Emma's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica) (9 page)

BOOK: Emma's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica)
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“I’m going to buy the round of drinks I talked about. You’re going to say goodbye to your friends, close your tab, come over to me, and we’re going to go to a hotel room and have sex. Is that clear?”


She let go of the locket, looking around for anyone else in a trance, but she saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Diana blinked and smiled at her. “You know, you’re really pretty…”

“Thanks,” Emma replied, her heart pounding painfully.

She ran through her plan in a daze, barely controlling her nervousness, and returned to the table alone.

“No luck?” Lydia asked, rubbing her shoulder supportively.

“I wouldn’t say that…”

A moment later, Diana appeared out of the crowd, walking up to the table with a slightly confused look.

“Hey Diana, this is my girlfriend, Lydia.”

The younger girl nodded as if she’d expected the introduction, and then seemed a little more confused - as if she was uncertain about her own actions.

“Nice to meet you, Diana…” Lydia said, eyeing the girl up and down. “What’s up?”

“I think we should get out of here,” Emma interjected. “You ready, Diana?”

The blonde nodded. “Yeah, I closed my tab and said goodbye to my friends.”

Amazed, Lydia just raised her eyebrows.


The taxi couldn’t seem to go fast enough. Lydia paid and practically pushed them out and into the hotel lobby, where she paid for a room with haste.

“What did you
to her?” Lydia asked her during their walk through the halls. Diana walked behind them, just far away enough not to hear them.

I just laid it out,” Emma said, unhappy about lying to her girlfriend, but deeming it necessary. “I said, you’ve fantasized about women, who hasn’t? My girlfriend and I will fuck you if you come with us. No strings attached. And she went for it.”

Lydia raised her eyebrows again. “That’s hot. I would probably have gone with you, too.”

Emma poked her and smiled. “Damn right.”

The door to the room closed behind them with a little click. The room seemed the same as ever; Emma felt as if every hotel room in the world was the same, and that she’d been here before. Two midsized beds rested on either side of a night table with a lamp. A television sat on a big set of drawers, and a door led to the small bathroom.

“Let’s just close these…” Lydia said, sliding the window curtains together. She turned and faced Diana, who stood at the other end of the room in a defensive posture. “You ever been with a girl?”

Diana shook her head
and nervously bit her full bottom lip.

“We’ll try to show you a good time then.”
Lydia smiled hungrily and pulled the blonde gently to the middle of the room.

Emma stepped closer, her discomfort fading as her excitement grew. Now that they’d actually gotten the girl here, there was little
left to do but to enjoy themselves.

rubbed Diana’s shoulder, gently pulling the girl’s blouse down around one arm.

Diana watched each of them in turn, her gree
n eyes filled with apprehension - but she didn’t protest.

Emma ran a hand across the girl’s soft shoulder, feeling herself heating up. This reminded her of the time she hypnotized Kayla and explored her body, but better, because this girl wa
s awake - and much younger.

Following Lydia’s lead, Emma helped pull the girl’s top down to her midsection, exposing her flat tummy and pink bra.

“Your tits are incredible,” Lydia breathed, running a hand along her jutting bra and up the compressed line of her cleavage.

Thanks…” Diana responded, her voice shaking a little.

“Hey, I’ve an idea,” Emma interrupted. She guided
the girl back to one of the beds. “You sit here, and you watch us until you’re ready. No pressure, alright?”

Diana nodded, her green eyes wide.

Surprised at the display of initiative, Lydia smiled and pulled her girlfriend close. “Can’t believe we’re actually doing it…”

“I’m coming around to the idea, too,” Emma replied, lifting both of their shirts off in turn.
Eagerly, she unclasped her bra, and Lydia followed suit. They sat on the other bed, opposite Diana, only a few feet away. The blonde watched them in a daze, almost unblinking.

Gently, they began running their hands along each other’s chests, squeezing and kneading.

This was always Emma’s favorite part of foreplay, and the thing that had sparked it all between them - playing with Lydia’s large breasts.

The brunette kneaded her smaller tits between her fingers, the way she liked.

“You like this?” Lydia asked Diana, her tone growing sultry with arousal. “Two topless women fondling each other?”

The younger girl nodded almost imperceptibly
, her eyes still wide.

“Join us whenever you want,” Lydia said, leaning down to suck on Emma’s nipple.

Emma couldn’t help but sigh. She loved her girlfriend’s mouth on her breasts… she clenched her legs against the growing ache between them. She looked over and saw Diana absently rubbing her own bra-covered breast while staring at Lydia’s sucking lips.

Lydia pushed her on her back, grinning, and began kissing down her tummy.
Squirming with excitement, Emma slid a hand in her hair.

The brunette
reached her pants and undid them, sliding them off in a swift motion. She looked over at Diana, who squeezed her legs together in response. Lydia smiled and pulled her girlfriend up onto the pillows.

with anticipation, Emma opened her legs, watching the brunette kiss up her thigh and around her panties. A dark spot of wetness gave away her excitement.

Lydia breathed against the fabric and kisse
d just above it, teasing gently - but she paused for a moment, ditching her own pants. With both of them in just their panties, breasts and hard nipples bare, Lydia smiled over one more time.

Diana stood shakily, her chest heaving with nervousness.

Lydia said nothing. She watched expectantly as the young blonde approached with uncertain steps. She stood in front of them, unsure how to proceed, her shirt still wrapped around her waist and her nipples apparent through her bra.

“Take your pants off,” Ly
dia ordered.

Slowly complying, Diana pushed her pants to the floor, and then lifted her tangled shirt off as well, leaving her in just her
pink bra and panties.

Emma stared. The girl’s body was stunning - beneath her round, very firm breasts, a sleek and toned young body ran down to thin legs and soft thighs.
She kept looking between the two of them, her green eyes wide and uncertain.

“You first?” Lydia asked
, all grins.

Emma nodded and scooted closer,
sitting with her face just about level with pink bra. Reaching out, she ran both hands up Diana’s sides, noticing the girl shiver under her touch. She touched the hard nipples poking through pink. “Turned on?”

Diana nodded.

“Take off your bra,” Emma said, feeling around her flat tummy.

The blonde reached up and complied, dropping the garment to the floor and lett
ing her pale breasts hang free. Firm with youth, they seemed only more beautiful without the bra’s support.

Feeling an incredible surge of arousal, Emma traced the undersides of the girl’s breasts, marvelin
g at their firm and responsive warmth. She squeezed them a few times, noticing Diana’s nipples grow even harder - and then she licked around the areolas, before taking a nipple into her mouth. Her breasts even tasted good, an intimate trace flavor of sweat on Emma’s tongue…

“How’s that feel?” Lydia asked.

Diana sighed, her eyes locked on Emma’s play. “Good…”

“Rub yourself,” Lydia said, touching near her pink panties.

A tentative hand reached down and began a gentle rub against the small wet spot on her panties.

“Very good,” Lydia said, watching.

Emma played with Diana’s chest to her heart’s content, trading off with Lydia after a few minutes. She sat back and watched her almost-naked girlfriend play with the young blonde’s tits, surprisingly aroused. She thought she’d be jealous, but the sight was an incredible turn on.

Meanwhile, Diana’s own hand picked up a little speed as the chest play began having an obvious effect on her.

After getting her fill of the girl’s firm young tits, Lydia took her by the sides and carefully laid her on the middle of the bed, propping her head up with a pillow. The blonde took up rubbing her panties again without being ordered to.

“You ever
fantasized about eating pussy?” Lydia asked, rubbing Diana’s thighs with each hand.


“Never?” Lydia said softly, rubbing higher. “Not even once? Maybe about a celebrity, or one of your friends?”

Diana shook her head.

“Well, we’ll just have to warm you up a little, then…”

Emma watched in amazement as her girlfriend massaged and manipulated Diana
with a subtle domineering attitude she found incredibly sexy. She wondered where this side of her had been hiding all this time…

Lydia swatted Diana’s hand away, not letting the girl relieve her growing tension.
She kissed around her pink panties, taking care to breath warmly on them. Diana began squirming.

“Emma,” Lydia said, catching her gaze. “Climb on her face, will you?”

She didn’t have to be asked twice. Emma swung a leg over Diana’s face, setting both her knees on the pillow. She held herself an inch or two over the blonde’s face - Diana stared at the dark spot on her white panties, overwhelmed.

“Diana,” Lydia ordered softly. “
Lick her panties.”

She made a little noise of hesitation that sounded almost like a squeal,
but obliged. Lifting her head a little, she ran her tongue across the fabric.

Emma watched her do it, struggling to contain herself. As much as she would enjoy doing everything to this girl, it was just as enjoyable making her do things…
she felt Diana move a little, and she glanced back to see Lydia licking the girl’s pink panties.

“So that’s how it is…”

“Mm-hmm,” Lydia responded. “Diana, you’ll get what you give. I want you to pull Emma’s panties to the side.”

A thin arm reached up around her leg, partially gripping it to get a good angle. A shaking finger pulled at her panties, sliding the bottom to the side and exposing her soaked sex.
Diana’s green eyes fixated on her obvious arousal.

Emma glanced back and saw Lydia pulling the girl’s pink panties aside in the same manner.

“Do you want to feel good, Diana?” the brunette asked, her tone wicked.


“You know what to do.”

They stayed like that for a few long moments, Lydia poised between Diana’s legs, Emma kneeling above her face.

Emma watched the emotions running through Diana’s gorgeous face. She was obviously torn, and even… crying! A few tears squeezed from either of the girl’s eyes, running down her cheeks. She made that squealing noise again, and then stuck out her tongue.

Quivering with excitement at the submission beneath her legs, Emma dropped an inch to help… and Diana lifted her chin, her tongue coming into contact.
The firm muscle immediately felt incredible, answering her unbelievable arousal.

The blonde let her tongue slide slowly
up wet lips, her eyes wide and shocked.

Behind her, Emma could sense Lydia doing the same, gently licking. Diana’s body trembled underneath her.

“Slide your tongue all the way in,” Lydia ordered. “How’s it taste?”

Doing as she was told, Diana gently probed, bringing her mouth
and chin right up against Emma’s sex.

Emma held her breath against the feeling. She was so turned on, she felt like a raw nerve - every motion of the girl’s hesitant tongue felt amazing.

Diana pulled back. “Good…”

“Just good?” Lydia asked.

The blonde screwed up her face. “Really good…” She moved back in, taking long exploratory licks.

“That’s what I thought.” Lydia began licking more quickly, and, this time, it was Diana following her lead. The younger girl sank into it as her own pleasure grew.

Emma squeezed and kneaded her own breasts, enjoying the blonde’s lapping tongue. She leaned down to whisper to her, excited by Lydia’s dirty talk and engaging in some herself. “You’re a good little lesbian,” she whispered. “You’re going to make some girl very happy.”

Diana looked up at her with trembling eyes, but she inc
reased her pace and enthusiasm, taking long licks and adding gentle sucks now and then.

It wasn’t long before the energy between the three of them changed. With unspoken accord, they paused to slip their panties off and out of the way, a
ll three now fully naked.

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