Elizabeth Elliott (31 page)

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Authors: Betrothed

BOOK: Elizabeth Elliott
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Despite the fact that she would face her future in-laws in a few hours at the feast, Claudia hadn’t felt so lighthearted in years. Memories of the last few days with Guy surrounded her like a soft, warm blanket. Her cheeks all but ached from smiling so much. Her body throbbed with a new awareness of passion. Her heart brimmed with the tender emotions of love. She didn’t ever remember being this happy. Guy was such a solid presence in her life that she almost believed nothing could take him away. It would be like stealing the sun from the sky, and no one had yet managed that feat. Aye, he was a man determined to have his way in everything and fully capable of getting what he wanted. Amazingly, he wanted her. In this particular instance, Claudia found no fault with that trait.

Lenore continued to chatter on about flowers and potions. Claudia smiled dreamily and stared at the fluffy clouds above them, lost in her own thoughts. She didn’t notice when Lenore stopped talking, or realize that the maid had slowed her pace. A hand reached out as she passed an opening in the hedges and brought her to an abrupt halt. She let out a small shriek.

“Daydreaming, little one?” Guy drew Claudia into his arms, then motioned to her maid. “Your lady will meet you inside, Lenore. Run along now.”

Lenore bobbed a curtsy, her head lowered to hide her grin. “Aye, my lord.”

“W-what are you doing here?” Claudia asked, still startled by his sudden appearance.

Guy drew her into the small, secluded alcove created by the hedges and tossed the bucket she carried back onto the path. He placed her arms around his waist until her wrists met and their bodies fit together intimately. His wolfish smile made his white teeth gleam in the sunlight. “Tarrying with my lover, of course.”

His words stirred an ache to life inside her, spoken so
tenderly that he might have said he loved her in the same enticing tone. His arms went around her and he lowered his head for a kiss. At first she resisted his attemps to deepen the kiss. Anyone might happen upon them. That thought made his embrace all the more wickedly sensual, its forbidden fruit even more tempting. He cupped her breast in his hand and her mouth opened beneath his, her modesty lost to an instant white-hot passion.

Guy came to his senses first. He broke away from her mouth with a reluctant groan and buried his face in the crook of her neck. His hands smoothed over her hips, then he held her tight against the hard proof of his words. “Sweet saints, I cannot get enough of you.”

“I thought you well sated this morn, my lord.” She slipped her hand between their bodies, endlessly fascinated by the physical manifestation of his desires. Even holding his aroused body through his clothing she felt her own turn to liquid heat. “Should you wish to return to our chamber to prove me mistaken, I should not make an objection.”

“I would not make it that far,” he muttered. His fingers wrapped around her wrist and he pulled her hand away, slowing the movement when he realized she meant to rake her fingers across him. His forehead dropped to her shoulder. “You delight in torturing me, you wicked vixen.”

She looped her arms around his neck and ducked down to place small, measured kisses along his taut lips. “I delight in pleasuring you, my lord, as well you know. ’Tis your own fault. I knew nothing of pleasuring a man until we met. You taught me all I know, and truly deserve everything you get.”

“Aye, you have a natural talent for torture.” His hands went around her waist, and he brushed his lips against her hair. “This is not quite the clever idea I thought it would be. Just let me hold you for a moment.”

“Mm, this is very pleasant, too,” she said agreeably, tightening her hold around his neck. “I like it almost as much as when you do more than just hold me.”

“Do not fool yourself, love. I am still sorely tempted to
lift your skirts. Sometime after that I would be content to do nothing more than hold you.”

She heard the smile in his voice, but it was the casual endearment that made her heart skip a beat. Ever since he first made love to her he had showered her with affection and every endearment but the one she wanted to hear most. Did he want her to speak the words first, or was affection all he felt for her? He encouraged her to be bold in her passions. She decided it was time to be bold with her heart. “I—”

“Ssh.” He lifted his head, his expression suddenly alert. “Someone is coming.”

He leaned down to right the overturned bucket, then straightened and gave his tunic a brisk tug downward. The garment disguised the condition of his body with limited success. His hands went to her hair to tuck a few stray tendrils back into her braid. “There. Return to Lenore now, sweetheart. I must return to my brothers. I left them contemplating a particularly fine stock of penned sheep, but they have doubtless noticed my absence by now. I will see you in our chamber one hour before the feast begins.” He pressed a hard, quick kiss against her lips. “One hour. Remember that, love.”

Claudia opened her eyes, her lips still tingling. Guy was gone, as if he had never been there. She knew well enough that he had. Smiling, she leaned down to pick up the bucket. At that same moment, two soldiers passed the alcove. One leaped away from her hiding place, as if the hedges themselves had come to life.

“Lady Claudia!” he exclaimed, one hand clutching the front of his tunic. “You gave me a start.”

The other soldier took her sudden appearance in stride. He looked up and down the path, then his gaze returned to her. “Lord Kenric sent us to look for his brother. Do you know where we might find the baron?”

“I, ah, well, I am not certain.” She felt her face burn with a fierce blush and could only wonder what the soldiers
thought of that telling reaction. “I believe he did mention something about the sheep pens.”

“Much thanks, Lady Claudia.” Both soldiers bowed politely, then they, too, disappeared around a bend in the path.

Claudia made her way to the keep after a quick check of the garden’s sundial. She did not want to miss her appointment with Guy in their chamber, knowing exactly why he wanted her there a good hour early. She felt like the most carnal creature on earth. Guy made her feel too good inside to care.

She continued to smile as she made her way to the solar. That was the last area of the keep that she and Lenore had to check for dead rats. Within a few days, she hoped the rats would all be poisoned and these unsightly carcasses no longer a problem. Even though she hated this task, already she slept better at night. That, too, could have something to do with Guy, of course.

Her secretive smile had a strange effect on everyone she passed on her way to the solar. They all smiled back at her. A few even called out greetings that were downright friendly. Aye, she would like living here, making friends and making her family. Her very own family. Well, hers and Guy’s. She pushed those thoughts aside as she entered the solar. There would be better times to think about her future family.

She turned to close the door behind her and called to Lenore over her shoulder. “Did you ever guess there were so many rats in this place? I vow—”

She took a few steps forward, but the sight that greeted her froze the words in her throat and her feet to the floor. Guy’s brothers stood before her, or his brother and brother-in-law, to be more precise. Kenric towered above her just a few paces away. Fitz Alan sat across the room, frozen in the act of sharpening his sword with a whetstone. Claudia’s hand went to her throat. “Pardon me, my lords. I did not realize—”

“Not so fast.” Kenric strode forward and took hold of her arm when she began to back toward the door.

Claudia jerked her arm from his grip, and edged away
from the giant. Unfortunately, that took her further from the door. “Please, my lord. I—I do not like to be touched.”

“Very well.” He clasped his hands behind his back. “Is that better?”

Claudia nodded. Her arms went around the bucket and she held it in front of her chest, as if that flimsy piece of wood might protect her from these two. She watched Fitz Alan set his sword aside in slow, careful movements, as if he feared startling her. “Lord Guy is on his way to the sheep pens to search for you, my lords. Perhaps you should join him there.”

“We have seen all we wish to see of sheep for one day. Indeed, for a lifetime.” Fitz Alan smiled. “We came here in search of Guy, but your maid informed us you would arrive any moment. We figured Guy would follow soon enough.”

Her glance darted toward the door, but her heart sank when she saw that Kenric now lounged with his back against the sturdy oak. They had her trapped. She forced herself to meet the giant’s gaze without flinching. “Is there something you wished to speak with me about, my lords?”

Fitz Alan answered. “As long as you are here, why, yes, I do believe a question or two will come to our minds. Will you have a seat and make yourself more comfortable?”

Claudia shook her head, knowing she could make herself no more comfortable here than she could in a lion’s den. Guy had told her the night before that Kenric and Fitz Alan knew of Roberto. He had also related what they told him of Dante, that he was alive and indeed a mercenary for their king. Her joy at that news was overshadowed by her alarm. Dante was still very far away in London, but these two were under the same roof as her. Now they were in the room. Guy’s heartfelt vows that they accepted her as his betrothed sounded much more reassuring within the encircling safety of his arms. “What is it you wished to ask me?”

“We would know the reason you mean to lure our brother into marriage,” Kenric said baldly.

Amazingly, Claudia found herself smiling. “Your brother
will not tell me his reasons for luring
into marriage. Why should I tell you mine?”

Kenric’s icy gaze narrowed on her, but she heard Fitz Alan chuckle. “Well said, lady. If you would allow me to rephrase the question, I believe Lord Kenric would like to know what demands you will make for a dower.”

“I make no demands of your brother,” she informed them primly. “I do not covet his property or possessions any more than he covets mine.” Her brows drew together in a frown. “Well, that is not quite true. He does covet Halford Hall, and that is part of my dowry.”

Fitz Alan and Kenric exchanged an incredulous look. Fitz Alan spoke first. “Halford is your

“Did Guy not tell you?” She shrugged her shoulders. “ ’Tis of little consequence, as he plans to claim the property by siege. He does not seem to think Baron Lonsdale will vacate the property willingly.”

“Aye, but Halford is your dowry?” Kenric asked, sounding suspiciously like an echo.

“That, along with a necklace,” she replied. They thought her a greedy pauper, scheming to ensnare their brother in her trap. She couldn’t blame them, she supposed. There was little doubt in her mind that Guy would receive the short end of their marriage bargain. He didn’t care about her emeralds, and Halford would be his either way. She would have a home and the man she loved. “Guy keeps the necklace in his treasury, if you have a mind to calculate my worth.”

“A necklace that Guy of Montague keeps in his treasury?” Fitz Alan asked.

Claudia rolled her eyes. “Do you have trouble understanding what I say? If so, I will speak slower. Your brother and his people understand me well enough, but I tend to forget that my accent can confuse outsiders.”

“Outsiders!” Kenric’s face turned a dull red. “Lady, I will thank you not to call us outsiders within the walls of Montague.”

She inclined her head in a gesture that bordered on insolence. They were entitled to equal measure, she reasoned.

“Tell me about this necklace,” Fitz Alan said. “What makes Guy, of all people, think it valuable enough to keep locked in his treasury?”

She never thought she would be so thankful for a dowry Guy found no more than interesting. “ ’Tis an emerald necklace with a score of oblong stones about the size of sparrow’s eggs. I have not counted the emeralds on the smaller strands, but those are about the size of peas and would measure two yards or so if laid end to end. My brother, Dante, assured me that they are of the finest quality.”

Fitz Alan directed his smile at Kenric. “I begin to see the attraction. Our Guy is a merchant to the end. If what she says is true, he’s captured himself an heiress.”

“You think I would lie to you?” Her chin rose several inches. “I did not encourage your brother to marry me, if you must know the truth. In fact, I did what I could to dissuade him. I find the prospect of entering your family as promising as your thoughts of welcoming me into it. If you wish to put a stop to the marriage, then you are speaking with the wrong person. Guy has assured me that I have no choice in the matter. Now if you will excuse me, there are duties I must attend to before the feast to honor your arrival begins.”

Claudia turned and marched resolutely toward the door. She didn’t have any idea what she would do if Kenric tried to stop her again, but he moved aside at the last moment and let her pass. She kept on walking once she reached the other side, praying her wobbly knees would not fail her before she reached her chamber.

Kenric closed the door behind Claudia and turned to glare at Fitz Alan. “I compliment you on your skills at diplomacy. The king should arrive at any moment to appoint you ambassador to all hostile territories.”

Fitz Alan picked up his sword and tested the newly honed edge with his thumb. A bright spot of blood appeared and he muttered a curse. “The girl is not what I expected.”

“Nay, that she is not,” Kenric agreed. “It would seem she is everything Guy says she is, more to the point, everything he says she is not. She is indeed courageous, and I would wager my horse that she is not a part of her uncle’s plot. I would also wager that she thinks us rude and insufferable.”

“That meeting did not go well.” Fitz Alan pointed his sword at the floor, then let the tip come to rest there. “Do you think she will tell Guy?”

Kenric shrugged. “If she wishes to turn him against his family, she will repeat every word. If she wants peace between us, she just might remain silent on the matter. ’Twill be interesting to see which way the wind blows.”

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