him a shot to knock him out. He struggled and fought until the medicine took over and forced him into unconsciousness. The EMS usually don’t give shots like that, but he was so distraught they had to. It was extremely painful to watch.”

Trey’s sad eyes captured hers. “He doesn’t look for his
vero amore
, because he thinks she died in that car three years ago. But we know it is not so. The blessing protects our women from an early death. He never did the test on her. I think he didn’t because he wanted her to be the one. The whole family knows she wasn’t the one. He’s the only one who doesn’t know. In his heart, his
vero amore
is dead. That is why it hurt him so badly to kiss your wrist.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Oh, Trey. That’s horrible. You’ve all been through so much.” Each of Trey’s words had felt like a stab to her heart. Sharp and excruciatingly painful. Taking deep breaths, she tried to get her emotions under control. The three of them had been through hell. Trent’s eyes showed it the most. Fresh pain rolled through her. Branda’s heart ached for him.

Taking her in his arms, he held her closely to his chest. “Aw,
tesoro mio
. It will be all right. You will see. One of these days, he will find his
vero amore
and be as happy as we are. No more tears. When we’re gone, all I want is the echoes of your blissful cries replaying over and over again in my mind.”

Pulling back, she stared up at him in shock. “Are you kidding? I can’t have sex after hearing a story like that. I’d rather go look for his
vero amore
. We have to help him.”

Trey’s hands stroked up and down her back in butterfly-soft strokes. “Only time will heal him. When the time is right, his woman will come into his life and he will be as happy as we are.” Leaning down, he brushed his lips across hers then licked and nipped at her lips until a needy moan whispered up from her throat.

Easing her down on the bed, he loomed over her, his strong legs straddling her softer ones. Sparks of lust shone in his eyes, making the green glow with promise. Damn, she loved their eyes.

Framing her face with his large hands, he lowered his lips to hers. Tenderly, oh so tenderly, he kissed her, licking at her lips until they parted, letting him in. Once inside, his tongue explored, tasted, and devoured her mouth. A whimper slipped past her lips and into his mouth. Answering her whimper, he ground his pelvis against hers.

Powerful hands slipped under her shirt and caressed from her soft belly to the undersides of her braless breasts. He was killing her. She needed him to touch her nipples, but he never did more than graze the undersides of her breasts. About to go insane, she waited until his fingers barely touched her breasts then scooted downward, trying to make his hands slid up over her nipples.

tesoro mio
. We have all night.” The husky purr of his voice wrapped around her heart, setting off wildfires in her most sensitive parts.

“I can’t wait. I need you now.” Her voice was no more than a passionate whisper. “Please.”

tesoro mio
, soon.” The promise in his softly spoken words added more kindling to her fire-stoked body.

Skimming his hands upward, he pushed her shirt up. “You have the most luscious tits I’ve ever seen. God, I love them. They are so full, so yielding. I love the way they fill my hands.” A shiver ran up her spine when he tugged her shirt from her body then filled his hands with her soft mounds.

A low moan escaped her throat when he took her nipples between his rough fingers and rolled them into stiff peaks.

Hunching her hips, she tried to find some relief from this urge to be consumed body and heart. Her need for them ran soul-deep. Something in her core told her it would always be this way.

“Trey, quit playing with her. Give her what she needs so we can move on to round two of our lovemaking.” Troy’s voice was saturated with aroused fire.

Glancing over his shoulder, she saw what round two was. Scented oil. Oh god, this was going to be good. Quick, nimble fingers unfastened her pants and pulled them and her lacey underwear down her legs and then tossed them away from the bed. Obviously Trey was as excited as she was.

Strong hands grasped her hips and hauled her to the edge of the bed. “Pull your legs up and spread them wide so I can dine on your sweet pussy. I’m going to enjoy every moment of it.”

Panting, she did as he asked. Closing her eyes tightly, she quaked with emotion, knowing what he was about to do to her was going to feel so good. Stomach clenching in ecstasy, she let out a low mewl of pleasure the second his tongue swiped across her swollen bud. Over and over, he licked the quivering folds of flesh between her thighs.

She pulled his hair as he lapped her sex with his warm tongue. She ground her teeth and moved her hips, trying to make his tongue stay on her small pearl of pleasure. He was too strong. She couldn’t make him do what she needed. Arching her back, she growled in frustration.

A chortle rose up from between her legs. Warm breath washed over her swollen clit. A shiver raced down her spine.

“Give her what she wants, Trey. Make her come. I want to watch her writhe in ecstasy’s embrace.” Troy had slipped onto the bed and was speaking softly into her ear.

Letting her hands guide him to her taut clitoris, Trey sucked her sensitive flesh into his mouth. Gently he raked the top of the bundle of nerves with his teeth and flicked his tongue on the underside. Her body seized then convulsed, forcing a wild cry from her throat as waves of euphoric delight slammed over her nerves and washed away all thought. A tongue lapping at her nipple brought her slowly out of her passion-dazed state. Troy had moved to her breast and was slowly bringing her down from ecstasy’s hold.

Trey leaned back and looked lovingly at her wide-spread pussy. He licked his lips as he watched some of her slippery, magical woman cum drip out of her pink entrance and flow down to her smaller puckered entrance below. His dick jerked in response. She loved the way they looked at her with so much love and lust.

Looking up at Troy, he murmured in awe, “Her sweet little pussy and ass are so pukka. We’ll have to try them both soon.”

“Yes, her lovely entrances are of the highest quality. Today I’ll start stretching her tiny ass. Soon we’ll be able to take her to a new level of nirvana.” Troy’s agreement was whiskey-smooth.

Their inflamed words reignited the fire Trey had extinguished so perfectly within her just moments ago.

Trey stripped out of his clothes then moved to the head of the bed and placed the pillows up against the headboard. Branda sat up and watched as Troy followed suit, stripping his clothes in record time. Muscles rippled sexily as he climbed onto the bed. Trey sat with his back to the headboard, his penis hard and ready. Troy urged her to lay face up with her head in Trey’s lap, arms up overhead, holding onto Trey’s hips.

Straddling her hips, Troy poured cinnamon scented oil into the palms of his hands.

The smell teased her nostrils and made her mouth water. She wanted to taste that oil on their bodies. Her hands moved restlessly away from Trey’s strong hips. “That oil smells so good. Why don’t I put it on you guys first?”

In answer, Troy leaned down and licked her nipple then gently instructed, “Not yet, baby. Grab hold of Trey’s hips, little angel. Let me love you.”

When she didn’t move her hands overhead, Trey took them and held them in a firm grip.

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