Dirty Nails (6 page)

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Authors: Regina Bartley

BOOK: Dirty Nails
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Eight- Best Birthday Ever, Or Not


              Last night’s performance went well and Max left me to myself afterwards. He always did. I expected to get a good night’s sleep so that I would be rested for the party, but that didn’t happen. Just after midnight, Sketch came bursting in my room to wake me. He said that I needed to get to the basement fast. The house was being invaded and I wasn’t safe. Literally, I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t tell you how many times this had happened, and it always ended up being nothing. There were two or three times that I had to be taken out the back and driven off the property so that I wouldn’t be seen. It drove me crazy, because it was always a false alarm.

              Sketch yanked me up by my arm, as if someone would rush in there and shoot me dead. He hadn’t been here long enough to know, and when I tried to explain he told me to keep my mouth shut.

              He mounted in front of me as I stood in one of the closets in the basement. I say mounted because that’s the only way I could describe it. He was the big bad protector, and his backside was adorable. Just saying.

              I stood there wearing nothing but a pair of silk shorts and a tank top, and I was freezing. My nipples were hard enough to cut glass.

              “Sketch,” I whispered.

              “Shhhh,” he turned around to face me giving me an evil look. I gestured that I was cold by rubbing my hands up and down my arms. I swear that he growled, like I was some kind of an inconvenience. I never thought that he might hit me, but I had to watch my tongue anyway. One word from Max and Sketch would be laying another blow to my face.

              He shifted out of his jacket and handed it to me to put on. I did so, quietly. We stood there for a long time. Sketch nudged me several times to keep me awake, but I was tired. My eyes were heavy, and the quiet was causing me to doze.

              “Just sit down,” he whispered and that was all it took for me to drift off.

              When I woke up, I was back in my bed and still wrapped in Sketch’s jacket. The smell of him was all over me, and I wondered if Max saw me like this. He’d probably freak out. He was so territorial.

              No one woke me up so I assumed it was another false alarm. I washed up quickly and dressed to go and find Max. When I opened my bedroom door I was greeted with Sketch’s backside once again.

              “Have you not been to sleep yet?” I asked.

              “No.” He answered. He turned to face me and I walked back inside the room to retrieve his coat.

              “Thank you for letting me wear it,” I handed it to him.

              “You’re welcome.” His eyes were dark around the edges and his face was worn out. He looked exhausted. Max had a way of working someone beyond the point of exhaustion, and I hated that. I was perfectly fine, and he could have sent someone else to watch over me.

              “I am going to go see Max and sit with him for a while. I can occupy him, while you get some rest.”

              “Yeah, not going to happen.”

              Stubborn Sketch was showing his ugly face again. I wasn’t about to argue, and already we had talked more than I wanted us too. I’d been trying to distance myself from him as best as I could, but it was hard when Max made him spend every waking moment by my side. Seeing him always made my stomach a mess, and he was either hot or cold. There was no in between. I preferred he just stay cold so that the messed up feelings that I had for him would just pass. When Max was around he was cold as ice, but when he wasn’t you could mistake his words for kindness. I was getting whiplash. I decided that I’d stay completely neutral and just admire him from afar. There would be no extra kind words, and definitely no flirting. Hell no. I wasn’t about to let that get out of hand again.

              He walked me to Max’s bedroom where I found Max sitting up in his bed with his laptop. He waved me in and just before I closed the door I asked, “Would you like for me to tell Sketch to go somewhere else, or do you want him still standing guard?”

              He scowled at me from over his computer screen. “Sketch,” he yelled. I made my way over to bed next to him. When Sketch appeared in the doorway he said, “You are off until tonight. I want you back on guard around six, and you can join us for dinner.”

              “Yes sir,” Sketch turned and left.

              “I take it you like the new guy? You never cared if Trick was tired from a long nights work.”

              I swallowed the lump in my throat. Had I been that obvious? “Trick was different. He would make obscene comments to me all the time. I hated him. Sketch just does his job.” I recovered.

              “Why didn’t you tell me? You know that I’d kill anyone who messes with you?”

              “Yes I know, but I don’t think he needs to die. Maybe a good, swift kick to the jaw would have been handy.” I suggested.

              He smiled as I tucked myself in close to him on the bed. “Consider it done.” He said as if he was joking, but I knew that he wasn’t. If I’d have given him the go ahead, he would kill him on the spot. I don’t want anyone dying on my account.

              “Why don’t you put away that computer, and let me take care of you.” I suggested as I kissed a little trail down the right side of his bare chest.

              It wasn’t often that I showed up unannounced to his room, and even less common that I’d be in the mood for foreplay. Maybe I just wanted him to take his mind of everything but me for a minute.

              “I like the sound of that,” he closed the computer and placed it beside his bed on the square wooden table.

              He gripped the top of my arms and pulled me over on top of him. I straddled his hips and felt him pressed hard against my core.

              He wanted me.

              He always wanted me.

              I reached for the hem of my top and pulled it over my head, and then I slipped off my bra. I wanted to feel my bare nipples against his chest.

              Leaning forward, I tilted his chin so that I could kiss him from his neck down. My nipples grazed his chest and stomach as I made my way further down his body. It felt so good.

              My hand reached for and gripped the hardness that was pressed against me. His lips parted heavily and his eyes ravaged me.

The tip was already wet. I could feel it through the silk of his pants. My movements were soft and slow. His hips rose from the bed every time my hand moved a little harder. At this rate he’d find his release quickly and I had yet to get my lips anywhere near my destination.

Slowly, he slid his pants down low off his hips. They weren’t completely off, but far enough. I kept my eyes locked on his as I found my way lower to his body. My tongue darted out, and I ran the tip of it along his length. If it was possible for it to become harder, then it did. I could feel it pulsating against the warmth of my mouth.

I whimpered as he pulled roughly on my hair. His fingers were gripped tight, and he pushed and pulled me as fast as he wanted me. Each time the tip grazed the back of my throat my eyes would water. He moved me harder and faster. I could feel the pressure building up. My lips were working overtime.

When I looked up into his eyes, they were lust filled. The intensity behind them was raw, and it left my body yearning. My panties were drenched.

He grunted and I felt him throbbing in my mouth.

It was coming.

He was coming.

He pushed me down hard where my lips were nearly at the base. He jerked hard and the warmth filled my mouth. Pleasing him was always my intention, and it felt good. The look of satisfaction on his face made it all worth it.

He held my body to his chest and I could feel his rapid heartbeat start to slow with every breath. The way his chest felt against mine was relaxing, and I suppose I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, it was hours later and I was wrapped warm in Max’s sheets. Another display of Polaroid’s were scattered around me. He had a serious photo fetish, and pain fetish, and sex fetish. Shit, the man was a bit of a freak. I laughed at the thought. I suppose I was a freak too.

I couldn’t believe that he’d let me sleep. Normally he’d have a million and one things for me to do. I suppose giving him sweet pleasure made the difference.

Wrapped up warm and cozy in his bed, made it that much harder for me to want to leave. It smelled like him, and the king size bed nearly swallowed me whole.

When I rolled over onto my stomach, I snuggled up with the pillow once more.

“SHIT!” I jumped up from the bed. “Tonight’s the party.”

Of course, Max didn’t know anything about it, so he didn’t realize that I really did have a million things to do.

I rushed to put my clothes back on. The party was only a few hours away and I hadn’t done the first thing. Let’s not forget to mention that I was a hot mess. I had freshly fucked bed head, and I didn’t even get fucked.

I knew my help would be needed in the kitchen. There was so much to do, but first I had to make the bed before I could leave Max’s room, otherwise he’d be pissed off and someone would be in major trouble. Usually it would be the maid’s job to do it, but I needed her elsewhere. She had food and a cake to prepare, and it had to be done right under Max’s nose. Hopefully he’d just think that it was her normal routine for meal night. He wouldn’t be too concerned since it wasn’t me in the kitchen.

I opened the bedroom door to leave and there was a guard standing there. Certainly not the one I wanted to see, but the less distractions the better. He followed me as I nearly ran into the kitchen. The maid or Mrs. C as I call her sometimes (it’s because I can’t pronounce her name) was a busy lady, but she had it all under control. She shooed me several times out of her way, and when I realized that she truly didn’t need me, I went in search of Max. He needed to stay busy right up until it was time for the event. That was my job.

I checked the office and the game room. My guard hadn’t seen him, but then again why would he have. He’d been with me for the last hour and who knew how long he’d been posted up outside Max’s bedroom.

I searched all over, but he was nowhere. Come to think of it, I hadn’t seen Sketch either. Too many people were missing in action leaving me wondering what the hell was going on.

There was a commotion coming from just behind the door to the basement. Hardly anyone ever went down there because of the cage. It was business only there. Two men came bursting through the door followed by Max and Sketch. There was worry in my eyes. I knew they could see it.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Nothing to worry yourself over love,” Max’s fingers grazed my bare arm.

I cringed at the blood still stained under his fingernails. When I briefly looked at Sketch there was darkness in his eyes. All my answers lingered on his face. I suppose Max had another unwelcomed guest held up in the cage. They’d been busy all right.

“Let’s get you cleaned up. We have dinner guests tonight, remember?” I suggested.

“You’ll join me then?” He questioned, but I knew that it wasn’t actually a question. He wanted me there.

“Of course.” I needed to keep him occupied.

I never looked back at Sketch. I linked my arm through Max’s and let him lead the way to his room. A hot shower would do us both some good.






A couple of long tiring hours later, we were ready. I was exhausted. The stamina of that man was ridiculous. He never tired. Literally he was the Energizer bunny. At times he could be exhausting, or maybe it was lack of oxygen to the brain that wore me out. It took two coats of makeup to cover the purple and blue fingertip markings that were left around my neck. It could have been worse I guess. He kissed the marks over and over, and told me what a good girl I was. Despite being a slave to his every demand, I still love that I can please him. Maybe this wasn’t the life that I planned for myself, but at least I had a life.

Max stretched out a line of coke along the square mirror on his dresser. The monstrous line looked big enough to kill someone. Not Max though. Over the years he’d developed a tolerance to it. You couldn’t bring him down no matter how hard you tried. It may be enough to stop the heart of an average man, but he wasn’t average. He was an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

He had to sniff three times to suck it all up, but I could immediately see the effects. His chest puffed up and I sat crossed legged on the edge of the bed watching from afar. It was time for us to get down to the party. I kept him occupied as long as I could. Thankfully he was only expecting his brother otherwise he’d want to be the first person at the dinner table.

His rough calloused hand ran along the bare skin above my knee. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

I tucked my hand into the bend of his arm as he escorted me to the dining room where hopefully everyone was waiting. I couldn’t wait to see the surprised look on his face. My insides were bubbling.

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