Devoted in Death (41 page)

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Authors: J. D. Robb

BOOK: Devoted in Death
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“You abdicated to the FBI, did the work and handed the result to them. That’s love. For the victims, for justice, for the job. And this is love.”

He drew her in again, laid his lips on hers. A long kiss, gentle and kind that brought the sting of tears to her eyes.

“I know it. Helps to hear it, but I know it. Need to pull it together.”

“I want to take you home.”

“Not yet. I need to contact Kuper’s mother, tell her we got them.”

“Of course. Yes.”

“Maybe help her close a door. And I want to check on Campbell.”

“She’s alive. Both Mira and Whitney have been checking. She’s quite a fighter.” He drew her back, rubbed her shoulders. “She’s alive, and her chances are good now. She’s not clear, but her chances are good. And she’s not alone. She has friends and family with her, as does the boy. Mulligan.”

“Good, okay, good. That’s a bright spot in this muck. And I’ve got another. You should come with me. You could use it, too.”

“I like bright spots.”

She started to open the door, looked back at him. “Whatever came before, whatever comes after, I know what love is because of you.”

He took her free hand. “Whatever came before, whatever comes after, it’s you who’ve shown me love changes everything. Lifts everything. Gives everything.”

“We’re going to have dinner tonight, just the two of us. No cops but me, no work. Like a date, okay?”

“Want a date, do you?”

It surprised her more than him. “I really do.”

“Then it’s more than okay.”

Steady again, she went out with him, and into Homicide.

“Wait for it,” she murmured to Roarke, and moved to Baxter’s desk.

“Hell of a bust, LT.”

“One for the books. Listen, I know you’ve been anxious about Trueheart’s results, but I’ve been kind of tied up with this pair of sadistic spree killers in love.”

“I got that. He’s handling it. We’ve been busy, just closed the one we caught yesterday. I tried to find out, but it’s going to take another twenty-four.”

“Huh. So you actually think I’d let two of my men sweat it for forty-eight? You figure I can’t juggle in a contact, put a little weight on it?”

“You did? Hey, thanks, Dallas. Can I —”

He stopped when he caught the look on her face. “Ah, shit.”

“Look, Baxter, it’s a tough exam, and plenty don’t cut it through on the first try.”

“Yeah, yeah, hell. I’d like to be the one to tell him. I can cushion it.”

“I thought you should. Figured you should be the one to tell Trueheart we’re going to have a new detective in the division. He’s getting his gold shield.”

“I’ll— What?”

“What kind of cop doesn’t know when he’s being strung?”

“He passed.”

“He passed flying, Baxter. Be proud.”

“Holy shit. Holy shit.”

She saw the look in his eye when he surged up. “Try to kiss me, Detective, you won’t wake up for a week.”

“I gotta kiss somebody. Peabody.”


Exhausted, she glanced over a second before he hauled her out of her chair, tipped her back smooth, and laid a healthy lip-lock on her.

“Hey, hey,” she finally managed as he swept her straight again.

“Trueheart!” he called. “Front and center.”

“We catch one?” Trueheart hurried over, earnest and shiny in his uniform.

“Not this time. Congratulations, Detective.”

“I passed?” Trueheart’s throat worked. “I passed?”

“Flying, I hear.” He shook Trueheart’s hand, then embraced him. “Good work, partner.”

“I passed,” he said again, almost like a prayer, and shut his eyes.

When he opened them again, he looked straight at Eve. He exchanged another manly backslap with Baxter while the other cops in the room applauded. Then he stepped over to Eve.

“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”

“I dropped you in, you made the grade. Congratulations, Detective.”

He shook her hand, then wrapped his arms around her.

Because he was young, and it was a moment, Eve let him.

“Don’t hug your LT,” she advised.

“Yes, sir. No, sir.” He broke away, laughing.

“The Blue Line,” Baxter announced. “After shift. Every-damn-body. I’m buying. We’re going to celebrate my boy here.”

Applause turned to cheers at the prospect of free drinks.

“I’ve got —”

Roarke squeezed Eve’s shoulder to stop her from declining.

“Nothing either of us would rather do,” he finished.

He ran his hand down her back as cops got up to slap Trueheart’s back, shake his hand, rag on him a bit.

“I told you no more cops tonight,” Eve reminded him. “You don’t have to do this.”

“His lieutenant should raise a glass to him, and I’d like to do the same myself. We’ve room for a few more cops in our bright spot. I’ve some things to see to. I’ll find you, end of shift.”

Yeah, he would, she thought, watching him go. They’d raise a glass to a good, young cop. Maybe another to a hard job, well done. Then they’d have a date.

It wasn’t a bad way to end a long day.

Table of Contents

About the Author

Also by Nora Roberts writing as J.D. Robb


























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