Double Dippin' (34 page)

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Authors: Allison Hobbs

BOOK: Double Dippin'
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A few nights later, during one of K’Shan’s late-night crying bouts, Shane snapped at Kapri. “Can’t you do something to keep him quiet? I have to work in the morning.”

“I’m trying,” she said, pacing the floor, holding the baby close to her bosom. She switched the baby’s position and began pacing back and forth with him cradled in her arms. Shane noticed that the front of Kapri’s pajama top was damp. It was another reminder of what a whining wimp he’d married. Claiming that breastfeeding K’Shan was too painful, she’d given up and had recently begun bottle feeding him. “You know my doctor said I shouldn’t be on my feet too much. I’m still healing from the c-section. Why don’t you walk the baby for a while?”

“I can’t walk K’Shan all night and get to work on time in the morning.” Shane gave her a look of loathing. That look brought Kapri to tears, which gave Shane another reason to get dressed and leave her alone with their son. Leaving in the middle of the night had become routine.

But Shane was sick of fleeing to titty bars; he needed to go somewhere peaceful.

Paula came to mind. Maybe Paula had gotten over her anger and was ready
to kiss and make up. Shane turned the ignition of his wife’s Mazda, gunned out of the parking spot, and sped to West Philly. Hoping Paula’s husband was out of town, Shane mentally crossed his fingers.

When he reached Cobbs Creek Parkway, he turned slowly onto Ellsworth Street. He checked for the red truck. It wasn’t there. So far, so good.

Feeling slightly nervous, Shane rang the bell. He could tell Paula was looking at him through the peephole and trying to figure out whether she should curse him out or shower him with kisses. To expedite the inevitable, Shane flashed a brilliant smile toward the peephole.

As expected, the door opened. Smiling, he turned off his cell phone before he stepped inside. He had to make sure Kapri couldn’t track him down.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Shane said and stepped inside Paula’s home.

“I shouldn’t even be speaking to you,” Paula said sternly, but a hint of a smile on her lips told Shane she was happy to see him.

“I heard what happened,” he said sadly. “But I ain’t have nothing to do with it. I wasn’t married to that chick. Misty’s a nut—she’s throwed off. Anyway, I heard she’s doing time.”

“She certainly is. When my husband found out what was going on, he called the cops. They turned it over to the feds.”

“For real? It was that deep?”

“Mail fraud is a federal offense. So what was your role in the scam?”

“I told you…nothing!” Shane feigned a look of shock. “You thought I was mixed up in that foul shit?”

“What else could I think, Shane?”

Shane dropped his head. “I was over my man’s house and his girl, Misty, got hold of the tape and decided to blackmail you. Now, that’s what I heard. I don’t know all the facts because I was between apartments at the time and was getting information in bits and pieces. I really didn’t know they was into that kind of slimy shit.”

“Why did you take my video camera in the first place, Shane? It wasn’t your property.” She chastised him, folding her arms and pursing her lips primly.

“Baby,” he said, approaching her and reaching for her hand. “I wanted my own copy so I could look at you on the lonely nights when we couldn’t be
together. I was gonna return it. I swear to God,” he said, holding up his right hand. “You know I wouldn’t do you like that. But after I found out about all the drama, I was afraid to get in touch with you.”

“So why are you here now?”

“Because I miss the shit outta you,” he said, his dark lips pouty.

“Really, baby?” Paula purred.

Shane could see the relief in Paula’s eyes. He pulled her into his arms, picked her up, and kissed her. He continued to kiss her as he carried her up the stairs. Between kisses, he promised to make up for all the misery his so-called friends had put her through.

Instead of the sexy lingerie she usually wore, Paula was clad in an oversized T-shirt. However, after being with a wife whose stomach was clamped with staples and whose leaking tits hurt too bad to be of any use to him or their baby, Paula looked like a cool drink of water to a dehydrated man. Shane was ready to give her a sexual workout that she wouldn’t forget. He was depending on an open invitation to share Paula’s bed whenever her husband was out of town.

With her back facing him, Shane placed Paula on his lap and fucked her until she whimpered in defeat. He sexed her in every position he could imagine until they both collapsed, exhausted. Afterward, he snuggled up and spooned with Paula. Damn, it felt good to be with a real woman and not a whining, complaining little girl.

And after a peaceful night’s sleep, Shane went to work feeling invigorated and back on top of his game. The next morning, Paula had shown her appreciation by giving him two hundred dollars and the promise of more when he returned later that night.

Pretty good compensation for an impromptu visit.

When he walked in the door of Rose Moving Company, the temporary chick who’d taken over Kapri’s duties, held out five pink message slips. All from Kapri. The phone started ringing. “I’m not here,” he whispered to the young woman. “Tell her the truck just pulled out.” To ensure his instructions would be followed, Shane gave the receptionist a lingering look that suggested he found her attractive and would like to get to know her better.

While the receptionist relayed Shane’s lie to Kapri, Shane held his thumb
up to his ear and his small finger to his lips, silently requesting her number in exactly the same manner in which he’d gotten Kapri’s attention.

The receptionist, an eighteen-year-old recent high school grad, instantly scrawled her number, but Shane kept on walking to the rear of the building. He’d get the number later, if at all.

Kapri had held three positions at the Rose Company-administrative assistant, part-time receptionist, and office manager, and she’d been well compensated. A temporary receptionist probably didn’t make enough money for him to even waste his time.

While Shane changed into his work uniform, Tariq stormed into the locker room. “Man, what is your problem? Why would you leave your wife and infant alone all night without so much as a phone call? Damn, man. I told you not to get involved with Kapri if you weren’t ready to change. She just had your baby, man. Don’t you care about anybody but yourself? Man, what’s wrong with you?”

Shane scowled at Tariq. “Yo, dawg. What goes on between me and my wife is our business.”

“Your wife is making it my business, too. Who do you think she cries to every time you pull one of your disappearing acts? Me! And how do you think that makes me feel? How long can I cover for you, man? You’re acting like you don’t give a fuck about Kapri or your newborn son.

“Man, you trippin’,” Shane said with a smirk as he finished buttoning his shirt.

“Oh, I’m trippin’? Well for your information, your family problems are spilling into my life. Janelle is getting tired of Kapri crying on my shoulder when she has a husband of her own.”

“And that’s exactly what your problem is, Tariq. You too soft. Lettin’ that broad run your life. It ain’t healthy for a grown man to let a woman run the show.”

“Me and Janelle don’t come to you with our problems, so leave her out of this.”

“You and Janelle didn’t mind accepting cash when I was breaking y’all off with half of my dough.”

“If that’s what this is about, I’ll pay you back. You want the TV back? How much do I owe you? Tell me. I’ll work overtime to pay you back.”

“Get the fuck outta my face, Tariq. You ain’t got nothing for me. And tell that bitch you got at home that I ain’t nevah liked her ugly ass nor do I appreciate
the way she treats you. Damn man, who’s wearing the pants-you or her?

You tell that bitch that I said she can suck my muthafuckin’ dick!” Shane’s face was a mask of evil.

“Don’t call her a bitch, Shane,” Tariq warned. “Don’t you ever even speak her name again.”

“She’s a bitch, man, and a ugly fuckin’ bitch at that. What the hell do you see in her? You should be ashamed to even walk down the street with that dog.”

Tariq, unable to bear hearing Janelle so badly maligned, swung on Shane without giving it a thought. But he missed. Shane laughed and knocked his brother into a row of lockers. The clamor caused the other workers to come running into the locker room. They all wore expressions of shock when they realized they had to break up a fight between the twin brothers who’d always shown each other the utmost respect and love.

Thankfully, the foreman separated Tariq and Shane, sending them to work on separate jobs.

With the two hundred dollars Shane had gotten from Paula plus the fifty-dollar tip he’d gotten from the family the Rose Company had moved, Shane was able to afford a dozen roses for his wife. He bought the flowers from a vendor who was peddling his wares on the concrete divide that separated traffic on Girard Avenue, near the Philadelphia zoo.

Next, Shane swung by his weed connection’s crib on Parkside Avenue and bought a little something to keep him nice and mellow.

With flowers in hand, he arrived home and found Kapri sitting on the sofa rocking the baby and as usual, she was crying. Shane’s disgust escalated to a feeling of rage so palpable, it was hard not to slap the shit out of his stupid, crying-ass wife.

Angry, Shane threw the flowers at her. “Goddamn! Is this what I have to look at every goddamn day? You cry in the morning, you cry at night. And if
ain’t crying, I gotta listen to K’Shan screaming his head off. What the fuck did I get myself into?”

“I called my doctor and he confirmed my suspicions. He said I’m suffering from postpartum depression. It’s common after childbirth.”

“Post pardon my ass!” Shane said sarcastically. “You and your quack-ass doctor can kiss my ass. Ain’t no excuse for all this fucking whining and crying. I’m sick of it!”

“Why are you being so mean? What did I do besides give you a son?” Kapri’s bottom lip trembled as she tried to keep from crying. “Shane, do you realize I haven’t even had my six-week check-up yet? I’m going through hell. I take care of K’Shan all day. I’m depressed, lonely. and I’m in constant pain from the c-section. And you’re not helping the situation at all by staying out all night.”

Shane glared at her. “You know what? Fuck this poor little Kapri bullshit. I’m out!”

Kapri was speechless and before she could utter a word, Shane had grabbed the car keys and was heading out the door.

With their newborn in her arms, Kapri ran barefoot out on the front porch. “Shane! Shane!” she screamed his name.

Ignoring his wife’s call, Shane revved up the motor and gunned Kapri’s car out of the parking spot. Shane pointed the car in the direction of Paula’s house.

But Paula’s husband’s truck was parked in front of the house. Damn, the cock-blocker was back in town.
Dude musta known I been tappin’ his wife’s ass
. Shane gave a harsh-sounding chortle and roared off.


hile incarcerated, Misty had put on a few pounds. Now, fresh out of the slammer, with wider hips and a little more meat on her butt, she was filling out a size five nicely. Though still a tiny little thing, Misty carried herself in a manner that informed anyone in close proximity—male or female—that her tolerance for bullshit was extremely low. Doing a bid in prison had toughened her even more. Her con game had improved; Misty was hyped and ready to test her skills and raise some hell.

“So whatchu mean you don’t know where he’s at?” she asked Brick as they stood outside a deli sharing a forty-ounce bottle of beer. “Where could he be?” she demanded, her face a mask of fury.

“I ain’t seen him. Shane went underground or something. I been asking around, but don’t nobody know where he’s at,” Brick told her, shaking his head. He looked clearly sorry that he couldn’t offer more useful information.

Brick was a giant of a man and even though Misty was just a little over five feet, he was afraid of her; had been ever since elementary school. He’d been the muscle that backed up the big mouth that always had her getting into scraps with the other kids. He couldn’t count the number of heads he’d cracked on Misty’s behalf. He’d always done her bidding and that would never change. Whatever Misty requested of him, he’d try his best to do.

Back when they were kids he had to play the games that Misty wanted to play. And if she wanted him to play with her dolls or dress up in her mother’s clothes, that’s what he did or risked her wrath.

An unhappy Misty meant there was no joy in Brick’s life. Being Misty’s cohort
was one outrageous adventure after another. Everything bad or dishonest he’d ever done had been Misty’s idea. He’d always been merely the enforcer of her devious plans.

“My mom said Shane came around her house looking for me about a month ago,” Misty said, punching an open palm with a balled fist, working herself up. “The way he just left me hanging…how could he do me like that? That shit wasn’t cool; it was so fucked up.”

Brick nodded. “Real fucked up,” he agreed. “I don’t know what’s wrong with Shane. He used to be aiight, like a brother; now he’s acting all shady and shit. Actin’ like he don’t know nobody no more.”

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