Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series) (50 page)

BOOK: Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series)
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The white pixie stared Yugo down. She wasn't buying what he was selling at all. Yugo was smooth, but his audacity was pushing on this one.

“Of course we noticed what kind of racket you have going here.” Yugo added.

The girl's antagonistic temperament towards Yugo eased. She was listening.

“We could always beat the shit out of you and drag you out into the sun come day break if you disagree with our presence here.” Yugo threatened with a smile.

Despite Yugo's aggressive reply, the attractive young woman's eyes brightened. She enjoyed his back talk, she invited it. “You've got balls foreigner.” She tossed her blood stained hair to the side, out of the way of her eyes. “Almost as much as I do.”

“Almost? Lady, we walked here.” Orhn chimed in. The northern winter had been cold and was obvious to everyone there. The only people it didn't affect were vampires and other creatures of the night.

The young vampire turned to Orhn. “Well, I'm sure you did. All by your selves too, it appears. Yes, you are big boys after all.” She was being blatantly condescending.

“From Italy. We walked here from Italy.” Orhn said in a defensive tone. He was getting mad at the girl.

“Then your feet must be very tired. Why don't you put them in your mouth and shut it before I ask you to leave.” The young girl began to walk away.

Yugo raised his right hand to make contact with the girl's hand. He wanted to provoke her. The girl stopped and spun around, swinging at Yugo with a slowed pace. Her fist struck Yugo square in the chest. He did nothing to block the obvious reprisal. He knew what she was going to do, he had invited it. Upon impact, the back of the girls' hand crumbled. Like old wood snapped across a tree trunk, it had shattered. It was in the exact place where Yugo had touched her, it broke apart as if it were an object instead of flesh. The girl flinched, hiding the pain and ignoring Yugo's masterful display of power. He had clearly set the ground rules for any and all future dealings. Yugo wanted to be respected and feared, not the opposite. The way he taught her this was unheard of to the young vampire. Where she was from, a large standoff between herself and Yugo would have ensued. This was not the case. She coddled her shattered hand, giving Yugo the evil eye while gesturing for all of them to move towards the back of the bar where they could talk.

Yugo, Orhn, and this young woman sat down at a small booth in the corner of the large open room. It was old, dusty, private, and exactly what they all required. A place to discuss what had just happened. Yugo was calm and collected as they all sat down. Orhn was not. He kept focusing on the woman's hand, realizing a new level of strength Yugo had possessed all this time. To Orhn, this action was new and very powerful. So much that even other vampires had to fear Yugo or at least be weary to avoid him. By witnessing it alone, Orhn understood the mechanics of what had transpired. Yugo had taught Orhn how his own gift worked, just not the constraints of it. Yugo had converted the blood in the girl's hand to dust from within the vein. The wound wasn't bleeding because there was nothing left in the hand to bleed. Yugo had attacked her in a way that didn't draw any attention. A stealthy action that was more of a calling card than a gesture of war. Yugo had chosen his moves well and the young vampire knew it. Orhn's couldn't help but to stare at the damage inflicted upon the girl's hand. He was staring and she was getting angry.

“Are you going to stare at my hand all night? Tell me your name, whelp, so I know what to put on the pile of rocks that will be your shallow grave.” The young woman snapped at Orhn, nearly jumping out of her seat.

Yugo placed his hand gently on Orhn's shoulder, telling him to back down. “His name is Orhn Damascus, and I am Yugo Sokolov.” Yugo smiled. Considering he had just destroyed the young girl's hand. He was being very audacious.

“Then do you mind telling me how you got here? We are surrounded by water. Last time I checked this region was anti-blood sucker. It's well known the ships have refused to take on any passengers at night for that reason. They've all heard of what vampires have done to the neighboring areas and fear one midnight ticket might turn out to be the next wave of destruction to plague their lands. Most people here take strong precautions to not let them in. How did you manage to make it all the way over?” The vampire was scolding Yugo and Orhn for doing exactly what she had done already.

Yugo knew she was a hypocrite, but he wanted to find out more. “Tell me your name and we'll tell you how.” Yugo proposed a small trade.

“And if I don't?” The girl reared up, with her red eyes flaring at Yugo.

“Then you can tell me your name without the use of either hand. If you tell me now, you get to keep your other hand for the night.” Yugo threatened.

“Lucretia Crete.” She said with discontent. She was supercilious in nature.

“Lucretia, that's a very luscious name for someone so young.” Yugo paused, scanning for a reaction. There was none, just as Yugo had predicted. Yugo was paying great attention to her, although Lucretia was very abrasive, he could tell she actually enjoyed the complement. He was gaining ground. “And how have the last hundred and twenty years gone for you? Greece must have thrown you out kicking and screaming when they found out what you were. Didn't they?” Yugo had a hunch and he was playing it out.

“One hundred and forty. I'm not a child.” Lucretia corrected Yugo. “Not like him.” She pointed to Orhn. Her pugnacious attitude was showing in the conversation.

Orhn leered at Lucretia.

“Not counting human years, you are?” Yugo watched as her face blustered.

“Which life should I count?” Lucretia huffed.

“Both.” Yugo said with a straight, emotionless face. “You can count both if you want.”

“And what are you? You're no damn ancient yourself, you prick!” Lucretia shouted and pointed at Yugo with her injured hand. A piece fell to the table as they all watched the hand crumble slightly.

Yugo was right about Lucretia's age. He smirked, then looked down at her hand. “I wouldn't leave that hand out in the open for long if I were you.” Yugo had her where he wanted her, flustered and angry. “Not unless you wanted to attract the wrong kind of attention.”

“Why not? Why the hell should I do anything you suggest?” Lucretia had lost her cool, she was in the palm of Yugo's hand now.

Yugo eyed the patrons sitting at the bar that were beginning to stare at Lucretia shouting. Yugo lowered her hand by forcefully and quickly, hiding it from sight. “A decaying hand is a sign of many things, but not a healthy person. At best you might be thrown out of the village for being sick. And at worst, you might be mistaken for a vampire. You wouldn't want that.” Yugo said softly, making sure no one else heard. “Either way, this gamble of yours would end.”

Orhn, sitting patiently, commented. “Or we could all have a wonderful blood bath at your expense.”

Lucretia didn't reply at first. She was too focused on Yugo, staring deeply into his purple eyes. With her other hand, Lucretia dug her left index finger into the middle of Orhn's right hand and halfway through the table.

“Are you insane, didn't you hear what we just said.” Orhn wasn't in pain, but the shear act was attracting more attention to them as a group.

Lucretia smiled at Yugo. She hadn't noticed the lack of blood from Orhn's hand. Yugo smiled back and shushed Orhn to stay quiet. Lucretia removed her finger. She continued smiling at Yugo.

“Let's take this somewhere more private.” Lucretia suggested.

“Why don't you two just get a room.” Orhn was fed up. He was feeling like the odd man out.

“I'm buying.” Yugo said while standing up from the table, still holding Lucretia's injured hand.

“Then I've got tomorrow night. They owe me here and I get a discount.” Lucretia spoke up, still smiling at Yugo.

“Did the two of you hear anything I said?” Orhn was frustrated, they were ignoring him completely now. What had started as a touchy situation had suddenly become a fevered pairing.

“Yes, little lackey. We've heard everything you've said. Just try not to bother us and we'll see you in a few hours. Hell, you might want to find a young girl your own age and use the time wisely. You look a bit, unsatisfied.” Lucretia was pushing all of Orhn's buttons now.

“Hey, Yugo, are you actually agreeing with this thing of a person?” Orhn was asking Yugo to choose sides.

“Orhn, do as she says and I'll see you in a while.” Yugo commanded.

“So you're going to simply take her side, just like that? What about loyalty?” Orhn pleaded.

“Loyalty is subjective, Orhn. This 'thing' has a vagina, of course I'm taking her side.” Yugo said as he walked away with Lucretia to rent an upstairs room. Yugo had a slight stupor on his face while following Lucretia. He knew he was getting lucky.

Orhn had to admit that he did envy them. He had never been with a vampiric woman before. He wasn't one to be without company on any given night. Orhn was handsome, and clearly more attractive than Yugo, especially with his facial scars. Normally he had his pick of the of ladies in a town. Orhn was not one to ever feed on the same women he was seen partying with in town. It was part of Yugo's rule to remain hidden, they never fed on women. It was too obvious. It was the same thing that every vampire in the region was doing. Yugo had decided to keep their own efforts low key. They would start a fight with a random hooligan and drag them off into the shadows to be slaughtered. By morning, the thug would be found dead and they would be long gone. In Yugo's logic, this way the entire town knew their faces, but as big spending travelers, and not as murderers. They would simply roll into a town, hit the bar, order enough drinks to sack a cow, and then rock out a room with a few scantily clad women. In Yugo's mind, they were doing the town a favor by eradicating the local crime. It was the details Yugo kept in mind that preserved them both up until now. They were untouchables as long as they didn't display any of their enormous strength, or all of their ability. Their goal was to infiltrate, enjoy, feed, and slip away just after dawn to shed off any possibility of them being vampires. Orhn had been a close observer of those guidelines and felt betrayed through Yugo's actions with Lucretia. She was an unknown that had charmed the only remaining constant in his world. Orhn felt shamed by Yugo.

Orhn knew that if Yugo was using Lucretia to have his fun, they wouldn't come down until a few minutes before sunrise. Not the few hours of a time line that he had suggested. Orhn knew that if it came down to it, they might even smuggle her out in a box or a suitcase. She was small and compact after all. A hay wagon wasn't out of bounds to Yugo when it came to sex with another vampire. There were no limits to his loins. About four years into Orhn's training, they had met another female vampire. Something close to the same thing happened then as well. Except the encounter lasted three days and was in a dark secluded basement that was abandoned. And she wasn't half as sexy as Lucretia was. In Orhn's eyes, the brutish middle aged vampire was aged and ugly. She was nothing compared to Lucretia's youthful body. Orhn thought that if that took three days, it might take two months or more with this new vixen.

Orhn was worried, but knew he needed to keep partying and make a good scene as per Yugo's well crafted plans. Orhn did just that. He ordered a few drinks for a young girl standing near the other end of the bar and began to act frivolously. Orhn spent his night in the girl's arms.

By morning, Orhn didn't care where Yugo was. If he was done, he would have contacted Orhn. There had been no messenger, no message to wake him through the night. No sign Yugo had finished having his fun. Orhn had no reason to stop enjoying himself either. The naked, well endowed breasts acting as pillows underneath his face certainly gave him no reason not to. Orhn had paid for the night, but had worn out his date well into the early hours of the day. Her brown curled hair reached to her lower back. The young woman was turned to her left side completely unclothed. Her face long and oval, she was homely, but cute, perfect for Orhn's short term needs. Orhn was more than amply supplied to pack in for the week with this girl. The money Yugo and Orhn had accrued was more than enough to float them in the town for more than a month if necessary. Yugo's system of killing only the disreputable in a town had come to be quite profitable over the years. Through the decades they had amassed a genuine fortune all to themselves. Orhn always thought that his single contribution to the way they held their gold was genius. Orhn would sew the coins and gold bars directly into their clothing. The weight was nothing with their well tempered bodies, and no one ever got close enough to search them. Yugo's fox pelt alone had more than a hundred small bars of gold tucked neatly away into the skin of the dead animal. A brilliant way to stow away money for their travels.

Orhn laid in bed, ready to spend his time easily and lustfully.


* * * *


Three days later, going on the night of the fourth, the moon was high in the clouds. The weather was calm but the wind was not. Moans could be heard all over town as the breeze carried the sounds of the second floor rooms through into the windows of the neighbors. Orhn had exhausted his female companion. She had to retire to strict bed rest after her tryst with him. Orhn was never one to feed from his entertainment, and he didn't over the days they were together. He had become slightly weakened. Orhn needed to drink some blood. Yugo was neglecting Orhn and he knew it. Three days was far too much to spend without a single correspondence. Orhn, sitting in the inn's bed, alone and tired, decided he had enough. Orhn required blood and he had a chip on his shoulder from the abandonment Yugo had put him through earlier that week. Orhn wanted to pick a fight.

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