Deadly Heat (46 page)

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Authors: Richard Castle

BOOK: Deadly Heat
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Later, enfolded in a lazy tangle of limbs in her bed, they dozed, skin to soul. Nikki’s fingers caressed his two-day beard, and her breast rose and fell in rhythm with his placid breathing. Her cell phone double-pulsed and she dutifully checked the text, then put the phone back on the nightstand.

Without opening his eyes, Rook said, “Please, not another murder.”

“Worse. Yardley Bell wants to have lunch tomorrow.”

He blinked open. “You going to go?”

“I don’t need a new best friend.”

“You should go.”

“I don’t like her.”

“You don’t know her.”

“I know all I want,” said Heat. “And I know what I like.”

“So do I.”

“Show me.”

And he did.


This is a very big occasion for your humble author. Oh, right, I finished this book today, sure, but I’m talking about something bigger. I am talking about today being one of only two days a year when we jaded New Yorkers stop in our tracks and marvel at the astronomical phenomenon known as Manhattanhenge! What. Am I the only geek here who knows that at precisely 8:15 this evening the setting sun will perfectly align itself with the grid layout of Manhattan’s streets and beam celestial eye candy down every single east-west street like a laser beam? Sweet! Take that, Stonehenge!

You will excuse me if I have one eye on my loft’s west-facing window as I also acknowledge how the stars also miraculously aligned to make this novel happen. And the brightest in that firmament is a heavenly body known as Kate Beckett, who fills my heart with motivation, encouragement, and the awesome power of her elegant life example. Thanks also to the rest of the crew at the 12th Precinct. Javier Esposito and Kevin Ryan have generously made me a training partner, teammate, and, I hope, friend. Captain Victoria Gates sets a high bar—but somehow lets me sneak in under it. Don’t tell her, but I believe she secretly likes me.

Down at the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Lanie Parish reels me in when I get my head too far in the clouds. I appreciate her tolerance as much as her expertise.

My mother Martha keeps me mindful that every sunrise is a cause for celebration, even though she never sees them thanks to that sleep mask she got from Kitty Carlisle on some 1950s game show. My collegiate daughter Alexis has found healthy independence, but I am ever grateful she chooses to stay in my orbit.

Earthbound as I am, I look up in awe at the empyrean gods and goddesses that are true stars above. I speak of course of the amazing Nathan, Stana, Seamus, Jon, Molly, Susan, Tamala, and Penny.

The folks in the Clinton Building at Raleigh Studios continue to conjure astral magic. They know what a journey measured in light years means and have my deep respect.

Terri Edda Miller gleams like Aurora Borealis. Radiant and warm, she holds my heart in her hands. As it always shall be.

Jennifer Allen catches moonbeams in a jar and makes me feel like I am indeed swinging on a star. There is no shoulder I would rather rest my head on watching an orange moonrise over the Sound.

A big salute to Elisabeth Dyssegaard, editor-in-chief at Hyperion Books, who smoothed the way, start to finish. Melissa Harling-Walendy and her team at ABC provided wonderful support once more.

Sloan Harris at ICM Partners has represented me in books from the very beginning, setting his spyglass on the horizon and seeing all with a clear eye.

Once again Ellen Borakove at OCME proved invaluable in autopsy research. She continues to combine passion and compassion in her work plus a unique tolerance for ignorant questions.

Special recognition to Alton Brown for providing both the culinary consultation and the pen warmed up in hell with which I wrote this book.
Good Eats
, Great Guy.

Poker buddies Connelly, Lehane, Patterson, and the late Mr. Cannell still keep me on my toes.

Thanks so much to the extraordinary Janet Evanovich for the shout out on the
Today Show
. And to top-flight blogger Ken Levine for all the nice words.

Screenwriter and friend Don Rhymer left us too soon. The real-life inspiration for Detective Rhymer is now heaven’s new Opie—and lives on in the 20th.

Finally, there would be no book without the guiding star known on the charts as
Andrew Major
. Whenever I am lost in the twists, turns, and black holes of plot, I take comfort knowing I am never
alone. I can always rely on Tom to hold the compass, but for Andrew to shine True North.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment with Manhattanhenge.


New York City, 8:14

May 29, 2013

About the Author

Richard Castle
is the author of numerous bestsellers, including
Heat Wave
Naked Heat
Heat Rises
Frozen Heat
, the Derrick Storm eBook original trilogy, and
Storm Front
. His first novel,
In a Heat of Bullets,
published while he was still in college, received the Nom DePlume Society’s prestigious Tom Straw Award for Mystery Literature.

Mr. Castle lives in Manhattan with his daughter and mother, both of whom infuse his life with humor and inspiration.


Storm Front

Heat Wave

Naked Heat

Heat Rises

Frozen Heat

A Brewing Storm

A Raging Storm

A Bloody Storm


© ABC Studios. All Rights Reserved.

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information address Hyperion, 1500 Broadway, New York, New York 10036.

The Library of Congress has catalogued the original print edition of this book as follows:

Castle, Richard.

Deadly Heat / Richard Castle.—First edition.

pages cm

ISBN 978-1-4013-2480-3 (alk. paper)

1. Policewomen—New York (State)—New York—Fiction.

2. Serial murder investigation—Fiction. 3. Mystery fiction.

I. Castle (Television program) II. Title.

PS3603.A8787D43 2013



eBook Edition ISBN: 978-1-4013-0592-5

Cover artwork © American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.

First eBook Edition

Original hardcover edition printed in the United States of America.

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