Dead Write: A Forensic Handwriting Mystery (12 page)

BOOK: Dead Write: A Forensic Handwriting Mystery
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“Okay, okay, just don’t make me wait too long.”
As Marcus Bernard strolled out of the office, Grusha turned on Claudia with an irritated glare. “You should have gone vit him. Is not good to refuse a client like Marcus when he shows interest in talking to you. He is always hiring and firing people, and he pay vell. He can be very good client for you.”
“I appreciate the referral. Thank you, Grusha, I will see him later. Now, could we close the door please? I really do have something important to discuss with you.”
“Fine. Sit down; ve talk.” Content to have made her point, Grusha leaned out the door and called to Sonya to bring coffee. She closed the door and took her seat behind the desk, giving Claudia an arch look. “So, how did you like Ian?”
“Ian was fine. But before we get into that, I’d like to know what made you choose the particular files you gave me.”
“What do you mean? I vanted to see what you vould say about their personalities. Do you have a report for me?”
“Yes, I have a report. Three of them are dead. Now you tell me, what’s wrong with this picture?”
The matchmaker’s face paled. Her eyes grew big and round. “How could you possibly know—who told you that?”
“What difference does it make how I know?”
“Which one of them? Was it Donna Pollard? Or was it Ian? Who—”
Claudia’s patience was beginning to wear thin. “What’s really going on here, Grusha? Why are these people dead? Tell me honestly: Why did you bring me to New York?”
“Stop shouting at me! You are making me nervous.”
“I’m making
nervous?” Claudia echoed, getting to her feet, prepared to walk if she didn’t get some immediate answers. She had been through too much, and her fuse was shorter than it used to be. “How do you think
feel? You’ve been playing me for a fool, bringing me here for some secret purpose of your own. That makes
pretty damn nervous. I want to know why you’re using me.”
“No, no, Claudia, vait—that’s not it! You are not a fool. You are very smart voman.
is why I bring you here.”
“If that’s what you really think, then please don’t insult my intelligence anymore. Stop this blatant attempt to manipulate me. I want the truth this time.”
Grusha held up her hands, placating. “All right, please, sit down. I tell you everything.”
Claudia hesitated, then dropped back into the guest chair waiting for the explanation. She felt skeptical that what she would hear would be the truth.
“Ve talk confidential, yes?”
“Yes, of course.”
“So. Is like this. I had business in another place a few years ago. A girl who vork for me make trouble. She vant me to pay her more money. I say no. She quit. Is okay; I don’t need her vit the attitude! But she call my clients and she tell them things about me—lies. I run legitimate business, but this girl, when she lie, she get some people to go to court and testify against me.” Grusha’s expression darkened. “Cost a lot of money, a lot of my life. That thing hurt my business very bad, very bad. So I move to East Coast, I vork and vork to build again, make new clients, new business.” The deep-set eyes had traded warmth for flat black intensity. “I cannot afford
to interfere this time. You understand me, yes? I have to make sure things are done right.”
As she listened, Claudia resolved to research the story on the Internet for herself. There might be some articles about Grusha and her court case. She said, “I understand that you had problems before, and that
is apparently going on now. But what does this have to do with the mistakes Andy Nicholson made? Or did you just make that up to get me here?”
“No! Is true.” The matchmaker’s lip started to tremble. She took a folded tissue from a pocket of her dress and pressed it to the corners of her eyes. “Somebody
trying to sabotage my business, but I do not yet know who or why . . .” Her voice trailed away and she spread her hands in resignation. “So. Claudia, I need your help. You have good reputation, you can save me.”
“Let me understand what you’re telling me—that Andy Nicholson failed to identify red flags in the handwriting of a client who is now trying to sabotage you?”
“Yes, yes, that is it,” Grusha said with evident relief.
“And you’ve identified some people who you suspect could the culprits. That’s what those files are?”
“Suspects, I—I am not sure.”
“If you’re saying that you want me to pick the most likely suspect from this group, there are a couple who concern me. But that doesn’t answer why you gave me the handwritings of dead people.”
Grusha hesitated. “It is true what you say, that some clients have died in terrible accidents, but . . .”

Dr. Pollard’s office was broken into this morning.”
“What? What you are talking about?”
“I guess you haven’t heard. She was attacked in her office early this morning. That didn’t feel like a coincidence to me.”
Grusha’s brows knit in a worried frown. Claudia could see that the news had shaken her.

? Donna was attacked?”
“Yes. Hit over the head, in fact. I think she has a concussion. Yet, for some unknown reason, she’s refused to call the police. I don’t suppose you have any idea why that might be.”
“What did this person vant from her?”
“He didn’t stick around long enough to let her know. So, Grusha, tell me: What is
happening here?”
“Too many bad things, too close together.
is very wrong. Someone is behind all these things; I am convinced of it.”
“Well, yes, it’s pretty obvious that someone is. But why?
would someone do this? There has to be a motive.”
Grusha groaned. “I vish I know. Someone is trying to sabotage me again. This much is clear.”
“And there are people dying, so you have to go to the police.
much is clear.”
“No! I
! I vill be ruined if it comes out.
is why I ask you to come. I need you to find this person for me. Their
vill show who it is, and why these people are dead.”
“Grusha, I hope you understand handwriting only reveals someone’s potential. It can’t predict for sure what the writer is going to do. But what I can do is describe the behavior that the handwriting reflects on the page. Guessing games are out.”
“I thought—I thought if you could find something in their personality that connects them
. . .
Claudia, I have faith in you. Remember, I read all about your reputation.”
Claudia gave her a thin smile. “That’s all well and good, but I’m not psychic. What made you pick those particular clients?”
“I gave you the files of the men who dated the two girls and I put in some other ones as a—what do they call it? A test, some kind of test.”
“A blind test.”
“Yes, that is it. Andrew Nicholson give them all good reports, but I had some questions about them; that is all.” Spots of color rose in her cheeks and her eyes moved to the left.
She’s lying about something.
“Why do you think Nicholson was wrong about these particular men? What have they done to make you suspicious?”
Grusha hesitated. “I have no reason to suspect them. Just that some of them dated the same girls.”
“Grusha, for heaven’s sake! If you believe there’s a killer loose, targeting your business—”
“Claudia, please, you have to help me. The police vill not believe me.”
“Why not?”
Another long pause.
“Why not, Grusha?”
“Because . . . because I have trouble vit them in the past.”
“What kind of trouble?”
“It has nothing to do vit this. But once the police know you, you are never again free. If I go to them, they vill immediately suspect me of something, and it vill get into the media, and then—”
“I’m not a private detective,” Claudia interrupted. “And I’m not interested in being part of some
Mission: Impossible
investigation. I’ve been close to murder before, very recently, and I don’t want to be anywhere near it again. If that is what’s going on here, you can count me out.”
“Vait! Please look to see if anything from the handwriting vill give a clue about these people. If you find something that connects them—if ve find some proof, I vill go to police. That is all you have to do. What do you think?”
“I think I don’t like it; that’s what I think. The police need to be made aware of—I’m sorry, excuse me.” A beep from Claudia’s cell phone signaled the arrival of a text or picture message. Murmuring an apology for not switching off her phone during the meeting, she removed it from her pocket and looked at the screen. The number was Annabelle’s cell phone.
What now?
The LCD screen said she had a video message and gave the option of viewing it now or later. She clicked view now.
Grusha’s voice came at her from a long distance. “Claudia? Are you all right? You’ve gone pale. Is bad news for you?”
Chapter 11
Even on the small cell phone screen, Claudia was easily able to recognize the woman with the blunt-cut blond hair: Detective Alexandra Vega, her arms wrapped around Jovanic, her body pressed up against him, her lips on his.
He wasn’t fighting it.
After a moment, Alex stepped away and they both got into a car. The video had lasted only fifteen seconds, but Claudia felt sick. She may have had her suspicions for the last several weeks that there was something going on between Alex and Jovanic, but having it stuck in her face this way was a body blow. It was one time she had desperately wanted to be wrong.
There had to be an explanation.
It won’t be good enough.
Learning to trust him hadn’t been easy. Not that he had done anything to make her doubt him, but because painful past experience had taught her not to allow any man to get too close. Until this moment, she’d believed she had come a long way. The video unraveled her hard-won assurance. As she sat there, trying to look and act normal, her feelings were running the gamut from disbelief to anger to jealousy to grief.
After leaving Dr. Pollard, Claudia had intended to give Grusha the news that she was quitting the assignment and returning to the West Coast as soon as she could get a flight. She would repay the generous retainer. Now Annabelle’s cell phone transmission had changed things. There was no point in rushing back to L.A.
In her heart, she questioned whether she was making the rational choice—maybe this was not the best time to make rash decisions. But before she could change her mind again, she turned to the matchmaker. “You just want me to analyze handwriting, right, not get involved in any investigation?”
“Yes, yes, just handwriting. I give you bonus, too.”
“I don’t need a bonus. Let’s just get on with it.”
Sonya was given instructions to order sandwiches from the deli on the ground floor of the building, and they prepared to brainstorm. The thought of food held no appeal for Claudia, but her decision to remain and help seemed to have renewed Grusha’s energy and she was now bustling around her office, making space for their lunch.
Claudia took a break to tidy up. Annabelle’s defiance of her order not to spy on Jovanic angered her, and she wanted to throttle Alex. She hadn’t yet begun to think about what she would like to do to Jovanic.
She dampened a paper towel and dabbed it over her face, repaired her makeup. A little lipstick and blush made her look less like death warmed over. If she was going to stay on in New York, this was not the time to be depressed. She had a suspicion that despite her promises, Grusha might have been less than forthright. It was going to be important for Claudia to be alert during their conversation and listen for anything that was being communicated between the lines.
Before returning to Grusha’s office, she gave herself a stern talking-to and forced the cell phone image out of her head.
“So, three of your clients have died—unless there are any
dead clients you haven’t told me about?”
Grusha looked aghast. “God forbid!”
“Okay, then, two of the clients—Heather Lloyd and Ryan Turner—died in sporting accidents. One—Shellee Jones—had an allergic reaction to peanuts. It’s too much to believe that all three of these were really accidents. But is it possible that any of them might have been genuine? The anaphylactic shock, maybe? Could that have been just a horrible coincidence?”
Grusha pounced on the suggestion. “Yes, of course! How could someone arrange such a thing at a restaurant? Poor Shellee does not belong vit the others!”
Her eagerness sent Claudia’s guard up. For someone who had insisted that she come all the way across country to participate in this situation, Grusha seemed far too willing to drop part of it.
“For argument’s sake,” Claudia continued, “we’ll take the worst-case scenario and assume that all three were deliberately killed. My question is motive. Why
particular people? The victims were of both genders; this isn’t necessarily sexually motivated. From what I’ve read in their files I couldn’t find anything that seemed to tie the three of them together, personality-wise. Both Heather’s and Shellee’s handwriting looked pretty typical of a lot of young women of their age and their position in life. Since they were club members, they must have had financial means. Ryan had especially good handwriting in the sense that he was emotionally mature and had a healthy self-image. So, what can you tell me about them?”
Grusha’s hand automatically moved to the Lalique nude on her desk. “They were beautiful girls. Heather was a little airheaded, but she was beginning to be successful in her modeling career. She come to me for introduction because she was afraid men vanted her for the way she looked.” She gave a rueful chuckle. “Is true—it was not her brains they were interested in. Men do not really vant those skinny girls, but I did not tell her that because I can sell the whole package. I give Heather what she vanted—three handsome rich men to choose from. She like Ryan best because he was sexy doctor. He was fourth-year resident and she saw potential for very nice future. He had family money, too. He was going to do very vell in plastic surgery. Poor boy.”

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