Desolate Souls (Forgotten Souls MC, #1) (6 page)

Read Desolate Souls (Forgotten Souls MC, #1) Online

Authors: Kira Johns

Tags: #Biker, #MC, #Romance, #Stripper, #Dark, #Gritty, #True Love, #Lost Love

BOOK: Desolate Souls (Forgotten Souls MC, #1)
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Deuce and I went to the detectives and confessed immediately, Brent by our side. Somehow, Brent managed to get us one hell of a plea bargain. We pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter and were sentenced to the maximum - five years.

Just a few months away from freedom, life has new meaning. I will be leaving this place and taking my rightful place as a member of The Forgotten Souls. I won’t officially be patched in until I am outside these four walls, but I have already proven myself worthy of the colors. Unknown to outsiders, The Forgotten Souls aren’t a group of outlaw bikers, they are brothers, all of whom have suffered some kind of torment in their lives. Together, they have formed a family and I have been accepted into their fold.

In less than ninety days, I will begin my new life but my past will forever haunt me.

Chapter 7

aps is my least favorite place to visit. Being the closest bar to both the airport and the main highway, it is always filled with people from out of town, which is exactly why we are here. Flights are almost always delayed, if not canceled, this time of the year. It is a frigid twelve degrees outside this evening, the recent ice storm cancelling all ingoing and outgoing flights at least until morning.

Businessmen are the easiest of prey. Travelling does something to them, turning them into sex fiends. Maybe it’s the fact of being trapped on a small aircraft for hours, or being away from their loved ones. In any case, they are always up for something adventurous and willing to pay top dollar for it.

If we pull this off as we have done so many times in the past, our bills will be covered for the remainder of the month. If not, we will be out a hundred and fifty bucks, the cost of the hotel room I have booked for the night. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money, but in this case, if we don’t find a buyer, we are screwed.

When I step inside Taps, my eyes land on Paul immediately. He is talking to a man seated beside him, oblivious to my arrival. We’ve played this game so many times before and this time will be no different. His job is to find someone that is safe and willing to spend top dollar. Mine is to lure them in for the kill.

Our story changes only slightly each time, but the premise is always the same. A travelling couple, stranded in this remote town until the weather clears up, just like our prey.

I make my way over to them slowly, pulling my long coat around me tightly. “There you are,” I purr as I come up behind Paul.

“Tom, this is my girlfriend Alana,” he says motioning to me.

The guy looks over at me, trying to figure out if what Paul has told him about me is true. Before I make a move to reveal the goods, I need to know this is a go. “Hi,” I say, biting my lower lip and extending my hand to him.

“Nice to meet you, Alana. Paul was just telling me you would be stopping by,” he says, eyeing me up and down.

Paul and I used fake names in the past, but quickly learned that there is no need. The chances of us ever meeting any of these people again is slim, so we decided to forego the aliases.

I glance over at the abandoned booth in the back corner, seeing it as the perfect stage to begin our little performance. “I’ll let you two finish talking and wait for you over there,” I motion towards the table.

“Alright, babe. We’ll be over in a minute,” he says, cuing me that tonight is a go if I can seal the deal.

I slowly make my way across the room, coming to a stop at the table before untying my coat and peeling it off to reveal the ridiculous outfit I am wearing underneath. There is hardly any fabric to the dress, only strips of material that barely cover my bits and pieces. As I go to toss my coat on the nearby empty chair, conveniently dropping it to the floor. My dress is so short, I know that he is getting an eyeful as I slowly bend over and pick up the coat, laying it gently on the chair before taking my seat in the booth.

Moments later, Paul comes to sit beside me, Tom taking the seat across from us. “Here’s your drink, babe,” he says, sliding the glass in front of me. Sex on the Beach always seems to set the mood.

“Thanks,” I say, placing the straw in my mouth. As I slowly suck the liquid into my mouth, my eyes lock on Tom.

“Paul and I were just talking about you,” Tom says, his gaze lowering to my barely covered breasts.

“Oh yeah?” I ask, raising my brow. “All good things I hope.”

“Most definitely,” he murmurs.

“Tom was telling me how his flight was delayed just like ours.”

“I’m so sorry,” I say, batting my eyelashes at him. “It sucks being stuck in a small town like this.”

“Don’t be. It happens a lot this time of year.” His eyes are full of hunger and need.

“I’m gonna hit the head and make a phone call,” Paul says, rising from the booth. He looks at me over his shoulder, winking, before leaving me alone with Tom.

“How long is your flight delayed?” I ask, not really interested because I already know the answer. All flights are delayed until at least nine in the morning, when the temperatures warm up.

“Until ten,” he replies. “How about you?”

“Same here,” I smile. “We managed to find a hotel close by, so at least we’ll have a warm bed for the evening.” All the nearby hotels are completely sold out and chances are that since he is here, he hasn’t gotten one.

“Lucky you. I called every place in the area and there are no vacancies.”

“Luck is my middle name,” I purr. “So, tell me about yourself Tom. Are you travelling for business or pleasure?”

“Business, actually. I’m heading home from a sales convention in St. Louis.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting,” I say, biting my lower lip. I don’t know why this simple gesture has an effect on men like him, but it always does.

“Not really, but it’s part of the job,” he shrugs.

“Being away from your family must be tough,” I add. It doesn’t matter if he has a family or not, but it usually gives me some insight into what is missing in his life. “Your wife doesn’t travel with you?”

“No. She’s too busy living it up with her friends to be bothered with what I’m doing,” he grumbles. Bingo. A wife at home that isn’t fulfilling his needs. He doesn’t need to say the words for me to know that is the case.

“That must be hard.” We sit in awkward silence for a few moments, his eyes ravishing me. “Paul takes me everywhere with him. I think he’s just worried about what I’ll do when he’s not around.”

“Why is that?” he asks, his interest piqued.

“I don’t know. I think he just doesn't want to miss any of the action.”

His eyes dilate and I know Paul has filled him in, in graphic detail more than likely. “He mentioned that you like a little... diversity. He isn’t bothered by that?”

Hook, line and sinker. “Not at all, as long as he gets to join in. I don't mind. There’s nothing hotter than having two men ravishing my body and each other.” He swallows hard, trying to maintain his composure. “Of course, not everyone is up for something like that.”

“You mean a threesome?” he whispers.

Shrugging, I lean forward. “It can be very exhilarating. Imagine having two people worshiping your body. Taking you to new levels.” I lean back against the booth, closing my eyes. I lift my hand to my collarbone before slowly trailing it down to my breast, dragging the remnant of fabric down so that my hardened nipple is exposed for only a moment before I continue downward, under the table. “Just thinking about it makes me wet,” I whisper, opening my eyes and affixing them to his.

“It sounds unbelievable,” he manages to choke out.

Taking that as my cue, I slide out from the booth and come to sit beside him. “Believe me, there’s nothing like it,” I say as I reach out and let my fingertips trail along the outline of his engorged cock straining against his dress pants. “Some people are too afraid to live out a fantasy. I believe you only live once,” I whisper, bringing my lips mere inches away from his.

His gaze lowers, looking over at my scantily dressed figure and watching as my fingertips lightly graze over my exposed thighs. “You can definitely only live once,” he murmurs, repeating my words.

“Am I interrupting?” Paul asks, arriving at the booth right on time.

“Not at all,” I smile up at him. “Tom and I were just getting to know each other.”

“That’s good baby,” he says, taking the seat I recently abandoned across from us. He begins talking to Tom, acting oblivious to the conversation he knows we just had. I suck down my drink as my hand rubs against Tom’s raging hard on. “You want another?” Paul asks, when I set the empty glass on the table.

Shaking my head, I tell him, “No, I’m gonna hit the little girl’s room.” I rise from my seat and take the few steps necessary to lean over and plunge my tongue into Paul’s mouth.

His tongue collides with my own, filled with passion and lust, while his hand trails between my legs. I moan loudly when his finger penetrates me with ease. He pulls back, gazing up at me with a hunger in his eyes, plunging his wet finger into his mouth. “Hurry back.”

I walk towards the restroom slowly and deliberately, putting forth a little more effort in my movements. When the door closes behind me, I walk to the mirror and stare at the person looking back at me.
Filthy whore
, my mind screams as I fight the urge to shout back that this isn’t what I want, but the words are meaningless. My wants are irrelevant.

I turn away, unable to look any longer, my reflection sickening me. Leaning against the wall, I stare at the tiles on the wall and begin counting them out loud, as I wait for the inevitable. When I reach a hundred, I push myself towards the door, leaving behind my conscious to focus on getting through the remainder of this night.



overing over Paul’s swollen cock, I slowly slide myself down onto his rigidness, moaning as he fills me. His hands snake around from behind, tugging at my hardened nipples as I slowly begin to reverse ride him. Tom is perched on his knees, stroking his length as I rise up again, agonizingly slow, before slamming down onto Paul’s length, burying him deep inside my pussy. With hunger in his eyes, Tom lowers his head, his tongue snaking out and flicking my clit.

Grabbing his hair, I pull him towards my nub. “Make me come,” I moan, needing my release. With his flattened tongue, he begins frantically licking me but it’s not enough. Rising slowly off of Paul’s cock, I move back until my pussy is only inches away from Paul’s awaiting tongue. As he sucks my clit into his mouth, Tom begins to lift his head but I won't allow him.

Gripping his hair tightly, I force him down until he is face to face with Paul’s massive cock, urging him to take it in his mouth. “Suck him,” I groan. His heated gaze meets mine before he parts his lips and lowers his head onto Paul’s enormous cock, taking him as deep as he can into his mouth. Paul moans against my clit, as Tom begins sucking him hard, his head bouncing up and down on his cock that is soaked with my juices.

Paul releases his hold on my clit, his tongue diving into my core, eating me in a frenzy. I feel the tension between my legs rising, but I need more and as if on cue, Paul moves back even further until his tongue is circling my ass. I cry out as he dips his tongue inside, his fingers plunging into my wet pussy. I feel my orgasm approach at the same time Paul tenses and I know we are finding our release together.

I scream out as my body trembles, watching Tom swallow Paul’s load, his gaze locked with mine as I come hard. I am panting hard as I crawl off of the bed. Dropping to my knees at the foot, I reach out and grab Toms’ cock, taking him fully into my mouth. His eyes flutter, rolling into the back of his head as I deep throat him.

Paul watches from the head of the bed, his cock coming to life again as I fuck Tom hard with my mouth, taking him deeper than he thought possible. My left hand reaches out, gripping his ass cheeks tightly and spreading them slightly. I allow my right hand to gently graze his nuts as my finger trails towards his virgin ass. Slowly, I circle his hole, his moans telling me he’s enjoying what I am doing to him.

Effortlessly, I slide a finger inside, letting him adjust to the feel of having a foreign object there as I slowly release him from my mouth. Slowly, I pull my finger out, plunging it inside again over and over, stretching him slightly. He doesn't protest, so I add another one slowly, stopping when I feel him tense.

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